oops. forgot this one.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Pas2C where
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Text.Parsec.Prim hiding (State)
import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import PascalPreprocessor
import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Error
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (find)
import Numeric
import PascalParser(pascalUnit)
import PascalUnitSyntaxTree
data InsertOption =
| IOInsertWithType Doc
| IOLookup
| IOLookupLast
| IOLookupFunction Int
| IODeferred
data Record = Record
lcaseId :: String,
baseType :: BaseType,
typeDecl :: Doc
deriving Show
type Records = Map.Map String [Record]
data RenderState = RenderState
currentScope :: Records,
lastIdentifier :: String,
lastType :: BaseType,
lastIdTypeDecl :: Doc,
stringConsts :: [(String, String)],
uniqCounter :: Int,
toMangle :: Set.Set String,
currentUnit :: String,
currentFunctionResult :: String,
namespaces :: Map.Map String Records
rec2Records = map (\(a, b) -> Record a b empty)
emptyState = RenderState Map.empty "" BTUnknown empty [] 0 Set.empty "" ""
getUniq :: State RenderState Int
getUniq = do
i <- gets uniqCounter
modify(\s -> s{uniqCounter = uniqCounter s + 1})
return i
addStringConst :: String -> State RenderState Doc
addStringConst str = do
strs <- gets stringConsts
let a = find ((==) str . snd) strs
if isJust a then
modify (\s -> s{lastType = BTString})
return . text . fst . fromJust $ a
i <- getUniq
let sn = "__str" ++ show i
modify (\s -> s{lastType = BTString, stringConsts = (sn, str) : strs})
return $ text sn
escapeStr :: String -> String
escapeStr = foldr escapeChar []
escapeChar :: Char -> ShowS
escapeChar '"' s = "\\\"" ++ s
escapeChar '\\' s = "\\\\" ++ s
escapeChar a s = a : s
strInit :: String -> Doc
strInit a = text "STRINIT" <> parens (doubleQuotes (text $ escapeStr a))
renderStringConsts :: State RenderState Doc
renderStringConsts = liftM (vcat . map (\(a, b) -> text "static const string255" <+> (text a) <+> text "=" <+> strInit b <> semi))
$ gets stringConsts
docToLower :: Doc -> Doc
docToLower = text . map toLower . render
pas2C :: String -> IO ()
pas2C fn = do
setCurrentDirectory "../hedgewars/"
s <- flip execStateT initState $ f fn
renderCFiles s
printLn = liftIO . hPutStrLn stdout
print = liftIO . hPutStr stdout
initState = Map.empty
f :: String -> StateT (Map.Map String PascalUnit) IO ()
f fileName = do
processed <- gets $ Map.member fileName
unless processed $ do
print ("Preprocessing '" ++ fileName ++ ".pas'... ")
fc' <- liftIO
$ tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError)
$ preprocess (fileName ++ ".pas")
case fc' of
(Left a) -> do
modify (Map.insert fileName (System []))
printLn "doesn't exist"
(Right fc) -> do
print "ok, parsing... "
let ptree = parse pascalUnit fileName fc
case ptree of
(Left a) -> do
liftIO $ writeFile "preprocess.out" fc
printLn $ show a ++ "\nsee preprocess.out for preprocessed source"
fail "stop"
(Right a) -> do
printLn "ok"
modify (Map.insert fileName a)
mapM_ f (usesFiles a)
renderCFiles :: Map.Map String PascalUnit -> IO ()
renderCFiles units = do
let u = Map.toList units
let nss = Map.map (toNamespace nss) units
--hPutStrLn stderr $ "Units: " ++ (show . Map.keys . Map.filter (not . Map.null) $ nss)
--writeFile "pas2c.log" $ unlines . map (\t -> show (fst t) ++ "\n" ++ (unlines . map ((:) '\t' . show) . snd $ t)) . Map.toList $ nss
mapM_ (toCFiles nss) u
toNamespace :: Map.Map String Records -> PascalUnit -> Records
toNamespace nss (System tvs) =
currentScope $ execState f (emptyState nss)
f = do
checkDuplicateFunDecls tvs
mapM_ (tvar2C True False True False) tvs
toNamespace nss (Redo tvs) = -- functions that are re-implemented, add prefix to all of them
currentScope $ execState f (emptyState nss){currentUnit = "fpcrtl_"}
f = do
checkDuplicateFunDecls tvs
mapM_ (tvar2C True False True False) tvs
toNamespace _ (Program {}) = Map.empty
toNamespace nss (Unit (Identifier i _) interface _ _ _) =
currentScope $ execState (interface2C interface True) (emptyState nss){currentUnit = map toLower i ++ "_"}
withState' :: (RenderState -> RenderState) -> State RenderState a -> State RenderState a
withState' f sf = do
st <- liftM f get
let (a, s) = runState sf st
modify(\st -> st{
lastType = lastType s
, uniqCounter = uniqCounter s
, stringConsts = stringConsts s
return a
withLastIdNamespace f = do
li <- gets lastIdentifier
nss <- gets namespaces
withState' (\st -> st{currentScope = fromMaybe Map.empty $ Map.lookup li (namespaces st)}) f
withRecordNamespace :: String -> [Record] -> State RenderState Doc -> State RenderState Doc
withRecordNamespace _ [] = error "withRecordNamespace: empty record"
withRecordNamespace prefix recs = withState' f
f st = st{currentScope = Map.unionWith un records (currentScope st), currentUnit = ""}
records = Map.fromList $ map (\(Record a b d) -> (map toLower a, [Record (prefix ++ a) b d])) recs
un [a] b = a : b
toCFiles :: Map.Map String Records -> (String, PascalUnit) -> IO ()
toCFiles _ (_, System _) = return ()
toCFiles _ (_, Redo _) = return ()
toCFiles ns p@(fn, pu) = do
hPutStrLn stdout $ "Rendering '" ++ fn ++ "'..."
toCFiles' p
toCFiles' (fn, p@(Program {})) = writeFile (fn ++ ".c") $ "#include \"fpcrtl.h\"\n" ++ (render2C initialState . pascal2C) p
toCFiles' (fn, (Unit unitId@(Identifier i _) interface implementation _ _)) = do
let (a, s) = runState (id2C IOInsert (setBaseType BTUnit unitId) >> interface2C interface True) initialState{currentUnit = map toLower i ++ "_"}
(a', s') = runState (id2C IOInsert (setBaseType BTUnit unitId) >> interface2C interface False) initialState{currentUnit = map toLower i ++ "_"}
writeFile (fn ++ ".h") $ "#pragma once\n\n#include \"pas2c.h\"\n\n" ++ (render (a $+$ text ""))
writeFile (fn ++ ".c") $ "#include \"fpcrtl.h\"\n\n#include \"" ++ fn ++ ".h\"\n" ++ render (a' $+$ text "") ++ (render2C s . implementation2C) implementation
initialState = emptyState ns
render2C :: RenderState -> State RenderState Doc -> String
render2C a = render . ($+$ empty) . flip evalState a
usesFiles :: PascalUnit -> [String]
usesFiles (Program _ (Implementation uses _) _) = ["pas2cSystem", "pas2cRedo"] ++ uses2List uses
usesFiles (Unit _ (Interface uses1 _) (Implementation uses2 _) _ _) = ["pas2cSystem", "pas2cRedo"] ++ uses2List uses1 ++ uses2List uses2
usesFiles (System {}) = []
usesFiles (Redo {}) = []
pascal2C :: PascalUnit -> State RenderState Doc
pascal2C (Unit _ interface implementation init fin) =
liftM2 ($+$) (interface2C interface True) (implementation2C implementation)
pascal2C (Program _ implementation mainFunction) = do
impl <- implementation2C implementation
[main] <- tvar2C True False True True (FunctionDeclaration (Identifier "main" BTInt) False (SimpleType $ Identifier "int" BTInt) [VarDeclaration False False ([Identifier "argc" BTInt], SimpleType (Identifier "Integer" BTInt)) Nothing, VarDeclaration False False ([Identifier "argv" BTUnknown], SimpleType (Identifier "PPChar" BTUnknown)) Nothing] (Just (TypesAndVars [], mainFunction)))
return $ impl $+$ main
-- the second bool indicates whether do normal interface translation or generate variable declarations
-- that will be inserted into implementation files
interface2C :: Interface -> Bool -> State RenderState Doc
interface2C (Interface uses tvars) True = do
u <- uses2C uses
tv <- typesAndVars2C True True True tvars
r <- renderStringConsts
return (u $+$ r $+$ tv)
interface2C (Interface uses tvars) False = do
u <- uses2C uses
tv <- typesAndVars2C True False False tvars
r <- renderStringConsts
return tv
implementation2C :: Implementation -> State RenderState Doc
implementation2C (Implementation uses tvars) = do
u <- uses2C uses
tv <- typesAndVars2C True False True tvars
r <- renderStringConsts
return (u $+$ r $+$ tv)
checkDuplicateFunDecls :: [TypeVarDeclaration] -> State RenderState ()
checkDuplicateFunDecls tvs =
modify $ \s -> s{toMangle = Map.keysSet . Map.filter (> 1) . foldr ins initMap $ tvs}
initMap = Map.empty
--initMap = Map.fromList [("reset", 2)]
ins (FunctionDeclaration (Identifier i _) _ _ _ _) m = Map.insertWith (+) (map toLower i) 1 m
ins _ m = m
-- the second bool indicates whether declare variable as extern or not
-- the third bool indicates whether include types or not
typesAndVars2C :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> TypesAndVars -> State RenderState Doc
typesAndVars2C b externVar includeType(TypesAndVars ts) = do
checkDuplicateFunDecls ts
liftM (vcat . map (<> semi) . concat) $ mapM (tvar2C b externVar includeType False) ts
setBaseType :: BaseType -> Identifier -> Identifier
setBaseType bt (Identifier i _) = Identifier i bt
uses2C :: Uses -> State RenderState Doc
uses2C uses@(Uses unitIds) = do
mapM_ injectNamespace (Identifier "pas2cSystem" undefined : unitIds)
mapM_ injectNamespace (Identifier "pas2cRedo" undefined : unitIds)
mapM_ (id2C IOInsert . setBaseType BTUnit) unitIds
return $ vcat . map (\i -> text $ "#include \"" ++ i ++ ".h\"") $ uses2List uses
injectNamespace (Identifier i _) = do
getNS <- gets (flip Map.lookup . namespaces)
modify (\s -> s{currentScope = Map.unionWith (++) (fromMaybe Map.empty (getNS i)) $ currentScope s})
uses2List :: Uses -> [String]
uses2List (Uses ids) = map (\(Identifier i _) -> i) ids
setLastIdValues vv = (\s -> s{lastType = baseType vv, lastIdentifier = lcaseId vv, lastIdTypeDecl = typeDecl vv})
id2C :: InsertOption -> Identifier -> State RenderState Doc
id2C IOInsert i = id2C (IOInsertWithType empty) i
id2C (IOInsertWithType d) (Identifier i t) = do
ns <- gets currentScope
tom <- gets (Set.member n . toMangle)
cu <- gets currentUnit
let (i', t') = case (t, tom) of
(BTFunction _ p _, True) -> (cu ++ i ++ ('_' : show p), t)
(BTFunction _ _ _, _) -> (cu ++ i, t)
(BTVarParam t', _) -> ('(' : '*' : i ++ ")" , t')
_ -> (i, t)
modify (\s -> s{currentScope = Map.insertWith (++) n [Record i' t' d] (currentScope s), lastIdentifier = n})
return $ text i'
n = map toLower i
id2C IOLookup i = id2CLookup head i
id2C IOLookupLast i = id2CLookup last i
id2C (IOLookupFunction params) (Identifier i t) = do
let i' = map toLower i
v <- gets $ Map.lookup i' . currentScope
lt <- gets lastType
if isNothing v then
error $ "Not defined: '" ++ i' ++ "'\n" ++ show lt ++ "\nwith num of params = " ++ show params ++ "\n" ++ show v
let vv = fromMaybe (head $ fromJust v) . find checkParam $ fromJust v in
modify (setLastIdValues vv) >> (return . text . lcaseId $ vv)
checkParam (Record _ (BTFunction _ p _) _) = p == params
checkParam _ = False
id2C IODeferred (Identifier i t) = do
let i' = map toLower i
v <- gets $ Map.lookup i' . currentScope
if (isNothing v) then
modify (\s -> s{lastType = BTUnknown, lastIdentifier = i}) >> return (text i)
let vv = head $ fromJust v in modify (setLastIdValues vv) >> (return . text . lcaseId $ vv)
id2CLookup :: ([Record] -> Record) -> Identifier -> State RenderState Doc
id2CLookup f (Identifier i t) = do
let i' = map toLower i
v <- gets $ Map.lookup i' . currentScope
lt <- gets lastType
if isNothing v then
error $ "Not defined: '" ++ i' ++ "'\n" ++ show lt
let vv = f $ fromJust v in modify (setLastIdValues vv) >> (return . text . lcaseId $ vv)
id2CTyped :: TypeDecl -> Identifier -> State RenderState Doc
id2CTyped = id2CTyped2 Nothing
id2CTyped2 :: Maybe Doc -> TypeDecl -> Identifier -> State RenderState Doc
id2CTyped2 md t (Identifier i _) = do
tb <- resolveType t
case (t, tb) of
(_, BTUnknown) -> do
error $ "id2CTyped: type BTUnknown for " ++ show i ++ "\ntype: " ++ show t
(SimpleType {}, BTRecord _ r) -> do
ts <- type2C t
id2C (IOInsertWithType $ ts empty) (Identifier i (BTRecord (render $ ts empty) r))
(_, BTRecord _ r) -> do
ts <- type2C t
id2C (IOInsertWithType $ ts empty) (Identifier i (BTRecord i r))
_ -> case md of
Nothing -> id2C IOInsert (Identifier i tb)
Just ts -> id2C (IOInsertWithType ts) (Identifier i tb)
resolveType :: TypeDecl -> State RenderState BaseType
resolveType st@(SimpleType (Identifier i _)) = do
let i' = map toLower i
v <- gets $ Map.lookup i' . currentScope
if isJust v then return . baseType . head $ fromJust v else return $ f i'
f "integer" = BTInt
f "pointer" = BTPointerTo BTVoid
f "boolean" = BTBool
f "float" = BTFloat
f "char" = BTChar
f "string" = BTString
f _ = error $ "Unknown system type: " ++ show st
resolveType (PointerTo (SimpleType (Identifier i _))) = return . BTPointerTo $ BTUnresolved (map toLower i)
resolveType (PointerTo t) = liftM BTPointerTo $ resolveType t
resolveType (RecordType tv mtvs) = do
tvs <- mapM f (concat $ tv : fromMaybe [] mtvs)
return . BTRecord "" . concat $ tvs
f :: TypeVarDeclaration -> State RenderState [(String, BaseType)]
f (VarDeclaration _ _ (ids, td) _) = mapM (\(Identifier i _) -> liftM ((,) i) $ resolveType td) ids
resolveType (ArrayDecl (Just i) t) = do
t' <- resolveType t
return $ BTArray i BTInt t'
resolveType (ArrayDecl Nothing t) = liftM (BTArray RangeInfinite BTInt) $ resolveType t
resolveType (FunctionType t a) = liftM (BTFunction False (length a)) $ resolveType t
resolveType (DeriveType (InitHexNumber _)) = return BTInt
resolveType (DeriveType (InitNumber _)) = return BTInt
resolveType (DeriveType (InitFloat _)) = return BTFloat
resolveType (DeriveType (InitString _)) = return BTString
resolveType (DeriveType (InitBinOp {})) = return BTInt
resolveType (DeriveType (InitPrefixOp _ e)) = initExpr2C e >> gets lastType
resolveType (DeriveType (BuiltInFunction{})) = return BTInt
resolveType (DeriveType (InitReference (Identifier{}))) = return BTBool -- TODO: derive from actual type
resolveType (DeriveType _) = return BTUnknown
resolveType (String _) = return BTString
resolveType VoidType = return BTVoid
resolveType (Sequence ids) = return $ BTEnum $ map (\(Identifier i _) -> map toLower i) ids
resolveType (RangeType _) = return $ BTVoid
resolveType (Set t) = liftM BTSet $ resolveType t
resolveType (VarParamType t) = liftM BTVarParam $ resolveType t
resolve :: String -> BaseType -> State RenderState BaseType
resolve s (BTUnresolved t) = do
v <- gets $ Map.lookup t . currentScope
if isJust v then
resolve s . baseType . head . fromJust $ v
error $ "Unknown type " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++ s
resolve _ t = return t
fromPointer :: String -> BaseType -> State RenderState BaseType
fromPointer s (BTPointerTo t) = resolve s t
fromPointer s t = do
error $ "Dereferencing from non-pointer type " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++ s
functionParams2C params = liftM (hcat . punctuate comma . concat) $ mapM (tvar2C False False True True) params
numberOfDeclarations :: [TypeVarDeclaration] -> Int
numberOfDeclarations = sum . map cnt
cnt (VarDeclaration _ _ (ids, _) _) = length ids
cnt _ = 1
hasPassByReference :: [TypeVarDeclaration] -> Bool
hasPassByReference = or . map isVar
isVar (VarDeclaration v _ (_, _) _) = v
isVar _ = error $ "hasPassByReference called not on function parameters"
toIsVarList :: [TypeVarDeclaration] -> [Bool]
toIsVarList = concatMap isVar
isVar (VarDeclaration v _ (p, _) _) = replicate (length p) v
isVar _ = error $ "toIsVarList called not on function parameters"
funWithVarsToDefine :: String -> [TypeVarDeclaration] -> Doc
funWithVarsToDefine n params = text "#define" <+> text n <> parens abc <+> text (n ++ "__vars") <> parens cparams
abc = hcat . punctuate comma . map (char . fst) $ ps
cparams = hcat . punctuate comma . map (\(c, v) -> if v then char '&' <> parens (char c) else char c) $ ps
ps = zip ['a'..] (toIsVarList params)
fun2C :: Bool -> String -> TypeVarDeclaration -> State RenderState [Doc]
fun2C _ _ (FunctionDeclaration name inline returnType params Nothing) = do
t <- type2C returnType
t'<- gets lastType
p <- withState' id $ functionParams2C params
n <- liftM render . id2C IOInsert $ setBaseType (BTFunction hasVars (numberOfDeclarations params) t') name
let decor = if inline then text "inline" else empty
if hasVars then
return [funWithVarsToDefine n params $+$ decor <+> t empty <+> text (n ++ "__vars") <> parens p]
return [decor <+> t empty <+> text n <> parens p]
hasVars = hasPassByReference params
fun2C True rv (FunctionDeclaration name@(Identifier i _) inline returnType params (Just (tvars, phrase))) = do
let res = docToLower $ text rv <> text "_result"
t <- type2C returnType
t'<- gets lastType
notDeclared <- liftM isNothing . gets $ Map.lookup (map toLower i) . currentScope
n <- liftM render . id2C IOInsert $ setBaseType (BTFunction hasVars (numberOfDeclarations params) t') name
let isVoid = case returnType of
VoidType -> True
_ -> False
(p, ph) <- withState' (\st -> st{currentScope = Map.insertWith un (map toLower rv) [Record (render res) t' empty] $ currentScope st
, currentFunctionResult = if isVoid then [] else render res}) $ do
p <- functionParams2C params
ph <- liftM2 ($+$) (typesAndVars2C False False True tvars) (phrase2C' phrase)
return (p, ph)
let phrasesBlock = if isVoid then ph else t empty <+> res <> semi $+$ ph $+$ text "return" <+> res <> semi
let define = if hasVars then text "#ifndef" <+> text n $+$ funWithVarsToDefine n params $+$ text "#endif" else empty
let decor = if inline then text "inline" else empty
return [
--(if notDeclared && hasVars then funWithVarsToDefine n params else empty) $+$
decor <+> t empty <+> text (if hasVars then n ++ "__vars" else n) <> parens p
text "{"
nest 4 phrasesBlock
text "}"]
phrase2C' (Phrases p) = liftM vcat $ mapM phrase2C p
phrase2C' p = phrase2C p
un [a] b = a : b
hasVars = hasPassByReference params
fun2C False _ (FunctionDeclaration (Identifier name _) _ _ _ _) = error $ "nested functions not allowed: " ++ name
fun2C _ tv _ = error $ "fun2C: I don't render " ++ show tv
-- the second bool indicates whether declare variable as extern or not
-- the third bool indicates whether include types or not
-- the fourth bool indicates whether ignore initialization or not (basically for dynamic arrays since we cannot do initialization in function params)
tvar2C :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> TypeVarDeclaration -> State RenderState [Doc]
tvar2C b _ includeType _ f@(FunctionDeclaration (Identifier name _) _ _ _ _) = do
t <- fun2C b name f
if includeType then return t else return []
tvar2C _ _ includeType _ td@(TypeDeclaration i' t) = do
i <- id2CTyped t i'
tp <- type2C t
return $ if includeType then [text "typedef" <+> tp i] else []
tvar2C _ _ _ _ (VarDeclaration True _ (ids, t) Nothing) = do
t' <- liftM ((empty <+>) . ) $ type2C t
liftM (map(\i -> t' i)) $ mapM (id2CTyped2 (Just $ t' empty) (VarParamType t)) ids
tvar2C _ externVar includeType ignoreInit (VarDeclaration _ isConst (ids, t) mInitExpr) = do
t' <- liftM (((if isConst then text "static const" else if externVar
then text "extern"
else empty)
<+>) . ) $ type2C t
ie <- initExpr mInitExpr
lt <- gets lastType
case (isConst, lt, ids, mInitExpr) of
(True, BTInt, [i], Just _) -> do
i' <- id2CTyped t i
return $ if includeType then [text "enum" <> braces (i' <+> ie)] else []
(True, BTFloat, [i], Just e) -> do
i' <- id2CTyped t i
ie <- initExpr2C e
return $ if includeType then [text "#define" <+> i' <+> parens ie <> text "\n"] else []
(_, BTFunction{}, _, Nothing) -> liftM (map(\i -> t' i)) $ mapM (id2CTyped t) ids
(_, BTArray r _ _, [i], _) -> do
i' <- id2CTyped t i
ie' <- return $ case (r, mInitExpr, ignoreInit) of
(RangeInfinite, Nothing, False) -> text "= NULL" -- force dynamic array to be initialized as NULL if not initialized at all
(_, _, _) -> ie
result <- liftM (map(\i -> varDeclDecision isConst includeType (t' i) ie')) $ mapM (id2CTyped t) ids
case (r, ignoreInit) of
(RangeInfinite, False) ->
-- if the array is dynamic, add dimension info to it
return $ [dimDecl] ++ result
arrayDimStr = show $ arrayDimension t
arrayDimInitExp = text ("={" ++ ".dim = " ++ arrayDimStr ++ ", .a = {0, 0, 0, 0}}")
dimDecl = varDeclDecision isConst includeType (text "fpcrtl_dimension_t" <+> i' <> text "_dimension_info") arrayDimInitExp
(_, _) -> return result
_ -> liftM (map(\i -> varDeclDecision isConst includeType (t' i) ie)) $ mapM (id2CTyped2 (Just $ t' empty) t) ids
initExpr Nothing = return $ empty
initExpr (Just e) = liftM (text "=" <+>) (initExpr2C e)
varDeclDecision True True varStr expStr = varStr <+> expStr
varDeclDecision False True varStr expStr = if externVar then varStr else varStr <+> expStr
varDeclDecision False False varStr expStr = varStr <+> expStr
varDeclDecision True False varStr expStr = empty
arrayDimension a = case a of
ArrayDecl Nothing t -> let a = arrayDimension t in if a > 3 then error "Dynamic array with dimension > 4 is not supported." else 1 + arrayDimension t
ArrayDecl _ _ -> error "Mixed dynamic array and static array are not supported."
_ -> 0
tvar2C f _ _ _ (OperatorDeclaration op (Identifier i _) inline ret params body) = do
r <- op2CTyped op (extractTypes params)
fun2C f i (FunctionDeclaration r inline ret params body)
op2CTyped :: String -> [TypeDecl] -> State RenderState Identifier
op2CTyped op t = do
t' <- liftM (render . hcat . punctuate (char '_') . map (\t -> t empty)) $ mapM type2C t
bt <- gets lastType
return $ Identifier (t' ++ "_op_" ++ opStr) bt
opStr = case op of
"+" -> "add"
"-" -> "sub"
"*" -> "mul"
"/" -> "div"
"/(float)" -> "div"
"=" -> "eq"
"<" -> "lt"
">" -> "gt"
"<>" -> "neq"
_ -> error $ "op2CTyped: unknown op '" ++ op ++ "'"
extractTypes :: [TypeVarDeclaration] -> [TypeDecl]
extractTypes = concatMap f
f (VarDeclaration _ _ (ids, t) _) = replicate (length ids) t
f a = error $ "extractTypes: can't extract from " ++ show a
initExpr2C, initExpr2C' :: InitExpression -> State RenderState Doc
initExpr2C (InitArray values) = liftM (braces . vcat . punctuate comma) $ mapM initExpr2C values
initExpr2C a = initExpr2C' a
initExpr2C' InitNull = return $ text "NULL"
initExpr2C' (InitAddress expr) = do
ie <- initExpr2C' expr
lt <- gets lastType
case lt of
BTFunction True _ _ -> return $ text "&" <> ie <> text "__vars"
_ -> return $ text "&" <> ie
initExpr2C' (InitPrefixOp op expr) = liftM (text (op2C op) <>) (initExpr2C' expr)
initExpr2C' (InitBinOp op expr1 expr2) = do
e1 <- initExpr2C' expr1
e2 <- initExpr2C' expr2
return $ parens $ e1 <+> text (op2C op) <+> e2
initExpr2C' (InitNumber s) = return $ text s
initExpr2C' (InitFloat s) = return $ text s
initExpr2C' (InitHexNumber s) = return $ text "0x" <> (text . map toLower $ s)
initExpr2C' (InitString [a]) = return . quotes $ text [a]
initExpr2C' (InitString s) = return $ strInit s
initExpr2C' (InitChar a) = return $ quotes $ text "\\x" <> text (showHex (read a) "")
initExpr2C' (InitReference i) = id2C IOLookup i
initExpr2C' (InitRecord fields) = do
(fs :: [Doc]) <- mapM (\(Identifier a _, b) -> liftM (text "." <> text a <+> equals <+>) $ initExpr2C b) fields
return $ lbrace $+$ (nest 4 . vcat . punctuate comma $ fs) $+$ rbrace
initExpr2C' (InitArray [value]) = initExpr2C value
initExpr2C' r@(InitRange (Range i@(Identifier i' _))) = do
id2C IOLookup i
t <- gets lastType
case t of
BTEnum s -> return . int $ length s
BTInt -> case i' of
"byte" -> return $ int 256
_ -> error $ "InitRange identifier: " ++ i'
_ -> error $ "InitRange: " ++ show r
initExpr2C' (InitRange (RangeFromTo (InitNumber "0") r)) = initExpr2C $ BuiltInFunction "succ" [r]
initExpr2C' (InitRange (RangeFromTo (InitChar "0") (InitChar r))) = initExpr2C $ BuiltInFunction "succ" [InitNumber r]
initExpr2C' (InitRange a) = error $ show a --return $ text "<<range>>"
initExpr2C' (InitSet []) = return $ text "0"
initExpr2C' (InitSet a) = return $ text "<<set>>"
initExpr2C' (BuiltInFunction "low" [InitReference e]) = return $
case e of
(Identifier "LongInt" _) -> int (-2^31)
(Identifier "SmallInt" _) -> int (-2^15)
_ -> error $ "BuiltInFunction 'low': " ++ show e
initExpr2C' (BuiltInFunction "high" [e]) = do
initExpr2C e
t <- gets lastType
case t of
(BTArray i _ _) -> initExpr2C' $ BuiltInFunction "pred" [InitRange i]
a -> error $ "BuiltInFunction 'high': " ++ show a
initExpr2C' (BuiltInFunction "succ" [BuiltInFunction "pred" [e]]) = initExpr2C' e
initExpr2C' (BuiltInFunction "pred" [BuiltInFunction "succ" [e]]) = initExpr2C' e
initExpr2C' (BuiltInFunction "succ" [e]) = liftM (<> text " + 1") $ initExpr2C' e
initExpr2C' (BuiltInFunction "pred" [e]) = liftM (<> text " - 1") $ initExpr2C' e
initExpr2C' b@(BuiltInFunction _ _) = error $ show b
initExpr2C' a = error $ "initExpr2C: don't know how to render " ++ show a
range2C :: InitExpression -> State RenderState [Doc]
range2C (InitString [a]) = return [quotes $ text [a]]
range2C (InitRange (Range i)) = liftM (flip (:) []) $ id2C IOLookup i
range2C (InitRange (RangeFromTo (InitString [a]) (InitString [b]))) = return $ map (\i -> quotes $ text [i]) [a..b]
range2C a = liftM (flip (:) []) $ initExpr2C a
baseType2C :: String -> BaseType -> Doc
baseType2C _ BTFloat = text "float"
baseType2C _ BTBool = text "bool"
baseType2C _ BTString = text "string255"
baseType2C s a = error $ "baseType2C: " ++ show a ++ "\n" ++ s
type2C :: TypeDecl -> State RenderState (Doc -> Doc)
type2C (SimpleType i) = liftM (\i a -> i <+> a) $ id2C IOLookup i
type2C t = do
r <- type2C' t
rt <- resolveType t
modify (\st -> st{lastType = rt})
return r
type2C' VoidType = return (text "void" <+>)
type2C' (String l) = return (text "string255" <+>)--return (text ("string" ++ show l) <+>)
type2C' (PointerTo (SimpleType i)) = do
i' <- id2C IODeferred i
lt <- gets lastType
case lt of
BTRecord _ _ -> return $ \a -> text "struct __" <> i' <+> text "*" <+> a
BTUnknown -> return $ \a -> text "struct __" <> i' <+> text "*" <+> a
_ -> return $ \a -> i' <+> text "*" <+> a
type2C' (PointerTo t) = liftM (\t a -> t (parens $ text "*" <> a)) $ type2C t
type2C' (RecordType tvs union) = do
t <- withState' f $ mapM (tvar2C False False True False) tvs
u <- unions
return $ \i -> text "struct __" <> i <+> lbrace $+$ nest 4 ((vcat . map (<> semi) . concat $ t) $$ u) $+$ rbrace <+> i
f s = s{currentUnit = ""}
unions = case union of
Nothing -> return empty
Just a -> do
structs <- mapM struct2C a
return $ text "union" $+$ braces (nest 4 $ vcat structs) <> semi
struct2C tvs = do
t <- withState' f $ mapM (tvar2C False False True False) tvs
return $ text "struct" $+$ braces (nest 4 (vcat . map (<> semi) . concat $ t)) <> semi
type2C' (RangeType r) = return (text "int" <+>)
type2C' (Sequence ids) = do
is <- mapM (id2C IOInsert . setBaseType bt) ids
return (text "enum" <+> (braces . vcat . punctuate comma . map (\(a, b) -> a <+> equals <+> text "0x" <> text (showHex b "")) $ zip is [0..]) <+>)
bt = BTEnum $ map (\(Identifier i _) -> map toLower i) ids
type2C' (ArrayDecl Nothing t) = type2C (PointerTo t)
type2C' (ArrayDecl (Just r) t) = do
t' <- type2C t
lt <- gets lastType
ft <- case lt of
-- BTFunction {} -> type2C (PointerTo t)
_ -> return t'
r' <- initExpr2C (InitRange r)
return $ \i -> ft i <> brackets r'
type2C' (Set t) = return (text "<<set>>" <+>)
type2C' (FunctionType returnType params) = do
t <- type2C returnType
p <- withState' id $ functionParams2C params
return (\i -> (t empty <> (parens $ text "*" <> i) <> parens p))
type2C' (DeriveType (InitBinOp _ _ i)) = type2C' (DeriveType i)
type2C' (DeriveType (InitPrefixOp _ i)) = type2C' (DeriveType i)
type2C' (DeriveType (InitNumber _)) = return (text "int" <+>)
type2C' (DeriveType (InitHexNumber _)) = return (text "int" <+>)
type2C' (DeriveType (InitFloat _)) = return (text "float" <+>)
type2C' (DeriveType (BuiltInFunction {})) = return (text "int" <+>)
type2C' (DeriveType (InitString {})) = return (text "string255" <+>)
type2C' (DeriveType r@(InitReference {})) = do
initExpr2C r
t <- gets lastType
return (baseType2C (show r) t <+>)
type2C' (DeriveType a) = error $ "Can't derive type from " ++ show a
phrase2C :: Phrase -> State RenderState Doc
phrase2C (Phrases p) = do
ps <- mapM phrase2C p
return $ text "{" $+$ (nest 4 . vcat $ ps) $+$ text "}"
phrase2C (ProcCall f@(FunCall {}) []) = liftM (<> semi) $ ref2C f
phrase2C (ProcCall ref []) = liftM (<> semi) $ ref2CF ref
phrase2C (ProcCall ref params) = error $ "ProcCall"{-do
r <- ref2C ref
ps <- mapM expr2C params
return $ r <> parens (hsep . punctuate (char ',') $ ps) <> semi -}
phrase2C (IfThenElse (expr) phrase1 mphrase2) = do
e <- expr2C expr
p1 <- (phrase2C . wrapPhrase) phrase1
el <- elsePart
return $
text "if" <> parens e $+$ p1 $+$ el
elsePart | isNothing mphrase2 = return $ empty
| otherwise = liftM (text "else" $$) $ (phrase2C . wrapPhrase) (fromJust mphrase2)
phrase2C (Assignment ref expr) = do
r <- ref2C ref
t <- gets lastType
case (t, expr) of
(BTFunction {}, (Reference r')) -> do
e <- ref2C r'
return $ r <+> text "=" <+> e <> semi
(BTString, _) -> do
e <- expr2C expr
lt <- gets lastType
case lt of
-- assume pointer to char for simplicity
BTPointerTo _ -> do
e <- expr2C $ Reference $ FunCall [Reference $ RefExpression expr] (SimpleReference (Identifier "pchar2str" BTUnknown))
return $ r <+> text "=" <+> e <> semi
BTString -> do
e <- expr2C expr
return $ r <+> text "=" <+> e <> semi
_ -> error $ "Assignment to string from " ++ show lt
(BTArray _ _ _, _) -> do
case expr of
Reference er -> do
exprRef <- ref2C er
exprT <- gets lastType
case exprT of
BTArray RangeInfinite _ _ ->
return $ text "FIXME: assign a dynamic array to an array"
BTArray _ _ _ -> phrase2C $
ProcCall (FunCall
Reference $ ref
, Reference $ RefExpression expr
, Reference $ FunCall [expr] (SimpleReference (Identifier "sizeof" BTUnknown))
(SimpleReference (Identifier "memcpy" BTUnknown))
) []
_ -> return $ text "FIXME: assign a non-specific value to an array"
_ -> return $ text "FIXME: dynamic array assignment 2"
_ -> do
e <- expr2C expr
return $ r <+> text "=" <+> e <> semi
phrase2C (WhileCycle expr phrase) = do
e <- expr2C expr
p <- phrase2C $ wrapPhrase phrase
return $ text "while" <> parens e $$ p
phrase2C (SwitchCase expr cases mphrase) = do
e <- expr2C expr
cs <- mapM case2C cases
d <- dflt
return $
text "switch" <> parens e $+$ braces (nest 4 . vcat $ cs ++ d)
case2C :: ([InitExpression], Phrase) -> State RenderState Doc
case2C (e, p) = do
ies <- mapM range2C e
ph <- phrase2C p
return $
vcat (map (\i -> text "case" <+> i <> colon) . concat $ ies) <> nest 4 (ph $+$ text "break;")
dflt | isNothing mphrase = return [text "default: break;"] -- avoid compiler warning
| otherwise = do
ph <- mapM phrase2C $ fromJust mphrase
return [text "default:" <+> nest 4 (vcat ph)]
phrase2C wb@(WithBlock ref p) = do
r <- ref2C ref
t <- gets lastType
case t of
(BTRecord _ rs) -> withRecordNamespace (render r ++ ".") (rec2Records rs) $ phrase2C $ wrapPhrase p
a -> do
error $ "'with' block referencing non-record type " ++ show a ++ "\n" ++ show wb
phrase2C (ForCycle i' e1' e2' p up) = do
i <- id2C IOLookup i'
iType <- gets lastIdTypeDecl
e1 <- expr2C e1'
e2 <- expr2C e2'
let inc = if up then "inc" else "dec"
let add = if up then "+ 1" else "- 1"
let iEnd = i <> text "__end__"
ph <- phrase2C . appendPhrase (BuiltInFunctionCall [Reference $ SimpleReference i'] (SimpleReference (Identifier inc BTUnknown))) $ wrapPhrase p
return . braces $
i <+> text "=" <+> e1 <> semi
iType <+> iEnd <+> text "=" <+> e2 <> semi
text "if" <+> (parens $ i <+> text "<=" <+> iEnd) <+> text "do" <+> ph <+>
text "while" <> parens (i <+> text "!=" <+> iEnd <+> text add) <> semi
appendPhrase p (Phrases ps) = Phrases $ ps ++ [p]
phrase2C (RepeatCycle e' p') = do
e <- expr2C e'
p <- phrase2C (Phrases p')
return $ text "do" <+> p <+> text "while" <> parens (text "!" <> parens e) <> semi
phrase2C NOP = return $ text ";"
phrase2C (BuiltInFunctionCall [] (SimpleReference (Identifier "exit" BTUnknown))) = do
f <- gets currentFunctionResult
if null f then
return $ text "return" <> semi
return $ text "return" <+> text f <> semi
phrase2C (BuiltInFunctionCall [] (SimpleReference (Identifier "break" BTUnknown))) = return $ text "break" <> semi
phrase2C (BuiltInFunctionCall [] (SimpleReference (Identifier "continue" BTUnknown))) = return $ text "continue" <> semi
phrase2C (BuiltInFunctionCall [e] (SimpleReference (Identifier "exit" BTUnknown))) = liftM (\e -> text "return" <+> e <> semi) $ expr2C e
phrase2C (BuiltInFunctionCall [e] (SimpleReference (Identifier "dec" BTUnknown))) = liftM (\e -> text "--" <> e <> semi) $ expr2C e
phrase2C (BuiltInFunctionCall [e1, e2] (SimpleReference (Identifier "dec" BTUnknown))) = liftM2 (\a b -> a <> text " -= " <> b <> semi) (expr2C e1) (expr2C e2)
phrase2C (BuiltInFunctionCall [e] (SimpleReference (Identifier "inc" BTUnknown))) = liftM (\e -> text "++" <> e <> semi) $ expr2C e
phrase2C (BuiltInFunctionCall [e1, e2] (SimpleReference (Identifier "inc" BTUnknown))) = liftM2 (\a b -> a <+> text "+=" <+> b <> semi) (expr2C e1) (expr2C e2)
phrase2C a = error $ "phrase2C: " ++ show a
wrapPhrase p@(Phrases _) = p
wrapPhrase p = Phrases [p]
expr2C :: Expression -> State RenderState Doc
expr2C (Expression s) = return $ text s
expr2C b@(BinOp op expr1 expr2) = do
e1 <- expr2C expr1
t1 <- gets lastType
e2 <- expr2C expr2
t2 <- gets lastType
case (op2C op, t1, t2) of
("+", BTString, BTString) -> expr2C $ BuiltInFunCall [expr1, expr2] (SimpleReference $ Identifier "_strconcat" (BTFunction False 2 BTString))
("+", BTString, BTChar) -> expr2C $ BuiltInFunCall [expr1, expr2] (SimpleReference $ Identifier "_strappend" (BTFunction False 2 BTString))
("+", BTChar, BTString) -> expr2C $ BuiltInFunCall [expr1, expr2] (SimpleReference $ Identifier "_strprepend" (BTFunction False 2 BTString))
("+", BTChar, BTChar) -> expr2C $ BuiltInFunCall [expr1, expr2] (SimpleReference $ Identifier "_chrconcat" (BTFunction False 2 BTString))
("==", BTString, BTChar) -> expr2C $ BuiltInFunCall [expr1, expr2] (SimpleReference $ Identifier "_strcomparec" (BTFunction False 2 BTBool))
("==", BTString, BTString) -> expr2C $ BuiltInFunCall [expr1, expr2] (SimpleReference $ Identifier "_strcompare" (BTFunction False 2 BTBool))
("!=", BTString, _) -> expr2C $ BuiltInFunCall [expr1, expr2] (SimpleReference $ Identifier "_strncompare" (BTFunction False 2 BTBool))
("&", BTBool, _) -> return $ parens e1 <+> text "&&" <+> parens e2
("|", BTBool, _) -> return $ parens e1 <+> text "||" <+> parens e2
(_, BTRecord t1 _, BTRecord t2 _) -> do
i <- op2CTyped op [SimpleType (Identifier t1 undefined), SimpleType (Identifier t2 undefined)]
ref2C $ FunCall [expr1, expr2] (SimpleReference i)
(_, BTRecord t1 _, BTInt) -> do
-- aw, "LongInt" here is hwengine-specific hack
i <- op2CTyped op [SimpleType (Identifier t1 undefined), SimpleType (Identifier "LongInt" undefined)]
ref2C $ FunCall [expr1, expr2] (SimpleReference i)
("in", _, _) ->
case expr2 of
SetExpression set -> do
ids <- mapM (id2C IOLookup) set
modify(\s -> s{lastType = BTBool})
return . parens . hcat . punctuate (text " || ") . map (\i -> parens $ e1 <+> text "==" <+> i) $ ids
_ -> error "'in' against not set expression"
(o, _, _) | o `elem` boolOps -> do
modify(\s -> s{lastType = BTBool})
return $ parens e1 <+> text o <+> parens e2
| otherwise -> do
o' <- return $ case o of
"/(float)" -> text "/(float)" -- pascal returns real value
_ -> text o
e1' <- return $ case (o, t1, t2) of
("-", BTInt, BTInt) -> parens $ text "(int64_t)" <+> parens e1
_ -> parens e1
e2' <- return $ case (o, t1, t2) of
("-", BTInt, BTInt) -> parens $ text "(int64_t)" <+> parens e2
_ -> parens e2
return $ e1' <+> o' <+> e2'
boolOps = ["==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">="]
expr2C (NumberLiteral s) = do
modify(\s -> s{lastType = BTInt})
return $ text s
expr2C (FloatLiteral s) = return $ text s
expr2C (HexNumber s) = return $ text "0x" <> (text . map toLower $ s)
{-expr2C (StringLiteral [a]) = do
modify(\s -> s{lastType = BTChar})
return . quotes . text $ escape a
escape '\'' = "\\\'"
escape a = [a]-}
expr2C (StringLiteral s) = addStringConst s
expr2C (PCharLiteral s) = return . doubleQuotes $ text s
expr2C (Reference ref) = ref2CF ref
expr2C (PrefixOp op expr) = do
e <- expr2C expr
lt <- gets lastType
case lt of
BTRecord t _ -> do
i <- op2CTyped op [SimpleType (Identifier t undefined)]
ref2C $ FunCall [expr] (SimpleReference i)
BTBool -> do
o <- return $ case op of
"not" -> text "!"
_ -> text (op2C op)
return $ o <> parens e
_ -> return $ text (op2C op) <> parens e
expr2C Null = return $ text "NULL"
expr2C (CharCode a) = do
modify(\s -> s{lastType = BTChar})
return $ quotes $ text "\\x" <> text (showHex (read a) "")
expr2C (HexCharCode a) = if length a <= 2 then return $ quotes $ text "\\x" <> text (map toLower a) else expr2C $ HexNumber a
expr2C (SetExpression ids) = mapM (id2C IOLookup) ids >>= return . parens . hcat . punctuate (text " | ")
expr2C (BuiltInFunCall [e] (SimpleReference (Identifier "low" _))) = do
e' <- liftM (map toLower . render) $ expr2C e
lt <- gets lastType
case lt of
BTEnum a -> return $ int 0
BTInt -> case e' of
"longint" -> return $ int (-2147483648)
BTArray {} -> return $ int 0
_ -> error $ "BuiltInFunCall 'low' from " ++ show e ++ "\ntype: " ++ show lt
expr2C (BuiltInFunCall [e] (SimpleReference (Identifier "high" _))) = do
e' <- liftM (map toLower . render) $ expr2C e
lt <- gets lastType
case lt of
BTEnum a -> return . int $ length a - 1
BTInt -> case e' of
"longint" -> return $ int (2147483647)
BTString -> return $ int 255
BTArray (RangeFromTo _ n) _ _ -> initExpr2C n
_ -> error $ "BuiltInFunCall 'high' from " ++ show e ++ "\ntype: " ++ show lt
expr2C (BuiltInFunCall [e] (SimpleReference (Identifier "ord" _))) = liftM parens $ expr2C e
expr2C (BuiltInFunCall [e] (SimpleReference (Identifier "succ" _))) = liftM (<> text " + 1") $ expr2C e
expr2C (BuiltInFunCall [e] (SimpleReference (Identifier "pred" _))) = liftM (<> text " - (int64_t)1") $ expr2C e
expr2C (BuiltInFunCall [e] (SimpleReference (Identifier "length" _))) = do
e' <- expr2C e
lt <- gets lastType
modify (\s -> s{lastType = BTInt})
case lt of
BTString -> return $ text "fpcrtl_Length" <> parens e'
BTArray RangeInfinite _ _ -> error $ "length() called on variable size array " ++ show e'
BTArray (RangeFromTo _ n) _ _ -> initExpr2C (BuiltInFunction "succ" [n])
_ -> error $ "length() called on " ++ show lt
expr2C (BuiltInFunCall params ref) = do
r <- ref2C ref
t <- gets lastType
ps <- mapM expr2C params
case t of
BTFunction _ _ t' -> do
modify (\s -> s{lastType = t'})
_ -> error $ "BuiltInFunCall lastType: " ++ show t
return $
r <> parens (hsep . punctuate (char ',') $ ps)
expr2C a = error $ "Don't know how to render " ++ show a
ref2CF :: Reference -> State RenderState Doc
ref2CF (SimpleReference name) = do
i <- id2C IOLookup name
t <- gets lastType
case t of
BTFunction _ _ rt -> do
modify(\s -> s{lastType = rt})
return $ i <> parens empty --xymeng: removed parens
_ -> return $ i
ref2CF r@(RecordField (SimpleReference _) (SimpleReference _)) = do
i <- ref2C r
t <- gets lastType
case t of
BTFunction _ _ rt -> do
modify(\s -> s{lastType = rt})
return $ i <> parens empty
_ -> return $ i
ref2CF r = ref2C r
ref2C :: Reference -> State RenderState Doc
-- rewrite into proper form
ref2C (RecordField ref1 (ArrayElement exprs ref2)) = ref2C $ ArrayElement exprs (RecordField ref1 ref2)
ref2C (RecordField ref1 (Dereference ref2)) = ref2C $ Dereference (RecordField ref1 ref2)
ref2C (RecordField ref1 (RecordField ref2 ref3)) = ref2C $ RecordField (RecordField ref1 ref2) ref3
ref2C (RecordField ref1 (FunCall params ref2)) = ref2C $ FunCall params (RecordField ref1 ref2)
ref2C (ArrayElement (a:b:xs) ref) = ref2C $ ArrayElement (b:xs) (ArrayElement [a] ref)
-- conversion routines
ref2C ae@(ArrayElement [expr] ref) = do
e <- expr2C expr
r <- ref2C ref
t <- gets lastType
case t of
(BTArray _ _ t') -> modify (\st -> st{lastType = t'})
-- (BTFunctionReturn _ (BTArray _ _ t')) -> modify (\st -> st{lastType = t'})
-- (BTFunctionReturn _ (BTString)) -> modify (\st -> st{lastType = BTChar})
(BTString) -> modify (\st -> st{lastType = BTChar})
(BTPointerTo t) -> do
t'' <- fromPointer (show t) =<< gets lastType
case t'' of
BTChar -> modify (\st -> st{lastType = BTChar})
a -> error $ "Getting element of " ++ show a ++ "\nReference: " ++ show ae
a -> error $ "Getting element of " ++ show a ++ "\nReference: " ++ show ae
case t of
BTString -> return $ r <> text ".s" <> brackets e
_ -> return $ r <> brackets e
ref2C (SimpleReference name) = id2C IOLookup name
ref2C rf@(RecordField (Dereference ref1) ref2) = do
r1 <- ref2C ref1
t <- fromPointer (show ref1) =<< gets lastType
r2 <- case t of
BTRecord _ rs -> withRecordNamespace "" (rec2Records rs) $ ref2C ref2
BTUnit -> error "What??"
a -> error $ "dereferencing from " ++ show a ++ "\n" ++ show rf
return $
r1 <> text "->" <> r2
ref2C rf@(RecordField ref1 ref2) = do
r1 <- ref2C ref1
t <- gets lastType
case t of
BTRecord _ rs -> do
r2 <- withRecordNamespace "" (rec2Records rs) $ ref2C ref2
return $ r1 <> text "." <> r2
BTUnit -> withLastIdNamespace $ ref2C ref2
a -> error $ "dereferencing from " ++ show a ++ "\n" ++ show rf
ref2C d@(Dereference ref) = do
r <- ref2C ref
t <- fromPointer (show d) =<< gets lastType
modify (\st -> st{lastType = t})
return $ (parens $ text "*" <> r)
ref2C f@(FunCall params ref) = do
r <- fref2C ref
t <- gets lastType
case t of
BTFunction _ _ t' -> do
ps <- liftM (parens . hsep . punctuate (char ',')) $ mapM expr2C params
modify (\s -> s{lastType = t'})
return $ r <> ps
_ -> case (ref, params) of
(SimpleReference i, [p]) -> ref2C $ TypeCast i p
_ -> error $ "ref2C FunCall erroneous type cast detected: " ++ show f ++ "\nType detected: " ++ show t
fref2C (SimpleReference name) = id2C (IOLookupFunction $ length params) name
fref2C a = ref2C a
ref2C (Address ref) = do
r <- ref2C ref
lt <- gets lastType
case lt of
BTFunction True _ _ -> return $ text "&" <> parens (r <> text "__vars")
_ -> return $ text "&" <> parens r
ref2C (TypeCast t'@(Identifier i _) expr) = do
lt <- expr2C expr >> gets lastType
case (map toLower i, lt) of
("pchar", BTString) -> ref2C $ FunCall [expr] (SimpleReference (Identifier "_pchar" $ BTPointerTo BTChar))
("shortstring", BTPointerTo _) -> ref2C $ FunCall [expr] (SimpleReference (Identifier "pchar2str" $ BTString))
(a, _) -> do
e <- expr2C expr
t <- id2C IOLookup t'
return . parens $ parens t <> e
ref2C (RefExpression expr) = expr2C expr
op2C :: String -> String
op2C "or" = "|"
op2C "and" = "&"
op2C "not" = "~"
op2C "xor" = "^"
op2C "div" = "/"
op2C "mod" = "%"
op2C "shl" = "<<"
op2C "shr" = ">>"
op2C "<>" = "!="
op2C "=" = "=="
op2C "/" = "/(float)"
op2C a = a