author Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru>
Wed, 25 Oct 2017 23:09:41 +0200
changeset 12768 ad67a3804981
parent 12218 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix sometimes ammo schemes not being saved after changing before an ammo scheme got deleted in session This was because the bool isDeleting is not initialized, so its initial value is unpredictable. Which means there's chance it starts with true, confusing the frontend.

 * High-level PhysicsFS archiver for simple unpacked file formats.
 * This is a framework that basic archivers build on top of. It's for simple
 *  formats that can just hand back a list of files and the offsets of their
 *  uncompressed data. There are an alarming number of formats like this.
 * RULES: Archive entries must be uncompressed, must not have separate subdir
 *  entries (but can have subdirs), must be case insensitive LOW ASCII
 *  filenames <= 64 bytes. No symlinks, etc. We can relax some of these rules
 *  as necessary.
 * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory.
 *  This file written by Ryan C. Gordon.

#include "physfs_internal.h"

typedef struct
    PHYSFS_Io *io;
    PHYSFS_uint32 entryCount;
    UNPKentry *entries;
} UNPKinfo;

typedef struct
    PHYSFS_Io *io;
    UNPKentry *entry;
    PHYSFS_uint32 curPos;
} UNPKfileinfo;

void UNPK_closeArchive(void *opaque)
    UNPKinfo *info = ((UNPKinfo *) opaque);
} /* UNPK_closeArchive */

static PHYSFS_sint64 UNPK_read(PHYSFS_Io *io, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
    UNPKfileinfo *finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) io->opaque;
    const UNPKentry *entry = finfo->entry;
    const PHYSFS_uint64 bytesLeft = (PHYSFS_uint64)(entry->size-finfo->curPos);
    PHYSFS_sint64 rc;

    if (bytesLeft < len)
        len = bytesLeft;

    rc = finfo->io->read(finfo->io, buffer, len);
    if (rc > 0)
        finfo->curPos += (PHYSFS_uint32) rc;

    return rc;
} /* UNPK_read */

static PHYSFS_sint64 UNPK_write(PHYSFS_Io *io, const void *b, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
} /* UNPK_write */

static PHYSFS_sint64 UNPK_tell(PHYSFS_Io *io)
    return ((UNPKfileinfo *) io->opaque)->curPos;
} /* UNPK_tell */

static int UNPK_seek(PHYSFS_Io *io, PHYSFS_uint64 offset)
    UNPKfileinfo *finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) io->opaque;
    const UNPKentry *entry = finfo->entry;
    int rc;

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(offset >= entry->size, PHYSFS_ERR_PAST_EOF, 0);
    rc = finfo->io->seek(finfo->io, entry->startPos + offset);
    if (rc)
        finfo->curPos = (PHYSFS_uint32) offset;

    return rc;
} /* UNPK_seek */

static PHYSFS_sint64 UNPK_length(PHYSFS_Io *io)
    const UNPKfileinfo *finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) io->opaque;
    return ((PHYSFS_sint64) finfo->entry->size);
} /* UNPK_length */

static PHYSFS_Io *UNPK_duplicate(PHYSFS_Io *_io)
    UNPKfileinfo *origfinfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) _io->opaque;
    PHYSFS_Io *io = NULL;
    PHYSFS_Io *retval = (PHYSFS_Io *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (PHYSFS_Io));
    UNPKfileinfo *finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (UNPKfileinfo));
    GOTO_IF_MACRO(!retval, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, UNPK_duplicate_failed);
    GOTO_IF_MACRO(!finfo, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, UNPK_duplicate_failed);

    io = origfinfo->io->duplicate(origfinfo->io);
    if (!io) goto UNPK_duplicate_failed;
    finfo->io = io;
    finfo->entry = origfinfo->entry;
    finfo->curPos = 0;
    memcpy(retval, _io, sizeof (PHYSFS_Io));
    retval->opaque = finfo;
    return retval;

    if (finfo != NULL) allocator.Free(finfo);
    if (retval != NULL) allocator.Free(retval);
    if (io != NULL) io->destroy(io);
    return NULL;
} /* UNPK_duplicate */

static int UNPK_flush(PHYSFS_Io *io) { return 1;  /* no write support. */ }

static void UNPK_destroy(PHYSFS_Io *io)
    UNPKfileinfo *finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) io->opaque;
} /* UNPK_destroy */

static const PHYSFS_Io UNPK_Io =

static int entryCmp(void *_a, size_t one, size_t two)
    if (one != two)
        const UNPKentry *a = (const UNPKentry *) _a;
        return __PHYSFS_stricmpASCII(a[one].name, a[two].name);
    } /* if */

    return 0;
} /* entryCmp */

static void entrySwap(void *_a, size_t one, size_t two)
    if (one != two)
        UNPKentry tmp;
        UNPKentry *first = &(((UNPKentry *) _a)[one]);
        UNPKentry *second = &(((UNPKentry *) _a)[two]);
        memcpy(&tmp, first, sizeof (UNPKentry));
        memcpy(first, second, sizeof (UNPKentry));
        memcpy(second, &tmp, sizeof (UNPKentry));
    } /* if */
} /* entrySwap */

static PHYSFS_sint32 findStartOfDir(UNPKinfo *info, const char *path,
                                    int stop_on_first_find)
    PHYSFS_sint32 lo = 0;
    PHYSFS_sint32 hi = (PHYSFS_sint32) (info->entryCount - 1);
    PHYSFS_sint32 middle;
    PHYSFS_uint32 dlen = (PHYSFS_uint32) strlen(path);
    PHYSFS_sint32 retval = -1;
    const char *name;
    int rc;

    if (*path == '\0')  /* root dir? */
        return 0;

    if ((dlen > 0) && (path[dlen - 1] == '/')) /* ignore trailing slash. */

    while (lo <= hi)
        middle = lo + ((hi - lo) / 2);
        name = info->entries[middle].name;
        rc = __PHYSFS_strnicmpASCII(path, name, dlen);
        if (rc == 0)
            char ch = name[dlen];
            if (ch < '/') /* make sure this isn't just a substr match. */
                rc = -1;
            else if (ch > '/')
                rc = 1;
                if (stop_on_first_find) /* Just checking dir's existance? */
                    return middle;

                if (name[dlen + 1] == '\0') /* Skip initial dir entry. */
                    return (middle + 1);

                /* there might be more entries earlier in the list. */
                retval = middle;
                hi = middle - 1;
            } /* else */
        } /* if */

        if (rc > 0)
            lo = middle + 1;
            hi = middle - 1;
    } /* while */

    return retval;
} /* findStartOfDir */

 * Moved to seperate function so we can use alloca then immediately throw
 *  away the allocated stack space...
static void doEnumCallback(PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback cb, void *callbackdata,
                           const char *odir, const char *str, PHYSFS_sint32 ln)
    char *newstr = __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(ln + 1);
    if (newstr == NULL)

    memcpy(newstr, str, ln);
    newstr[ln] = '\0';
    cb(callbackdata, odir, newstr);
} /* doEnumCallback */

void UNPK_enumerateFiles(void *opaque, const char *dname,
                         PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback cb,
                         const char *origdir, void *callbackdata)
    UNPKinfo *info = ((UNPKinfo *) opaque);
    PHYSFS_sint32 dlen, dlen_inc, max, i;

    i = findStartOfDir(info, dname, 0);
    if (i == -1)  /* no such directory. */

    dlen = (PHYSFS_sint32) strlen(dname);
    if ((dlen > 0) && (dname[dlen - 1] == '/')) /* ignore trailing slash. */

    dlen_inc = ((dlen > 0) ? 1 : 0) + dlen;
    max = (PHYSFS_sint32) info->entryCount;
    while (i < max)
        char *add;
        char *ptr;
        PHYSFS_sint32 ln;
        char *e = info->entries[i].name;
        if ((dlen) &&
            ((__PHYSFS_strnicmpASCII(e, dname, dlen)) || (e[dlen] != '/')))
            break;  /* past end of this dir; we're done. */
        } /* if */

        add = e + dlen_inc;
        ptr = strchr(add, '/');
        ln = (PHYSFS_sint32) ((ptr) ? ptr-add : strlen(add));
        doEnumCallback(cb, callbackdata, origdir, add, ln);
        ln += dlen_inc;  /* point past entry to children... */

        /* increment counter and skip children of subdirs... */
        while ((++i < max) && (ptr != NULL))
            char *e_new = info->entries[i].name;
            if ((__PHYSFS_strnicmpASCII(e, e_new, ln) != 0) ||
                (e_new[ln] != '/'))
            } /* if */
        } /* while */
    } /* while */
} /* UNPK_enumerateFiles */

 * This will find the UNPKentry associated with a path in platform-independent
 *  notation. Directories don't have UNPKentries associated with them, but 
 *  (*isDir) will be set to non-zero if a dir was hit.
static UNPKentry *findEntry(const UNPKinfo *info, const char *path, int *isDir)
    UNPKentry *a = info->entries;
    PHYSFS_sint32 pathlen = (PHYSFS_sint32) strlen(path);
    PHYSFS_sint32 lo = 0;
    PHYSFS_sint32 hi = (PHYSFS_sint32) (info->entryCount - 1);
    PHYSFS_sint32 middle;
    const char *thispath = NULL;
    int rc;

    while (lo <= hi)
        middle = lo + ((hi - lo) / 2);
        thispath = a[middle].name;
        rc = __PHYSFS_strnicmpASCII(path, thispath, pathlen);

        if (rc > 0)
            lo = middle + 1;

        else if (rc < 0)
            hi = middle - 1;

        else /* substring match...might be dir or entry or nothing. */
            if (isDir != NULL)
                *isDir = (thispath[pathlen] == '/');
                if (*isDir)
                    return NULL;
            } /* if */

            if (thispath[pathlen] == '\0') /* found entry? */
                return &a[middle];
            /* adjust search params, try again. */
            else if (thispath[pathlen] > '/')
                hi = middle - 1;
                lo = middle + 1;
        } /* if */
    } /* while */

    if (isDir != NULL)
        *isDir = 0;

} /* findEntry */

PHYSFS_Io *UNPK_openRead(void *opaque, const char *name)
    PHYSFS_Io *retval = NULL;
    UNPKinfo *info = (UNPKinfo *) opaque;
    UNPKfileinfo *finfo = NULL;
    int isdir = 0;
    UNPKentry *entry = findEntry(info, name, &isdir);

    GOTO_IF_MACRO(isdir, PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_A_FILE, UNPK_openRead_failed);
    GOTO_IF_MACRO(!entry, ERRPASS, UNPK_openRead_failed);

    retval = (PHYSFS_Io *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (PHYSFS_Io));
    GOTO_IF_MACRO(!retval, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, UNPK_openRead_failed);

    finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (UNPKfileinfo));
    GOTO_IF_MACRO(!finfo, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, UNPK_openRead_failed);

    finfo->io = info->io->duplicate(info->io);
    GOTO_IF_MACRO(!finfo->io, ERRPASS, UNPK_openRead_failed);

    if (!finfo->io->seek(finfo->io, entry->startPos))
        goto UNPK_openRead_failed;

    finfo->curPos = 0;
    finfo->entry = entry;

    memcpy(retval, &UNPK_Io, sizeof (*retval));
    retval->opaque = finfo;
    return retval;

    if (finfo != NULL)
        if (finfo->io != NULL)
    } /* if */

    if (retval != NULL)

    return NULL;
} /* UNPK_openRead */

PHYSFS_Io *UNPK_openWrite(void *opaque, const char *name)
} /* UNPK_openWrite */

PHYSFS_Io *UNPK_openAppend(void *opaque, const char *name)
} /* UNPK_openAppend */

int UNPK_remove(void *opaque, const char *name)
} /* UNPK_remove */

int UNPK_mkdir(void *opaque, const char *name)
} /* UNPK_mkdir */

int UNPK_stat(void *opaque, const char *filename, PHYSFS_Stat *stat)
    int isDir = 0;
    const UNPKinfo *info = (const UNPKinfo *) opaque;
    const UNPKentry *entry = findEntry(info, filename, &isDir);

    if (isDir)
        stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_DIRECTORY;
        stat->filesize = 0;
    } /* if */
    else if (entry != NULL)
        stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR;
        stat->filesize = entry->size;
    } /* else if */
        return 0;
    } /* else */

    stat->modtime = -1;
    stat->createtime = -1;
    stat->accesstime = -1;
    stat->readonly = 1;

    return 1;
} /* UNPK_stat */

void *UNPK_openArchive(PHYSFS_Io *io, UNPKentry *e, const PHYSFS_uint32 num)
    UNPKinfo *info = (UNPKinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (UNPKinfo));
    if (info == NULL)
    } /* if */

    __PHYSFS_sort(e, (size_t) num, entryCmp, entrySwap);
    info->io = io;
    info->entryCount = num;
    info->entries = e;

    return info;
} /* UNPK_openArchive */

/* end of archiver_unpacked.c ... */