author unc0rr
Wed, 18 Nov 2015 22:18:39 +0300
changeset 11418 ffff8a0d1a76
parent 11076 fcbdee9cdd74
child 11422 4815e406a760
permissions -rw-r--r--
Implement processing net commands in the main thread

module Main where

import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import qualified Data.MultiMap as MM
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Set as Set

data HWProtocol = Command String [CmdParam]

instance Ord HWProtocol where
    (Command a _) `compare` (Command b _) = a `compare` b    
instance Eq HWProtocol where
    (Command a _) == (Command b _) = a == b

data CmdParam = Skip
              | SS
              | LS
              | IntP
              | Many [CmdParam]
data ClientStates = NotConnected
                  | JustConnected
                  | ServerAuth
                  | Lobby

data ParseTree = PTPrefix String [ParseTree]
               | PTCommand String HWProtocol

cmd = Command
cmd1 s p = Command s [p]
cmd2 s p1 p2 = Command s [p1, p2]

cmdName (Command n _) = n

cmdParams2str (Command _ p) = "TCmdParam" ++ concatMap f p
    f Skip = ""
    f SS = "S"
    f LS = "L"
    f IntP = "i"
    f (Many p) = ""

cmdParams2handlerType (Command _ p) = "handler_" ++ concatMap f p
    f Skip = "_"
    f SS = "S"
    f LS = "L"
    f IntP = "i"
    f (Many p) = 'M' : concatMap f p

cmdParams2record cmd@(Command _ p) = renderStyle style{lineLength = 80} $ 
    text "type " <> text (cmdParams2str cmd)
    <> text " = record" $+$ nest 4 (
    vcat (map (uncurry f) $ zip [1..] $ filter isRendered p) 
    $+$ text "end;")
    isRendered Skip = False
    isRendered (Many _) = False
    isRendered _ = True
    f n Skip = empty
    f n SS = text "str" <> int n <> text ": shortstring;"
    f n LS = text "str" <> int n <> text ": longstring;"
    f n IntP = text "param" <> int n <> text ": LongInt;"
    f _ (Many _) = empty

commandsDescription = [
        cmd "CONNECTED" [Skip, IntP]
        , cmd1 "NICK" SS
        , cmd1 "PROTO" IntP
        , cmd1 "ASKPASSWORD" SS
        , cmd1 "SERVER_AUTH" SS
        , cmd1 "JOINING" SS
        , cmd1 "TEAM_ACCEPTED" SS
        , cmd1 "HH_NUM" $ Many [SS]
        , cmd1 "TEAM_COLOR" $ Many [SS]
        , cmd1 "BANLIST" $ Many [SS]
        , cmd1 "JOINED" $ Many [SS]
        , cmd1 "LOBBY:JOINED" $ Many [SS]
        , cmd2 "LOBBY:LEFT" SS LS
        , cmd2 "CLIENT_FLAGS" SS $ Many [SS]
        , cmd2 "LEFT" SS $ Many [SS]
        , cmd1 "SERVER_MESSAGE" LS
        , cmd1 "ERROR" LS
        , cmd1 "NOTICE" LS
        , cmd1 "WARNING" LS
        , cmd1 "EM" $ Many [LS]
        , cmd1 "PING" $ Many [SS]
        , cmd2 "CHAT" SS LS
        , cmd2 "SERVER_VARS" SS LS
        , cmd2 "BYE" SS LS
        , cmd1 "INFO" $ Many [SS]
        , cmd1 "ROOMS" $ Many [SS]
        , cmd "KICKED" []
        , cmd "RUN_GAME" []
        , cmd "ROUND_FINISHED" []

hasMany = any isMany
isMany (Many _) = True
isMany _ = False

unknown = Command "__UNKNOWN__" [Many [SS]]
unknowncmd = PTPrefix "$" [PTCommand "$" $ unknown]

fixName = map fixChar
fixChar c | isLetter c = c
          | otherwise = '_'

groupByFirstChar :: [ParseTree] -> [(Char, [ParseTree])]
groupByFirstChar = MM.assocs . MM.fromList . map breakCmd
    breakCmd (PTCommand (c:cs) params) = (c, PTCommand cs params)

makePT cmd@(Command n p) = PTCommand n cmd

buildParseTree cmds = [PTPrefix "!" $ (bpt $ map makePT cmds) ++ [unknowncmd]]
bpt cmds = if not . null $ fst emptyNamed then cmdLeaf emptyNamed else subtree
        emptyNamed = partition (\(_, (PTCommand n _:_)) -> null n) assocs
        assocs = groupByFirstChar cmds
        subtree = map buildsub assocs
        buildsub (c, cmds) = let st = bpt cmds in if null $ drop 1 st then maybeMerge c st else PTPrefix [c] st
        maybeMerge c cmd@[PTCommand {}] = PTPrefix [c] cmd
        maybeMerge c cmd@[PTPrefix s ss] = PTPrefix (c:s) ss
        cmdLeaf ([(c, (hwc:_))], assocs2) = (PTPrefix [c] [hwc]) : map buildsub assocs2

dumpTree = vcat . map dt
    dt (PTPrefix s st) = text s $$ (nest 1 $ vcat $ map dt st)
    dt _ = empty

pas2 = buildSwitch $ buildParseTree commandsDescription
        buildSwitch cmds = text "case getNextChar of" $$ (nest 4 . vcat $ map buildCase cmds) $$ elsePart
        buildCase (PTCommand {}) = text "#10: <call cmd handler>;"
        buildCase (PTPrefix (s:ss) cmds) = quotes (char s) <> text ": " <> consumePrefix ss (buildSwitch cmds)
        consumePrefix "" = id
        consumePrefix str = (text "consume" <> (parens . quotes $ text str) <> semi $$)
        zeroChar = text "#0: state:= pstDisconnected;"
        elsePart = text "else <unknown cmd> end;"

renderArrays (letters, commands, handlers) = vcat $ punctuate (char '\n') [grr, cmds, l, s, c, bodies, structs, realHandlers, realHandlersArray]
        maybeQuotes "$" = text "#0"
        maybeQuotes s = if null $ tail s then quotes $ text s else text s
        l = text "const letters: array[0.." <> (int $ length letters - 1) <> text "] of char = "
            <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma $ map maybeQuotes letters) <> semi
        s = text "const commands: array[0.." <> (int $ length commands - 1) <> text "] of integer = "
            <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma $ map text commands) <> semi
        c = text "const handlers: array[0.." <> (int $ length fixedNames - 1) <> text "] of PHandler = "
            <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma $ map (text . (:) '@') handlerTypes) <> semi
        grr = text "const net2cmd: array[0.." <> (int $ length fixedNames - 1) <> text "] of TCmdType = "
            <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma $ map (text . (++) "cmd_") $ reverse fixedNames) <> semi
        handlerTypes = map cmdParams2handlerType $ reverse sortedCmdDescriptions
        sortedCmdDescriptions = sort commandsDescription
        fixedNames = map fixName handlers
        bodies = vcat $ punctuate (char '\n') $ map handlerBody $ nub $ sort handlerTypes
        handlerBody n = text "procedure " <> text n <> semi
            $+$ text "begin" 
            $+$ text "end" <> semi
        cmds = text "type TCmdType = " <> parens (hsep $ punctuate comma $ concatMap (rhentry "cmd_") $ sortedCmdDescriptions) <> semi
        structs = vcat (map text . Set.toList . Set.fromList $ map cmdParams2record commandsDescription)
        realHandlers = vcat $ punctuate (char '\n') $ map rh $ sortedCmdDescriptions
        realHandlersArray = text "const handlers: array[TCmdType] of PHandler = "
            <> parens (hsep . punctuate comma . concatMap (rhentry "@handler_") $ sortedCmdDescriptions) <> semi

rh cmd@(Command n p) = text "procedure handler_" <> text (fixName n) <> parens (text "var p: " <> text (cmdParams2str cmd)) <> semi
    $+$ emptyBody $+$ if hasMany p then vcat [space, text "procedure handler_" <> text (fixName n) <> text "_s" <> parens (text "var s: TCmdParamS") <> semi
    , emptyBody] else empty
        emptyBody = text "begin"  $+$ text "end" <> semi

rhentry prefix cmd@(Command n p) = map ((<>) (text "PHandler") . parens) $ (text . (++) prefix . fixName . cmdName $ cmd)
    : if hasMany p then [text . flip (++) "_s" . (++) prefix . fixName . cmdName $ cmd] else []

pas = renderArrays $ buildTables $ buildParseTree commandsDescription
        buildTables cmds = let (_, _, _, t1, t2, t3) = foldr walk (0, [0], -10, [], [], [[]]) cmds in (tail t1, tail t2, concat t3)
        walk (PTCommand _ (Command n params)) (lc, s:sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, (t3:tbl3)) =
            (lc, 1:sh, pc - 1, "#10":tbl1, show pc:tbl2, (n:t3):tbl3)
        walk (PTPrefix prefix cmds) l = lvldown $ foldr fpf (foldr walk (lvlup l) cmds) prefix
        lvlup (lc, sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, tbl3) = (lc, 0:sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, []:tbl3)
        lvldown (lc, s1:s2:sh, pc, tbl1, t:tbl2, t31:t32:tbl3) = (lc, s1+s2:sh, pc, tbl1, (if null t32 then "0" else show s1):tbl2, (t31 ++ t32):tbl3)
        fpf c (lc, s:sh, pc, tbl1, tbl2, tbl3) = (lc + 1, s+1:sh, pc, [c]:tbl1, "0":tbl2, tbl3)

main =
    putStrLn $ renderStyle style{lineLength = 80} $ pas
    --putStrLn $ renderStyle style{lineLength = 80} $ dumpTree $ buildParseTree commandsDescription