Make lowest line of Splash image frames transparent to work around scaling issues
The Splash image is scaled. Sometimes, the lowest line is repeated on the top, which caused some weird lines to appear above big splashes (e.g. piano).
This has been done fully automated with a script. Only the alpha channel was changed. The color information is preserved.
#!/bin/sh#HW_HG=if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo 'You have to supply at least one hedgewars git revision as parameter!' >&2 exitfiif [ -z "$HW_HG" ]; then HW_HG="$PWD"fiif [ ! -d "$HW_HG/.hg" ]; then echo 'You have to set HW_HG (inside script or env) to a repo clone OR call this script from inside the repository!' >&2 exitfiwhile [ ! -z "$1" ]; do echo echo echo '---------------------------------------------------------------' echo "$1" echo '---------------------------------------------------------------' url="$1" echo "Checking $url ..." echo page=$(wget -q -O- "$url") author=$(echo "$page" | sed -rn '1,/"user-mention"/{s/^.*"user-mention"( *[^>]*)?> *([^ <]*).*$/\2/ p}') if [ -z "$author" ]; then echo 'Couldn'\''t find author! Skipping '"$1"' ...' >&2 shift continue fi echo 'Found author: '"$author" date=$(echo "$page" | sed -rn 's/^.*<time datetime="([^T]+)T([^Z]+).*/\1 \2 +0000/ p') if [ -z "$date" ]; then echo 'Couldn'\''t find date! Skipping '"$1"' ...' >&2 shift continue fi echo 'Found date: '"$date" echo echo 'Checking mercurial log for matches ...' echo result=$(hg log -R "$HW_HG" -u "$author" -d "$date" -v -l1) if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo 'No match with this author'\''s name. It might differ, so let'\''s try using date only ...' echo result=$(hg log -R "$HW_HG" -d "$date" -v) fi if [ -z "$result" ]; then echo 'No match :(' shift continue fi rev=$(echo "$result" | sed 's/^.*://;q') echo 'Found match: r'"$rev" echo 'Link:'"$rev" echo echo "$result" # proceed to next parameter shiftdoneecho