author Wuzzy <>
Sat, 27 Oct 2018 15:55:19 +0200
changeset 14019 f09276eb0c27
parent 13997 863604736cf5
child 14122 d6915d15b6de
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add 7 new taunts New sounds: * Bugger, Drat: Hog damages self only * Thisoneismine: Crate drop * Whatthe: Something is going to blow up close to hog * Solong, Ohdear: Death * Gonnagetyou: Vow for revenge Fallback code is added for existing voicepacks Thisoneismine is not used in Robot because the text in this sound file is "Threat detected.", which does not make sense.

 * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HWProtoInRoomState where

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import CoreTypes
import Consts
import Utils
import HandlerUtils
import RoomsAndClients
import EngineInteraction
import Votes
import CommandHelp

startGame :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [Action]
startGame = do
    (ci, rnc) <- ask
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom
    chans <- roomClientsChans

    let nicks = map (nick . client rnc) . roomClients rnc $ clientRoom rnc ci
    let allPlayersRegistered = all isOwnerRegistered $ teams rm

    if (playersIn rm == readyPlayers rm || clientProto cl > 43) && not (isJust $ gameInfo rm) then
        if enoughClans rm then
            return [
                    (\r -> r{
                        gameInfo = Just $ newGameInfo (teams rm) (length $ teams rm) allPlayersRegistered (mapParams rm) (params rm) False
                , AnswerClients chans ["RUN_GAME"]
                , SendUpdateOnThisRoom
                , AnswerClients chans $ "CLIENT_FLAGS" : "+g" : nicks
                , ModifyRoomClients (\c -> c{isInGame = True, teamIndexes = map snd . filter (\(t, _) -> teamowner t == nick c) $ zip (teams rm) [0..]})
            return [Warning $ loc "The game can't be started with less than two clans!"]
        return []
        enoughClans = not . null . drop 1 . group . map teamcolor . teams

handleCmd_inRoom :: CmdHandler

handleCmd_inRoom ["CHAT", msg] = do
    n <- clientNick
    s <- roomOthersChans
    return [AnswerClients s ["CHAT", n, msg]]

-- Leave room normally
handleCmd_inRoom ["PART"] = return [MoveToLobby ""]
handleCmd_inRoom ["PART", _] = return [MoveToLobby ""]

handleCmd_inRoom ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)
    | null paramStrs = return [ProtocolError $ loc "Empty config entry."]
    | otherwise = do
        chans <- roomOthersChans
        cl <- thisClient
        rm <- thisRoom

        if isSpecial rm then
            return [Warning $ loc "Access denied."]
        else if isMaster cl then
           return [
                ModifyRoom $ f (clientProto cl),
                AnswerClients chans ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)]
            return [ProtocolError $ loc "You're not the room master!"]
        f clproto r = if paramName `Map.member` (mapParams r) then
                r{mapParams = Map.insert paramName (head paramStrs) (mapParams r)}
                r{params = Map.insert paramName (fixedParamStr clproto) (params r)}
        fixedParamStr clproto
            | clproto /= 49 = paramStrs
            | paramName /= "SCHEME" = paramStrs
            | otherwise = L.init paramStrs ++ [B.replicate 50 'X' `B.append` L.last paramStrs]

handleCmd_inRoom ("ADD_TEAM" : tName : color : grave : fort : voicepack : flag : difStr : hhsInfo)
    | length hhsInfo /= 16 = return [ProtocolError $ loc "Corrupted hedgehogs info!"]
    | otherwise = do
        rm <- thisRoom
        cl <- thisClient
        clNick <- clientNick
        clChan <- thisClientChans
        othChans <- roomOthersChans
        roomChans <- roomClientsChans
        teamColor <-
            if clientProto cl < 42 then
                return color
                liftM (head . (L.\\) (map B.singleton ['0'..]) . map teamcolor . teams) thisRoom
        let roomTeams = teams rm
        let hhNum = newTeamHHNum roomTeams $
                if not $ null roomTeams then
                    minimum [hhnum $ head roomTeams, canAddNumber roomTeams]
                    defaultHedgehogsNumber rm
        let newTeam = clNick `seq` TeamInfo clNick tName teamColor grave fort voicepack flag (isRegistered cl) dif hhNum (hhsList hhsInfo)
        return $
            if not . null . drop (teamsNumberLimit rm - 1) $ roomTeams then
                [Warning $ loc "Too many teams!"]
            else if canAddNumber roomTeams <= 0 then
                [Warning $ loc "Too many hedgehogs!"]
            else if isJust $ findTeam rm then
                [Warning $ loc "There's already a team with same name in the list."]
            else if isJust $ gameInfo rm then
                [Warning $ loc "Joining not possible: Round is in progress."]
            else if isRestrictedTeams rm then
                [Warning $ loc "This room currently does not allow adding new teams."]
                [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{teams = teams r ++ [newTeam]}),
                ModifyClient (\c -> c{teamsInGame = teamsInGame c + 1, clientClan = Just teamColor}),
                AnswerClients clChan ["TEAM_ACCEPTED", tName],
                AnswerClients othChans $ teamToNet $ newTeam,
                AnswerClients roomChans ["TEAM_COLOR", tName, teamColor],
                AnswerClients roomChans ["HH_NUM", tName, showB $ hhnum newTeam]
        canAddNumber rt = (cMaxHHs) - (sum $ map hhnum rt)
        findTeam = find (\t -> tName == teamname t) . teams
        dif = readInt_ difStr
        hhsList [] = []
        hhsList [_] = error "Hedgehogs list with odd elements number"
        hhsList (n:h:hhs) = HedgehogInfo n h : hhsList hhs
        newTeamHHNum rt p = min p (canAddNumber rt)
        maxTeams r
            | roomProto r < 38 = 6
            | otherwise = cMaxTeams

handleCmd_inRoom ["REMOVE_TEAM", tName] = do
        (ci, _) <- ask
        r <- thisRoom
        clNick <- clientNick

        let maybeTeam = findTeam r
        let team = fromJust maybeTeam

        return $
            if isNothing $ maybeTeam then
                [Warning $ loc "Error: The team you tried to remove does not exist."]
            else if clNick /= teamowner team then
                [ProtocolError $ loc "You can't remove a team you don't own."]
                [RemoveTeam tName,
                    (\c -> c{
                        teamsInGame = teamsInGame c - 1,
                        clientClan = if teamsInGame c == 1 then Nothing else anotherTeamClan clNick team r
        anotherTeamClan clNick team = liftM teamcolor . find (\t -> (teamowner t == clNick) && (t /= team)) . teams
        findTeam = find (\t -> tName == teamname t) . teams

handleCmd_inRoom ["HH_NUM", teamName, numberStr] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    r <- thisRoom
    clChan <- thisClientChans
    others <- roomOthersChans

    let maybeTeam = findTeam r
    let team = fromJust maybeTeam

    return $
        if not $ isMaster cl then
            [ProtocolError $ loc "You're not the room master!"]
        else if isNothing maybeTeam then
        else if hhNumber < 1 || hhNumber > cHogsPerTeam || hhNumber > canAddNumber r + hhnum team then
            [AnswerClients clChan ["HH_NUM", teamName, showB $ hhnum team]]
            [ModifyRoom $ modifyTeam team{hhnum = hhNumber},
            AnswerClients others ["HH_NUM", teamName, showB hhNumber]]
        hhNumber = readInt_ numberStr
        findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) . teams
        canAddNumber = (-) cMaxHHs . sum . map hhnum . teams

handleCmd_inRoom ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    others <- roomOthersChans
    r <- thisRoom

    let maybeTeam = findTeam r
    let team = fromJust maybeTeam
    maybeClientId <- clientByNick $ teamowner team
    let teamOwnerId = fromJust maybeClientId

    return $
        if not $ isMaster cl then
            [ProtocolError $ loc "You're not the room master!"]
        else if isNothing maybeTeam || isNothing maybeClientId then
            [ModifyRoom $ modifyTeam team{teamcolor = newColor},
            AnswerClients others ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor],
            ModifyClient2 teamOwnerId (\c -> c{clientClan = Just newColor})]
        findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) . teams

handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_READY"] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom
    chans <- roomClientsChans

    (ci, rnc) <- ask
    let ri = clientRoom rnc ci
    let unreadyClients = filter (not . isReady) . map (client rnc) $ roomClients rnc ri

    gs <- if (not $ isReady cl) && (isSpecial rm) && (unreadyClients == [cl]) then startGame else return []

    return $
        ModifyRoom (\r -> r{readyPlayers = readyPlayers r + (if isReady cl then -1 else 1)})
        : ModifyClient (\c -> c{isReady = not $ isReady cl})
        : (AnswerClients chans $ if clientProto cl < 38 then
                [if isReady cl then "NOT_READY" else "READY", nick cl]
                ["CLIENT_FLAGS", if isReady cl then "-r" else "+r", nick cl])
        : gs

handleCmd_inRoom ["START_GAME"] = roomAdminOnly startGame

handleCmd_inRoom ["EM", msg] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom
    chans <- roomOthersChans

    let (legalMsgs, nonEmptyMsgs, lastFTMsg) = checkNetCmd (teamIndexes cl) msg

    if teamsInGame cl > 0 && (isJust $ gameInfo rm) && (not $ B.null legalMsgs) then
        return $ AnswerClients chans ["EM", legalMsgs]
            : [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{gameInfo = liftM
                (\g -> g{
                    roundMsgs = if B.null nonEmptyMsgs then roundMsgs g else nonEmptyMsgs : roundMsgs g
                    , lastFilteredTimedMsg = fromMaybe (lastFilteredTimedMsg g) lastFTMsg})
                $ gameInfo r}), RegisterEvent EngineMessage]
        return []

handleCmd_inRoom ["ROUNDFINISHED", _] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom
    chans <- roomClientsChans

    let clTeams = map teamname . filter (\t -> teamowner t == nick cl) . teams $ rm
    let unsetInGameState = [AnswerClients chans ["CLIENT_FLAGS", "-g", nick cl], ModifyClient (\c -> c{isInGame = False})]

    if isInGame cl then
        if isJust $ gameInfo rm then
            return $ unsetInGameState ++ map SendTeamRemovalMessage clTeams
            return unsetInGameState
        return [] -- don't accept this message twice
--        isCorrect = correctly == "1"

-- compatibility with clients with protocol < 38
handleCmd_inRoom ["ROUNDFINISHED"] =
    handleCmd_inRoom ["ROUNDFINISHED", "1"]

handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_JOINS"] = roomAdminOnly $
    return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isRestrictedJoins = not $ isRestrictedJoins r}), SendUpdateOnThisRoom]

handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_TEAMS"] = roomAdminOnly $
    return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isRestrictedTeams = not $ isRestrictedTeams r})]

handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_REGISTERED_ONLY"] = roomAdminOnly $
    return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isRegisteredOnly = not $ isRegisteredOnly r}), SendUpdateOnThisRoom]

handleCmd_inRoom ["ROOM_NAME", newName] = roomAdminOnly $ do
    cl <- thisClient
    rs <- allRoomInfos
    rm <- thisRoom
    chans <- sameProtoChans

    return $
        if illegalName newName then
            [Warning $ loc "Illegal room name! The room name must be between 1-40 characters long, must not have a trailing or leading space and must not have any of these characters: $()*+?[]^{|}"]
        if isSpecial rm then
            [Warning $ loc "Access denied."]
        if isJust $ find (\r -> newName == name r) rs then
            [Warning $ loc "A room with the same name already exists."]
            [ModifyRoom roomUpdate,
            AnswerClients chans ("ROOM" : "UPD" : name rm : roomInfo (clientProto cl) (nick cl) (roomUpdate rm))]
        roomUpdate r = r{name = newName}

handleCmd_inRoom ["KICK", kickNick] = roomAdminOnly $ do
    (thisClientId, rnc) <- ask
    maybeKickId <- clientByNick kickNick
    rm <- thisRoom
    let kickId = fromJust maybeKickId
    let kickCl = rnc `client` kickId
    let sameRoom = clientRoom rnc thisClientId == clientRoom rnc kickId
    let notOnly2Players = (length . group . sort . map teamowner . teams $ rm) > 2
    return $
        -- Catch some error conditions
        if (isNothing maybeKickId) then
            [Warning $ loc "Player is not online."]
        else if (kickId == thisClientId) then
            [Warning $ loc "You can't kick yourself!"]
        else if (not ((isNothing $ gameInfo rm) || notOnly2Players || teamsInGame kickCl == 0)) then
            [Warning $ loc "You can't kick the only other player!"]
        else if (not sameRoom) then
            [Warning $ loc "The player is not in your room."]
        else if (hasSuperPower kickCl) then
            [Warning $ loc "This player is protected from being kicked."]
            -- Kick!
            [KickRoomClient kickId]

handleCmd_inRoom ["DELEGATE", newAdmin] = do
    (thisClientId, rnc) <- ask
    maybeClientId <- clientByNick newAdmin
    master <- liftM isMaster thisClient
    serverAdmin <- liftM isAdministrator thisClient
    thisRoomMasterId <- liftM masterID thisRoom
    let newAdminId = fromJust maybeClientId
    let sameRoom = clientRoom rnc thisClientId == clientRoom rnc newAdminId
    return $
        if (not (master || serverAdmin)) then
            [Warning $ loc "You're not the room master or a server admin!"]
        else if (isNothing maybeClientId) then
            [Warning $ loc "Player is not online."]
        else if (Just newAdminId == thisRoomMasterId) then
            [Warning $ loc "You're already the room master."]
        else if (not sameRoom) then
            [Warning $ loc "The player is not in your room."]
            [ChangeMaster (Just newAdminId)]

handleCmd_inRoom ["TEAMCHAT", msg] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    chans <- roomSameClanChans
    return [AnswerClients chans ["EM", engineMsg cl]]
        -- This is formatted in a way so it can parsed by engine to make it translatable
        -- Format: b<PLAYER NAME>]<MESSAGE>
        engineMsg cl = toEngineMsg $ B.concat ["b", nick cl, "]", msg]

handleCmd_inRoom ["BAN", banNick] = do
    (thisClientId, rnc) <- ask
    maybeClientId <- clientByNick banNick
    master <- liftM isMaster thisClient
    let banId = fromJust maybeClientId
    let sameRoom = clientRoom rnc thisClientId == clientRoom rnc banId
    if master && isJust maybeClientId && (banId /= thisClientId) && sameRoom then
        return [
--                ModifyRoom (\r -> r{roomBansList = let h = host $ rnc `client` banId in h `deepseq` h : roomBansList r})
                KickRoomClient banId
        return []

handleCmd_inRoom ("RND":rs) = do
    n <- clientNick
    s <- roomClientsChans
    return [AnswerClients s ["CHAT", n, B.unwords $ "/rnd" : rs], Random s rs]

handleCmd_inRoom ["MAXTEAMS", n] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    let m = readInt_ n
    if not $ isMaster cl then
        return [Warning $ loc "You're not the room master!"]
    else if m < 2 || m > cMaxTeams then
        return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/maxteams: specify number from 2 to 8"]]
        return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{teamsNumberLimit = m})]

handleCmd_inRoom ["FIX"] = serverAdminOnly $
    return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isSpecial = True})]

handleCmd_inRoom ["UNFIX"] = serverAdminOnly $ do
    cl <- thisClient
    return $ if not $ isMaster cl then
                 [Warning $ loc "You're not the room master!"]
                 [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isSpecial = False})]

handleCmd_inRoom ["HELP"] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    if isAdministrator cl then
        return (cmdHelpActionList [sendChan cl] cmdHelpRoomAdmin)
        return (cmdHelpActionList [sendChan cl] cmdHelpRoomPlayer)

handleCmd_inRoom ["GREETING", msg] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom
    return $ if (not (isAdministrator cl || (isMaster cl && (not $ isSpecial rm)))) then
                 [Warning $ loc "You're not the room master or a server admin!"]
                 [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{greeting = msg}),
                  AnswerClients [sendChan cl]
                      ["CHAT", nickServer,
                          if B.null msg then
                              loc "Greeting message cleared."
                              loc "Greeting message set."

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE"] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl]
        ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "Available callvote commands: kick <nickname>, map <name>, pause, newseed, hedgehogs"]

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "KICK"] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom
        [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer,
        if isJust $ masterID rm then
            loc "/callvote kick: This is only allowed in rooms without a room master."
            loc "/callvote kick: You need to specify a nickname."

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "KICK", nickname] = do
    (thisClientId, rnc) <- ask
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom
    maybeClientId <- clientByNick nickname
    let kickId = fromJust maybeClientId
    let sameRoom = clientRoom rnc thisClientId == clientRoom rnc kickId

    if isJust $ masterID rm then
        return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote kick: This is only allowed in rooms without a room master."]]
        if isJust maybeClientId && sameRoom then
            startVote $ VoteKick nickname
            return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote kick: No such user!"]]

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "MAP"] = do
    -- Display list of available maps for voting
    cl <- thisClient
    s <- liftM (Map.keys . roomSaves) thisRoom
    return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl]
        ["CHAT", nickServer,
            if (not $ null s) then
                (B.concat ["/callvote map: ", B.intercalate ", " s])
                loc "/callvote map: No maps available."

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "MAP", roomSave] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom

    if Map.member roomSave $ roomSaves rm then
        startVote $ VoteMap roomSave
        return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote map: No such map!"]]

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "PAUSE"] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom

    if isJust $ gameInfo rm then
        startVote VotePause
        return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote pause: No game in progress!"]]

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "PAUSE", _] = handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "PAUSE"]

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "NEWSEED"] = do
    startVote VoteNewSeed

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "NEWSEED", _] = handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "NEWSEED"]

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "HEDGEHOGS"] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote hedgehogs: Specify number from 1 to 8."]]

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", "HEDGEHOGS", hhs] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    let h = readInt_ hhs

    if h > 0 && h <= cHogsPerTeam then
        startVote $ VoteHedgehogsPerTeam h
        return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer, loc "/callvote hedgehogs: Specify number from 1 to 8."]]

handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", _] = handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE"]
handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE", _, _] = handleCmd_inRoom ["CALLVOTE"]

handleCmd_inRoom ("VOTE" : m : p) = do
    cl <- thisClient
    let b = if m == "YES" then Just True else if m == "NO" then Just False else Nothing
    if isJust b then
        voted (p == ["FORCE"]) (fromJust b)
        return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", nickServer,
            if (p == ["FORCE"]) then
                loc "/force: Please use 'yes' or 'no'."
                loc "/vote: Please use 'yes' or 'no'."

handleCmd_inRoom ["SAVE", stateName, location] = serverAdminOnly $ do
    return [ModifyRoom $ \r -> r{roomSaves = Map.insert stateName (location, mapParams r, params r) (roomSaves r)}]

handleCmd_inRoom ["DELETE", stateName] = serverAdminOnly $ do
    return [ModifyRoom $ \r -> r{roomSaves = Map.delete stateName (roomSaves r)}]

handleCmd_inRoom ["SAVEROOM", fileName] = serverAdminOnly $ do
    return [SaveRoom fileName]

handleCmd_inRoom ["LOADROOM", fileName] = serverAdminOnly $ do
    return [LoadRoom fileName]

handleCmd_inRoom ["LIST"] = return [] -- for old clients (<= 0.9.17)

handleCmd_inRoom (s:_) = return [ProtocolError $ "Incorrect command '" `B.append` s `B.append` "' (state: in room)"]

handleCmd_inRoom [] = return [ProtocolError "Empty command (state: in room)"]