disabling the discovery of SDL13+ on desktop. SDL13 has become SDL2 with a completely different ABI and will require a new FindSDL2 module for Cmake to be found; for current sdl development installations, hedgewars will either use the compatibility layer (present in sdl1.3 but not in sdl2) or just fail to build (in case sdl2 is installed but sdl1.2.* is not). whew
module ServerState
module RoomsAndClients,
) where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Set as Set(Set)
import Data.Word
import RoomsAndClients
import CoreTypes
data ServerState = ServerState {
clientIndex :: !(Maybe ClientIndex),
serverInfo :: !ServerInfo,
removedClients :: !(Set.Set ClientIndex),
roomsClients :: !MRnC
clientRoomA :: StateT ServerState IO RoomIndex
clientRoomA = do
(Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
rnc <- gets roomsClients
io $ clientRoomM rnc ci
client's :: (ClientInfo -> a) -> StateT ServerState IO a
client's f = do
(Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
rnc <- gets roomsClients
io $ client'sM rnc f ci
allClientsS :: StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
allClientsS = gets roomsClients >>= liftIO . clientsM
roomClientsS :: RoomIndex -> StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
roomClientsS ri = do
rnc <- gets roomsClients
io $ roomClientsM rnc ri
sameProtoClientsS :: Word16 -> StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
sameProtoClientsS p = liftM f allClientsS
f = filter (\c -> clientProto c == p)
io :: IO a -> StateT ServerState IO a
io = liftIO