ACF7: Add one pick hammer in crate
Players often reported to screw up with the pick hammer, which is quite annoying.
With one pick hammer more, this mission should be slightly less annoying.
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *){$INCLUDE ""}unit uTextures;interfaceuses SDLh, uTypes;function NewTexture(width, height: Longword; buf: Pointer): PTexture;procedure Surface2GrayScale(surf: PSDL_Surface);function Surface2Tex(surf: PSDL_Surface; enableClamp: boolean): PTexture;procedure PrettifySurfaceAlpha(surf: PSDL_Surface; pixels: PLongwordArray);procedure PrettifyAlpha2D(pixels: TLandArray; height, width: LongWord);procedure FreeAndNilTexture(var tex: PTexture);procedure initModule;procedure freeModule;implementationuses GLunit, uUtils, uVariables, uConsts, uDebug, uConsole;var TextureList: PTexture;procedure SetTextureParameters(enableClamp: Boolean);begin if enableClamp and ((cReducedQuality and rqClampLess) = 0) then begin glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) end; glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR)end;procedure ResetVertexArrays(texture: PTexture);beginwith texture^ do begin vb[0].X:= 0; vb[0].Y:= 0; vb[1].X:= w; vb[1].Y:= 0; vb[2].X:= w; vb[2].Y:= h; vb[3].X:= 0; vb[3].Y:= h; tb[0].X:= 0; tb[0].Y:= 0; tb[1].X:= rx; tb[1].Y:= 0; tb[2].X:= rx; tb[2].Y:= ry; tb[3].X:= 0; tb[3].Y:= ry end;end;function NewTexture(width, height: Longword; buf: Pointer): PTexture;beginnew(NewTexture);NewTexture^.PrevTexture:= nil;NewTexture^.NextTexture:= nil;if TextureList <> nil then begin TextureList^.PrevTexture:= NewTexture; NewTexture^.NextTexture:= TextureList end;TextureList:= NewTexture;NewTexture^.Scale:= 1;NewTexture^.Priority:= 0;NewTexture^.w:= width;NewTexture^.h:= height;NewTexture^.rx:= 1.0;NewTexture^.ry:= 1.0;ResetVertexArrays(NewTexture);glGenTextures(1, @NewTexture^.id);glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, NewTexture^.id);glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buf);SetTextureParameters(true);end;procedure Surface2GrayScale(surf: PSDL_Surface);var tw, x, y: Longword; fromP4: PLongWordArray;beginfromP4:= Surf^.pixels;for y:= 0 to Pred(Surf^.h) do begin for x:= 0 to Pred(Surf^.w) do begin tw:= fromP4^[x]; tw:= round((tw shr RShift and $FF) * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + (tw shr GShift and $FF) * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + (tw shr BShift and $FF) * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if tw > 255 then tw:= 255; tw:= (tw and $FF shl RShift) or (tw and $FF shl BShift) or (tw and $FF shl GShift) or (fromP4^[x] and AMask); fromP4^[x]:= tw; end; fromP4:= PLongWordArray(@(fromP4^[Surf^.pitch div 4])) end;end;{ this will make invisible pixels that have a visible neighbor have the same color as their visible neighbor, so that bilinear filtering won't display a "wrongly" colored border when zoomed in }procedure PrettifyAlpha(row1, row2: PLongwordArray; firsti, lasti, ioffset: LongWord);var i: Longword; lpi, cpi, bpi: boolean; // was last/current/bottom neighbor pixel invisible?begin // suppress incorrect warning lpi:= true; for i:=firsti to lasti do begin // use first pixel in row1 as starting point if i = firsti then cpi:= ((row1^[i] and AMask) = 0) else begin cpi:= ((row1^[i] and AMask) = 0); if cpi <> lpi then begin // invisible pixels get colors from visible neighbors if cpi then begin row1^[i]:= row1^[i-1] and (not AMask); // as this pixel is invisible and already colored correctly now, no point in further comparing it lpi:= cpi; continue; end else row1^[i-1]:= row1^[i] and (not AMask); end; end; lpi:= cpi; // also check bottom neighbor if row2 <> nil then begin bpi:= ((row2^[i+ioffset] and AMask) = 0); if cpi <> bpi then begin if cpi then row1^[i]:= row2^[i+ioffset] and (not AMask) else row2^[i+ioffset]:= row1^[i] and (not AMask); end; end; end;end;procedure PrettifySurfaceAlpha(surf: PSDL_Surface; pixels: PLongwordArray);var // current row index, second last row index of array, width and first/last i of row r, slr, w, si, li: LongWord;begin w:= surf^.w; // just a single pixel, nothing to do here if (w < 2) and (surf^.h < 2) then exit; slr:= surf^.h - 2; si:= 0; li:= w - 1; for r:= 0 to slr do begin PrettifyAlpha(pixels, pixels, si, li, w); // move indices to next row si:= si + w; li:= li + w; end; // don't forget last row PrettifyAlpha(pixels, nil, si, li, w);end;procedure PrettifyAlpha2D(pixels: TLandArray; height, width: LongWord);var // current y; last x, second last y of array; y, lx, sly: LongWord;begin sly:= height - 2; lx:= width - 1; for y:= 0 to sly do begin PrettifyAlpha(PLongWordArray(pixels[y]), PLongWordArray(pixels[y+1]), 0, lx, 0); end; // don't forget last row PrettifyAlpha(PLongWordArray(pixels[sly+1]), nil, 0, lx, 0);end;function Surface2Tex(surf: PSDL_Surface; enableClamp: boolean): PTexture;var tw, th, x, y: Longword; tmpp: pointer; fromP4, toP4: PLongWordArray;beginif cOnlyStats then exit(nil);new(Surface2Tex);Surface2Tex^.PrevTexture:= nil;Surface2Tex^.NextTexture:= nil;if TextureList <> nil then begin TextureList^.PrevTexture:= Surface2Tex; Surface2Tex^.NextTexture:= TextureList end;TextureList:= Surface2Tex;Surface2Tex^.Scale:= 1;Surface2Tex^.Priority:= 0;Surface2Tex^.w:= surf^.w;Surface2Tex^.h:= surf^.h;if (surf^.format^.BytesPerPixel <> 4) then begin checkFails(false, 'Surface2Tex failed, expecting 32 bit surface', true); Surface2Tex^.id:= 0; exit end;glGenTextures(1, @Surface2Tex^.id);glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Surface2Tex^.id);if SDL_MustLock(surf) then if SDLCheck(SDL_LockSurface(surf) >= 0, 'Lock surface', true) then exit(nil);fromP4:= Surf^.pixels;// FIXME move out of surface2texif GrayScale then Surface2GrayScale(Surf);// FIXME move out of surface2texPrettifySurfaceAlpha(surf, fromP4);if (not SupportNPOTT) and (not (isPowerOf2(Surf^.w) and isPowerOf2(Surf^.h))) then begin tw:= toPowerOf2(Surf^.w); th:= toPowerOf2(Surf^.h); Surface2Tex^.rx:= Surf^.w / tw; Surface2Tex^.ry:= Surf^.h / th; tmpp:= GetMem(tw * th * surf^.format^.BytesPerPixel); fromP4:= Surf^.pixels; toP4:= tmpp; for y:= 0 to Pred(Surf^.h) do begin for x:= 0 to Pred(Surf^.w) do toP4^[x]:= fromP4^[x]; for x:= Surf^.w to Pred(tw) do toP4^[x]:= fromP4^[0]; toP4:= PLongWordArray(@(toP4^[tw])); fromP4:= PLongWordArray(@(fromP4^[Surf^.pitch div 4])) end; for y:= Surf^.h to Pred(th) do begin for x:= 0 to Pred(tw) do toP4^[x]:= 0; toP4:= PLongWordArray(@(toP4^[tw])) end; glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, tw, th, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tmpp); FreeMem(tmpp, tw * th * surf^.format^.BytesPerPixel) endelse begin Surface2Tex^.rx:= 1.0; Surface2Tex^.ry:= 1.0; glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, surf^.w, surf^.h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surf^.pixels); end;ResetVertexArrays(Surface2Tex);if SDL_MustLock(surf) then SDL_UnlockSurface(surf);SetTextureParameters(enableClamp);end;// deletes texture and frees the memory allocated for it.// if nil is passed nothing is doneprocedure FreeAndNilTexture(var tex: PTexture);begin if tex <> nil then begin if tex^.NextTexture <> nil then tex^.NextTexture^.PrevTexture:= tex^.PrevTexture; if tex^.PrevTexture <> nil then tex^.PrevTexture^.NextTexture:= tex^.NextTexture else TextureList:= tex^.NextTexture; glDeleteTextures(1, @tex^.id); Dispose(tex); tex:= nil; end;end;procedure initModule;beginTextureList:= nil;end;procedure freeModule;var tex: PTexture;beginif TextureList <> nil then WriteToConsole('FIXME FIXME FIXME. App shutdown without full cleanup of texture list; read game0.log and please report this problem'); while TextureList <> nil do begin tex:= TextureList; AddFileLog('Texture not freed: width='+inttostr(LongInt(tex^.w))+' height='+inttostr(LongInt(tex^.h))+' priority='+inttostr(round(tex^.priority*1000))); FreeAndNilTexture(tex); endend;end.