Replace hardcoded max. ammo index in Highlander with AmmoTypeMax
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <frontlib.h>
#include <util/logging.h>
#include <util/util.h>
#include <base64/base64.h>
#include <model/schemelist.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define ENGINE_DIR ".\\"
#define CONFIG_DIR "..\\share\\hedgewars"
#define DATA_DIR CONFIG_DIR"\\Data"
static flib_netconn *netconn;
static flib_gameconn *gameconn;
static flib_mapconn *mapconn;
static char nickname[128];
static flib_metascheme *metacfg;
static bool netConnected = false;
// Callback function that will be called when the map is rendered
static void handleMapGenerated(void *context, const uint8_t *bitmap, int numHedgehogs) {
printf("Drawing map for %i brave little hogs...", numHedgehogs);
// Draw the map as ASCII art
for(int y=0; y<MAPIMAGE_HEIGHT; y+=8) {
for(int x=0; x<MAPIMAGE_WIDTH; x+=6) {
int pixelnum = x + y*MAPIMAGE_WIDTH;
bool pixel = bitmap[pixelnum>>3] & (1<<(7-(pixelnum&7)));
printf(pixel ? "#" : " ");
mapconn = NULL;
static void onGameDisconnect(void *context, int reason) {
flib_log_i("Connection closed. Reason: %i", reason);
gameconn = NULL;
if(netconn) {
flib_netconn_send_roundfinished(netconn, reason==GAME_END_FINISHED);
// Callback function that will be called on error
static void handleMapFailure(void *context, const char *errormessage) {
flib_log_e("Map rendering failed: %s", errormessage);
mapconn = NULL;
static void startEngineMap(int port) {
char cmdbuffer[255];
char argbuffer[255];
snprintf(cmdbuffer, 255, "%shwengine.exe", ENGINE_DIR);
snprintf(argbuffer, 255, "%s %i landpreview", CONFIG_DIR, port);
ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, cmdbuffer, argbuffer, NULL, SW_HIDE);
static void startEngineGame(int port) {
char cmdbuffer[255];
char argbuffer[255];
char base64PlayerName[255];
base64_encode(nickname, strlen(nickname), base64PlayerName, sizeof(base64PlayerName));
snprintf(cmdbuffer, 255, "%shwengine.exe", ENGINE_DIR);
snprintf(argbuffer, 255, "%s 1024 768 32 %i 0 0 0 10 10 %s 0 0 %s 0 0 en.txt", CONFIG_DIR, port, DATA_DIR, base64PlayerName);
ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, cmdbuffer, argbuffer, NULL, SW_HIDE);
void handleNetDisconnect(void *context, int reason, const char *message) {
printf("Disconnected: %s", message);
netconn = NULL;
/*void printRoomList() {
const flib_roomlist *roomlist = flib_netconn_get_roomlist(netconn);
if(roomlist) {
if(roomlist->roomCount>0) {
for(int i=0; i<roomlist->roomCount; i++) {
if(i>0) {
printf(", ");
flib_room *room = roomlist->rooms[i];
printf("%s", room->name);
} else {
puts("Unfortunately, there are no rooms at the moment.");
} else {
puts("Sorry, due to an error the room list is not available.");
void printTeamList() {
flib_gamesetup *setup = flib_netconn_create_gamesetup(netconn);
if(setup) {
puts("The following teams are in this room:");
for(int i=0; i<setup->teamlist->teamCount; i++) {
if(i>0) {
printf(", ");
printf("%s", setup->teamlist->teams[i]->name);
} else {
puts("Sorry, due to an error the team list is not available.");
void handleNetConnected(void *context) {
printf("You enter the lobby of a strange house inhabited by hedgehogs. Looking around, you see hallways branching off to these rooms:\n");
printf("\n\nNow, you can chat by just entering text, or join a room with /join <roomname>.");
printf(" You can also /quit or let me /describe <roomname>. Once in a room, you can /add <teamname> and set yourself /ready. You can also /list the available rooms (in the lobby) or the teams (in a room).\n");
netConnected = true;
void handleChat(void *context, const char *nick, const char *msg) {
if(gameconn) {
flib_gameconn_send_chatmsg(gameconn, nick, msg);
printf("%s: %s\n", nick, msg);
void handleEnterRoom(void *context, bool isChief) {
puts("You have entered the room.");
void handleRoomJoin(void *context, const char *nick) {
if(strcmp(nick, nickname)) {
printf("%s is here.\n", nick);
void handleRoomLeave(void *context, const char *nick, const char *partmsg) {
if(strcmp(nick, nickname)) {
printf("%s leaves.\n", nick);
void handleReady(void *context, const char *nick, bool ready) {
if(strcmp(nick, nickname)) {
if(ready) {
printf("%s is ready to go.\n", nick);
} else {
printf("%s is not ready.\n", nick);
} else {
if(ready) {
printf("You are ready to go.\n");
} else {
printf("You are not ready.\n");
void handleEmFromNet(void *context, const uint8_t *em, size_t size) {
if(gameconn) {
flib_gameconn_send_enginemsg(gameconn, em, size);
void handleEmFromEngine(void *context, const uint8_t *em, size_t size) {
if(netconn) {
flib_netconn_send_engineMessage(netconn, em, size);
void handleChatFromGame(void *context, const char *message, bool teamchat) {
if(netconn) {
if(teamchat) {
flib_netconn_send_teamchat(netconn, message);
} else {
flib_netconn_send_chat(netconn, message);
void handleRunGame(void *context) {
flib_gamesetup *gamesetup = flib_netconn_create_gamesetup(netconn);
if(gameconn) {
flib_log_e("Request to start game, but a game is already running.");
} else if(gamesetup) {
gameconn = flib_gameconn_create(nickname, gamesetup, true);
flib_gameconn_onEngineMessage(gameconn, handleEmFromEngine, NULL);
flib_gameconn_onDisconnect(gameconn, onGameDisconnect, NULL);
flib_gameconn_onChat(gameconn, handleChatFromGame, NULL);
void handleNickTaken(void *context, const char *nick) {
printf("The nickname %s is already in use, please choose a different one:\n", nick);
flib_gets(nickname, sizeof(nickname));
flib_netconn_send_nick(netconn, nickname);
void handlePwRequest(void *context, const char *nick) {
printf("A password is required to log in as %s, please enter (warning: shown in cleartext):\n", nick);
char password[256];
flib_gets(password, sizeof(password));
flib_netconn_send_password(netconn, password);
void handleMessage(void *context, int type, const char *msg) {
if(gameconn) {
flib_gameconn_send_textmsg(gameconn, 1, msg);
printf("*** %s\n", msg);
void handleTeamAccepted(void *context, const char *teamname) {
printf("The team %s has been accepted.\n", teamname);
void handleMapChanged(void *context, const flib_map *map, int changetype) {
if(map->mapgen != MAPGEN_NAMED && changetype != NETCONN_MAPCHANGE_THEME) {
if(mapconn) {
mapconn = NULL;
mapconn = flib_mapconn_create(map);
if(mapconn) {
flib_mapconn_onSuccess(mapconn, handleMapGenerated, NULL);
flib_mapconn_onFailure(mapconn, handleMapFailure, NULL);
} else if(map->mapgen == MAPGEN_NAMED) {
printf("The map %s has been selected.\n", map->name);
void handleLeaveRoom(void *context, int reason, const char *msg) {
printf("The chief has abandoned the room.");
} else if(reason == NETCONN_ROOMLEAVE_KICKED) {
printf("You have been kicked from the room.");
if(msg) {
printf(" (%s)", msg);
puts(" You are back in the lobby.");
void handleSchemeChanged(void *context, const flib_scheme *scheme) {
printf("Game scheme: %s.\n", scheme->name);
void handleWeaponsetChanged(void *context, const flib_weaponset *weaponset) {
printf("Weaponset: %s.\n", weaponset->name);
void handleHogcountChanged(void *context, const char *team, int count) {
printf("Team %s will send %i hogs into the fight.\n", team, count);
void handleRoomAdd(void *context, const flib_room *room) {
printf("%s created a new room called %s.\n", room->owner, room->name);
void handleRoomDelete(void *context, const char *roomName) {
printf("The room %s has collapsed.\n", roomName);
void handleScriptChanged(void *context, const char *script) {
printf("Game Type: %s\n", script);
void handleTeamAdd(void *context, const flib_team *team) {
printf("%s puts the team %s to the planning board.\n", team->ownerName, team->name);
void handleTeamDelete(void *context, const char *teamName) {
printf("The team %s decided not to fight this battle after all.\n", teamName);
void handleTeamColorChanged(void *context, const char *name, int colorIndex) {
static const char* colorNames[] = {"red", "blue", "teal", "purple", "pink", "green", "orange", "brown", "yellow"};
const char *colorName = "strange";
if(colorIndex>=0 && colorIndex < 9) {
colorName = colorNames[colorIndex];
printf("The team %s will wear %s uniforms today.\n", name, colorName);
void tick() {
if(gameconn) {
if(netconn) {
if(mapconn) {
static HANDLE hStdin;
static int init() {
hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
flib_log_e("Unable to get stdin handle");
return 1;
if(!flib_init(0)) {
freopen( "CON", "w", stdout );
freopen( "CON", "w", stderr );
metacfg = flib_metascheme_from_ini("metasettings.ini");
if(!metacfg) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
return -1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if(init()) {
return -1;
puts("Please enter a nickname:");
flib_gets(nickname, sizeof(nickname));
netconn = flib_netconn_create(nickname, metacfg, DATA_DIR"\\", "", 46631);
if(!netconn) {
return -1;
flib_netconn_onConnected(netconn, handleNetConnected, NULL);
flib_netconn_onDisconnected(netconn, handleNetDisconnect, NULL);
flib_netconn_onChat(netconn, handleChat, NULL);
flib_netconn_onEnterRoom(netconn, handleEnterRoom, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRunGame(netconn, handleRunGame, NULL);
flib_netconn_onEngineMessage(netconn, handleEmFromNet, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRoomJoin(netconn, handleRoomJoin, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRoomLeave(netconn, handleRoomLeave, NULL);
flib_netconn_onReadyState(netconn, handleReady, NULL);
flib_netconn_onNickTaken(netconn, handleNickTaken, NULL);
flib_netconn_onPasswordRequest(netconn, handlePwRequest, NULL);
flib_netconn_onMessage(netconn, handleMessage, NULL);
flib_netconn_onTeamAccepted(netconn, handleTeamAccepted, NULL);
flib_netconn_onMapChanged(netconn, handleMapChanged, NULL);
flib_netconn_onLeaveRoom(netconn, handleLeaveRoom, NULL);
flib_netconn_onCfgScheme(netconn, handleSchemeChanged, NULL);
flib_netconn_onWeaponsetChanged(netconn, handleWeaponsetChanged, NULL);
flib_netconn_onHogCountChanged(netconn, handleHogcountChanged, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRoomAdd(netconn, handleRoomAdd, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRoomDelete(netconn, handleRoomDelete, NULL);
flib_netconn_onScriptChanged(netconn, handleScriptChanged, NULL);
flib_netconn_onTeamAdd(netconn, handleTeamAdd, NULL);
flib_netconn_onTeamDelete(netconn, handleTeamDelete, NULL);
flib_netconn_onTeamColorChanged(netconn, handleTeamColorChanged, NULL);
INPUT_RECORD inputRecord;
DWORD eventCount = 0;
while(netconn || gameconn) {
if(netconn && netConnected) {
while(PeekConsoleInput(hStdin, &inputRecord, 1, &eventCount) && eventCount>0) {
if(inputRecord.EventType != KEY_EVENT) {
ReadConsoleInput(hStdin, &inputRecord, 1, &eventCount);
} else {
printf("%s: ", nickname);
char input[256];
if(!flib_gets(input, sizeof(input))) {
if(!memcmp("/quit", input, strlen("/quit"))) {
flib_netconn_send_quit(netconn, "Player quit.");
} else if(!memcmp("/describe ", input, strlen("/describe "))) {
const char *roomname = input+strlen("/describe ");
/*const flib_roomlist *roomlist = flib_netconn_get_roomlist(netconn);
flib_room *room = flib_roomlist_find(roomlist, roomname);
if(!room) {
puts("Unknown room.");
} else {
char *text = flib_asprintf(
"%s is a room created by %s, where %i players (%i teams) are %s on %s%s, using the %s scheme and %s weaponset.",
room->inProgress ? "fighting" : "preparing to fight",
room->map[0]=='+' ? "" : "the map ",
!strcmp("+rnd+", room->map) ? "a random map" :
!strcmp("+maze+", room->map) ? "a random maze" :
!strcmp("+drawn+", room->map) ? "a hand-drawn map" :
if(text) {
} else if(!memcmp("/join ", input, strlen("/join "))) {
const char *roomname = input+strlen("/join ");
flib_netconn_send_joinRoom(netconn, roomname);
} else if(!memcmp("/ready", input, strlen("/ready"))) {
} else if(!memcmp("/loglevel ", input, strlen("/loglevel "))) {
int loglevel = atoi(input+strlen("/loglevel "));
} else if(!memcmp("/list", input, strlen("/list"))) {
if(flib_netconn_is_in_room_context(netconn)) {
} else {
puts("From this big and expansive lobby, hallways branch off to these rooms:");
} else if(!memcmp("/addteam ", input, strlen("/addteam "))) {
const char *teamname = input+strlen("/addteam ");
if(!flib_contains_dir_separator(teamname)) {
char *teamfilename = flib_asprintf("%s.hwt", teamname);
if(teamfilename) {
flib_team *team = flib_team_from_ini(teamfilename);
if(team) {
flib_netconn_send_addTeam(netconn, team);
} else {
printf("Teamfile %s not found.\n", teamfilename);
} else if(strlen(input)>0) {
flib_netconn_send_chat(netconn, input);
return 0;