Change how locale is loaded in frontend, and fix some bugs
- Fix some loading errors when locale is C
- Fallback mission map description to English
#ifndef _TYPES_H_
#define _TYPES_H_
#include "pas2c.h"
* Not very useful currently
typedef double TDate;
typedef double TTime;
typedef double TDateTime;
typedef string255 TMonthNameArray[13];
typedef string255 TWeekNameArray[8];
typedef struct {
Byte CurrencyFormat;
Byte NegCurrFormat;
Char ThousandSeparator;
Char DecimalSeparator;
Byte CurrencyDecimals;
Char DateSeparator;
Char TimeSeparator;
Char ListSeparator;
string255 CurrencyString;
string255 ShortDateFormat;
string255 LongDateFormat;
string255 TimeAMString;
string255 TimePMString;
string255 ShortTimeFormat;
string255 LongTimeFormat;
TMonthNameArray ShortMonthNames;
TMonthNameArray LongMonthNames;
TWeekNameArray ShortDayNames;
TWeekNameArray LongDayNames;
Word TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow;