- Warnings/errors message box
- Send JOIN_ROOM on double click on rooms list
- Some small iprovements more
* Hedgewars for Android. An Android port of Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Richard Deurwaarder <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.Datastructures;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.R;
import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.util.FileUtils;
import android.content.Context;
public class FrontendDataUtils {
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the sdcard isn't available or the Maps directory doesn't exist
public static List<MapFile> getMaps(Context c) throws FileNotFoundException {
File[] files = FileUtils.getFilesFromRelativeDir(c,"Maps");
List<MapFile> ret = new ArrayList<MapFile>();
for(File f : files) {
boolean isMission = FileUtils.hasFileWithSuffix(f, ".lua");
ret.add(new MapFile(f.getName(), isMission));
return ret;
* Returns a list of all multiplayer scripts (game styles)
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the sdcard isn't available or the Scripts/Multiplayer directory doesn't exist
public static List<String> getGameStyles(Context c) throws FileNotFoundException {
File[] files = FileUtils.getFilesFromRelativeDir(c, "Scripts/Multiplayer");
List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
* Caution: It is important that the "empty" style has this exact name, because
* it will be interpreted as "don't load a script" by the frontlib, and also by
* the QtFrontend in a netgame. This should probably be improved some time
* (maybe TODO add a dummy script called "Normal" to the MP scripts?)
for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
String name = files[i].getName();
//replace _ by a space and removed the last four characters (.lua)
ret.add(name.replace('_', ' ').substring(0, name.length()-4));
return ret;
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the sdcard isn't available or the Themes directory doesn't exist
public static List<String> getThemes(Context c) throws FileNotFoundException {
return FileUtils.getDirsWithFileSuffix(c, "Themes", "icon.png");
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the sdcard isn't available or the Graphics/Graves directory doesn't exist
public static List<Map<String, ?>> getGraves(Context c) throws FileNotFoundException {
File gravePath = FileUtils.getDataPathFile(c, "Graphics", "Graves");
List<String> names = FileUtils.getFileNamesFromDirWithSuffix(c,"Graphics/Graves", ".png", true);
List<Map<String, ?>> data = new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>(names.size());
for(String s : names){
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("txt", s);
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(new File(gravePath, s + ".png").getAbsolutePath());
int width = b.getWidth();
if(b.getHeight() > width){
// some pictures contain more 'frames' underneath each other, if so we only use the first frame
b = Bitmap.createBitmap(b, 0, 0, width, width);
map.put("img", b);
return data;
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the sdcard isn't available or the Graphics/Graves directory doesn't exist
public static List<Map<String, ?>> getFlags(Context c) throws FileNotFoundException {
File flagsPath = FileUtils.getDataPathFile(c, "Graphics", "Flags");
List<String> names = FileUtils.getFileNamesFromDirWithSuffix(c, "Graphics/Flags", ".png", true);
List<Map<String, ?>> data = new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>(names.size());
for(String s : names){
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("txt", s);
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(new File(flagsPath, s + ".png").getAbsolutePath());
map.put("img", b);
return data;
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the sdcard isn't available or the Sounds/voices directory doesn't exist
public static List<String> getVoices(Context c) throws FileNotFoundException {
File[] files = FileUtils.getFilesFromRelativeDir(c, "Sounds/voices");
List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
for(File f : files){
if(f.isDirectory()) ret.add(f.getName());
return ret;
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the sdcard isn't available or the Forts directory doesn't exist
public static List<String> getForts(Context c) throws FileNotFoundException {
return FileUtils.getFileNamesFromDirWithSuffix(c,"Forts", "L.png", true);
public static List<Map<String, ?>> getTypes(Context c){
List<Map<String, ?>> data = new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>(6);
String[] levels = {c.getString(R.string.human), c.getString(R.string.bot5), c.getString(R.string.bot4), c.getString(R.string.bot3), c.getString(R.string.bot2), c.getString(R.string.bot1)};
int[] images = {R.drawable.human, R.drawable.bot5, R.drawable.bot4, R.drawable.bot3, R.drawable.bot2, R.drawable.bot1};
for(int i = 0; i < levels.length; i++){
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("txt", levels[i]);
map.put("img", images[i]);
map.put("level", i);
return data;
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the sdcard isn't available or the Graphics/Hats directory doesn't exist
public static List<Map<String, ?>> getHats(Context c) throws FileNotFoundException {
List<String> files = FileUtils.getFileNamesFromDirWithSuffix(c,"Graphics/Hats", ".png", true);
File hatsPath = FileUtils.getDataPathFile(c, "Graphics", "Hats");
int size = files.size();
List<Map<String, ?>> data = new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>(size);
for(String s : files){
Map<String, Object> hashmap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
hashmap.put("txt", s);
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(new File(hatsPath, s + ".png").getAbsolutePath());
b = Bitmap.createBitmap(b, 0,0,b.getWidth()/2, b.getWidth()/2);
hashmap.put("img", b);
return data;
public static List<Team> getTeams(Context c) {
List<Team> ret = new ArrayList<Team>();
File teamsDir = new File(c.getFilesDir(), Team.DIRECTORY_TEAMS);
File[] teamFileNames = teamsDir.listFiles();
if(teamFileNames != null){
for(File file : teamFileNames){
if(file.getName().endsWith(".hwt")) {
Team team = Team.load(file);
if(team != null){
return ret;