author Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com>
Sun, 14 May 2017 16:24:01 +0200
changeset 12420 e11758f70cce
parent 12218 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Rewrite all Battalion strings to be more translator-friendly

// Windows/FileFind.cpp

#include "StdAfx.h"

#include "FileFind.h"
#ifndef _UNICODE
#include "../Common/StringConvert.h"

#ifndef _UNICODE
extern bool g_IsNT;

namespace NWindows {
namespace NFile {

#if defined(WIN_LONG_PATH) && defined(_UNICODE)
#define WIN_LONG_PATH2

bool GetLongPath(LPCWSTR fileName, UString &res);

namespace NFind {

static const TCHAR kDot = TEXT('.');

bool CFileInfo::IsDots() const
  if (!IsDirectory() || Name.IsEmpty())
    return false;
  if (Name[0] != kDot)
    return false;
  return Name.Length() == 1 || (Name[1] == kDot && Name.Length() == 2);

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool CFileInfoW::IsDots() const
  if (!IsDirectory() || Name.IsEmpty())
    return false;
  if (Name[0] != kDot)
    return false;
  return Name.Length() == 1 || (Name[1] == kDot && Name.Length() == 2);

static void ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(
    const WIN32_FIND_DATA &findData,
    CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  fileInfo.Attributes = findData.dwFileAttributes; 
  fileInfo.CreationTime = findData.ftCreationTime;  
  fileInfo.LastAccessTime = findData.ftLastAccessTime; 
  fileInfo.LastWriteTime = findData.ftLastWriteTime;
  fileInfo.Size  = (((UInt64)findData.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + findData.nFileSizeLow; 
  fileInfo.Name = findData.cFileName;
  #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
  fileInfo.ReparseTag = findData.dwReserved0;
  fileInfo.ObjectID = findData.dwOID;

#ifndef _UNICODE

static inline UINT GetCurrentCodePage() { return ::AreFileApisANSI() ? CP_ACP : CP_OEMCP; } 

static void ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(
    const WIN32_FIND_DATAW &findData,
    CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  fileInfo.Attributes = findData.dwFileAttributes; 
  fileInfo.CreationTime = findData.ftCreationTime;  
  fileInfo.LastAccessTime = findData.ftLastAccessTime; 
  fileInfo.LastWriteTime = findData.ftLastWriteTime;
  fileInfo.Size  = (((UInt64)findData.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + findData.nFileSizeLow; 
  fileInfo.Name = findData.cFileName;
  #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
  fileInfo.ReparseTag = findData.dwReserved0;
  fileInfo.ObjectID = findData.dwOID;

static void ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(
    const WIN32_FIND_DATA &findData,
    CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  fileInfo.Attributes = findData.dwFileAttributes; 
  fileInfo.CreationTime = findData.ftCreationTime;  
  fileInfo.LastAccessTime = findData.ftLastAccessTime; 
  fileInfo.LastWriteTime = findData.ftLastWriteTime;
  fileInfo.Size  = (((UInt64)findData.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + findData.nFileSizeLow; 
  fileInfo.Name = GetUnicodeString(findData.cFileName, GetCurrentCodePage());
  #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
  fileInfo.ReparseTag = findData.dwReserved0;
  fileInfo.ObjectID = findData.dwOID;
// CFindFile

bool CFindFile::Close()
  if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    return true;
  if (!::FindClose(_handle))
    return false;
  return true;

bool CFindFile::FindFirst(LPCTSTR wildcard, CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  if (!Close())
    return false;
  WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
  _handle = ::FindFirstFile(wildcard, &findData);
  #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH2
  if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    UString longPath;
    if (GetLongPath(wildcard, longPath))
      _handle = ::FindFirstFileW(longPath, &findData);
  if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    return false;
  ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
  return true;

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool CFindFile::FindFirst(LPCWSTR wildcard, CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  if (!Close())
    return false;
  if (g_IsNT)
    WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData;
    _handle = ::FindFirstFileW(wildcard, &findData);
    #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH
    if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      UString longPath;
      if (GetLongPath(wildcard, longPath))
        _handle = ::FindFirstFileW(longPath, &findData);
    if (_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
    WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData;
    _handle = ::FindFirstFileA(UnicodeStringToMultiByte(wildcard, 
        GetCurrentCodePage()), &findData);
    if (_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
  return (_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);

bool CFindFile::FindNext(CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
  bool result = BOOLToBool(::FindNextFile(_handle, &findData));
  if (result)
    ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
  return result;

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool CFindFile::FindNext(CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  if (g_IsNT)
    WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData;
    if (!::FindNextFileW(_handle, &findData))
      return false;
    ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
    WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData;
    if (!::FindNextFileA(_handle, &findData))
      return false;
    ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
  return true;

bool FindFile(LPCTSTR wildcard, CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  CFindFile finder;
  return finder.FindFirst(wildcard, fileInfo);

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool FindFile(LPCWSTR wildcard, CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  CFindFile finder;
  return finder.FindFirst(wildcard, fileInfo);

bool DoesFileExist(LPCTSTR name)
  CFileInfo fileInfo;
  return FindFile(name, fileInfo);

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool DoesFileExist(LPCWSTR name)
  CFileInfoW fileInfo;
  return FindFile(name, fileInfo);

// CEnumerator

bool CEnumerator::NextAny(CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  if (_findFile.IsHandleAllocated())
    return _findFile.FindNext(fileInfo);
    return _findFile.FindFirst(_wildcard, fileInfo);

bool CEnumerator::Next(CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  for (;;)
    if (!NextAny(fileInfo))
      return false;
    if (!fileInfo.IsDots())
      return true;

bool CEnumerator::Next(CFileInfo &fileInfo, bool &found)
  if (Next(fileInfo))
    found = true;
    return true;
  found = false;
  return (::GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES);

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool CEnumeratorW::NextAny(CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  if (_findFile.IsHandleAllocated())
    return _findFile.FindNext(fileInfo);
    return _findFile.FindFirst(_wildcard, fileInfo);

bool CEnumeratorW::Next(CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  for (;;)
    if (!NextAny(fileInfo))
      return false;
    if (!fileInfo.IsDots())
      return true;

bool CEnumeratorW::Next(CFileInfoW &fileInfo, bool &found)
  if (Next(fileInfo))
    found = true;
    return true;
  found = false;
  return (::GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES);


// CFindChangeNotification
// FindFirstChangeNotification can return 0. MSDN doesn't tell about it.

bool CFindChangeNotification::Close()
  if (!IsHandleAllocated())
    return true;
  if (!::FindCloseChangeNotification(_handle))
    return false;
  return true;
HANDLE CFindChangeNotification::FindFirst(LPCTSTR pathName, bool watchSubtree, DWORD notifyFilter)
  _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotification(pathName, BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter);
  #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH2
  if (!IsHandleAllocated())
    UString longPath;
    if (GetLongPath(pathName, longPath))
      _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotificationW(longPath, BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter);
  return _handle;

#ifndef _UNICODE
HANDLE CFindChangeNotification::FindFirst(LPCWSTR pathName, bool watchSubtree, DWORD notifyFilter)
  if (!g_IsNT)
    return FindFirst(UnicodeStringToMultiByte(pathName, GetCurrentCodePage()), watchSubtree, notifyFilter);
  _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotificationW(pathName, BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter);
  #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH
  if (!IsHandleAllocated())
    UString longPath;
    if (GetLongPath(pathName, longPath))
      _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotificationW(longPath, BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter);
  return _handle;

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
bool MyGetLogicalDriveStrings(CSysStringVector &driveStrings)
  UINT32 size = GetLogicalDriveStrings(0, NULL); 
  if (size == 0)
    return false;
  CSysString buffer;
  UINT32 newSize = GetLogicalDriveStrings(size, buffer.GetBuffer(size)); 
  if (newSize == 0)
    return false;
  if (newSize > size)
    return false;
  CSysString string;
  for(UINT32 i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
    TCHAR c = buffer[i];
    if (c == TEXT('\0'))
      string += c;
  if (!string.IsEmpty())
    return false;
  return true;

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool MyGetLogicalDriveStrings(UStringVector &driveStrings)
  if (g_IsNT)
    UINT32 size = GetLogicalDriveStringsW(0, NULL); 
    if (size == 0)
      return false;
    UString buffer;
    UINT32 newSize = GetLogicalDriveStringsW(size, buffer.GetBuffer(size)); 
    if (newSize == 0)
      return false;
    if (newSize > size)
      return false;
    UString string;
    for(UINT32 i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
      WCHAR c = buffer[i];
      if (c == L'\0')
        string += c;
    return string.IsEmpty();
  CSysStringVector driveStringsA;
  bool res = MyGetLogicalDriveStrings(driveStringsA);
  for (int i = 0; i < driveStringsA.Size(); i++)
  return res;

