Thu, 25 Oct 2012 05:06:00 +0200 koda countless small optimisation for cmake, output messages are now coherent (mostly) and the options get fully respected (eg. skipping library search if not activated)
Tue, 25 Sep 2012 02:25:22 +0200 koda sdl_extras updated/fixed (is this file still needed?)
Sun, 29 Jan 2012 18:52:01 +0100 koda disabling the discovery of SDL13+ on desktop. SDL13 has become SDL2 with a completely different ABI and will require a new FindSDL2 module for Cmake to be found; for current sdl development installations, hedgewars will either use the compatibility layer (present in sdl1.3 but not in sdl2) or just fail to build (in case sdl2 is installed but sdl1.2.* is not). whew
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