author nemo
Sun, 03 Jun 2012 22:56:30 -0400
changeset 7172 f68d62711a5c
parent 6982 8d41d22a291d
child 7191 9419294e5f33
permissions -rw-r--r--
After experimenting with a long running average at maxed out FPS and a variety of map sizes, 128 seems to actually be a good size to use if only drawing bits of world with stuff in it. 64 actually did even better in some situations, but significantly worse in others (lots of land, zoomed out).

 * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

{$INCLUDE "options.inc"}

unit uConsts;

uses    SDLh, uFloat, GLunit;

{$INCLUDE "config.inc"}

    sfMax = 1000;
    cDefaultParamNum = 17;

    // message constants
    errmsgCreateSurface   = 'Error creating SDL surface';
    errmsgTransparentSet  = 'Error setting transparent color';
    errmsgUnknownCommand  = 'Unknown command';
    errmsgUnknownVariable = 'Unknown variable';
    errmsgIncorrectUse    = 'Incorrect use';
    errmsgShouldntRun     = 'This program shouldn''t be run manually';
    errmsgWrongNumber     = 'Wrong parameters number';

    msgLoading           = 'Loading ';
    msgOK                = 'ok';
    msgFailed            = 'failed';
    msgFailedSize        = 'failed due to size';
    msgGettingConfig     = 'Getting game config...';

    // color constants
    cWhiteColorChannels : TSDL_Color = (r:$FF; g:$FF; b:$FF; unused:$FF);
    cNearBlackColorChannels : TSDL_Color = (r:$00; g:$00; b:$10; unused:$FF);

    cWhiteColor           : Longword = $FFFFFFFF;
    cYellowColor          : Longword = $FFFFFF00;
    cNearBlackColor       : Longword = $FF000010;

    cAirPlaneSpeed: hwFloat = (isNegative: false; QWordValue:   3006477107); // 1.4
    cBombsSpeed   : hwFloat = (isNegative: false; QWordValue:    429496729);

    // reducedquality flags
    rqNone        = $00000000;  // don't reduce quality
    rqLowRes      = $00000001;  // use half land array
    rqBlurryLand  = $00000002;  // downscaled terrain
    rqNoBackground= $00000004;  // don't draw background
    rqSimpleRope  = $00000008;  // draw rope using lines only
    rq2DWater     = $00000010;  // disable 3D water effect
    rqAntiBoom    = $00000020;  // no fancy explosion effects
    rqKillFlakes  = $00000040;  // no flakes
    rqSlowMenu    = $00000080;  // ammomenu appears with no animation
    rqPlainSplash = $00000100;  // no droplets
    rqClampLess   = $00000200;  // don't clamp textures
    rqTooltipsOff = $00000400;  // tooltips are not drawn
    rqDesyncVBlank= $00000800;  // don't sync on vblank

    // image flags (for LoadImage())
    ifNone        = $00000000;  // nothing special
    ifAlpha       = $00000001;  // use alpha channel (unused right now?)
    ifCritical    = $00000002;  // image is critical for gameplay (exit game if unable to load)
    ifTransparent = $00000004;  // image uses transparent pixels (color keying)
    ifIgnoreCaps  = $00000008;  // ignore hardware capabilities when loading (i.e. image will not be drawn using OpenGL)

    // texture priority (allows OpenGL to keep frequently used textures in video memory more easily)
    tpLowest      = 0.00;
    tpLow         = 0.25;
    tpMedium      = 0.50;
    tpHigh        = 0.75;
    tpHighest     = 1.00;

// To allow these to layer, going to treat them as masks. The bottom byte is reserved for objects
// TODO - set lfBasic for all solid land, ensure all uses of the flags can handle multiple flag bits
// lfObject and lfBasic are only to be different *graphically*  in all other ways they should be treated the same
    lfBasic          = $8000;  // white
    lfIndestructible = $4000;  // red
    lfObject         = $2000;  
    lfDamaged        = $1000;  //
    lfIce            = $0800;  // blue

    cMaxPower     = 1500;
    cMaxAngle     = 2048;
    cPowerDivisor = 1500;

    MAXNAMELEN = 192;

    // some opengl headers do not have these macros
    GL_BGR              = $80E0;
    GL_BGRA             = $80E1;
    GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE    = $812F;

    cSendCursorPosTime  : LongWord = 50;
    cVisibleWater       : LongInt = 128;
    cCursorEdgesDist    : LongInt = 100;
    cTeamHealthWidth    : LongInt = 128;

    cifRandomize = $00000001;
    cifTheme     = $00000002;
    cifMap       = $00000002; // either theme or map (or map+theme)
    cifAllInited = cifRandomize or cifTheme or cifMap;

    cTransparentColor: Longword = $00000000;

    RGB_LUMINANCE_RED    = 0.212671;
    RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN  = 0.715160;
    RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE   = 0.072169;

    cMaxTeams        = 8;
    cMaxHHIndex      = 7;
    cMaxHHs          = 48;
    cMaxSpawnPoints  = 1024;

    cMaxEdgePoints = 16384;

    cHHRadius = 9;
    cHHStepTicks = 29;

    cUsualZ = 500;
    cSmokeZ = 499;
    cHHZ = 1000;
    cCurrHHZ = Succ(cHHZ);
    cOnHHZ = 2000;

    cBarrelHealth = 60;
    cShotgunRadius = 22;
    cBlowTorchC    = 6;

    cKeyMaxIndex = 1023;

    cHHFileName = 'Hedgehog';
    cCHFileName = 'Crosshair';
    cThemeCFGFilename = 'theme.cfg';

    cFontBorder = 2;

    // do not change this value
    cDefaultZoomLevel = 2.0;

    cMaxZoomLevel = 0.5;
    cMinZoomLevel = 3.5;
    cZoomDelta = 0.20;
    cMaxZoomLevel = 1.0;
    cMinZoomLevel = 3.0;
    cZoomDelta = 0.25;

    cMinMaxZoomLevelDelta = cMaxZoomLevel - cMinZoomLevel;

    cSendEmptyPacketTime = 1000;
    trigTurns = $80000001;

    gfAny                = $FFFFFFFF;
    gfOneClanMode        = $00000001;           // used in trainings
    gfMultiWeapon        = $00000002;           // used in trainings
    gfSolidLand          = $00000004;
    gfBorder             = $00000008;
    gfDivideTeams        = $00000010;
    gfLowGravity         = $00000020;
    gfLaserSight         = $00000040;
    gfInvulnerable       = $00000080;
    gfResetHealth        = $00000100;
    gfVampiric           = $00000200;
    gfKarma              = $00000400;
    gfArtillery          = $00000800;
    gfForts              = $00001000;
    gfRandomOrder        = $00002000;
    gfKing               = $00004000;
    gfPlaceHog           = $00008000;
    gfSharedAmmo         = $00010000;
    gfDisableGirders     = $00020000;
    gfDisableLandObjects = $00040000;
    gfAISurvival         = $00080000;
    gfInfAttack          = $00100000;
    gfResetWeps          = $00200000;
    gfPerHogAmmo         = $00400000;
    gfDisableWind        = $00800000;
    gfMoreWind           = $01000000;
    gfTagTeam            = $02000000;
    gfBottomBorder       = $04000000;
    // NOTE: When adding new game flags, ask yourself
    // if a "game start notice" would be useful. If so,
    // add one in uWorld.pas - look for "AddGoal".

    gstDrowning       = $00000001;
    gstHHDriven       = $00000002;
    gstMoving         = $00000004;
    gstAttacked       = $00000008;
    gstAttacking      = $00000010;
    gstCollision      = $00000020;
    gstHHChooseTarget = $00000040;
    gstHHJumping      = $00000100;
    gsttmpFlag        = $00000200;
    gstHHThinking     = $00000800;
    gstNoDamage       = $00001000;
    gstHHHJump        = $00002000;
    gstAnimation      = $00004000;
    gstHHDeath        = $00008000;
    gstWinner         = $00010000;  // this, along with gstLoser, is good for indicating hedgies know they screwed up
    gstWait           = $00020000;
    gstNotKickable    = $00040000;
    gstLoser          = $00080000;
    gstHHGone         = $00100000;
    gstInvisible      = $00200000;

    gmLeft   = $00000001;
    gmRight  = $00000002;
    gmUp     = $00000004;
    gmDown   = $00000008;
    gmSwitch = $00000010;
    gmAttack = $00000020;
    gmLJump  = $00000040;
    gmHJump  = $00000080;
    gmDestroy= $00000100;
    gmSlot   = $00000200; // with param
    gmWeapon = $00000400; // with param
    gmTimer  = $00000800; // with param
    gmAnimate= $00001000; // with param
    gmPrecise= $00002000;
    gmAllStoppable = gmLeft or gmRight or gmUp or gmDown or gmAttack or gmPrecise;

    cMaxSlotIndex       = 9;
    cMaxSlotAmmoIndex   = 5;

    ammoprop_Timerable    = $00000001;
    ammoprop_Power        = $00000002;
    ammoprop_NeedTarget   = $00000004;
    ammoprop_ForwMsgs     = $00000008;
    ammoprop_AttackInMove = $00000010;
    ammoprop_NoCrosshair  = $00000040;
    ammoprop_AttackingPut = $00000080;
    ammoprop_DontHold     = $00000100;
    ammoprop_AltAttack    = $00000200;
    ammoprop_AltUse       = $00000400;
    ammoprop_NotBorder    = $00000800;
    ammoprop_Utility      = $00001000;
    ammoprop_Effect       = $00002000;
    ammoprop_SetBounce    = $00004000;
    ammoprop_NeedUpDown   = $00008000;//Used by TouchInterface to show or hide up/down widgets 
    ammoprop_NoRoundEnd   = $10000000;

    AMMO_INFINITE = 100;

    //EXPLAllDamageInRadius = $00000001;  Completely unused for ages
    EXPLAutoSound         = $00000002;
    EXPLNoDamage          = $00000004;
    EXPLDoNotTouchHH      = $00000008;
    EXPLDontDraw          = $00000010;
    EXPLNoGfx             = $00000020;
    EXPLPoisoned          = $00000040;
    EXPLDoNotTouchAny     = $00000080;

    posCaseAmmo    = $00000001;
    posCaseHealth  = $00000002;
    posCaseUtility = $00000004;
    posCaseDummy   = $00000008;
    posCaseExplode = $00000010;
    posCasePoison  = $00000020;

    NoPointX = Low(LongInt);
    cTargetPointRef : TPoint = (X: NoPointX; Y: 0);

    // hog tag mask
    htNone        = $00;
    htTeamName    = $01;
    htName        = $02;
    htHealth      = $04;
    htTransparent = $08;

    AMAnimDuration = 200;
    AMHidden    = 0;//AMState values
    AMShowingUp = 1;
    AMShowing   = 2;
    AMHiding    = 3;

    AMTypeMaskX     = $00000001;
    AMTypeMaskY     = $00000002;
    AMTypeMaskAlpha = $00000004;
    AMTypeMaskSlide = $00000008;

    AMSlotSize = 48;
    AMTITLE = 30;
    AMSlotSize = 32;
    AMSlotPadding = (AMSlotSize - 32) shr 1;

    FADE_ANIM_TIME = 500;
    MOVE_ANIM_TIME = 500;

    cTagsMasks : array[0..15] of byte = (7, 0, 0, 0, 15, 6, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 12, 13);
    cTagsMasksNoHealth: array[0..15] of byte = (3, 2, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0);
