Modified Mission 4: reduced second wave health, reduced some ammos, added some ammos, added reaction to hog death, added reaction to second wave of hogs
/* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */#include "HWApplication.h"#include <QTranslator>#include <QLocale>#include <QMessageBox>#include <QPlastiqueStyle>#include <QRegExp>#include <QMap>#include <QSettings>#include <QStringListModel>#include <QDate>#include "hwform.h"#include "hwconsts.h"#include "newnetclient.h"#include "DataManager.h"#ifdef _WIN32#include <Shlobj.h>#endif#ifdef __APPLE__#include "CocoaInitializer.h"#endif//Determines the day of easter in year//from,adapted to C/C++QDate calculateEaster(long year){ int c, n, k, i, j, l, m, d; c = year/100; n = year - 19*(year/19); k = (c - 17)/25; i = c - c/4 - (c - k)/3 + 19*n + 15; i = i - 30*(i/30); i = i - (i/28)*(1 - (i/28)*(29/(i + 1))*((21 - n)/11)); j = year + year/4 + i + 2 - c + c/4; j = j - 7*(j/7); l = i - j; m = 3 + (l + 40)/44; d = l + 28 - 31*(m / 4); return QDate(year, m, d);}//Checks season and assigns it to the variable season in "hwconsts.h"void checkSeason(){ QDate date = QDate::currentDate(); //Christmas? if (date.month() == 12 && >= 24 && <= 26) season = SEASON_CHRISTMAS; //Hedgewars birthday? else if (date.month() == 10 && == 31) { season = SEASON_HWBDAY; years_since_foundation = date.year() - 2004; } //Easter? else if (calculateEaster(date.year()) == date) season = SEASON_EASTER; else season = SEASON_NONE;}bool checkForDir(const QString & dir){ QDir tmpdir; if (!tmpdir.exists(dir)) if (!tmpdir.mkdir(dir)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Error"), QObject::tr("Cannot create directory %1").arg(dir), QObject::tr("OK")); return false; } return true;}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ HWApplication app(argc, argv); hwConstsInit(); app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus,false); QStringList arguments = app.arguments(); QMap<QString, QString> parsedArgs; { QList<QString>::iterator i = arguments.begin(); while(i != arguments.end()) { QString arg = *i; QRegExp opt("--(\\S+)=(.+)"); if(opt.exactMatch(arg)) { parsedArgs[opt.cap(1)] = opt.cap(2); i = arguments.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } if(parsedArgs.contains("data-dir")) { QFileInfo f(parsedArgs["data-dir"]); if(!f.exists()) { qWarning() << "WARNING: Cannot open DATA_PATH=" << f.absoluteFilePath(); } *cDataDir = f.absoluteFilePath(); custom_data = true; } if(parsedArgs.contains("config-dir")) { QFileInfo f(parsedArgs["config-dir"]); *cConfigDir = f.absoluteFilePath(); custom_config = true; } app.setStyle(new QPlastiqueStyle); QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); srand(now.toTime_t()); rand(); Q_INIT_RESOURCE(hedgewars); qRegisterMetaType<HWTeam>("HWTeam"); bindir->cd("bin"); // workaround over NSIS installer if(cConfigDir->length() == 0) cfgdir->setPath(cfgdir->homePath()); else cfgdir->setPath(*cConfigDir); if(cConfigDir->length() == 0) {#ifdef __APPLE__ checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars"); cfgdir->cd("Library/Application Support/Hedgewars");#elif defined _WIN32 char path[1024]; if(!SHGetFolderPathA(0, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, 0, path)) { cfgdir->cd(path); checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Hedgewars"); cfgdir->cd("Hedgewars"); } else // couldn't retrieve documents folder? almost impossible, but in case fall back to classic path { checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/.hedgewars"); cfgdir->cd(".hedgewars"); }#else checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/.hedgewars"); cfgdir->cd(".hedgewars");#endif } if (checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath())) { // alternative loading/lookup paths checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Data"); // config/save paths checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Demos"); checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Saves"); checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Screenshots"); checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams"); checkForDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Logs"); } datadir->cd(bindir->absolutePath()); datadir->cd(*cDataDir); if(!datadir->cd("hedgewars/Data")) { QMessageBox::critical(0, QMessageBox::tr("Error"), QMessageBox::tr("Failed to open data directory:\n%1\n" "Please check your installation"). arg(datadir->absolutePath()+"/hedgewars/Data")); return 1; } DataManager & dataMgr = DataManager::instance(); QTranslator Translator; { QSettings settings(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/hedgewars.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); QString cc = settings.value("misc/locale", QString()).toString(); if(cc.isEmpty()) cc = QLocale::system().name(); // load locale file into translator Translator.load( dataMgr.findFileForRead( QString("Locale/hedgewars_" + cc) ) ); app.installTranslator(&Translator); }#ifdef _WIN32 // Win32 registry setup (used for xfire detection etc. - don't set it if we're running in "portable" mode with a custom config dir) if(!custom_config) { QSettings registry_hklm("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", QSettings::NativeFormat); registry_hklm.setValue("Software/Hedgewars/Frontend", bindir->absolutePath().replace("/", "\\") + "\\hedgewars.exe"); registry_hklm.setValue("Software/Hedgewars/Path", bindir->absolutePath().replace("/", "\\")); }#endif#ifdef __APPLE__ // this creates the autoreleasepool that prevents leaking CocoaInitializer initializer;#endif QString style = ""; QString fname; checkSeason(); //For each season, there is an extra stylesheet //Todo: change background for easter and birthday //(simply replace res/BackgroundBirthday.png and res/BackgroundEaster.png //with an appropriate background switch (season) { case SEASON_CHRISTMAS : fname = "christmas.css"; break; case SEASON_EASTER : fname = "easter.css"; break; case SEASON_HWBDAY : fname = "birthday.css"; break; default : fname = "qt.css"; } // load external stylesheet if there is any QFile extFile(dataMgr.findFileForRead("css/" + fname)); QFile resFile(":/res/css/" + fname); QFile & file = (extFile.exists()?extFile:resFile); if ( | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream in(&file); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); if(!line.isEmpty()) style.append(line); } } app.form = new HWForm(NULL, style); app.form->show(); return app.exec();}