author nemo
Mon, 12 Sep 2011 19:30:18 -0400
changeset 5883 a6d764786905
parent 3697 d5b30d6373fc
permissions -rw-r--r--
Disable GL SetAttributes for Windows due to many testers with problems. This restores .15 behaviour. If we can find willing testers, perhaps we can narrow down which attribute was the problem. Also reenable F12 bind for Windows.

/* This file is NOT open source. See "license.txt" to read the full license provided with the Xfire SDK. */

#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>

#include "xfiregameclient.h"

static HMODULE g_toucan_dll = NULL;
static void HelperInit();
static HMODULE HelperGetToucanDLL();

typedef int (*XfireSetCustomGameDataAFunction)(int , const char **, const char **);
typedef int (*XfireSetCustomGameDataWFunction)(int , const wchar_t **, const wchar_t **);
typedef int (*XfireSetCustomGameDataUTF8Function)(int , const char **, const char **);

static XfireSetCustomGameDataAFunction ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataA = NULL;
static XfireSetCustomGameDataWFunction ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataW = NULL;
static XfireSetCustomGameDataUTF8Function ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataUTF8 = NULL;

/* make sure we are going to call the ANSI version */

#ifdef Module32First
#undef Module32First

#ifdef Module32Next
#undef Module32Next

int XfireIsLoaded()
	if (ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataA &&
		ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataW &&
		return 1;
	return 0;

int XfireSetCustomGameDataA(int num_keys, const char **keys, const char **values)
	if (ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataA)
		return ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataA(num_keys, keys, values);
	return 1;

int XfireSetCustomGameDataW(int num_keys, const wchar_t **keys, const wchar_t **values)
	if (ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataW)
		return ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataW(num_keys, keys, values);
	return 1;

int XfireSetCustomGameDataUTF8(int num_keys, const char **keys, const char **values)
	if (ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataUTF8)
		return ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataUTF8(num_keys, keys, values);
	return 1;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void HelperInit()
	if (!ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataA ||
		!ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataW ||
		HMODULE toucan_dll = HelperGetToucanDLL();
		if (toucan_dll)
			ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataA = (XfireSetCustomGameDataAFunction)::GetProcAddress(toucan_dll, "ToucanSendGameClientDataA_V1");
			ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataW = (XfireSetCustomGameDataWFunction)::GetProcAddress(toucan_dll, "ToucanSendGameClientDataW_V1");
			ptr_XfireSetCustomGameDataUTF8 = (XfireSetCustomGameDataUTF8Function)::GetProcAddress(toucan_dll, "ToucanSendGameClientDataUTF8_V1");

static HMODULE HelperGetToucanDLL()
	if (g_toucan_dll)
		return g_toucan_dll;

	** We need to enumerate the DLLs loaded to find toucan dll.
	** This is done because the toucan dll changes with each update.
	** The toucan dll has the following format. "xfire_toucan_{BUILD_NUMBER}.dll"
	** We simply try to find a dll w/ the prefix "xfire_toucan"
	HANDLE snapshot_handle = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, GetCurrentProcessId());
	if (snapshot_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		MODULEENTRY32 module_entry;
		module_entry.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32);

		BOOL result = Module32First(snapshot_handle, &module_entry);
		char module_name[] = "xfire_toucan";
		DWORD module_name_len = sizeof(module_name)-1;
		while (result)
			if (CompareStringA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, module_entry.szModule, module_name_len, module_name, module_name_len) == CSTR_EQUAL)
				g_toucan_dll = module_entry.hModule;
			result = Module32Next(snapshot_handle, &module_entry);


	return g_toucan_dll;