TechRacer: Fix gears not spawning on turn start when player pressed control right at start
The activationStage was horribly programmed and heavily relied on timer. There was a sweet spot
at turn start that if you managed to push a key right at the start of turn, you skip the Ready
phase and the activationStage would advance, causing the gear spawning code to be skipped.
This fix greatly simplies the spawning phase.
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @file
* @brief AbstractPage class definition
#include <QWidget>
#include <qpushbuttonwithsound.h>
#include <QFont>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QSignalMapper>
class QPushButtonWithSound;
class QGroupBox;
class QComboBox;
class QLabel;
class QToolBox;
class QLineEdit;
class QListWidget;
class QCheckBox;
class QSpinBox;
class QTextEdit;
class QRadioButton;
class QTableView;
class QTextBrowser;
class QTableWidget;
class QAction;
class QDataWidgetMapper;
class QAbstractItemModel;
class QSettings;
class QSlider;
class QGridlayout;
class AbstractPage : public QWidget
* @brief Changes the desc text (should not be called manualy)
* @param desc the description of the widget focused
void setButtonDescription(QString desc);
* @brief Changes the desc defaut text
* @param text the defaut desc
void setDefaultDescription(QString text);
* @brief Get the desc defaut text
QString * getDefaultDescription();
* @brief This signal is emitted when going back to the previous is
* requested - e.g. when the back-button is clicked.
void goBack();
* @brief This signal is emitted when the page is displayed
void pageEnter();
* @brief This signal is emitted when this page is left
void pageLeave();
public slots:
* @brief This slot is called to trigger this page's pageEnter signal
void triggerPageEnter();
* @brief This slot is called to trigger this page's pageLeave signal
void triggerPageLeave();
* @brief Class constructor
* @param parent parent widget.
AbstractPage(QWidget * parent = 0);
/// Class Destructor
virtual ~AbstractPage() {};
/// Call this in the constructor of your subclass.
void initPage();
* @brief Used during page construction.
* You MUST implement this method in your subclass.
* Use it to define the main layout (no behavior) of the page.
virtual QLayout * bodyLayoutDefinition() = 0;
* @brief Used during page construction.
* You can implement this method in your subclass.
* Use it to define layout (not behavior) of the page's footer.
virtual QLayout * footerLayoutDefinition()
return NULL;
* @brief Used during page construction.
* You can implement this method in your subclass.
* Use it to define layout (not behavior) of the page's footer to the left of the help text.
virtual QLayout * footerLayoutLeftDefinition()
return NULL;
* @brief Used during page construction.
* You can implement this method in your subclass.
* This is a good place to connect signals within your page in order
* to get the desired page behavior.<br />
* Keep in mind not to expose twidgets as public!
* instead define a signal with a meaningful name and connect the widget
* signals to your page signals
virtual void connectSignals() {};
* @brief Creates a default formatted button for this page.
* @param name name of the button - used as its text if not hasIcon.
* @param hasIcon set to true if this is a picture button.
* @return the button.
QPushButtonWithSound * formattedButton(const QString & name, bool hasIcon = false);
QPushButton * formattedSoundlessButton(const QString & name, bool hasIcon = false);
* @brief Creates a default formatted button and adds it to a
* grid layout at the location specified.
* @param name label or path to icon of the button (depends on hasIcon)
* @param grid pointer of the grid layout in which to insert the button.
* @param row layout row index in which to insert the button.
* @param column layout column index in which to insert the button.
* @param rowSpan how many layout rows the button will span.
* @param columnSpan how many layout columns the button will span.
* @param hasIcon set to true if this is a picture button.
* @param alignment alignment of the button in the layout.
* @return the button.
QPushButtonWithSound * addButton(const QString & name, QGridLayout * grid, int row, int column, int rowSpan = 1, int columnSpan = 1, bool hasIcon = false, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0);
QPushButton * addSoundlessButton(const QString & name, QGridLayout * grid, int row, int column, int rowSpan = 1, int columnSpan = 1, bool hasIcon = false, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0);
* @brief Creates a default formatted button and adds it to a
* grid layout at the location specified.
* @param name label or path to icon of the button (depends on hasIcon)
* @param box pointer of the box layout in which to insert the button.
* @param where layout ndex in which to insert the button.
* @param hasIcon set to true if this is a picture button.
* @param alignment alignment of the button in the layout.
* @return the button.
QPushButtonWithSound * addButton(const QString & name, QBoxLayout * box, int where, bool hasIcon = false, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0);
QPushButton* addSoundlessButton(const QString & name, QBoxLayout * box, int where, bool hasIcon = false, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0);
* @brief Changes visibility of the back-button.
* @param visible set to true if the button should be visible.
void setBackButtonVisible(bool visible = true);
QFont * font14; ///< used font
QLabel * descLabel; ///< text description
QString * defautDesc;
QPushButtonWithSound * btnBack; ///< back button