author unc0rr
Mon, 08 Sep 2008 18:30:16 +0000
changeset 1249 b6670a6ea2d0
parent 1083 3448dd03483f
child 1302 4290ba4a14ca
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove 25pix margin on every page, so exit button is almost in the same place on all pages

module HWProto where

import IO
import Data.List
import Data.Word
import Miscutils
import Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)

-- Main state-independent cmd handler
handleCmd :: CmdHandler
handleCmd client _ rooms ("QUIT":xs) =
	if null (room client) then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["QUIT"])
	else if isMaster client then
		(noChangeClients, removeRoom (room client), sameRoom, ["ROOMABANDONED"]) -- core disconnects clients on ROOMABANDONED command
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, sameRoom, ["QUIT", nick client])

-- check state and call state-dependent commmand handlers
handleCmd client clients rooms cmd =
	if null (nick client) || protocol client == 0 then
		handleCmd_noInfo client clients rooms cmd
	else if null (room client) then
		handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms cmd
		handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms cmd

-- 'no info' state - need to get protocol number and nickname
handleCmd_noInfo :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_noInfo client clients _ ["NICK", newNick] =
	if not . null $ nick client then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["ERROR", "The nick already chosen"])
	else if haveSameNick then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["WARNING", "Choose another nick"])
		(modifyClient client{nick = newNick}, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["NICK", newNick])
		haveSameNick = not . null $ filter (\cl -> newNick == nick cl) clients

handleCmd_noInfo client _ _ ["PROTO", protoNum] =
	if protocol client > 0 then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["ERROR", "Protocol number already known"])
	else if parsedProto == 0 then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["ERROR", "Bad input"])
		(modifyClient client{protocol = parsedProto}, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["PROTO", show parsedProto])
		parsedProto = fromMaybe 0 (maybeRead protoNum :: Maybe Word16)

handleCmd_noInfo _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, badCmd)

-- 'noRoom' clients state command handlers
handleCmd_noRoom :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_noRoom client _ rooms ["LIST"] =
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["ROOMS"] ++ map name rooms)

handleCmd_noRoom client _ rooms ["CREATE", newRoom, roomPassword] =
	if haveSameRoom then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["WARNING", "There's already a room with that name"])
		(modifyClient client{room = newRoom, isMaster = True}, addRoom (RoomInfo newRoom roomPassword []), clientOnly, ["JOINED", nick client])
		haveSameRoom = not . null $ filter (\room -> newRoom == name room) rooms

handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["CREATE", newRoom] =
	handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["CREATE", newRoom, ""]
handleCmd_noRoom client _ rooms ["JOIN", roomName, roomPassword] =
	if noSuchRoom then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["WARNING", "There's no room with that name"])
	else if roomPassword /= password (roomByName roomName rooms) then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, ["WARNING", "Wrong password"])
		(modifyClient client{room = roomName}, noChangeRooms, fromRoom roomName, ["JOINED", nick client])
		noSuchRoom = null $ filter (\room -> roomName == name room) rooms

handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName] =
	handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName, ""]

handleCmd_noRoom _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, badCmd)

-- 'inRoom' clients state command handlers
handleCmd_inRoom :: CmdHandler

handleCmd_inRoom client _ _ ["CHAT_STRING", _, msg] = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, othersInRoom, ["CHAT_STRING", nick client, msg])

handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ["CONFIG_PARAM", paramName, value] =
	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, othersInRoom, ["CONFIG_PARAM", paramName, value])

handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ["CONFIG_PARAM", paramName, value1, value2] =
	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, othersInRoom, ["CONFIG_PARAM", paramName, value1, value2])

handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ["ADDTEAM:", teamName, teamColor, graveName, fortName, teamLevel, hh0, hh1, hh2, hh3, hh4, hh5, hh6, hh7] =
	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, othersInRoom, ["TEAM_ACCEPTED", "1", teamName])

handleCmd_inRoom _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, clientOnly, badCmd)