This change allows computers limited to 512 texture size like szczur's card to run Hedgewars, so long as reduce quality is set to eliminate background textures.
It makes Ammo menu and Hats multicolumn, 512 high.
module ServerState
module RoomsAndClients,
) where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Set as Set
import RoomsAndClients
import CoreTypes
data ServerState = ServerState {
clientIndex :: !(Maybe ClientIndex),
serverInfo :: !ServerInfo,
removedClients :: !(Set.Set ClientIndex),
roomsClients :: !MRnC
clientRoomA :: StateT ServerState IO RoomIndex
clientRoomA = do
(Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
rnc <- gets roomsClients
liftIO $ clientRoomM rnc ci
client's :: (ClientInfo -> a) -> StateT ServerState IO a
client's f = do
(Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
rnc <- gets roomsClients
liftIO $ client'sM rnc f ci
allClientsS :: StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
allClientsS = gets roomsClients >>= liftIO . clientsM
roomClientsS :: RoomIndex -> StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
roomClientsS ri = do
rnc <- gets roomsClients
liftIO $ roomClientsM rnc ri