author unc0rr
Fri, 05 Jan 2018 21:43:33 +0100
changeset 12882 c9418f57fcbc
parent 11459 3c5d99013baf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Comment out functions that don't need to be called for engine in frontend window

import QtQuick 2.0
import Hedgewars.Engine 1.0

Rectangle {
    ListView {
        id: roomsList
        anchors.top: parent.top
        anchors.left: parent.left
        anchors.right: parent.right
        anchors.bottom: lobbyChat.top
        focus: true
        clip: true

        model: ListModel {
            id: roomsListModel

        delegate: Rectangle {
            id: roomDelegate
            height: 24
            width: parent.width
            color: "transparent"

            Row {
                spacing: 8;
                Text {
                    text: name
                Text {
                    text: players + " / " + teams
                Text {
                    text: host
                Text {
                    text: map
                Text {
                    text: script
                Text {
                    text: scheme
                Text {
                    text: weapons

            MouseArea {
                 z: 1
                 anchors.fill: parent
                 onDoubleClicked: HWEngine.joinRoom(name);

        Connections {
            target: HWEngine
            onRoomAdded: roomsListModel.append({
                               "name" : name
                               , "players": players
                               , "teams": teams
                               , "host": host
                               , "map": map
                               , "script": script
                               , "scheme": scheme
                               , "weapons": weapons
            onRoomUpdated: {
                var i = roomsListModel.count - 1;
                while ((i >= 0) && (roomsListModel.get(i).name !== name)) --i

                if(i >= 0) {
                    roomsListModel.set(i, {
                                           "name" : newName
                                           , "players": players
                                           , "teams": teams
                                           , "host": host
                                           , "map": map
                                           , "script": script
                                           , "scheme": scheme
                                           , "weapons": weapons
            onRoomRemoved: {
                var i = roomsListModel.count - 1;
                while ((i >= 0) && (roomsListModel.get(i).name !== name)) --i

                if(i >= 0) roomsListModel.remove(i, 1)

    Chat {
        id: lobbyChat;
        height: 300
        anchors.top: undefined
        anchors.left: parent.left
        anchors.right: parent.right
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

        Connections {
            target: HWEngine
            onNetConnected: lobbyChat.clear()
            onLobbyChatLine: lobbyChat.addChatLine(nickname, line)
            onLobbyClientAdded: lobbyChat.addClient(clientName)
            onLobbyClientRemoved: lobbyChat.removeClient(clientName, reason)