(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2012 Richard Deurwaarder <xeli@xelification.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *){$INCLUDE "options.inc"}unit uTouch;interfaceuses SysUtils, uConsole, uVariables, SDLh, uFloat, uConsts, uCommands, GLUnit, uTypes, uCaptions, uAmmos, uWorld;procedure initModule;procedure freeModule;procedure ProcessTouch;procedure NewTurnBeginning;procedure onTouchDown(x, y: Single; pointerId: TSDL_FingerId);procedure onTouchMotion(x, y, dx, dy: Single; pointerId: TSDL_FingerId);procedure onTouchUp(x, y: Single; pointerId: TSDL_FingerId);function convertToCursorX(x: LongInt): LongInt;function convertToCursorY(y: LongInt): LongInt;function addFinger(x,y: Longword; id: TSDL_FingerId): PTouch_Data;function updateFinger(x,y,dx,dy: Longword; id: TSDL_FingerId): PTouch_Data;procedure deleteFinger(id: TSDL_FingerId);procedure onTouchClick(finger: TTouch_Data);procedure onTouchDoubleClick(finger: TTouch_Data);procedure onTouchLongClick(finger: TTouch_Data);function findFinger(id: TSDL_FingerId): PTouch_Data;procedure aim(finger: TTouch_Data);function isOnCrosshair(finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;function isOnCurrentHog(finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;procedure convertToWorldCoord(var x,y: LongInt; finger: TTouch_Data);procedure convertToFingerCoord(var x,y: LongInt; oldX, oldY: LongInt);function fingerHasMoved(finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;function calculateDelta(finger1, finger2: TTouch_Data): LongInt;function getSecondFinger(finger: TTouch_Data): PTouch_Data;function isOnRect(rect: TSDL_Rect; finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;function isOnRect(x,y,w,h: LongInt; finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;function isOnWidget(widget: TOnScreenWidget; finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;procedure printFinger(finger: TTouch_Data);implementationconst clickTime = 200; nilFingerId = High(TSDL_FingerId); baseRectSize = 96;var rectSize, halfRectSize: LongInt; pointerCount : Longword; fingers: array of TTouch_Data; moveCursor : boolean; invertCursor : boolean; xTouchClick,yTouchClick : LongInt; timeSinceClick : Longword; //Pinch to zoom pinchSize : LongInt; baseZoomValue: GLFloat; //aiming aimingCrosshair: boolean; aimingUp, aimingDown: boolean; targetAngle: LongInt; buttonsDown: Longword; targetting, targetted: boolean; //true when targetting an airstrike or the likeprocedure onTouchDown(x, y: Single; pointerId: TSDL_FingerId);var finger: PTouch_Data; xr, yr: LongWord;beginxr:= round(x * cScreenWidth);yr:= round(y * cScreenHeight);finger:= addFinger(xr, yr, pointerId);inc(buttonsDown);//inc buttonsDown, if we don't see a button down we'll dec itif isOnCrosshair(finger^) thenbegin aimingCrosshair:= true; aim(finger^); moveCursor:= false; exit;end;if isOnWidget(fireButton, finger^) then begin ParseTeamCommand('+attack'); moveCursor:= false; finger^.pressedWidget:= @fireButton; exit; end;if isOnWidget(arrowLeft, finger^) then begin ParseTeamCommand('+left'); moveCursor:= false; finger^.pressedWidget:= @arrowLeft; exit; end;if isOnWidget(arrowRight, finger^) then begin ParseTeamCommand('+right'); moveCursor:= false; finger^.pressedWidget:= @arrowRight; exit; end;if isOnWidget(arrowUp, finger^) then begin ParseTeamCommand('+up'); aimingUp:= true; moveCursor:= false; finger^.pressedWidget:= @arrowUp; exit; end;if isOnWidget(arrowDown, finger^) then begin ParseTeamCommand('+down'); aimingDown:= true; moveCursor:= false; finger^.pressedWidget:= @arrowDown; exit; end;if isOnWidget(pauseButton, finger^) then begin isPaused:= not isPaused; moveCursor:= false; finger^.pressedWidget:= @pauseButton; exit; end;if isOnWidget(utilityWidget, finger^) then begin finger^.pressedWidget:= @utilityWidget; moveCursor:= false; if(CurrentHedgehog <> nil) then begin if Ammoz[CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_Timerable <> 0 then ParseTeamCommand('/timer ' + inttostr((GetCurAmmoEntry(CurrentHedgeHog^)^.Timer div 1000) mod 5 + 1)); end; exit; end;dec(buttonsDown);//no buttonsDown, undo the inc() aboveif buttonsDown = 0 then begin moveCursor:= true; case pointerCount of 1: targetting:= not(targetted) and (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and (Ammoz[CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_NeedTarget <> 0); 2: begin moveCursor:= false; pinchSize := calculateDelta(finger^, getSecondFinger(finger^)^); baseZoomValue := ZoomValue end; end; end;end;procedure onTouchMotion(x, y, dx, dy: Single; pointerId: TSDL_FingerId);var finger, secondFinger: PTouch_Data; currentPinchDelta, zoom : Single; xr, yr, dxr, dyr: LongWord;beginxr:= round(x * cScreenWidth);yr:= round(y * cScreenHeight);dxr:= round(dx * cScreenWidth);dyr:= round(dy * cScreenHeight);finger:= updateFinger(xr, yr, dxr, dyr, pointerId);if finger = nil then exit;if moveCursor then begin if invertCursor then begin CursorPoint.X := CursorPoint.X - finger^.dx; CursorPoint.Y := CursorPoint.Y + finger^.dy; end else begin CursorPoint.X := CursorPoint.X + finger^.dx; CursorPoint.Y := CursorPoint.Y - finger^.dy; end; exit //todo change into switch rather than ugly ifs end;if aimingCrosshair then begin aim(finger^); exit end;if (buttonsDown = 0) and (pointerCount = 2) then begin secondFinger := getSecondFinger(finger^); currentPinchDelta := calculateDelta(finger^, secondFinger^) - pinchSize; zoom := currentPinchDelta/cScreenWidth; ZoomValue := baseZoomValue - (zoom * cMinMaxZoomLevelDelta); if ZoomValue < cMaxZoomLevel then ZoomValue := cMaxZoomLevel; if ZoomValue > cMinZoomLevel then ZoomValue := cMinZoomLevel; end;end;procedure onTouchUp(x,y: Single; pointerId: TSDL_FingerId);var finger: PTouch_Data; widget: POnScreenWidget; xr, yr: LongWord;beginxr:= round(x * cScreenWidth);yr:= round(y * cScreenHeight);finger:= updateFinger(xr, yr, 0, 0, pointerId);if finger = nil then exit;//Check for onTouchClick eventif not(fingerHasMoved(finger^)) then begin if (RealTicks - finger^.timeSinceDown) < clickTime then onTouchClick(finger^) else onTouchLongClick(finger^); end;if aimingCrosshair then begin aimingCrosshair:= false; ParseTeamCommand('-up'); ParseTeamCommand('-down'); dec(buttonsDown); end;widget:= finger^.pressedWidget;if (buttonsDown > 0) and (widget <> nil) then begin dec(buttonsDown); if widget = @arrowLeft then ParseTeamCommand('-left'); if widget = @arrowRight then ParseTeamCommand('-right'); if widget = @arrowUp then ParseTeamCommand('-up'); if widget = @arrowDown then ParseTeamCommand('-down'); if widget = @fireButton then ParseTeamCommand('-attack'); if widget = @utilityWidget then if (CurrentHedgehog <> nil)then if(Ammoz[CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_NeedTarget <> 0)then begin ParseTeamCommand('put'); targetted:= true; end else if (CurAmmoGear <> nil) and (CurAmmoGear^.AmmoType = amSwitch) then ParseTeamCommand('switch') else WriteLnToConsole(inttostr(ord(Ammoz[CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType].NameId)) + ' ' + inttostr(ord(sidSwitch))); end;if targetting then AddCaption(trmsg[sidPressTarget], cWhiteColor, capgrpAmmoInfo);deleteFinger(pointerId);end;procedure onTouchDoubleClick(finger: TTouch_Data);beginfinger := finger;//avoid compiler hintend;procedure onTouchLongClick(finger: TTouch_Data);beginif isOnWidget(jumpWidget, finger) then begin ParseTeamCommand('ljump'); exit; end;end;procedure onTouchClick(finger: TTouch_Data);begin//if (RealTicks - timeSinceClick < 300) and (sqrt(sqr(finger.X-xTouchClick) + sqr(finger.Y-yTouchClick)) < 30) then// begin// onTouchDoubleClick(finger);// timeSinceClick:= 0;//we make an assumption there won't be an 'click' in the first 300 ticks(milliseconds)// exit;// end;xTouchClick:= finger.x;yTouchClick:= finger.y;timeSinceClick:= RealTicks;if bShowAmmoMenu then begin if isOnRect(AmmoRect, finger) then begin CursorPoint.X:= finger.x; CursorPoint.Y:= finger.y; ParseTeamCommand('put'); end else bShowAmmoMenu:= false; exit; end;if isOnCurrentHog(finger) or isOnWidget(AMWidget, finger) then begin bShowAmmoMenu := true; exit; end;if isOnWidget(jumpWidget, finger) then begin ParseTeamCommand('hjump'); exit; end;end;function addFinger(x,y: Longword; id: TSDL_FingerId): PTouch_Data;var xCursor, yCursor, index : LongInt;begin//Check array sizeswhile Length(fingers) <= pointerCount do begin setLength(fingers, Length(fingers)*2); for index := Length(fingers) div 2 to (Length(fingers)-1) do fingers[index].id := nilFingerId; end;xCursor := convertToCursorX(x);yCursor := convertToCursorY(y);//on removing fingers, all fingers are moved to the left//with dynamic arrays being zero based, the new position of the finger is the old pointerCountfingers[pointerCount].id := id;fingers[pointerCount].historicalX := xCursor;fingers[pointerCount].historicalY := yCursor;fingers[pointerCount].x := xCursor;fingers[pointerCount].y := yCursor;fingers[pointerCount].dx := 0;fingers[pointerCount].dy := 0;fingers[pointerCount].timeSinceDown:= RealTicks;fingers[pointerCount].pressedWidget:= nil;addFinger:= @fingers[pointerCount];inc(pointerCount);end;function updateFinger(x, y, dx, dy: Longword; id: TSDL_FingerId): PTouch_Data;var finger : PTouch_Data;beginfinger:= findFinger(id);if finger <> nil then begin finger^.x:= convertToCursorX(x); finger^.y:= convertToCursorY(y); finger^.dx:= dx; finger^.dy:= dy; endelse WriteLnToConsole('finger ' + inttostr(id) + ' not found');updateFinger:= fingerend;procedure deleteFinger(id: TSDL_FingerId);var index : Longword;begindec(pointerCount);for index := 0 to pointerCount do begin if fingers[index].id = id then begin //put the last finger into the spot of the finger to be removed, //so that all fingers are packed to the far left if pointerCount <> index then begin fingers[index].id := fingers[pointerCount].id; fingers[index].x := fingers[pointerCount].x; fingers[index].y := fingers[pointerCount].y; fingers[index].historicalX := fingers[pointerCount].historicalX; fingers[index].historicalY := fingers[pointerCount].historicalY; fingers[index].timeSinceDown := fingers[pointerCount].timeSinceDown; fingers[index].pressedWidget := fingers[pointerCount].pressedWidget; fingers[pointerCount].id := nilFingerId; end else fingers[index].id := nilFingerId; break; end; end;end;procedure NewTurnBeginning;begintargetted:= false;targetting:= false;SetUtilityWidgetState(amNothing);end;procedure ProcessTouch;var deltaAngle: LongInt;begininvertCursor := not(bShowAmmoMenu or targetting);if aimingCrosshair then if CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nil then begin deltaAngle:= CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.Angle - targetAngle; if (deltaAngle > -5) and (deltaAngle < 5) then begin if(aimingUp)then begin aimingUp:= false; ParseTeamCommand('-up'); end; if(aimingDown)then begin aimingDown:= false; ParseTeamCommand('-down'); end end else begin if (deltaAngle < 0) then begin if aimingUp then begin aimingUp:= false; ParseTeamCommand('-up'); end; if(aimingDown)then begin aimingDown:= true; ParseTeamCommand('-down'); end end else begin if aimingDown then begin ParseTeamCommand('-down'); aimingDown:= false; end; if aimingUp then begin aimingUp:= true; ParseTeamCommand('+up'); end; end; end; end else begin if aimingUp then begin ParseTeamCommand('-up'); aimingUp:= false; end; if aimingDown then begin ParseTeamCommand('-down'); aimingDown:= false; end; end;end;function findFinger(id: TSDL_FingerId): PTouch_Data;var index: LongWord;begin for index:= 0 to (Length(fingers)-1) do if fingers[index].id = id then begin findFinger:= @fingers[index]; exit; end; findFinger:= nil;end;procedure aim(finger: TTouch_Data);var hogX, hogY, touchX, touchY, deltaX, deltaY: LongInt;begin if CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nil then begin touchX := 0;//avoid compiler hint touchY := 0; hogX := hwRound(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.X); hogY := hwRound(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.Y); convertToWorldCoord(touchX, touchY, finger); deltaX := abs(TouchX-HogX); deltaY := TouchY-HogY; targetAngle:= (Round(DeltaY / sqrt(sqr(deltaX) + sqr(deltaY)) * 2048) + 2048) div 2; end; //if CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nilend;// These 4 convertToCursor functions convert xy coords from the SDL coordinate system to our CursorPoint coor system:// - the SDL coordinate system is proportional to the screen and values are normalized in the onTouch* functions// - the CursorPoint coordinate system goes from -cScreenWidth/2 to cScreenWidth/2 on the x axis// and 0 to cScreenHeight on the x axis, (-cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight) being top left.function convertToCursorX(x: LongInt): LongInt;begin convertToCursorX:= x - cScreenWidth shr 1;end;function convertToCursorY(y: LongInt): LongInt;begin convertToCursorY:= cScreenHeight - y;end;function isOnCrosshair(finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;var x, y: LongInt;begin x:= 0; y:= 0; convertToFingerCoord(x, y, CrosshairX, CrosshairY); isOnCrosshair:= isOnRect(x - HalfRectSize, y - HalfRectSize, RectSize, RectSize, finger);end;function isOnCurrentHog(finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;var x, y: LongInt;begin x:= 0; y:= 0; convertToFingerCoord(x, y, hwRound(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.X), hwRound(CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.Y)); isOnCurrentHog:= isOnRect(x - HalfRectSize, y - HalfRectSize, RectSize, RectSize, finger);end;procedure convertToFingerCoord(var x, y : LongInt; oldX, oldY: LongInt);begin x := oldX + WorldDx; y := cScreenHeight - oldY - WorldDy;end;procedure convertToWorldCoord(var x,y: LongInt; finger: TTouch_Data);begin x := finger.x - WorldDx; y := cScreenHeight - finger.y - WorldDy;end;//Method to calculate the distance this finger has moved since the downEventfunction fingerHasMoved(finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;begin fingerHasMoved := trunc(sqrt(sqr(finger.X-finger.historicalX) + sqr(finger.y-finger.historicalY))) > 30;end;function calculateDelta(finger1, finger2: TTouch_Data): LongInt; inline;begin calculateDelta := Round(sqrt(sqr(finger2.x-finger1.x) + sqr(finger2.y-finger1.y)));end;// Under the premise that all pointer ids in pointerIds:TSDL_FingerId are packed to the far left.// If the pointer to be ignored is not pointerIds[0] the second must be therefunction getSecondFinger(finger: TTouch_Data): PTouch_Data;begin if fingers[0].id = finger.id then getSecondFinger := @fingers[1] else getSecondFinger := @fingers[0];end;function isOnRect(rect: TSDL_Rect; finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;begin isOnRect:= isOnRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, finger);end;function isOnRect(x,y,w,h: LongInt; finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;begin isOnRect:= (finger.x > x) and (finger.x < x + w) and (cScreenHeight - finger.y > y) and (cScreenHeight - finger.y < y + h);end;function isOnWidget(widget: TOnScreenWidget; finger: TTouch_Data): boolean;begin isOnWidget:= widget.show and isOnRect(widget.active, finger);end;procedure printFinger(finger: TTouch_Data);begin WriteLnToConsole(Format('id: %d, x: %d y: %d (rel x: %d rel y: %d), time: %d', [finger.id, finger.x, finger.y, finger.historicalX, finger.historicalY, finger.timeSinceDown]));end;procedure initModule;var index: Longword; //uRenderCoordScaleX, uRenderCoordScaleY: Longword;begin buttonsDown:= 0; pointerCount:= 0; setLength(fingers, 4); for index := 0 to (Length(fingers)-1) do fingers[index].id := nilFingerId; rectSize:= baseRectSize; halfRectSize:= baseRectSize shr 1;end;procedure freeModule;beginend;beginend.