author sheepluva
Thu, 23 Jan 2014 13:56:53 +0100
changeset 10061 b7161f00a6ca
parent 10058 4ed428389c4e
child 10065 35bd559c1973
permissions -rw-r--r--
hide complete IP of other users, when non-admin requests player info. showing the first two parts of the IP was kinda pointless to begin with (what for?) and has recently lead to increased abuse and lobby flooding due to bots collecting/posting IP tracking information

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module CoreTypes where

import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time
import Network
import Data.Function
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Unique
import Control.Exception
import Data.Typeable
import Data.TConfig
import Control.DeepSeq
import RoomsAndClients

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 706
instance NFData B.ByteString

instance NFData (Chan a)

instance NFData Action where
    rnf (AnswerClients chans msg) = chans `deepseq` msg `deepseq` ()
    rnf a = a `seq` ()

data Action =
    AnswerClients ![ClientChan] ![B.ByteString]
    | SendServerMessage
    | SendServerVars
    | MoveToRoom RoomIndex
    | MoveToLobby B.ByteString
    | RemoveTeam B.ByteString
    | SendTeamRemovalMessage B.ByteString
    | RemoveRoom
    | FinishGame
    | UnreadyRoomClients
    | JoinLobby
    | ProtocolError B.ByteString
    | Warning B.ByteString
    | NoticeMessage Notice
    | ByeClient B.ByteString
    | KickClient ClientIndex
    | KickRoomClient ClientIndex
    | BanClient NominalDiffTime B.ByteString ClientIndex
    | BanIP B.ByteString NominalDiffTime B.ByteString
    | BanNick B.ByteString NominalDiffTime B.ByteString
    | BanList
    | Unban B.ByteString
    | ChangeMaster (Maybe ClientIndex)
    | RemoveClientTeams
    | ModifyClient (ClientInfo -> ClientInfo)
    | ModifyClient2 ClientIndex (ClientInfo -> ClientInfo)
    | ModifyRoomClients (ClientInfo -> ClientInfo)
    | ModifyRoom (RoomInfo -> RoomInfo)
    | ModifyServerInfo (ServerInfo -> ServerInfo)
    | AddRoom B.ByteString B.ByteString
    | SendUpdateOnThisRoom
    | CheckRegistered
    | ClearAccountsCache
    | ProcessAccountInfo AccountInfo
    | AddClient ClientInfo
    | DeleteClient ClientIndex
    | PingAll
    | StatsAction
    | RestartServer
    | AddNick2Bans B.ByteString B.ByteString UTCTime
    | AddIP2Bans B.ByteString B.ByteString UTCTime
    | CheckBanned Bool
    | SaveReplay
    | Stats
    | CheckRecord
    | CheckFailed B.ByteString
    | CheckSuccess [B.ByteString]
    | Random [ClientChan] [B.ByteString]
    | QueryReplay B.ByteString
    | ShowReplay B.ByteString
    | Cleanup

type ClientChan = Chan [B.ByteString]

data CheckInfo =
        recordFileName :: String,
        recordTeams :: [TeamInfo]

data ClientInfo =
        clUID :: Unique,
        sendChan :: ClientChan,
        clientSocket :: Socket,
        host :: B.ByteString,
        connectTime :: UTCTime,
        nick :: B.ByteString,
        webPassword :: B.ByteString,
        logonPassed :: Bool,
        isVisible :: Bool,
        clientProto :: !Word16,
        pingsQueue :: !Word,
        isMaster :: Bool,
        isReady :: !Bool,
        isInGame :: Bool,
        isAdministrator :: Bool,
        isChecker :: Bool,
        isContributor :: Bool,
        isKickedFromServer :: Bool,
        isJoinedMidGame :: Bool,
        clientClan :: !(Maybe B.ByteString),
        checkInfo :: Maybe CheckInfo,
        teamsInGame :: Word

instance Eq ClientInfo where
    (==) = (==) `on` clientSocket

data HedgehogInfo =
    HedgehogInfo B.ByteString B.ByteString
    deriving (Show, Read)

data TeamInfo =
        teamownerId :: ClientIndex,
        teamowner :: B.ByteString,
        teamname :: B.ByteString,
        teamcolor :: B.ByteString,
        teamgrave :: B.ByteString,
        teamfort :: B.ByteString,
        teamvoicepack :: B.ByteString,
        teamflag :: B.ByteString,
        difficulty :: Int,
        hhnum :: Int,
        hedgehogs :: [HedgehogInfo]
    deriving (Show, Read)

instance Eq TeamInfo where
    (==) = (==) `on` teamname

data GameInfo =
        roundMsgs :: [B.ByteString],
        lastFilteredTimedMsg :: Maybe B.ByteString,
        leftTeams :: [B.ByteString],
        teamsAtStart :: [TeamInfo],
        teamsInGameNumber :: Int,
        allPlayersHaveRegisteredAccounts :: !Bool,
        giMapParams :: Map.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString,
        giParams :: Map.Map B.ByteString [B.ByteString]
    } deriving (Show, Read)

newGameInfo :: [TeamInfo]
                -> Int
                -> Bool
                -> Map.Map ByteString ByteString
                -> Map.Map ByteString [ByteString]
                -> GameInfo
newGameInfo =

data RoomInfo =
        masterID :: Maybe ClientIndex,
        name :: B.ByteString,
        password :: B.ByteString,
        roomProto :: Word16,
        teams :: [TeamInfo],
        gameInfo :: Maybe GameInfo,
        playersIn :: !Int,
        readyPlayers :: !Int,
        isRestrictedJoins :: Bool,
        isRestrictedTeams :: Bool,
        isRegisteredOnly :: Bool,
        isSpecial :: Bool,
        greeting :: B.ByteString,
        voting :: Maybe Voting,
        roomBansList :: ![B.ByteString],
        mapParams :: Map.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString,
        params :: Map.Map B.ByteString [B.ByteString]

newRoom :: RoomInfo
newRoom =
            Map.fromList $
                ["MAP", "MAPGEN", "MAZE_SIZE", "SEED", "TEMPLATE"]
                ["+rnd+", "0", "0", "seed", "0"]
            Map.fromList $
                ["SCHEME", "SCRIPT", "THEME", "MAZE_SIZE", "DRAWNMAP"]
                [["Default"], ["Normal"], ["Theme"], ["0"], ["-"]]

data StatisticsInfo =
        playersNumber :: Int,
        roomsNumber :: Int

data ServerInfo =
        isDedicated :: Bool,
        serverMessage :: B.ByteString,
        serverMessageForOldVersions :: B.ByteString,
        latestReleaseVersion :: Word16,
        earliestCompatibleVersion :: Word16,
        listenPort :: PortNumber,
        dbHost :: B.ByteString,
        dbName :: B.ByteString,
        dbLogin :: B.ByteString,
        dbPassword :: B.ByteString,
        bans :: [BanInfo],
        shutdownPending :: Bool,
        runArgs :: [String],
        coreChan :: Chan CoreMessage,
        dbQueries :: Chan DBQuery,
        serverSocket :: Maybe Socket,
        serverConfig :: Maybe Conf

newServerInfo :: Chan CoreMessage -> Chan DBQuery -> Maybe Socket -> Maybe Conf -> ServerInfo
newServerInfo =
        "<h2><p align=center><a href=\"\"></a></p></h2>"
        "<font color=yellow><h3 align=center>Hedgewars 0.9.19 is out! Please update.</h3><p align=center><a href=>Download page here</a></font>"
        47 -- latestReleaseVersion
        41 -- earliestCompatibleVersion

data Voting = Voting {
        voteTTL :: Int,
        entitledToVote :: [Unique],
        votes :: [(Unique, Bool)],
        voteType :: VoteType

data VoteType = VoteKick B.ByteString

newVoting :: VoteType -> Voting
newVoting = Voting 2 [] []

data AccountInfo =
    HasAccount B.ByteString Bool Bool
    | Guest
    | Admin
    | ReplayName B.ByteString
    deriving (Show, Read)

data DBQuery =
    CheckAccount ClientIndex Int B.ByteString B.ByteString
    | ClearCache
    | SendStats Int Int
    | StoreAchievements Word16 B.ByteString [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] [B.ByteString]
    | GetReplayName ClientIndex Int B.ByteString
    deriving (Show, Read)

data CoreMessage =
    Accept ClientInfo
    | ClientMessage (ClientIndex, [B.ByteString])
    | ClientAccountInfo ClientIndex Int AccountInfo
    | TimerAction Int
    | Remove ClientIndex

type MRnC = MRoomsAndClients RoomInfo ClientInfo
type IRnC = IRoomsAndClients RoomInfo ClientInfo

data Notice =
    | AdminLeft
    | WrongPassword
    deriving Enum

data ShutdownException =
     deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception ShutdownException

data ShutdownThreadException = ShutdownThreadException String
     deriving Typeable

instance Show ShutdownThreadException where
    show (ShutdownThreadException s) = s
instance Exception ShutdownThreadException

data BanInfo =
    BanByIP B.ByteString B.ByteString UTCTime
    | BanByNick B.ByteString B.ByteString UTCTime
    deriving (Show, Read)