Double sniper rifle damage (AI seems unaware of second shot, when playing). Spread out flakes along X when looping and add a little Y variation. This avoids noticeable patterns. Especially on the rarer close layer or dense flakes like rain (for Y)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings, Rank2Types #-}
module ClientIO where
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent
import Network
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import CoreTypes
import RoomsAndClients
pDelim :: B.ByteString
pDelim = "\n\n"
bs2Packets :: B.ByteString -> ([[B.ByteString]], B.ByteString)
bs2Packets = runState takePacks
takePacks :: State B.ByteString [[B.ByteString]]
= do modify (until (not . B.isPrefixOf pDelim) (B.drop 2))
packet <- state $ B.breakSubstring pDelim
buf <- get
if B.null buf then put packet >> return [] else
if B.null packet then return [] else
do packets <- takePacks
return (B.splitWith (== '\n') packet : packets)
listenLoop :: Socket -> Chan CoreMessage -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
listenLoop sock chan ci = recieveWithBufferLoop B.empty
recieveWithBufferLoop recvBuf = do
recvBS <- recv sock 4096
unless (B.null recvBS) $ do
let (packets, newrecvBuf) = bs2Packets $ B.append recvBuf recvBS
forM_ packets sendPacket
recieveWithBufferLoop newrecvBuf
sendPacket packet = writeChan chan $ ClientMessage (ci, packet)
clientRecvLoop :: Socket -> Chan CoreMessage -> Chan [B.ByteString] -> ClientIndex -> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()
clientRecvLoop s chan clChan ci restore =
myThreadId >>=
\t -> (restore $ forkIO (clientSendLoop s t clChan ci) >>
listenLoop s chan ci >> return "Connection closed")
`Exception.catch` (\(e :: Exception.IOException) -> return . B.pack . show $ e)
`Exception.catch` (\(e :: ShutdownThreadException) -> return . B.pack . show $ e)
>>= clientOff >> remove
clientOff msg = writeChan chan $ ClientMessage (ci, ["QUIT", msg])
remove = writeChan chan $ Remove ci
clientSendLoop :: Socket -> ThreadId -> Chan [B.ByteString] -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
clientSendLoop s tId chan ci = do
answer <- readChan chan
when (isQuit answer) $
killReciever . B.unpack $ quitMessage answer
(\(e :: Exception.IOException) -> unless (isQuit answer) . killReciever $ show e) $
sendAll s $ B.unlines answer `B.snoc` '\n'
if isQuit answer then
Exception.handle (\(_ :: Exception.IOException) -> putStrLn "error on sClose") $ sClose s
clientSendLoop s tId chan ci
killReciever = Exception.throwTo tId . ShutdownThreadException
quitMessage ["BYE"] = "bye"
quitMessage ("BYE":msg:_) = msg
quitMessage _ = error "quitMessage"
isQuit ("BYE":_) = True
isQuit _ = False