author Wuzzy <>
Fri, 22 Sep 2017 18:46:28 +0200
changeset 12493 c19e5ece5b3f
parent 12391 e4f8bf43224d
child 12892 62f7d28e93e3
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix rotatemask (hedgehog info) key toggling team bars instead of changing hedgehog tags Pressing rotatemask toggled the team bars, but it was clearly indicatd otherwise in the controls menu. To change hog tags, you must have pressed rotatemask+precise which is not what users expect. New behaviour: - rotatemask changes hog tags - rotatemask+precise toggles team bars

# check for a well known-framework
execute_process(COMMAND stat ${frameworks_dir}/QtCore.framework RESULT_VARIABLE doBundle OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_QUIET)
# prepare Frameworks directory
execute_process(COMMAND mkdir -p ${frameworks_dir})
# macdeployqt will convert safely any absolute path library for 'hedgewars'
execute_process(COMMAND ${macdeployqt_executable} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_QUIET)

if(doBundle EQUAL 1)
        # but macdeployqt will not work for 'hwengine'
        # luckily most the dylibs are already updated before
        execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool -change ${LIBAVCODEC_LIBRARY} @executable_path/../Frameworks/libavcodec.dylib ${engine_full_path})
        execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool -change ${LIBAVFORMAT_LIBRARY} @executable_path/../Frameworks/libavformat.dylib ${engine_full_path})
        execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool -change ${LIBAVUTIL_LIBRARY} @executable_path/../Frameworks/libavutil.dylib ${engine_full_path})

    if(NOT ${NOPNG})
        # same here, for libpng and hwengine, let's assume the version pulled
        # by macdeployqt matches (yes, libpng is pulled in by macdeployqt even
        # when NOVIDEOREC is ON)
        execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool -change ${PNG_LIBRARY} @executable_path/../Frameworks/${PNG_LIBNAME} ${engine_full_path})
        execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool -change ${ZLIB_LIBRARY} @executable_path/../Frameworks/${ZLIB_LIBNAME} ${engine_full_path})

    execute_process(COMMAND cp ${PNG_LIBRARY} ${frameworks_dir})

    execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${sdl_library_only}  ${frameworks_dir})
    execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${SDL2_IMAGE_LIBRARIES} ${frameworks_dir})
    execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${SDL2_NET_LIBRARIES}   ${frameworks_dir})
    execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${SDL2_TTF_LIBRARIES}   ${frameworks_dir})
    execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${SDL2_MIXER_LIBRARIES} ${frameworks_dir})
    execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${OGG_LIBRARY}       ${frameworks_dir})
    execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${VORBIS_LIBRARY}    ${frameworks_dir})

        execute_process(COMMAND cp -pPR ${SPARKLE_LIBRARY} ${frameworks_dir})
    message(STATUS "Frameworks and libraries successfully copied...")
    message(STATUS "Frameworks already present, skipping...")