author Xeli
Fri, 16 Sep 2011 20:39:14 +0200
changeset 5938 c186c454779d
parent 4995 d3ca68e4860e
permissions -rw-r--r--
isOnCurrentHog and isOnCrosshair now look at the distance relative to the screen rather than world coords, this means that zooming out doesn't make it harder to touch the hog or crosshair

-- Module      : Data.TConfig
-- Copyright   : (c) Anthony Simpson 2009
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  :
-- Stability   : relatively stable
-- Portability : portable
  A small and simple text file configuration
  library written in Haskell. It is similar
  to the INI file format, but lacks a few of
  it's features, such as sections. It is
  suitable for simple games that need to
  keep track of certain information between
module Data.TConfig
   , repConfig
   , readConfig
   , writeConfig
   , remKey
   , addKey
   , Conf ()
   ) where

import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad

type Key   = String
type Value = String
type Conf  = M.Map Key Value

-- |Adds a key and value to the end of the configuration.
addKey :: Key -> Value -> Conf -> Conf
addKey = M.insert

-- |Utility function.
-- Removes a key and its value from the configuration.
remKey :: Key -> Conf -> Conf
remKey = M.delete

-- |Utility function. Searches a configuration for a
-- key, and returns its value.
getValue :: Key -> Conf -> Maybe Value
getValue = M.lookup

-- |Utility function. Replaces the value
-- associated with a key in a configuration.
repConfig :: Key -> Value -> Conf -> Conf
repConfig k rv conf = let f _ = Just rv
                      in M.alter f k conf

-- |Reads a file and parses to a Map String String.
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO Conf
readConfig path = liftM (M.fromList . map ((\(a, b) -> (filter (not . isSpace) a, dropWhile isSpace $ tail b)) . break (== '=')) . filter (not . null) . lines) $ readFile path

-- |Parses a parsed configuration back to a file.
writeConfig :: FilePath -> Conf -> IO ()
writeConfig path = writeFile path . unlines . map (\(a, b) -> a ++ " = " ++ b) . M.toList