ACF7: Add one pick hammer in crate
Players often reported to screw up with the pick hammer, which is quite annoying.
With one pick hammer more, this mission should be slightly less annoying.
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *){$INCLUDE ""}unit uIO;interfaceuses SDLh, uTypes;procedure initModule;procedure freeModule;procedure InitIPC;procedure SendIPC(s: shortstring);procedure SendIPCXY(cmd: char; X, Y: LongInt);procedure SendIPCRaw(p: pointer; len: Longword);procedure SendIPCAndWaitReply(s: shortstring);procedure FlushMessages(Lag: Longword);procedure LoadRecordFromFile(fileName: shortstring);procedure SendStat(sit: TStatInfoType; s: shortstring);procedure IPCWaitPongEvent;procedure IPCCheckSock;procedure NetGetNextCmd;procedure doPut(putX, putY: LongInt; fromAI: boolean);implementationuses uConsole, uConsts, uVariables, uCommands, uUtils, uDebug;const cSendEmptyPacketTime = 1000; cSendBufferSize = 1024;type PCmd = ^TCmd; TCmd = packed record Next: PCmd; loTime: Word; case byte of 1: (len: byte; cmd: Char); 2: (str: shortstring); end;var IPCSock: PTCPSocket; fds: PSDLNet_SocketSet; isPonged: boolean; SocketString: shortstring; headcmd: PCmd; lastcmd: PCmd; flushDelayTicks: LongWord; sendBuffer: record buf: array[0..Pred(cSendBufferSize)] of byte; count: Word; end;function AddCmd(Time: Word; str: shortstring): PCmd;var command: PCmd;begin if (lastcmd <> nil) and (lastcmd^.cmd = '+') then begin command:= lastcmd; end else begin new(command); if headcmd = nil then begin headcmd:= command; lastcmd:= command end else begin lastcmd^.Next:= command; lastcmd:= command end; end; FillChar(command^, sizeof(TCmd), 0); command^.loTime:= Time; command^.str:= str; if (command^.cmd <> 'F') and (command^.cmd <> 'G') then dec(command^.len, 2); // cut timestamp AddCmd:= command;end;procedure RemoveCmd;var tmp: PCmd;begintmp:= headcmd;headcmd:= headcmd^.Next;if headcmd = nil then lastcmd:= nil;dispose(tmp)end;procedure InitIPC;var ipaddr: TIPAddress;begin WriteToConsole('Init SDL_Net... '); SDLCheck(SDLNet_Init = 0, 'SDLNet_Init', true); fds:= SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(1); SDLCheck(fds <> nil, 'SDLNet_AllocSocketSet', true); WriteLnToConsole(msgOK); WriteToConsole('Establishing IPC connection to tcp' + IntToStr(ipcPort) + ' '); {$HINTS OFF} SDLCheck(SDLNet_ResolveHost(ipaddr, PChar(''), ipcPort) = 0, 'SDLNet_ResolveHost', true); {$HINTS ON} IPCSock:= SDLNet_TCP_Open(ipaddr); SDLCheck(IPCSock <> nil, 'SDLNet_TCP_Open', true); WriteLnToConsole(msgOK)end;procedure ParseChatCommand(command: shortstring; message: shortstring; messageStartIndex: Byte);var text: shortstring;begin text:= copy(message, messageStartIndex, Length(message) - messageStartIndex + 1); ParseCommand(command + text, true); WriteLnToConsole(text)end;procedure ParseIPCCommand(s: shortstring);var loTicks: Word; isProcessed: boolean;beginisProcessed := true;case s[1] of '!': begin AddFileLog('Ping? Pong!'); isPonged:= true; end; '?': SendIPC(_S'!'); 'e': ParseCommand(copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), true); 'E': OutError(copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), true); 'W': OutError(copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), false); 'M': ParseCommand('landcheck ' + s, true); 'o': if fastUntilLag then ParseCommand('forcequit', true); 'T': case s[2] of 'L': GameType:= gmtLocal; 'D': GameType:= gmtDemo; 'N': GameType:= gmtNet; 'S': GameType:= gmtSave; 'V': GameType:= gmtRecord; else OutError(errmsgIncorrectUse + ' IPC "T" :' + s[2], true) end; 'V': begin if s[2] = '.' then ParseCommand('campvar ' + copy(s, 3, length(s) - 2), true); end; 'I': ParseCommand('pause server', true); 's': if gameType = gmtNet then ParseChatCommand('chatmsg ', s, 2) else isProcessed:= false; 'b': if gameType = gmtNet then ParseChatCommand('chatmsg ' + #4, s, 2) else isProcessed:= false; else isProcessed:= false; end; if (not isProcessed) then begin loTicks:= SDLNet_Read16(@s[byte(s[0]) - 1]); AddCmd(loTicks, s); AddFileLog('[IPC in] ' + sanitizeCharForLog(s[1]) + ' ticks ' + IntToStr(lastcmd^.loTime)); endend;procedure IPCCheckSock;var i: LongInt; s: shortstring;begin if IPCSock = nil then exit; fds^.numsockets:= 0; SDLNet_AddSocket(fds, IPCSock); while SDLNet_CheckSockets(fds, 0) > 0 do begin i:= SDLNet_TCP_Recv(IPCSock, @s[1], 255 - Length(SocketString)); if i > 0 then begin s[0]:= char(i); SocketString:= SocketString + s; while (Length(SocketString) > 1) and (Length(SocketString) > byte(SocketString[1])) do begin ParseIPCCommand(copy(SocketString, 2, byte(SocketString[1]))); Delete(SocketString, 1, Succ(byte(SocketString[1]))) end end else OutError('IPC connection lost', true) end;end;procedure LoadRecordFromFile(fileName: shortstring);var f : File; ss : shortstring = ''; i : LongInt; s : shortstring;begin// set RDNLY on file openfilemode:= 0;{$I-}assign(f, fileName);reset(f, 1);if checkFails(IOResult = 0, 'Error opening file ' + fileName, true) then exit;i:= 0; // avoid compiler hintss[0]:= #0;repeat BlockRead(f, s[1], 255 - Length(ss), i); if i > 0 then begin s[0]:= char(i); ss:= ss + s; while (Length(ss) > 1)and(Length(ss) > byte(ss[1])) and allOK do begin ParseIPCCommand(copy(ss, 2, byte(ss[1]))); Delete(ss, 1, Succ(byte(ss[1]))); end enduntil (i = 0) or (not allOK);close(f){$I+}end;procedure SendStat(sit: TStatInfoType; s: shortstring);const stc: array [TStatInfoType] of char = ('r', 'D', 'k', 'K', 'H', 'T', 'P', 's', 'S', 'B', 'c', 'g', 'p');var buf: shortstring;beginbuf:= 'i' + stc[sit] + s;SendIPCRaw(@buf[0], length(buf) + 1)end;function isSyncedCommand(c: char): boolean;begin case c of '+', '#', 'L', 'l', 'R', 'r', 'U' , 'u', 'D', 'd', 'Z', 'z', 'A', 'a' , 'S', 'j', 'J', ',', 'c', 'N', 'p' , 'P', 'w', 't', '1', '2', '3', '4' , '5', 'f', 'g': isSyncedCommand:= true; else isSyncedCommand:= ((byte(c) >= 128) and (byte(c) <= 128 + cMaxSlotIndex)) endend;procedure flushBuffer();begin if IPCSock <> nil then begin SDLNet_TCP_Send(IPCSock, @sendBuffer.buf, sendBuffer.count); flushDelayTicks:= 0; sendBuffer.count:= 0 endend;procedure SendIPC(s: shortstring);beginif IPCSock <> nil then begin if s[0] > #251 then s[0]:= #251; SDLNet_Write16(GameTicks, @s[Succ(byte(s[0]))]); AddFileLog('[IPC out] '+ sanitizeCharForLog(s[1])); inc(s[0], 2); if isSyncedCommand(s[1]) then begin if sendBuffer.count + byte(s[0]) >= cSendBufferSize then flushBuffer(); Move(s, sendBuffer.buf[sendBuffer.count], byte(s[0]) + 1); inc(sendBuffer.count, byte(s[0]) + 1); if (s[1] = 'N') or (s[1] = '#') then flushBuffer(); end else SDLNet_TCP_Send(IPCSock, @s, Succ(byte(s[0]))) endend;procedure SendIPCRaw(p: pointer; len: Longword);beginif IPCSock <> nil then begin SDLNet_TCP_Send(IPCSock, p, len) endend;procedure SendIPCXY(cmd: char; X, Y: LongInt);var s: shortstring;begins[0]:= #9;s[1]:= cmd;SDLNet_Write32(X, @s[2]);SDLNet_Write32(Y, @s[6]);SendIPC(s)end;procedure IPCWaitPongEvent;beginisPonged:= false;repeat IPCCheckSock; SDL_Delay(1)until isPonged or (not allOK)end;procedure SendIPCAndWaitReply(s: shortstring);beginSendIPC(s);SendIPC(_S'?');IPCWaitPongEventend;procedure FlushMessages(Lag: Longword);begininc(flushDelayTicks, Lag);if (flushDelayTicks >= cSendEmptyPacketTime) then begin if sendBuffer.count = 0 then SendIPC(_S'+'); flushBuffer() endend;procedure NetGetNextCmd;var tmpflag: boolean; s: shortstring; x32, y32: LongInt;begintmpflag:= true;while (headcmd <> nil) and (tmpflag or (headcmd^.cmd = '#')) // '#' is the only cmd which can be sent within same tick after 'N' and ((GameTicks = LongWord(hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime)) or (headcmd^.cmd = 's') // for these commands time is not specified or (headcmd^.cmd = 'h') // seems the hedgewars protocol does not allow remote synced commands or (headcmd^.cmd = '#') // must be synced for saves to work or (headcmd^.cmd = 'b') or (headcmd^.cmd = 'F') or (headcmd^.cmd = 'G')) do begin case headcmd^.cmd of '+': ; // do nothing - it is just an empty packet '#': begin AddFileLog('hiTicks increment by remote message'); inc(hiTicks); end; 'L': ParseCommand('+left', true); 'l': ParseCommand('-left', true); 'R': ParseCommand('+right', true); 'r': ParseCommand('-right', true); 'U': ParseCommand('+up', true); 'u': ParseCommand('-up', true); 'D': ParseCommand('+down', true); 'd': ParseCommand('-down', true); 'Z': ParseCommand('+precise', true); 'z': ParseCommand('-precise', true); 'A': ParseCommand('+attack', true); 'a': ParseCommand('-attack', true); 'S': ParseCommand('switch', true); 'j': ParseCommand('ljump', true); 'J': ParseCommand('hjump', true); ',': ParseCommand('skip', true); 'c': begin s:= copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)); ParseCommand('gencmd ' + s, true); end; 's': ParseChatCommand('chatmsg ', headcmd^.str, 2); 'b': ParseChatCommand('chatmsg ' + #4, headcmd^.str, 2); 'F': ParseCommand('teamgone u' + copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)), true); 'G': ParseCommand('teamback u' + copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)), true); 'f': ParseCommand('teamgone s' + copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)), true); 'g': ParseCommand('teamback s' + copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)), true); 'N': begin tmpflag:= false; lastTurnChecksum:= SDLNet_Read32(@headcmd^.str[2]); AddFileLog('got cmd "N": time '+IntToStr(hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime)) end; 'p': begin x32:= SDLNet_Read32(@(headcmd^.str[2])); y32:= SDLNet_Read32(@(headcmd^.str[6])); doPut(x32, y32, false) end; 'P': begin // these are equations solved for CursorPoint // SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.X)) == CursorPoint.X - WorldDx; // SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.Y)) == cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y - WorldDy; if CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven then begin TargetCursorPoint.X:= LongInt(SDLNet_Read32(@(headcmd^.str[2]))) + WorldDx; TargetCursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - LongInt(SDLNet_Read32(@(headcmd^.str[6]))) - WorldDy; if not bShowAmmoMenu and autoCameraOn then CursorPoint:= TargetCursorPoint end end; 'w': ParseCommand('setweap ' + headcmd^.str[2], true); 't': ParseCommand('taunt ' + headcmd^.str[2], true); 'h': ParseCommand('hogsay ' + copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)), true); '1'..'5': ParseCommand('timer ' + headcmd^.cmd, true); else if (byte(headcmd^.cmd) >= 128) and (byte(headcmd^.cmd) <= 128 + cMaxSlotIndex) then ParseCommand('slot ' + char(byte(headcmd^.cmd) - 79), true) else OutError('Unexpected protocol command: ' + headcmd^.cmd, True) end; RemoveCmd end;if (headcmd <> nil) and tmpflag and (not CurrentTeam^.hasGone) then checkFails(GameTicks < LongWord(hiTicks shl 16) + headcmd^.loTime, 'oops, queue error. in buffer: ' + headcmd^.cmd + ' (' + IntToStr(GameTicks) + ' > ' + IntToStr(hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime) + ')', true);isInLag:= (headcmd = nil) and tmpflag and (not CurrentTeam^.hasGone);if isInLag and fastUntilLag then begin ParseCommand('spectate 0', true); fastUntilLag:= falseend;end;procedure chFatalError(var s: shortstring);begin SendIPC('E' + s); // TODO: should we try to clean more stuff here? SDL_Quit; if IPCSock <> nil then halt(HaltFatalError) else halt(HaltFatalErrorNoIPC);end;procedure doPut(putX, putY: LongInt; fromAI: boolean);beginif CheckNoTeamOrHH or isPaused then exit;bShowFinger:= false;if (not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven) and bShowAmmoMenu then begin bSelected:= true; exit end;with CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^, CurrentHedgehog^ do if (State and gstChooseTarget) <> 0 then begin if (Ammoz[CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_NoTargetAfter) <> 0 then isCursorVisible:= false; if not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven then begin if fromAI then begin TargetPoint.X:= putX; TargetPoint.Y:= putY end else begin TargetPoint.X:= CursorPoint.X - WorldDx; TargetPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y - WorldDy; end; if (WorldEdge <> weBounce) then TargetPoint.X:= CalcWorldWrap(TargetPoint.X, 0); SendIPCXY('p', TargetPoint.X, TargetPoint.Y); end else begin TargetPoint.X:= CalcWorldWrap(TargetPoint.X, 0); TargetPoint.X:= putX; TargetPoint.Y:= putY end; AddFileLog('put: ' + inttostr(TargetPoint.X) + ', ' + inttostr(TargetPoint.Y)); State:= State and (not gstChooseTarget); if (Ammoz[CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_AttackingPut) <> 0 then Message:= Message or (gmAttack and InputMask); end else if CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven then OutError('got /put while not being in choose target mode', false)end;procedure initModule;begin RegisterVariable('fatal', @chFatalError, true ); IPCSock:= nil; fds:= nil; headcmd:= nil; lastcmd:= nil; isPonged:= false; SocketString:= ''; hiTicks:= 0; flushDelayTicks:= 0; sendBuffer.count:= 0;end;procedure freeModule;begin while headcmd <> nil do RemoveCmd; SDLNet_FreeSocketSet(fds); SDLNet_TCP_Close(IPCSock); SDLNet_Quit();end;end.