2018-03-23 Wuzzy Add new game flag gfSwitchHog, enable hog switching at turn start
2018-03-22 Wuzzy Lua API: Add Explode function
2018-03-15 Wuzzy Lua API: Fix not updating CursorX/CursorY properly when moving cursor at screen border
2018-03-12 Wuzzy Lua API: Add SkipTurn() to replace ParseCommand("skip")
2018-03-08 Wuzzy Lua API: PlaySound: Add 3rd parameter instaVoice to instantly play voice
2018-03-08 Wuzzy Lua API: Add SetSoundMask to disable playing certain sounds
2018-03-07 Wuzzy Lua: Rename global variable “L” to “LOCALE”
2018-02-23 Wuzzy Lua API: Fix SetWind not updating flake direction
2018-02-20 Wuzzy Lua API: Remove empty functions CampaignLock and CampaignUnlock
2018-02-20 Wuzzy Expose 5 land flags to Lua for use with SetGearCollisionMask
2018-02-20 Wuzzy Fix inconsistent name of SetGearAIHints
2018-02-16 Wuzzy Lua API: Add functons: GetTeamIndex and GetTeamClan
2018-02-16 Wuzzy Add SetTeamLabel to Lua API, can set arbitrary string as team label
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: AddAmmo unselects weapons before it would remove current ammo from current hog
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: Add HealHog to heal hog with visual effects + message
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: Add SpawnSupplyCrate
2018-02-09 Wuzzy Lua API: Add GetTeamName
2018-02-08 Wuzzy Lua API: Add GetWind function to get current wind
2018-02-08 Wuzzy Lua API: Add SetVampiric and SetLaserSight
2018-02-07 Wuzzy Lua API: Add WriteLnToChat
2017-11-30 nemo er. should be true I think? also... maybe this should be somewhere else
2017-11-30 nemo This is a desyncing change. But... We might need a new release anyway. ☹
2017-10-24 Wuzzy Lua API: Fix Goals text being cut off at ca. 255 characters
2017-10-10 Wuzzy Lua API: Remove BorderColor variable from onGameInit
2017-09-30 sheepluva fix some fpc hints
2017-09-29 sheepluva pas2c happiness initiative 2017, continued
2017-09-29 sheepluva fix some things that annoy pas2c and whitespaces
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Lua API: Add ReadyTimeLeft variable
2017-09-26 Wuzzy New Lua API function: GetTeamStats, to get team stats
2017-09-22 nemo mix it up some more. also had screwed up -- inside quotes
2017-09-22 nemo should be harder to dodge than a xor
2017-09-20 nemo ranges for alnum were silly. also lets not fail to same value
2017-09-20 nemo Data is not part of the path
2017-09-12 nemo Try to prevent the script safety checking from totally screwing up localisation. Also untested.
2017-09-12 nemo This should be ok right?
2017-09-11 nemo Totally untested. Trying to ensure scripts loaded more or less match.
2017-04-28 Wuzzy Lua: Fix SwitchHog breaking the ammo menu of the new hog
2016-02-23 unc0rr Dump best time ghost on console 0.9.22
2017-04-27 Wuzzy Lua: Fix HideHog causing engine crash when provided with invalid gear ID or hog was hidden
2017-04-25 Wuzzy Lua API: SendAchevementsStatsOff, SendGameResultOff, SendRankingStatsOff
2017-04-24 nemo Move sidecar lua load to prior to script load. This should let the script use it for dependencies.
2017-04-22 Wuzzy Lua variable: AmmoTypeMax (maximum ammo type ID for iterating)
2017-04-20 nemo For testing purposes, drop tointeger and pushint since Lua uses ptrdiff causing inconsistent behaviour if we try to get a longword value from tointeger on 64 bit vs 32bit. This should improve script reliability a bit
2017-04-19 Wuzzy New Lua call: EndTurn to end turn
2017-04-05 Wuzzy Remove Lua function SetAmmoStore
2016-12-10 sheepluva Fix ScriptExists() destroying lua stack (fixes Bug #146)
2016-11-27 Wuzzy Add PlaceRubber to Lua API
2016-11-23 Wuzzy Add GetHogFort to Lua API
2016-11-20 Wuzzy Expose number of air mines in Lua variable AirMinesNum
2016-11-19 Wuzzy Allow to ignore overwritten ammo name in GetAmmoName
2016-11-19 Wuzzy GetAmmoName now returns ammo name overwritten by SetAmmoTexts
2016-05-09 Wuzzy Add SetAmmoDescriptionAppendix to Lua API, see issue 82
2016-05-09 Wuzzy Add Lua API function SetAmmoTexts (see issue 82)
2016-11-14 Wuzzy Lua API: Add GetVisualGearType, onVisualGearAdd, onVisualGearDelete
2016-11-14 Wuzzy Add WorldEdge to Lua API to expose/change world edge type
2016-09-15 sheepluva fix typo and hopefully also pas2c
2016-09-15 sheepluva Lua API: IsHogLocal(gearUid)
2016-09-15 sheepluva Lua API: GetAmmoName(ammoType)
2016-09-04 sheepluva Lua API: fix incorrect error message. thanks to TheAnachron and rhino for pointing this out
2016-05-15 sheepluva drop SysUtils inclusion from 5 files where it is not needed anymore
less more (0) -300 -100 -60 tip