(* * Hedgewars, a worms-like game * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *)unit uAIActions;interfaceuses uGears;{$INCLUDE options.inc}const MAXACTIONS = 96; aia_none = 0; aia_Left = 1; aia_Right = 2; aia_Timer = 3; aia_attack = 4; aia_Up = 5; aia_Down = 6; aia_Weapon = $8000; aia_WaitXL = $8001; aia_WaitXR = $8002; aia_LookLeft = $8003; aia_LookRight = $8004; aia_AwareExpl = $8005; aia_HJump = $8006; aia_LJump = $8007; aia_Skip = $8008; aia_Wait = $8009; aim_push = $8000; aim_release = $8001; ai_specmask = $8000;type TAction = record Action, Param: Longword; X, Y: integer; Time: Longword; end; TActions = record Count, Pos: Longword; actions: array[0..Pred(MAXACTIONS)] of TAction; Score: integer; end;procedure AddAction(var Actions: TActions; Action, Param, TimeDelta: Longword; const X: integer = 0; Y: integer = 0);procedure ProcessAction(var Actions: TActions; Me: PGear);implementationuses uMisc, uTeams, uConsts, uConsole, uAIMisc;const ActionIdToStr: array[0..6] of string[16] = ({aia_none} '',{aia_Left} 'left',{aia_Right} 'right',{aia_Timer} 'timer',{aia_attack} 'attack',{aia_Up} 'up',{aia_Down} 'down' );{$IFDEF TRACEAIACTIONS}const SpecActionIdToStr: array[$8000..$8009] of string[16] = ({aia_Weapon} 'aia_Weapon',{aia_WaitX} 'aia_WaitX',{aia_WaitY} 'aia_WaitY',{aia_LookLeft} 'aia_LookLeft',{aia_LookRight} 'aia_LookRight',{aia_AwareExpl} 'aia_AwareExpl',{aia_HJump} 'aia_HJump',{aia_LJump} 'aia_LJump',{aia_Skip} 'aia_Skip',{aia_Wait} 'aia_Wait');procedure DumpAction(Action: TAction; Me: PGear);beginif (Action.Action and ai_specmask) = 0 then WriteLnToConsole('AI action: '+ActionIdToStr[Action.Action])else begin WriteLnToConsole('AI action: '+SpecActionIdToStr[Action.Action]); if (Action.Action = aia_WaitXL) or (Action.Action = aia_WaitXR) then WriteLnToConsole('AI action Wait X = '+inttostr(Action.Param)+', current X = '+inttostr(round(Me.X))); endend;{$ENDIF}procedure AddAction(var Actions: TActions; Action, Param, TimeDelta: Longword; const X: integer = 0; Y: integer = 0);beginwith Actions do begin actions[Count].Action:= Action; actions[Count].Param:= Param; actions[Count].X:= X; actions[Count].Y:= Y; if Count > 0 then actions[Count].Time:= TimeDelta else actions[Count].Time:= GameTicks + TimeDelta; inc(Count); TryDo(Count < MAXACTIONS, 'AI: actions overflow', true); endend;procedure ProcessAction(var Actions: TActions; Me: PGear);var s: shortstring; procedure CheckHang; const PrevX: integer = 0; timedelta: Longword = 0; begin if Round(Me.X) <> PrevX then begin PrevX:= Round(Me.X); timedelta:= 0 end else begin inc(timedelta); if timedelta > 2500 then begin timedelta:= 0; Actions.Count:= 0 end end end;beginrepeatif Actions.Pos >= Actions.Count then exit;with Actions.actions[Actions.Pos] do begin if Time > GameTicks then exit; {$IFDEF TRACEAIACTIONS} DumpAction(Actions.actions[Actions.Pos], Me); {$ENDIF} if (Action and ai_specmask) <> 0 then case Action of aia_Weapon: SetWeapon(TAmmoType(Param)); aia_WaitXL: if round(Me.X) = Param then Time:= GameTicks else if Round(Me.X) < Param then begin OutError('AI: WaitXL assert'); Actions.Count:= 0 end else begin CheckHang; exit end; aia_WaitXR: if round(Me.X) = Param then Time:= GameTicks else if Round(Me.X) > Param then begin OutError('AI: WaitXR assert'); Actions.Count:= 0 end else begin CheckHang; exit end; aia_LookLeft: if Me.dX >= 0 then begin ParseCommand('+left'); exit end else ParseCommand('-left'); aia_LookRight: if Me.dX < 0 then begin ParseCommand('+right'); exit end else ParseCommand('-right'); aia_AwareExpl: AwareOfExplosion(X, Y, Param); aia_HJump: ParseCommand('hjump'); aia_LJump: ParseCommand('ljump'); aia_Skip: ParseCommand('skip'); end else begin s:= ActionIdToStr[Action]; if (Param and ai_specmask) <> 0 then case Param of aim_push: s:= '+' + s; aim_release: s:= '-' + s; end else if Param <> 0 then s:= s + ' ' + inttostr(Param); ParseCommand(s) end end;inc(Actions.Pos);if Actions.Pos <= Actions.Count then inc(Actions.actions[Actions.Pos].Time, GameTicks);until falseend;end.