author sheepluva
Thu, 23 Jan 2014 13:56:53 +0100
changeset 10061 b7161f00a6ca
parent 10005 800d1bd9021a
child 10090 a471a7bbc339
permissions -rw-r--r--
hide complete IP of other users, when non-admin requests player info. showing the first two parts of the IP was kinda pointless to begin with (what for?) and has recently lead to increased abuse and lobby flooding due to bots collecting/posting IP tracking information

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module JoinsMonitor(
    , newJoinMonitor
    , cleanup
    , joinsSentry
    ) where

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad

newtype JoinsMonitor = JoinsMonitor (IORef (Map.Map B.ByteString [UTCTime]))

newJoinMonitor :: IO JoinsMonitor
newJoinMonitor = do
    ioref <- newIORef Map.empty
    return (JoinsMonitor ioref)

cleanup :: JoinsMonitor -> UTCTime -> IO ()
cleanup (JoinsMonitor ref) time = modifyIORef ref f
        f = Map.mapMaybe (\v -> let v' = takeWhile (\t -> diffUTCTime time t < 60*60) v in if null v' then Nothing else Just v')

joinsSentry :: JoinsMonitor -> B.ByteString -> UTCTime -> IO Bool
joinsSentry (JoinsMonitor ref) host time = do
    m <- readIORef ref
    let lastJoins = map (diffUTCTime time) $ Map.findWithDefault [] host m
    let last30sec = length $ takeWhile (< 30) lastJoins
    let last2min = length $ takeWhile (< 120) lastJoins
    let last10min = length $ takeWhile (< 600) lastJoins
    let pass = last30sec < 2 && last2min < 4 && last10min < 6

    when pass $ writeIORef ref $ Map.alter (Just . (:) time . fromMaybe []) host m

    return pass