author Wuzzy <>
Thu, 15 Feb 2018 13:49:14 +0100
changeset 13012 8a8aaaf97a95
parent 11015 7a905f0070ce
permissions -rw-r--r--
The rottags key alone now toggles hog tags; preecise+rottags is used to cycle tags I figured that the toggling hog tags on and off is a bit more important than changing the tag types, because you sometimes run into a hog whose tags block your view, so a 1-key press is helpful. On the other hand, you probably only want to changing the tag types in the game once (if at all).

#include <QByteArray>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QtEndian>
#include <QRegExp>

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    delete ui;

void MainWindow::on_pbLoad_clicked()
    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, QString(), QString(), "Hedgewars drawn maps (*.hwmap);;All files (*.*)");

        QFile f(fileName);

            QByteArray data = qUncompress(QByteArray::fromBase64(f.readAll()));

            QStringList decoded;

            bool isSpecial = true;
            while(data.size() >= 5)
                qint16 px = qFromBigEndian(*(qint16 *);
                data.remove(0, 2);
                qint16 py = qFromBigEndian(*(qint16 *);
                data.remove(0, 2);
                quint8 flags = *(quint8 *);
                data.remove(0, 1);

                if(flags & 0x80)
                    if(isSpecial && !decoded.isEmpty())
                        decoded << "// drawings";

                    isSpecial = false;

                    quint8 penWidth = flags & 0x3f;
                    bool isErasing = flags & 0x40;
                    decoded << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4")
                               .arg(px, 5).arg(py, 6)
                               .arg(isErasing ? "e" : "s")
                               .arg(penWidth, 2);
                } else
                            decoded << "// special points (these are always before all drawings!)";

                        decoded << QString("%1 %2 %3")
                                   .arg(px, 5).arg(py, 6)
                    } else
                        decoded << QString("%1 %2")
                                   .arg(px, 5).arg(py, 6);

            ui->statusBar->showMessage("Load OK");
        } else
            ui->statusBar->showMessage(QString("Can't open file %1").arg(fileName));

void MainWindow::on_pbSave_clicked()
    QRegExp rxSP("^\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$");
    QRegExp rxLS("^\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*([es])\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$");
    QRegExp rxP("^\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*$");

    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, QString(), QString(), "Hedgewars drawn maps (*.hwmap);;All files (*.*)");

    QFile file(fileName);
        QByteArray b;
        QStringList sl = ui->textEdit->toPlainText().split('\n');
        bool isSpecial = true;

        foreach(const QString & line, sl)
                if(rxLS.indexIn(line) != -1)
                    isSpecial = false;
                    qint16 px = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxLS.cap(1).toInt());
                    qint16 py = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxLS.cap(2).toInt());
                    quint8 flags = 0x80;
                    if(rxLS.cap(3) == "e") flags |= 0x40;
                    flags = flags + rxLS.cap(4).toUInt();
                    b.append((const char *)&px, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&py, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&flags, 1);
                } else
                if(isSpecial && (rxSP.indexIn(line) != -1))
                    qint16 px = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxSP.cap(1).toInt());
                    qint16 py = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxSP.cap(2).toInt());
                    quint8 flags = rxSP.cap(3).toUInt();

                    b.append((const char *)&px, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&py, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&flags, 1);
                } else
                if(rxP.indexIn(line) != -1)
                    isSpecial = false;
                    qint16 px = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxP.cap(1).toInt());
                    qint16 py = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxP.cap(2).toInt());
                    quint8 flags = 0;
                    b.append((const char *)&px, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&py, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&flags, 1);
                } else
                    ui->statusBar->showMessage(QString("Can't parse or misplaced special point: %1").arg(line));
