author Wuzzy <>
Wed, 25 Oct 2017 23:09:41 +0200
changeset 12768 ad67a3804981
parent 10075 dbaf90a0fbe0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix sometimes ammo schemes not being saved after changing before an ammo scheme got deleted in session This was because the bool isDeleting is not initialized, so its initial value is unpredictable. Which means there's chance it starts with true, confusing the frontend.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Confuse where

import Numeric
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.Map as Map

hx :: [Char] -> String
hx cs = let ch = (chr . fst . last . readHex $ cs) in
            case ch of
                 '\'' -> "''"
                 '\\' -> "\\\\"
                 c -> c : []

conv :: String -> B.ByteString
conv s = B.concat ["('", UTF8.fromString i, "', '", UTF8.fromString r, "')"]
        i :: String
        i = hx s
        r :: String
        r = concatMap hx . words . takeWhile ((/=) ';') . tail $ dropWhile ((/=) '\t') s

convRules :: (B.ByteString, [B.ByteString]) -> B.ByteString
convRules (a, b) = B.concat ["<reset>", u a, "</reset>\n<s>", B.concat $ map u b, "</s>"]
        u a = B.concat ["\\","u",a]

toPair :: String -> (B.ByteString, [B.ByteString])
toPair s = (UTF8.fromString $ takeWhile isHexDigit s, map UTF8.fromString . words . takeWhile ((/=) ';') . tail $ dropWhile ((/=) '\t') s)

main = do
    ll <- liftM (filter (isHexDigit . head) . filter (not . null) . lines) $ readFile "confusables.txt"
    B.writeFile "rules.txt" . B.intercalate "\n" . map convRules . Map.toList . Map.fromList . filter notTooLong . filter fits16bit . map toPair $ ll
        notTooLong = (>) 6 . length . snd
        fits16bit (a, b) = let f = (>) 5 . B.length in all f $ a:b