pagevideos is now much better that before:
1. Display list of video files.
2. For each file in progress display progress bar.
3. Description for each file (size, duration etc).
4. It is possible to remove and rename files.
5. Video file can be launched in external media player.
6. ...
also fixed some bugs
** $Id: lvm.h,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $
** Lua virtual machine
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#ifndef lvm_h
#define lvm_h
#include "ldo.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "ltm.h"
#define tostring(L,o) ((ttype(o) == LUA_TSTRING) || (luaV_tostring(L, o)))
#define tonumber(o,n) (ttype(o) == LUA_TNUMBER || \
(((o) = luaV_tonumber(o,n)) != NULL))
#define equalobj(L,o1,o2) \
(ttype(o1) == ttype(o2) && luaV_equalval(L, o1, o2))
LUAI_FUNC int luaV_lessthan (lua_State *L, const TValue *l, const TValue *r);
LUAI_FUNC int luaV_equalval (lua_State *L, const TValue *t1, const TValue *t2);
LUAI_FUNC const TValue *luaV_tonumber (const TValue *obj, TValue *n);
LUAI_FUNC int luaV_tostring (lua_State *L, StkId obj);
LUAI_FUNC void luaV_gettable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key,
StkId val);
LUAI_FUNC void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, const TValue *t, TValue *key,
StkId val);
LUAI_FUNC void luaV_execute (lua_State *L, int nexeccalls);
LUAI_FUNC void luaV_concat (lua_State *L, int total, int last);