Revert hog tinting from rdb65298717da since it wasn't sufficiently complete for a release. More sprites need converting, and there's a slight bug in hog tinting, for away hogs with hats I believe.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><application> <id type="desktop">hedgewars.desktop</id> <licence>GFDL</licence> <description> <p> Hedgewars is a turn based strategy, artillery, action and comedy game, featuring the antics of pink hedgehogs with attitude as they battle from the depths of hell to the depths of space. </p> <p> As commander, it's your job to assemble your crack team of hedgehog soldiers and bring the war to your enemy. </p> <p>Game Features:</p> <ul> <li>Hilarious and strategic turn based combat for up to 8 players</li> <li>Both local and network multiplayer, with optional AI opponentsBattle on an infinite number of randomly generated maps, with over 22 environments</li> <li>Utilise 47 (and counting) devastating weapons!</li> <li>Including the piano strike and explosive robotic cake</li> <li>Play the game your way, with 18 different game modifiers, tweak almost every aspect of the match</li> <li>Customize your team, with over 120 costumes, 30 graves, 12 forts, 100s of flags and unique voice packs</li> <li>Huge battles with up to 48 hogs</li> <li>Play both singleplayer and multiplayer minigames</li> <li>Plugin your own custom maps, costumes, and other artwork</li> </ul> </description> <screenshots> <screenshot type="default" width="1024" height="600"></screenshot> </screenshots> <url type="homepage"></url> <updatecontact></updatecontact></application>