Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Fri, 28 Apr 2017 03:02:15 +0200] rev 12379
ACF, mission 3: Fail faster after Leaks or Dense Cloud died
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Fri, 28 Apr 2017 02:50:23 +0200] rev 12378
ACF, mission 3: Fix Lua error when Leaks a Lot dies at the beginning
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Fri, 28 Apr 2017 02:45:19 +0200] rev 12377
ACF, mission 3: Fix Lua error spam when Dense Cloud dies in the pit sequence
Wuzzy <almikes@aol.com> [Fri, 28 Apr 2017 02:18:21 +0200] rev 12376
Lua: Fix SwitchHog breaking the ammo menu of the new hog
unC0Rr [Fri, 01 Apr 2016 14:42:14 +0300] rev 12375
Time achievement for ClimbHome
unc0rr [Mon, 28 Mar 2016 21:20:11 +0300] rev 12374
Declare achievements alongwith EndGame call, since it would skip SendStats