- Removed SDLTry from call to SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval
Note: "blame it on me in commit message if you want x)" sheepluva
local params = {
ammoType = amGrenade,
gearType = gtGrenade,
missionTitle = loc("Target Practice: Grenade (easy)"),
solidLand = true,
artillery = true,
map = "SB_Crystal",
theme = "Cave",
hog_x = 2039,
hog_y = 684,
hogName = loc("Grenadier"),
hogHat = "war_desertgrenadier2",
teamName = loc("Grenade Group"),
targets = {
{ x = 1834, y = 747 },
{ x = 2308, y = 729 },
{ x = 1659, y = 718 },
{ x = 1196, y = 704 },
{ x = 2650, y = 826 },
{ x = 1450, y = 705 },
{ x = 2774, y = 848 },
{ x = 2970, y = 704 },
time = 80000,
shootText = loc("You have thrown %d grenades."),