ACF, epilogue: Play default epilogue if campaign var is not found in team
; English locale00:00=Grenade00:01=Cluster Bomb00:02=Bazooka00:03=Homing Bee00:04=Shotgun00:05=Pick Hammer00:06=Skip00:07=Rope00:08=Mine00:09=Desert Eagle00:10=Dynamite00:11=Baseball Bat00:12=Shoryuken00:13=sec00:14=Parachute00:15=Air Attack00:16=Mine Strike00:17=Blow Torch00:18=Construction00:19=Teleportation00:20=Switch Hedgehog00:21=Mortar00:22=Whip00:23=Kamikaze00:24=Cake00:25=Seduction00:26=Watermelon Bomb00:27=Hellish hand-grenade00:28=Drill Rocket00:29=Ballgun00:30=Napalm00:31=RC Plane00:32=Low Gravity00:33=Extra Damage00:34=Invulnerable00:35=Extra Time00:36=Laser Sight00:37=Vampirism00:38=Sniper Rifle00:39=Flying Saucer00:40=Molotov Cocktail00:41=Birdy00:42=Portable Portal Device00:43=Piano Strike00:44=Old Limburger00:45=Sine Gun00:46=Flamethrower00:47=Sticky Mine00:48=Hammer00:49=Resurrector00:50=Drill Strike00:51=Mudball00:52=No weapon selected00:53=Time Box; 00:54=Structure00:54=Land Spray00:55=Freezer00:56=Cleaver00:57=Rubber00:58=Air Mine00:59=Rubber Duck01:00=Loading …01:01=Round draw01:02=%1 wins!01:03=Volume %1%01:04=Paused01:05=Really quit? (Y/Esc) (Click to resume)01:06=Sudden Death!01:07=%1 remaining01:08=Fuel01:09=Synchronizing ...01:10=Using this utility won't end your turn!01:11=This weapon or utility is not yet available!01:12=Last round till Sudden Death!01:13=%1 rounds till Sudden Death!01:14=Get ready, %1!01:15=Slight01:16=Low01:17=Normal01:18=High01:19=Extreme01:20=%1 Bounce01:21=Audio Muted01:22=AFK mode01:23=Auto Camera Off01:24=Auto Camera On01:25=Press the target button to mark the target01:26=The utility is unavailable in Sudden Death; E.g. “+25” when gaining health from crate or vampirism01:27=+%101:28=Empty!; Event messages; Normal hog (%1) died (0 health)02:00=%1 has kicked the bucket!02:00=%1 has seen the light!02:00=%1 never saw that coming!02:00=%1 waves goodbye!02:00=%1 has gone to a better place!02:00=%1 meets his maker!02:00=%1 can hang on no longer!02:00=%1 has done his duty!02:00=%1 makes the ultimate sacrifice!02:00=%1 departs this mortal coil!02:00=%1 makes like a tree and leaves!02:00=%1 has timed out!02:00=%1 says peace out!02:00=%1 will be fondly remembered!02:00=%1 leaves behind a wife and child02:00=%1 has launched his last bazooka02:00=%1 has tossed his last grenade02:00=%1 has baked his last cake02:00=%1 has swung on his last rope02:00=%1 has called his last airstrike02:00=%1 has pumped his last shotgun02:00=%1 has thrown his last melon02:00=%1 has drawn his last deagle02:00=%1 took one shot too many02:00=%1 could really have used a health crate02:00=%1 has gone to play a better game02:00=%1 has ragequit life02:00=%1 fails02:00=Poor, poor %1 ...02:00=%1 prefers WarMUX02:00=%1 has been blocking shots with his face02:00=%1 is a hero amongst me...err...hogs02:00=%1 finds his place in Valhalla02:00=%1 has left the building02:00=%1 goes the way of the dinosaurs02:00=%1 brings hedgehogs one step closer to extinction02:00=%1 brings a tear to my eye02:00=%1 is an ex-hog02:00=%1 is pushing up the daisies02:00=%1 has ceased to be02:00=Say goodbye to %102:00=No hope left for %102:00=%1 faces the final curtain02:00=Smoke 'em if you got 'em, %102:00=%1 suffers a Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure02:00=%1 has passed on02:00=%1 is stone dead02:00=%1 is no more02:00=%1 has expired02:00=Bereft of life, %1 rests in peace02:00=%1 joins the choir invisible02:00=Farewell %1, we hardly knew ye!02:00=%1 had a low tolerance for being shot02:00=%1 could have used an extra life02:00=Is there a doctor in the house?02:00=%1 won't get up anymore02:00=%1 didn't make it02:00=%1 just pretends to be dead02:00=%1 has seen better days02:00=%1 sees dead hedgehogs02:00=%1 is worm fodder02:00=%1 has bit the dust02:00=Game over, %1!02:00=It's over for %102:00=%1 will return02:00=%1 needs some rest02:00=%1 wasn't hardcore enough02:00=Good bye, %1!02:00=%1 is dead02:00=%1 goes to the Hedgehog Heaven02:00=%1 meets the Great White Hedgehog in the sky02:00=%1 has been eliminated02:00=You will be avenged, %1!02:00=%1 won't feel any pain02:00=%1 was just cannon fodder02:00=%1 waits for the resurrection02:00=%1 has an after-death experience02:00=%1 lost in the Game of Life02:00=%1 has been destroyed02:00=%1 goes into a very long hibernation02:00=No! Why did %1 have to die?02:00=Oh no, %1! You had your whole life ahead of you …02:00=%1 doesn't need to be afraid of death02:00=%1 has been freed from the horrors of war02:00=%1 assumes room temperature02:00=%1 comes to a sticky end02:00=%1 is dead as a dodo02:00=%1 is dead as a doornail02:00=%1 dropped dead02:00=%1 is six feet under02:00=%1 lets natural selection take its course02:00=%1 says no to life; Normal hog (%1) drowned02:01=%1 plays submarine!02:01=%1 mimics the Titanic!02:01=%1 swims like a stone!02:01=%1 floats like a brick!02:01=%1 checks out the deep end02:01=%1 goes glug glug glug02:01=%1 goes splash02:01=%1 forgot his armbands02:01=%1 really should have taken swimming lessons02:01=%1 left his surfboard at home02:01=%1 is washed up02:01=%1 is one soggy hog02:01=%1 forgot to bring his life jacket02:01=%1 goes splish splash splish02:01=%1 is sleeping with the fishes02:01=%1 thinks the water physics suck in this game02:01=%1 looks thirsty02:01=The sea claims %102:01=%1 is lost at sea02:01=%1 should have brought his scuba gear02:01=%1 gets a burial at sea02:01=%1 has that sinking feeling02:01=%1 is practicing his backstroke02:01=%1 goes in search of the Titanic02:01=%1 is not Jesus02:01=%1 is finding Nemo02:01=%1 springs a leak02:01=You've gotta wonder how many hogs are down there02:01=%1 makes the ocean slightly higher02:01=%1 didn't enlist in the Navy02:01=%1 is doing his impersonation of a dead fish02:01=At least you didn't go down the toilet, %102:01=Sonic couldn't swim and neither can %102:01=%1 wants to play Ecco the dolphin02:01=%1 has gone to visit Aquaria02:01=%1 has found the lost city of Atlantis02:01=Your doggy paddle could use a little work, %102:01=%1 should have brought a jet ski02:01=%1 doesn't like watersports02:01=%1 is forever blowing bubbles02:01=%1 is short of a raft02:01=%1 thinks salt water is good for the skin02:01=%1 gets salt water in his wounds02:01=%1 has walked the plank02:01=%1 has a bath02:01=%1 is wet wet wet02:01=%1 gets his quills wet02:01=It's Davy Jones' locker for %102:01=%1 explores the Sea02:01=Hedgehogs have quills, not gills, %1!02:01=%1 is swimming upside down02:01=%1 needs a refreshing drink02:01=%1 retreats to the secret underwater base; Round starts02:02=Let's fight!02:02=Armed and ready!02:02=Let's get ready to rumble!02:02=Let's get it on!02:02=Let's get this party started02:02=Last hog standing wins02:02=Let's go!02:02=Let's rock!02:02=Let's jam!02:02=It's beginning ...02:02=This is the start of something big02:02=Welcome to Hedgewars02:02=Welcome to the front lines02:02=Crush your enemies!02:02=May the best hog win02:02=Victory or death02:02=To the victor goes the spoils02:02=Losing is not an option02:02=Cry havoc! Let loose the hogs of war!02:02=Hedgewars, brought to you by Hedgewars.org02:02=Good luck, and have fun!02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Tiyuri02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against unC0Rr02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Nemo02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Smaxx02:02=Just count yourself lucky you're not up against Jessor02:02=Give it your all!02:02=The losers do the cleaning up!02:02=Let the fight of the millenium begin02:02=Let the fight of the century begin02:02=Let the fight of the decade begin02:02=Let the fight of the year begin02:02=Let the fight of the month begin02:02=Let the fight of the week begin02:02=Let the fight of the day begin02:02=Let the fight of the hour begin02:02=Do your best!02:02=Destroy the enemy!02:02=Good luck02:02=Have fun02:02=Fight the good fight02:02=Fight dirty02:02=Fight with honour02:02=Don't give up02:02=Never surrender02:02=Rock 'em and sock 'em!02:02=Let the fragfest begin!02:02=I hope you're ready for a tussle!02:02=Go Go Go!02:02=Hedgehogs advance!02:02=Bring it to them!02:02=Have no fear!02:02=Be brave and conquer; Round ends and a team/clan (%1) wins02:03=%1 wins!02:03=%1 is the champion!02:03=%1 is the winner!02:03=%1 showed everyone how to win02:03=%1 is the best of the best02:03=%1 earned the title of “winner”02:03=%1 does the victory dance02:03=Victory for %1!02:03=And the winner is %102:03=Congratulations, %1 wins!02:03=Bow down to %102:03=%1 has mastered the game02:03=%1 is the master of the Universe02:03=%1 won the battle02:03=%1 made an amazing victory02:03=%1 is the number one!02:03=Bravo, bravo, %1!02:03=%1 is the best02:03=%1 knows what true mastery means02:03=Applause, applause, %1!02:03=What an exciting victory, %1!02:03=%1 destroyed the enemy02:03=%1 has conquered the enemy02:03=%1 has crushed the enemy02:03=%1 knows the art of victory02:03=Everyone cheers for %102:03=%1 chose victory over death02:03=%1 gets a star on Victory Road02:03=Awesome victory for %102:03=%1 drinks the victory juice02:03=Triumph for %102:03=%1 takes a sip from the sweet victory sauce02:03=%1 deserves to be a winner02:03=%1 masterfully won this round02:03=%1 is the victor02:03=%1 wins with style02:03=Mission accomplished, %1 won02:03=%1 earns the victory medal02:03=%1 rules the game; Round ends in a draw02:04=Round draw02:04=It's a draw!02:04=Nobody wins! Round draw02:04=Unbelievable, the round ended in a draw02:04=Round draw, how boring02:04=Impossible! The round ends in a draw02:04=Round draw! Now we have to start again …02:04=Game over! Nobody's a winner today02:04=Round draw, so disappointing!02:04=Nobody wins, how boring!02:04=Everyone's a loser today; New health crate02:05=Incoming aid!02:05=Medic!02:05=First aid from the skies!02:05=A health pack for you02:05=Good health ... in box form!02:05=The doctor calls02:05=Fresh band-aids!02:05=This will make you feel better02:05=A Hi-Potion! Whoops, wrong game02:05=A pick-me-up!02:05=Grab it02:05=A healthy snack02:05=A remedy to pain02:05=Correct dosage: as many as you can find!02:05=Urgent delivery02:05=Supplies!02:05=A first aid kit!02:05=Hope incoming!02:05=Delivery from the fountain of youth02:05=Life in boxes02:05=Help in sight!02:05=This makes you feel well again02:05=Pitch up the sickbay!02:05=Finally there is help!02:05=Increase your life expectancy02:05=First aid!02:05=Health maker!02:05=Crate of life02:05=Increase your life energy02:05=Did someone say “Achoo!”?02:05=With this you will feel as fit as a fiddle02:05=Health and antidote!02:05=Contains: Band aids and antidote02:05=This looks healthy!02:05=Cure the sick!02:05=This is good for you02:05=Someone really likes you02:05=Grab it before the enemy does!02:05=Gain some extra health02:05=Help for sick hedgehogs02:05=Does someone need help down there?02:05=Everything a wounded hedgehog needs02:05=Badly wounded? We can fix this02:05=Get first aid before it's too late!02:05=Bread rations!02:05=Restore your health!02:05=This will be helpful02:05=A doctor's box!02:05=Get instant health02:05=Health booster incoming!02:05=Boost your health02:05=Fight the sickness02:05=Heal yourself with this box!02:05=Bless you!02:05=Recommended by 9 out of 10 doctors02:05=Did somebody call a doctor?02:05=The friend of wounded hedgehogs02:05=Help for sick hedgehogs02:05=Helper in box form02:05=Heals your wounds02:05=Live a little longer02:05=This box will help you02:05=Need some help?02:05=Here, let me help you02:05=Get it before it's too late!02:05=Low on health? We got you covered!02:05=1 health left? No problem!02:05=From almost dead to great health in a blink of an eye!02:05=The most efficient method of healing02:05=The gods are favourable02:05=Your prayers have been heard!02:05=Today is your lucky day!02:05=Extra health!02:05=Health bonus!02:05=The healthier, the better02:05=Emergency drop!02:05=Emergency delivery!02:05=Emergency supplies!02:05=Strong hedgehogs are good hedgehogs02:05=Don't forget to take your vitamins!02:05=Somebody must have forgotten his daily pills02:05=Adds to your total health02:05=We got you covered!02:05=Hurt hedgehogs have help02:05=Help for the wounded02:05=Let's increase your toughness02:05=The aid to victory!02:05=Get first aid before you make your last breath02:05=Escape your death!02:05=No, we won't let you die just today02:05=Put an end to the suffering!02:05=Health insurance finally pays off!02:05=Free healthcare!02:05=Take this medicine02:05=Life insurance for soldiers02:05=Dr Health Crate arrived!02:05=Satisfy your hunger for health02:05=Need. More. Health.02:05=Satisfaction guaranteed!02:05=Painkillers for killers02:05=Just when you thought you defeated the enemy …; New ammo crate02:06=More weapons!02:06=Reinforcements!02:06=Lock and load!02:06=I wonder what weapon is in there?02:06=Supplies!02:06=What could be inside?02:06=Christmas comes early in Hedgewars02:06=A present!02:06=Special delivery!02:06=It was a nightmare getting this through customs02:06=Destructive toys from the heavens02:06=Warning! Contents Volatile02:06=Pick it up or blow it up, choice is yours02:06=Goodies!02:06=Mmmmm Ammo02:06=A box of destructive power02:06=Airmail!02:06=Whatever's in that box, it ain't pizza02:06=Get it!02:06=Weapon drop incoming02:06=Don't let the enemy grab that!02:06=Shiny new toys!02:06=A mysterious box!02:06=The box of Pandora!02:06=Who wants to play with me?02:06=With this you'll give your enemies hell02:06=Let's get the party started!02:06=This looks like great fun02:06=It's like a children's birthday02:06=Guns, lots of guns02:06=You'll never get enough of these02:06=More weapons to make the game more exciting02:06=Not for wimps02:06=Warning: Higly explosive02:06=For those gun nuts02:06=This could be the match-winning weapon!02:06=Explosive fun!02:06=Who has the biggest armory in the battlefield?02:06=Intimidate your enemies!02:06=Ammo crate incoming!02:06=Nice surprise!02:06=New toys, new toys!02:06=A box of surprises!02:06=Explosive surprises!02:06=Collect this for an advantage02:06=Collect me! I'm a crate!02:06=This better contains some big guns02:06=Who will be the first one to get it?02:06=Extend your armory02:06=Restock your ammunition02:06=Weather forecast: Cloudy with a chance of ammo drops02:06=Give your enemies an explosive surprise02:06=The early hedgehog gets the weapon02:06=Soldiers! Seize this crate!02:06=Offense is the best defense02:06=Let's have some fun!02:06=Play with me!02:06=Weapon crate detected02:06=No ammo? No problem!02:06=Time to reload!02:06=This one can go boom02:06=Some hogs like it hot02:06=Some naughty hogs need punishment02:06=Smite the enemy!02:06=Fun! Explosions! Destruction!02:06=Rain death and destruction upon your foes02:06=Weapons! You never get enough of them02:06=Better grab it before you run out of ammo02:06=This means mayhem!02:06=This leads to chaos02:06=Supplies for true warriors02:06=Caution: Don't expose to high temperatures02:06=Do you have what it takes to handle this weapon?02:06=Are you worthy of this weapon?02:06=Heroric weaponry for heroic hedgehogs02:06=Surprise weapon!02:06=Damage in boxes02:06=Deliver some damage02:06=I can't wait to see this one in action02:06=It's raining weapons!02:06=It's raining crates!02:06=The ultimate weapon? Or just run-of-the-mill ammo?02:06=Better get this one first02:06=This one could turn hedgehogs into toast02:06=It's a blast!02:06=It's such a beautiful … weapon02:06=What's inside? Let's find out!02:06=Unbox this02:06=This crate creates destruction02:06=Call me “Terminator”!02:06=A small crate for a big explosion?02:06=Weaponry incoming02:06=Additional ammo detected02:06=This single box could make a huge difference02:06=Outblast your enemies02:06=The fun is not over yet02:06=The show must go on02:06=Collect or die02:06=This one may leave quite a hole02:06=I bet this one will hurt02:06=Throw your foes into a world of hurt02:06=Superior firepower for superior hedgehogs02:06=More firepower02:06=What's better than a weapon? Two weapons!02:06=High-quality ammunition arrived!02:06=The crate of chaos02:06=Classified weaponry detected02:06=Need more firepower?02:06=Finders keepers!02:06=Did I hear “guns”?02:06=It's time to get serious02:06=Fun time is over02:06=Now we're talking!02:06=Let the arms race begin!02:06=You better watch out if the enemy grabs it02:06=Warning: Don't leave unattended02:06=Warning: Keep away from children02:06=This ain't for small hedgehogs02:06=I heard you like weapons …02:06=Special package delivery!02:06=Destructive delivery!02:06=It's time to teach them a lesson!02:06=Your chance to complete your secret masterplan!02:06=The ultimate chance!02:06=Collect it or blow it?02:06=I've got some weapons02:06=Is this the ultimate weapon?02:06=This isn't a children's toy02:06=Greetings from Sgt Destructo02:06=One step further to victory?02:06=Total annihilation … in a box?02:06=Blow up all the things!02:06=Soldiers just want to have some fun02:06=Use this to “defend” yourself02:06=Even the best fighter needs ammo02:06=Out of ammo? Not with us!02:06=Stockpile this02:06=Grab this and laugh viciously at your foes02:06=With this you'll win every argument02:06=Let's hope it's not Skip02:06=You can't win a war without weapons!02:06=And you thought your firearms collection was complete?; New utility crate02:07=Tooltime!02:07=This could come in handy ...02:07=Utilities!02:07=Utilise this box02:07=Watch out below02:07=More utilities!02:07=Tools for you!02:07=This should be good!02:07=Use this wisely02:07=Ooof, this box is heavy02:07=You might need this02:07=Is this something useful?02:07=I wonder what's in there02:07=More than just a crate02:07=More tools02:07=This looks useful02:07=Engineer's present02:07=Strategists rejoice!02:07=Increase your mobility02:07=Nuts and bolts!02:07=Delivery from Hedgecogs, Inc.02:07=Don't be a fool, grab a tool!02:07=Can you hand me a tool?02:07=Fresh from the construction site02:07=A present from construction workers02:07=Extras!02:07=Cool! A tool!02:07=Classified technology detected02:07=Build something useful02:07=The builder's friend02:07=Create the buildings of your dreams!02:07=Incoming utility crate!02:07=Don't drop this on your feet!02:07=A box full of tools!02:07=Here, have some tools!02:07=Did someone order a toolbox?02:07=Useful delivery!02:07=Need some tools?02:07=I'm so exited to open this toolbox!02:07=Heavy toolbox falling from the skies!02:07=A little helper for little hedgehogs02:07=Increase your options02:07=Outsmart your enemy with this02:07=Building bridges to victory02:07=Surprise utility!02:07=Useful present!02:07=Heavy toolbox incoming!02:07=Utilities for you02:07=The wrench is mightier than the grenade02:07=Yes, we can fix this!02:07=Time to repair the roof02:07=A box full of possibilities02:07=Time for renovation!02:07=Grab it while you can02:07=This better is something useful02:07=Stuck? Here, take this!02:07=Use or abuse it02:07=Prof. Hedge's latest invention02:07=Gears!02:07=Gadgets!02:07=A thingamajing!02:07=Who feels inventive today?02:07=Here's part 1 of the 19-part DIY set02:07=A do-it-yourself box!02:07=For those DIYers02:07=Interesting invention!02:07=Is this the latest invention?02:07=Get mobile! Get this crate!02:07=Mobility is the road to victory02:07=Collect it or be damned02:07=Collectibles!02:07=Useful utilities!02:07=Look what I found in the toolshed!02:07=If I had a spanner …02:07=A Swiss army knife in box form02:07=You may need this02:07=What's inside?02:07=Tactical utility crate incoming02:07=A wild toolbox appeared!02:07=The more, the merrier!02:07=Batteries included02:07=A box for tactical warfare02:07=Utilities! They'll always come in handy02:07=The pinnacle of technology!02:07=This is our latest high-tech02:07=Only the finest technology for you02:07=Ran out of options? We have something for you …02:07=This is not a toaster!02:07=I heard you need something …02:07=Delivered straight from the factory02:07=Handle with care02:07=Warning: Contents fragile02:07=This may have just what you need02:07=The final piece of your strategy?02:07=Never underestimate utilities; Hog (%1) skips his turn02:08=%1 is sooo boring ...02:08=%1 couldn't be bothered02:08=%1 is one lazy hog02:08=%1 is thoughtless02:08=%1 gave up02:08=You snooze you lose, %102:08=%1 shamelessly skips02:08=%1 is really lazy02:08=%1 needs a little more motivation02:08=%1 is a pacifist02:08=%1 has a breather02:08=%1 has a rest02:08=%1 chills out02:08=%1 has no faith in his own abilities02:08=%1 decides to do nothing at all02:08=%1 lets the enemy destroy itself02:08=%1 would be terrible at parties02:08=%1 hides out02:08=%1 has decided to pass on this opportunity02:08=%1 decides the best thing he can do is...nothing02:08=%1 is a big wuss02:08=Buck Buck Buck, %1 is a chicken02:08=%1 is looking a little yellow02:08=%1 is a coward!02:08=%1 is waiting for sudden death02:08=%1 is not the fighting type02:08=%1 is reconsidering his purpose in life02:08=%1 was never much of a good shot anyway02:08=%1 didn't want to join the army in the first place02:08=Stop wasting our time, %102:08=I'm dissapointed in you, %102:08=Come on, you can do better than that, %102:08=%1's will has broken02:08=%1 apparently has better things to do02:08=%1 is scared stiff02:08=%1 has fallen asleep02:08=%1 never wanted to be here02:08=%1 is observing the situation02:08=%1 is counting sheep02:08=%1 enjoys the silence02:08=%1 is tired02:08=%1 is the least interesting hedgehog in the world02:08=%1 looks at the beautiful landscape02:08=%1 lets the enemy continue02:08=Apparently the enemy is %1's best friend02:08=%1 needs time to forge the master plan02:08=%1 saves the turn for later use02:08=%1 does nothing, risks nothing; Hog (%1) hurts himself only02:09=%1 should practice aiming!02:09=%1 seems to hate himself02:09=%1 is standing on the wrong side!02:09=%1 makes like an emo02:09=%1 was holding his weapon the wrong way around02:09=%1 is a little sadistic02:09=%1 is a masochist02:09=%1 has no instinct of self-preservation02:09=%1 messed up02:09=%1 screwed up02:09=That was a poor shot, %102:09=%1 is a little too careless with dangerous weapons02:09=%1 should consider a change of career02:09=Worst. Shot. Ever!02:09=No no no %1, you shoot at the ENEMY!02:09=%1 should only be destroying the enemy02:09=%1 moves one step closer to suicide02:09=%1 aids the enemy02:09=That was stupid, %102:09=%1 lives by the mantra of "no pain, no gain"02:09=%1 is confused02:09=%1 hurt itself in its confusion02:09=%1 has a knack for embarrassing himself02:09=%1 is a klutz!02:09=%1 is clumsy02:09=%1 shows the enemy what he's capable of02:09=%1 can't be expected to be perfect all the time02:09=Don't worry %1, pobody's nerfect02:09=%1 totally did that on purpose02:09=I won't tell anyone if you don't, %102:09=How embarrassing!02:09=I'm sure nobody saw that, %102:09=%1 needs to review his field manual02:09=%1's weapon clearly malfunctioned02:09=%1 is still practicing02:09=%1's shot backfired02:09=Oops!02:09=%1 likes boomerangs and yo-yos02:09=%1 wants to win the Darwin Award02:09=%1 is unable to learn from mistakes02:09=%1 is a little weirdo02:09=%1 won't get a promotion anytime soon02:09=%1 commits self-mutilation02:09=%1 got out of the wrong side of the bed02:09=Ouch! That must have hurt02:09=%1 likes the pain02:09=%1 confuses the enemy02:09=Something is wrong with %102:09=Better luck next time, %1!02:09=%1 is his worst enemy02:09=Let's call that a technical difficulty, %1?02:09=%1 is drunk02:09=%1 says “Ouchywawa!”02:09=%1 is doing it wrong02:09=%1 thought the safety was on02:09=%1 was trying to clean the weapon02:09=Somebody fetch a straitjacket!02:09=%1 is late for a meeting with the Reaper02:09=%1 tested the weapon—and it worked!02:09=%1 is close to self-destruction!; Home run: Hog (%1) uses baseball bat to throw other hog far out of the left/right map bounds02:10=Home Run!02:10=A bird, a plane, ...02:10=That one is out!02:10=Whee!02:10=Up it goes!02:10=Who said hedgehogs can't fly?02:10=To infinity and beyond!02:10=Ouch! That must have hurt02:10=This is your applause, %1!02:10=Excellent shot!02:10=That's possibly record-breaking!02:10=%1 sends hogs flying!02:10=%1 takes physical education literally02:10=%1 is the master in Hedgehogball02:10=%1 took physics classes02:10=%1 just slapped someone really hard02:10=%1 plays baseball with hedgehogs; Hog (%1) has to leave (team is gone)02:11=%1 has to go to bed!02:11=%1 seems too busy to play02:11=Beam him up, Scotty!02:11=%1 has to go02:11=%1 teleports into a parallel universe02:11=%1 vanishes into thin air02:11=%1 is gone02:11=%1 has better things to do02:11=%1 is taking out the trash02:11=%1 escapes02:11=%1 needs vacation02:11=%1 has to do some homework02:11=%1 walks away from the trouble; Hog (%1) was poisoned02:12=%1 feels sick02:12=%1 looks very bad02:12=%1 needs a doctor02:12=%1 has been badly poisoned02:12=%1 feels uneasy02:12=%1 fell victim to chemical warfare02:12=%1's skin assumes a very unhealthy color02:12=%1 should have taken those vitamins02:12=%1 feels a pain in the stomach02:12=%1 doesn't look healthy02:12=%1 nees a sickbay02:12=%1 has a really, really foul smell02:12=Are you okay, %1?02:12=%1 suffers from the health loss disease02:12=%1 forgot to take the antidote02:12=%1 has the fever02:12=%1 should not have inhaled that awful smell02:12=%1 should have brought a gas mask02:12=%1 needs some medicine02:12=%1 has been infected02:12=%1 looks awful02:12=%1 doesn't have health insurance02:12=%1 needs to go to the hospital02:12=%1 is sickened02:12=%1 needs cough-medicine02:12=%1 tries to fight off the sickness with thoughts02:12=The poison surges through %102:12=Poison slowly wears down %102:12=%1 needs first aid soon02:12=%1 needs help fast02:12=Don't stand too close to %102:12=%1 assumes a sickly green color02:12=%1 feels the poison02:12=%1 feels weaker and weaker02:12=%1 should probably stay home from school today02:12=Looks like %1 never got vaccinated02:12=%1 needs a first aid kit very soon02:12=%1 should collect a health crate; Hog (%1) was resurrected by the Resurrector utility02:13=%1 has been resurrected02:13=%1 has been brought back TO hell02:13=%1 gets a second chance02:13=%1 is alive again02:13=%1 has been brought back from the dead02:13=%1 is among the walking dead02:13=%1 is reborn02:13=%1 feels alive like never before02:13=%1 has defeated death02:13=%1 laughs at the Grim Reaper02:13=%1 gets another shot in life02:13=%1 is alive and well again02:13=%1 has been brought to unlife02:13=%1 is among us again02:13=%1 is surprised to be alive again02:13=%1 feels super-refreshed02:13=%1 had good Karma02:13=%1 rises from the dead to scare the enemy02:13=%1 rises up from the grave02:13=Don't ruin your second chance, %1!02:13=%1 is still needed02:13=%1 was too important to die02:13=Life surges through %102:13=%1 feels the power of life02:13=%1 has been kicked out of Heaven02:13=%1 is the chosen one02:13=%1 knew the religion of rebirth was right all along02:13=%1 knew this day would come02:13=Beware, %1 is back!02:13=%1 is going to make some trouble … again!02:13=%1 is your worst nightmare02:13=And you thought you could defeat %1?02:13=%1 is stronger than death02:13=Death means nothing to %102:13=%1 doesn't forgive02:13=%1 lives another time02:13=%1 is revived by black magic02:13=%1 is ready to serve again02:13=%1 gets an extra life02:13=%1 was not ready to die just yet02:13=%1 serves again02:13=The time for %1 has not come yet02:13=%1 rose from the tomb; Hog (%1) explodes after an kamikaze attack02:14=%1 dies in honor02:14=%1 died a brave death02:14=Forever remember %102:14=Say farewell to the brave warrior %102:14=%1 fights with honor02:14=%1 was filled with honor02:14=%1 was full of rage02:14=%1 exploded in anger02:14=%1 performs a tactical self-destruction02:14=How brave of %1!02:14=%1 is a true hero02:14=%1, soldier of bravery02:14=We will not forget %102:14=%1 will be in our hearts02:14=%1 strikes with furious anger02:14=%1 dies as a true war hero02:14=%1 is a huge fan of Independence Day02:14=%1 made the ultimate sacrifice02:14=%1 used a one-time weapon02:14=%1 took “martial arts” literally02:14=What an impressive stunt, %1!02:14=%1 turns war into an art form02:14=You should not have angered %102:14=%1 plays with fire02:14=%1 strikes for a last time02:14=%1 deals the final blow02:14=%1 was a devout follower of the cult of Death02:14=%1 brings death and destruction02:14=%1 is gone for good02:14=%1 had no fears02:14=%1 dies for the country02:14=%1 is a kamikaze pilot02:14=%1 just did it for the attention02:14=%1 will be world-famous02:14=%1 had nothing to lose02:14=%1 gave the best; Hog (%1) returned from time-travel with the time box; These texts are intentionally kept simple and clear to not confuse the player02:15=%1 returns from time travel02:15=Time-traveller %1 returns02:15=%1 walks out of the time box02:15=The time box of %1 has arrived02:15=%1 is back in our present timeline02:15=Welcome back to our time, %1!02:15=%1 arrives in the present; Hog (%1) runs out of turn time (not shown in infinite attack mode)02:16=%1 was too slow02:16=%1 forgot to keep an eye on the time02:16=Even snails are faster than %102:16=%1 fell asleep02:16=%1 forgot to attack02:16=%1 was about to make a perfect shot. I swear!02:16=%1 has no sense of time02:16=%1 plays in slow motion02:16=%1 needed more time02:16=%1 could have used a few more seconds02:16=Time's up, %1!02:16=%1 just wasted an amazing opportunity02:16=%1 gets no points for style02:16=%1 would win no medal in the Olympics02:16=Think faster, %1!02:16=You disappoint me, %1!02:16=%1 thinks time is relative02:16=%1 doesn't believe in the concept of time02:16=Stop wasting our time, %1!02:16=Next!02:16=%1 is unbelievably slow02:16=Someone should wake up %102:16=%1 forgot to set up the alarm clock02:16=%1 ran out of time02:16=%1 lives the slow life02:16=Try to be faster next time, %1!02:16=Your turn doesn't last forever, %1!02:16=%1 forgot to bring a watch02:16=%1 should have bought some time02:16=%1 is a time-waster02:16=You snooze, you lose, %1!02:16=%1 missed the starting gun02:16=Knitting is a more suited occupation for %102:16=%1 prefers Chess02:16=%1 was thinking about flowers02:16=%1 is easily distracted by pretty things02:16=Did we forget to check the time, %1?02:16=Nothing to see here, move along!02:16=%1 didn't know there's a time limit; King (%1) has died02:17=%1 is dead! Long live %1!02:17=Royal tragedy: %1 found dead02:17=%1 is no longer with us02:17=Our beloved king %1 has left us02:17=%1 was a tyrant anyway02:17=Finally we got rid of %1!02:17=%1's days as a leader are counted02:17=The royal legacy of %1 has come to an end02:17=%1 has been overthrown!02:17=Without the guidance of %1, the team is lost02:17=The great leader %1 suddenly doesn't look so great anymore02:17=The kingdom cries for %102:17=%1 died like a real king02:17=%1 is a dead leader02:17=%1 is an ex-king02:17=%1 has been dethroned02:17=The reign of %1 is over02:17=%1 dies, and so does a kingdom02:17=%1 loses in King Of The Hill02:17=%1 was a weak king02:17=There are far greater kings than %102:17=The war took down %102:17=%1 had it coming02:17=%1 has been torn apart02:17=%1's power has been stripped away02:17=%1 died of kingly causes02:17=%1 lived a dangerous life02:17=%1 has angered the mob02:17=%1 had too many enemies02:17=And you called %1 a king?02:17=%1 did not deserve to be king02:17=Down with %1!02:17=The Kingdom of %1 has fallen!02:17=%1 has been checkmated; Weapon Categories03:00=Timed grenade03:01=Timed grenade03:02=Ballistic weapon03:03=Guided weapon03:04=Gun (multiple shots)03:05=Digging tool03:06=Action03:07=Transport utility03:08=Proximity bomb03:09=Gun (multiple shots)03:10=BOOM!03:11=Bonk!03:12=Martial arts03:13=UNUSED03:14=Transport utility03:15=Airborne attack03:16=Airborne attack03:17=Digging tool03:18=Utility03:19=Transport utility03:20=Action03:21=Ballistic weapon03:22=Call me Indiana!03:23=(Really) Martial Arts03:24=The cake is NOT a lie!03:25=Attractive weapon03:26=Juicy grenade03:27=Fiery grenade03:28=Ballistic weapon03:29=Ballistic weapon03:30=Airborne attack03:31=Remote-controlled bomb03:32=Temporary effect03:33=Temporary effect03:34=Temporary effect03:35=Temporary effect03:36=Temporary effect03:37=Temporary effect03:38=Gun (multiple shots)03:39=Transport utility03:40=Incinerating grenade03:41=Huge fan of Squawks03:42=I'm making a note here ...; the misspelled "Beethoven" is intentional (-> to beat)03:43=Performing Beathoven's deadly sonata03:44=Best before: 192303:45=The power of science03:46=Hot, hot, hot!03:47=Stick these somewhere useful!03:48=It's Hammer Time!03:49=Bring back the dead TO hell!03:50=Moles fan03:51=Found on the ground03:52=UNUSED03:53=Type 40;03:54=Build something03:54=Utility03:55=It doesn't get cooler than this!03:56=Please use or misuse03:57=Utility03:58=Floating proximity bomb03:59=Swimming bomb; Weapon Descriptions (use | as line breaks)04:00=Attack your enemies using a simple grenade.|It will explode once its timer reaches zero.|1-5: Set grenade's timer|Precise + 1-5: Set bounce strength|Attack: Hold to throw with more power04:01=Attack your enemies using a cluster bomb.|It will split into smaller bombs once its timer|reaches zero.|1-5: Set cluster bomb's timer|Precise + 1-5: Set bounce strength|Attack: Hold to throw with more power04:02=Attack your enemies using a ballistic projectile|that might be influenced by wind.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power04:03=Launch an explosive bee that will lock on|the selected target. Don't shoot with full power|to improve its precision.|Cursor: Pick target|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power04:04=Attack your enemy using a shotgun with two shots.|Thanks to its spread you don't need direct hits|to harm your opponents.|Attack: Shoot (multiple times)04:05=Move underground! Use the pick hammer to drill|a hole into the ground and reach other areas.|Attack: Start or stop digging|Left/Right: Move while drilling04:06=Bored? No way to attack? Save your ammo?|No problem! Just skip your turn, coward!|Attack: Skip your turn without fighting04:07=Bridge huge distances using timed shots with the|rope. Use your momentum to slide into other hogs|or drop grenades and other weapons on them.|Attack: Shoot or release the rope|Left/Right/Up/Down: Swing, retract or extend rope|Long Jump: Drop grenades or similar weapons04:08=Keep your enemies away by dropping a mine in|narrow passages or right below their feet. Be|sure to retreat before you trigger it yourself!|Attack: Drop mine next to your feet|Precise + 1-5: Set mine's bounce strength04:09=Not sure about your aiming? Use the Desert|Eagle to attack using up to four shots.|Attack: Shoot (multiple times)04:10=Brute force is always an option. Drop this classic|explosive next to your enemies and retreat.|Attack: Drop dynamite next to your feet04:11=Get rid of enemy hogs by batting them over|the map borders or into water. Or how about|knocking some mines to your friends?|Attack: Bat everything in front of you04:12=Get close and personal to unleash the power of|this almost deadly martial arts technique.|Attack: Perform the amazing Shoryuken.04:13=UNUSED04:14=Fear of heights? Better grab a parachute.|It will unfold automatically once|you fall too far and|save your hog from taking fall damage.|Attack: Unfold or deactivate the parachute manually|Left/Right/Up/Down: Control your flight|Long Jump: Drop grenades or similar weapons04:15=Call in an airplane to attack your enemies|using a bombing run.|Left/Right: Determine attack direction|Cursor: Select target region04:16=Call in an airplane to drop several mines|in the target area.|Left/Right: Determine attack direction|Cursor: Select target region04:17=Need shelter? Use the blow torch to dig|a tunnel into solid ground granting you|cover.|Attack: Start or stop digging|Up/down: Change digging direction04:18=Need additional protection or want to pass|unpassable ground? Place some girders as you|like.|Left/Right: Select girder to place|Cursor: Place girder in a valid position04:19=Used at the right moment teleportation can|be more powerful than almost all weapons as|it allows you to save hogs from dangerous|situations within seconds.|Cursor: Select target region|Left/Right: Choose facing direction04:20=Allows you to play the current turn with|a different hog.|Attack: Enable switching hogs|Switch: Select next hog|Precise + Switch: Select previous hog04:21=Shoot a projectile that will release|multiple clusters upon impact. The|clusters are hurled backwards and are|more dangerous than the main projectile.|Attack: Shoot at full power04:22=Not just for Indiana Jones! The whip is a|useful weapon in many situations. Especially|when you'd like to shove someone off a cliff.|Attack: Strike everything in front of you04:23=If you have nothing to lose, this might be|quite handy. Sacrifice your hog by launching|it into a specific direction hurting everything|on his way and exploding at the end.|Attack: Launch the devastating and deadly attack04:24=Happy Birthday! Launch this cake, let it walk right|next to your enemies and let them have an explosive|party. The cake is able to pass almost all terrain|but he might detonate earlier this way.|Attack: Start the cake or let it stop and explode04:25=With this costume kit your hog becomes irresistibly|attractive and makes nearby hogs jump in blind love|towards it (and into some gap or hole). The seduction is|so heartwarming, it even breaks the ice of frozen hogs.|Attack: Use the irresistable seduction04:26=Throw this juicy (and bouncy) watermelon at|your enemies. Once the timer expires, it will|split into several explosive pieces.|1-5: Set watermelon's timer|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power04:27=Let hellfire rain onto your opponents by using|this fiendish explosive. Don't get too close to|the explosion as smaller fires might last longer.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power04:28=Short time after launching this rocket, it will|start drilling through solid ground and explode|once its fuse is triggered or it resurfaces again.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power04:29=This is nothing for small kids! The ball gun fires|tons of small colored balls filled with explosives.|Attack: Shoot at full power|Up/Down: Continue aiming04:30=Call in an airplane to launch a powerful napalm|strike. With proper aiming this attack can eradicate|huge parts of landscape including unlucky hogs|sitting there.|Left/Right: Determine attack direction|Cursor: Select target region04:31=The RC plane is the ideal weapon to collect crates or|attack far away hogs. Either steer it into enemies or|drop some bombs first.|Attack: Launch the plane or drop bombs|Long Jump: Let the valkyries ride into battle|Left/Right: Steer the plane04:32=Low gravity is more effective than any diet! Jump|higher and over greater distances or let your enemies|fly even further.|Attack: Activate04:33=Sometimes you just need that little extra boost to|deal some more damage. Activating this increases|the damage dealt by 50% for the rest of the turn.|Attack: Activate04:34=Makes you immune to damage for the|rest of your turn. But don't be too|cocky, you could still drown.|Attack: Activate04:35=Sometimes time's running too fast.|Grab 30 extra seconds to finish your attack.|Attack: Activate04:36=Well, sometimes you're just too bad in aiming. Get|some assistance using modern day technology.|Attack: Activate04:37=Don't fear the daylight. It will just last one turn|but will enable you to absorb 80% of the damage|dealt to other hogs.|Attack: Activate04:38=The sniper rifle can be the most devastating weapon|in your whole arsenal, however it's very ineffective|at close quarters. The damage dealt increases with|the distance to its target. Aiming is difficult, so as long this|weapon is activated, you have to hold your position.|Attack: Activate built-in laser sight, then fire (twice)|Left/Right: Turn around (between shots)04:39=Fly to other parts of the map using the flying|saucer. This hard to master utility can|take you to almost any position on the battlefield.|Attack: Activate/Deactivate|Up/Left/Right: Apply a short boost into one direction|Long Jump: Drop grenades or similar weapons|Precise + Long Jump: Launch weapon to crosshair|Precise + Up/Down: Adjust aim04:40=Set some ground on fire or blow up a barrel|using this bottle filled with (soon to be)|burning liquid.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power04:41=The evidence nature might even top the flying|saucer. Birdy can carry your hog around and|drop eggs on your enemies to poison them!|Be quick, as using Birdy eats into your turn|time!|Attack: Activate and drop eggs|Up/Left/Right: Flap in one direction04:42=This portable portal device is capable|of instantly transporting you, your enemies,|or your weaponry between two points on the|terrain.|Use it wisely and your campaign will be a ...|HUGE SUCCESS!|Disclaimer. Does not work on rubber bands.|Attack: Shoot a portal|Switch: Change portal colour04:43=Make your musical debut an explosive success!|Drop a mighty piano from the heavens,|stomping everything in its path, but beware:|Your hog must be sacrificed to play the piano.|Cursor: Select target region|F1-F9: Play the piano04:44=This isn't just cheese, it's biological warfare!|It won't cause an huge amount of damage once|the timer reaches zero but it will definitely|poison anyone unlucky to touch the smell!|1-5: Set timer|Precise + 1-5: Set bounce strength|Attack: Hold to throw with more power04:45=All those physics classes have finally paid off!|Launch a devastating sine wave which burns itself|through terrain.|Watch out, this weapon has a strong knockback.|Attack: Shoot04:46=Cover your foes with sizzling liquid flame.|Heartwarming!|Attack: Activate|Up/Down: Continue aiming|Left/Right: Modify spitting power04:47=Double the fun with two spiky, sneaky, sticky mines.|Set up a chain reaction or defend yourself (or both!)|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power (twice)04:48=Why should the moles get all the abuse? Wacking|a hog (or mines, or barrels) can be just as fun!|A good blow from this hammer will shave off|one third of a hog's health (or one half with|Extra Damage) and plunge them underground.|Attack: Activate04:49=Sacrifice your health to resurrect your friends!|But beware that this also resurrects your foes.|Attack: Keep attack pressed to resurrect slowly|Up: Accelerate resurrection04:50=Is someone hiding underground?|Dig them out with a drill strike!|Timer controls how far it will dig.|Left/Right: Determine attack direction|1-5: Set timer|Cursor: Select target region04:51=Get in a free shot by hurling a ball of mud.|Deals no damage, but knocks hogs and|objects back.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power04:52=UNUSED04:53=Take a trip through time and space,|while leaving your comrades to fight on alone.|Be prepared to return at any time,|or for Sudden Death or if they are all defeated.|Disclaimer. Does not function in Sudden Death,|if you are alone, or if you are a King.|Attack: Activate04:54=Spray a stream of sticky flakes.|Build bridges, bury enemies, seal off tunnels.|Be careful you don't get any on you!|Attack: Activate/Deactivate|Up/Down: Continue aiming|Left/Right: Modify spitting power04:55=Bring back the ice-age!|Freeze hedgehogs, make the floor slippery or|save yourself from drowning by freezing the water.|Attack: Activate/Deactivate freezeray|Up/Down: Continue aiming04:56=You can throw two cleavers at your enemy, block|passages and tunnels and even use them for|climbing! Its damage increases with its speed.|But be careful! Playing with knives is dangerous.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power (twice)04:57=Build a VERY elastic rubber band, from which|hedgehogs and other things bounce off|without taking fall damage.|Left/Right: Change rubber band orientation|Cursor: Place rubber band in a valid position04:58=This proximity bomb will float freely in the air and follow|hedgehogs careless enouogh to come too close to it.|Its explosion is weaker than that of the land mine, however.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power04:59=Send those dirty hogs swimming! This cute little squeaky|rubber duck is able to swim on water and will go with the|wind once swimming. It explodes when it hits land, so|make sure to drop it from a cliff or another safe spot.|Attack: Drop the rubber duck; Game goal strings05:00=Game Modes05:01=The following rules apply:05:02=Place the King: Pick a protected starting point for your king05:03=Low Gravity: Watch your step!05:04=Invulnerability: Hogs are (almost) invulnerable05:05=Vampirism: Hogs will be healed for 80% of the damage dealt05:06=Karma: Hogs will be damaged for the damage dealt05:07=Protect the King: Don't let your king die!05:08=Place Hedgehogs: Place your hogs before the game starts05:09=Artillery: Hogs can't walk05:10=Indestructible Terrain: Most weapons won't destroy terrain05:11=Shared Ammo: All teams of the same color share their ammunition05:12=Mine Timers: Mines will detonate after %1 second(s)05:13=Mine Timers: Mines will detonate instantly05:14=Mine Timers: Mines will detonate after 0 - 5 seconds05:15=Damage Modifier: (Almost) all weapons will deal %1% damage05:16=Paramedics: Hogs are healed up to their initial health on end of turn05:17=AI Revival: AI hogs respawn on death05:18=Unlimited Attacks: Attacks don't end your turn05:19=Constant Weaponry: Weapons are reset on end of turn05:20=Per-hog Ammo: Weapons are not shared between hogs05:21=Tag Team: Teams in a clan takes successive turns|Shared Time: Teams within a clan share turn time05:22=Heavy Wind: Wind affects almost everything