King Mode: Fix king placement phase not working correctly with multiple teams in a clan
New king placement phase rules:
* Before the game begins, each team can walk with their king and teleport for free, everything else is disabled
* This special round does not count towards the round counter, like in gfPlaceHog
* TotalRounds is set to -1 during this round, like in gfPlaceHog
Under the old rules, this was much more hacky. The delay of all delay-less weapons was just set to 1
The problem with the old rules was that if any clan had more than 1 team, eventually the weapon delay will time out before all kings have been placed.
# Downloads and install a .dmg from a URL
# Usage
# $ dmg_pkg_install [url]
# Adopted from
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: dmg_pkg_install [url]"
exit 1
# Generate a random file name
tmp_file=/tmp/`openssl rand -base64 10 | tr -dc '[:alnum:]'`.dmg
# Download file
echo "Downloading $url..."
curl -# -L -o $tmp_file $url
echo "Mounting image..."
volume=`hdiutil mount $tmp_file | tail -n1 | perl -nle '/(\/Volumes\/[^ ]+)/; print $1'`
# Locate .pkg
app_pkg=`find $volume/. -name *.pkg -maxdepth 1 -print0`
echo "Install pkg..."
installer -pkg $app_pkg -target /
# Unmount volume, delete temporal file
echo "Cleaning up..."
hdiutil unmount $volume -quiet
rm $tmp_file
echo "Done!"
exit 0