* Added LUA scripting support for trainings (and maybe soon) scenarios/missions
* Converted Shotgun and Bazooka Training to LUA
* New dependency: LUA 5.1
* New Mission Objectives window
* Extended default keybinds for non-iPhone builds
* NOTE: Script function names etc. might change soon so don't work too hard on your own missions (for now)! This is experimental!
* Added support for new training maps/LUA scripts
/* * M3Panel.cpp * * * Created by Vittorio on 28/09/09. * Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. * */#include "M3Panel.h"#include "M3InstallController.h"#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>class M3Panel::Private{public: M3InstallController *install;};M3Panel::M3Panel(void){ c = new Private; c->install = [[M3InstallController alloc] init]; [c->install retain];}M3Panel::~M3Panel(){ [c->install release]; delete c;}void M3Panel::showInstallController(){ [c->install displayInstaller];}