2017-04-25 Wuzzy Lua API: SendAchevementsStatsOff, SendGameResultOff, SendRankingStatsOff
2017-04-19 Wuzzy Take sacrifices into account for the “Stupid” taunt
2017-04-19 Wuzzy Call hog stupid for selfkilling
2017-04-19 Wuzzy Call hedgehogs stupid for poisoning themselves
2017-04-06 Wuzzy Fix enemy saying “Missed” when poisoned w/o damage
2017-04-04 Wuzzy Fix hedgehogs/ticker ignoring kills without damage (#149)
2016-11-27 sheepluva fix problem with pas2c build. please don't use "and not xyz", use "and (not xyz)"
2016-11-19 Wuzzy Play countdown sounds for 4-1 remaining seconds and “boring” voice on timeout
2016-02-23 unc0rr Dump best time ghost on console
2016-01-31 unc0rr Bye-bye TryDo
2015-08-10 sheepluva more copyright fixes
2014-02-09 unc0rr It compiles \o/
2014-02-06 sheepluva rolling back my PChar stuff, because unC0Rr improves string handling pas2c instead <3
2014-02-04 sheepluva update FSF address. note: two sdl include files (by Sam Lantinga) still have the old FSF address in their copyright - but I ain't gonna touch their copyright headers
2014-02-04 sheepluva fixing the remaining PChar issues pas2c ran into to this point, now it stops because of being unable to deal with "set of char"
2014-01-21 koda partial merge of the webgl branch
2014-01-17 sheepluva update copyright to 2014
2013-10-11 koda merge with latest defaul, fixing compiling with fpc, parsing and rendering with pas2c, some minor problems with compiling with clang webgl
2013-08-23 unc0rr Fix script flaw in detection of best team when sending achievement info
2013-08-23 unc0rr Store TrophyRace records in database
2013-08-20 unc0rr Fix indentation
2013-08-05 unc0rr Declare achievements in console statistics output
2013-06-17 koda update with default webgl
2013-06-10 Periklis Ntanasis changed variable and function name
2013-06-06 Periklis Ntanasis made lua scripts able to turn off automatic game stats
2013-08-23 unc0rr Fix script flaw in detection of best team when sending achievement info 0.9.19
2013-08-23 unc0rr Fix build 0.9.19
2013-08-23 unc0rr Store TrophyRace records in database 0.9.19
2013-08-05 unc0rr Declare achievements in console statistics output 0.9.19
2013-06-04 koda update branch webgl
2013-05-29 unc0rr bump copyright year for Andrey entries
2013-04-02 koda update webgl branch webgl
2013-03-11 nemo this should ensure those other voices play a bit more often.
2012-11-11 koda merge xymeng's gsoc engine with a few updates (and further checks on symbol definitions) webgl
2012-11-07 koda parentheses for everyone webgl
2012-11-02 Xeli remove mobile ifdefs, replace writeLn's for WriteLnToConsole
2012-10-28 Xeli merge Medo's GSoC work hedgeroid
2012-10-28 koda cleanup in initEverything and freeEverything
2012-08-19 Medo Fix engine crashes on game end
2012-05-31 unc0rr pas2c stuff
2012-02-17 koda the most important commit of the year
2012-01-17 lovelacer A partial reformatting of the pascal code to have consistent syntax. Things that are still inconsistent.
2011-11-27 unc0rr Countless imporvements to the parser and countless help to the parser in sources.
2011-11-05 unc0rr Some improvements to the parser
2011-09-24 unc0rr Report long flight archievement
2011-08-21 nemo Try to avoid overlapping voices for major statements (not things like byebye or oof)
2011-05-08 unc0rr Better tracking of damage source and target when scoring a turn
2011-05-05 unc0rr Some improvements on stats subsystem
2011-04-12 unc0rr Show winners in console in a special form so this information could be easily parsed
2011-03-01 koda Happy 2011 :)
2011-01-13 unc0rr Pass PHedgehog instead of PGear to stats. Fixes crash.
2011-01-07 unc0rr Keep track of which hog's weapon does damage
2010-11-22 unc0rr uCommandHandlers
2010-11-21 unc0rr uDebug
2010-11-21 unc0rr uCaptions
2010-11-18 unC0Rr Haven't found a better place than uIO for OutError
2010-11-18 unC0Rr Move SendStats to uIO
2010-11-18 unC0Rr Move some stuff from uMisc to uUtils
2010-11-17 unc0rr uGears
2010-11-17 unc0rr Remove ugly PHedgehog(Gear^.Hedgehog) cast
less more (0) -60 tip