-- Basic Movement Training -- Teaches the basic movement controls. --[[ Lessons: * Walking * Collecting crates * Health basics * How to show the mission panel again * Jumping * Fall damage * Walking and staying on ice * Switching hedgehogs * Bouncing on rubber ]] HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Tracker.lua") local hhs = {} local hog_greenhorn, hog_cappy local crates = {} local switcherGear local tookDamage = false local switchTicks = -1 local walkingText = false local map = { "\1\74\7\29\135\1\74\8\11\0\1\83\7\135\135", "\1\250\7\135\0\1\204\7\137\135\1\238\7\135\0", "\2\17\7\130\0\2\42\7\110\0\2\74\7\94\0", "\2\106\7\89\0\2\99\7\121\0\2\76\7\128\0", "\2\115\7\98\135\2\147\7\98\0\2\179\7\94\0", "\2\147\7\96\0\2\174\7\89\0\2\145\7\91\135", "\2\115\7\87\0\2\122\7\89\135\2\154\7\89\0", "\2\170\7\89\0\2\179\7\105\135\2\179\7\107\135", "\2\177\7\142\135\2\177\8\105\0\3\74\7\94\135", "\3\74\8\50\0\3\88\7\89\135\3\129\7\89\0", "\3\161\7\91\0\3\193\7\98\0\3\225\7\100\0", "\4\1\7\91\0\4\33\7\89\0\4\65\7\98\0", "\4\97\7\100\0\4\134\7\103\0\4\166\7\100\0", "\4\200\7\98\0\4\232\7\96\0\5\8\7\96\0", "\5\40\7\98\0\5\72\7\98\0\5\107\7\100\0", "\5\139\7\98\0\5\173\7\89\0\5\207\7\94\0", "\5\239\7\100\0\6\15\7\100\0\6\47\7\100\0", "\6\86\7\100\0\6\118\7\100\0\6\153\7\94\0", "\6\185\7\91\0\6\219\7\91\0\6\251\7\98\0", "\7\27\7\103\0\7\61\7\100\0\7\94\7\96\0", "\7\126\7\91\0\7\160\7\94\0\7\192\7\105\0", "\7\224\7\116\0\7\254\7\126\0\8\34\7\123\0", "\8\66\7\119\0\8\98\7\114\0\8\133\7\119\0", "\8\165\7\132\0\8\195\7\142\0\8\229\7\146\0", "\9\5\7\151\0\9\37\7\155\0\9\69\7\164\0", "\9\101\7\174\0\9\131\7\190\0\9\160\7\208\0", "\9\186\7\226\0\9\215\7\240\0\9\250\7\238\0", "\10\26\7\233\0\10\58\7\233\0\10\90\7\235\0", "\10\122\7\238\0\10\154\7\238\0\10\186\7\249\0", "\10\213\8\14\0\10\245\8\9\0\11\3\8\39\0", "\11\24\8\66\0\11\10\8\62\0\10\213\8\5\135", "\10\245\8\7\0\11\21\8\14\0\11\56\8\25\0", "\11\92\8\37\0\11\106\8\43\0\9\85\8\0\147", "\9\83\8\0\0\8\208\7\233\147\3\168\7\197\147", "\8\94\7\197\0\2\83\7\210\147\1\179\7\238\0", "\1\44\7\84\139\1\12\7\87\0\0\238\7\98\0", "\0\211\7\119\0\0\190\7\144\0\0\165\7\164\0", "\0\146\7\190\0\0\140\7\222\0\0\142\7\254\0", "\0\153\8\30\0\0\156\8\37\0\1\7\7\178\139", "\0\247\7\210\0\0\224\7\238\0\0\215\8\14\0", "\0\215\8\18\0\1\5\7\238\139\1\19\8\11\0", "\1\32\8\43\0\1\39\8\62\0\1\67\7\32\136", "\1\69\6\253\0\1\69\6\219\0\1\69\6\187\0", "\1\74\6\155\0\1\80\6\123\0\1\51\6\109\0", "\1\35\6\80\0\1\12\6\105\0\0\243\6\132\0", "\0\233\6\176\0\0\252\6\212\0\1\14\6\240\0", "\0\252\7\13\0\0\233\6\219\0\0\238\6\182\0", "\0\238\6\148\0\1\12\6\164\0\1\9\6\201\0", "\0\236\6\224\0\0\206\6\251\0\0\165\7\32\0", "\0\144\7\57\0\0\124\7\82\0\0\103\7\107\0", "\0\96\7\144\0\0\92\7\176\0\0\112\7\139\0", "\0\121\7\105\0\0\130\7\61\0\0\142\7\25\0", "\0\156\6\251\0\0\188\6\247\0\0\201\6\217\0", "\0\167\6\224\0\0\146\6\251\0\0\130\7\25\0", "\0\112\7\66\0\0\98\7\110\0\0\98\7\142\0", "\0\98\7\174\0\0\101\7\206\0\0\101\7\238\0", "\0\126\8\7\0\0\137\8\14\0\10\46\7\245\136", "\10\14\7\247\0\9\241\7\229\0\9\209\7\222\0", "\9\176\7\226\0\9\138\7\233\0\9\94\7\233\0", "\9\62\7\233\0\9\46\7\235\0\2\53\7\139\136", "\2\21\7\137\0\1\250\7\119\0\1\218\7\116\0", "\1\186\7\119\0\1\151\7\119\0\1\119\7\114\0", "\1\92\7\135\0\1\78\7\132\0" } local function drawMap() for m=1, #map do ParseCommand("draw "..map[m]) end end function onGameInit() GameFlags = gfDisableWind + gfDisableGirders + gfDisableLandObjects + gfOneClanMode + gfInfAttack Map = "" Seed = 0 Theme = "Brick" MapGen = mgDrawn TurnTime = 9999000 Explosives = 0 MinesNum = 0 CaseFreq = 0 WaterRise = 0 HealthDecrease = 0 -- DRAW MAP -- drawMap() ------ HOG LIST ------ AddTeam(loc("Training Team"), 0xFF0204, "deadhog", "SteelTower", "Default", "hedgewars") hhs[1] = AddHog(loc("Greenhorn"), 0, 100, "NoHat") SetGearPosition(hhs[1], 404, 1714) --SetGearPosition(hhs[1], 1368, 1400) SetEffect(hhs[1], heResurrectable, 1) hhs[2] = AddHog(loc("Rhombus"), 0, 100, "NoHat") SetGearPosition(hhs[2], 620, 1538) SetEffect(hhs[2], heResurrectable, 1) HogTurnLeft(hhs[2], true) hhs[3] = AddHog(loc("Trapped"), 0, 100, "NoHat") SetGearPosition(hhs[3], 1573, 1824) SetEffect(hhs[3], heResurrectable, 1) hhs[4] = AddHog(loc("Cappy"), 0, 100, "cap_red") SetGearPosition(hhs[4], 2114, 1411) SetEffect(hhs[4], heResurrectable, 1) HogTurnLeft(hhs[4], true) hhs[5] = AddHog(loc("Ice"), 0, 100, "NoHat") SetGearPosition(hhs[5], 1813, 1285) SetEffect(hhs[5], heResurrectable, 1) hog_greenhorn = hhs[1] hog_cappy = hhs[4] SendHealthStatsOff() end local function LoadGearData() --BEGIN CORE DATA-- ------ GIRDER LIST ------ PlaceSprite(292, 1488, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(454, 1731, sprAmGirder, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(467, 1653, sprAmGirder, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(611, 1702, sprAmGirder, 5, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(426, 1558, sprAmGirder, 7, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(555, 1558, sprAmGirder, 5, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(649, 1600, sprAmGirder, 7, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1072, 1809, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1040, 1831, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1124, 1805, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1175, 1772, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1226, 1738, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1275, 1705, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1325, 1683, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1368, 1560, sprAmGirder, 3, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1390, 1665, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1481, 1716, sprAmGirder, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1625, 1652, sprAmGirder, 7, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(1729, 1596, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1762, 1545, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1563, 1536, sprAmGirder, 5, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(1506, 1392, sprAmGirder, 6, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(1591, 1450, sprAmGirder, 3, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(1650, 1463, sprAmGirder, 1, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(1766, 1492, sprAmGirder, 4, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(1925, 1492, sprAmGirder, 4, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(2114, 1428, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2187, 1435, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2135, 1478, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2284, 1650, sprAmGirder, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2005, 1724, sprAmGirder, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1885, 1562, sprAmGirder, 7, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2252, 1700, sprAmGirder, 2, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(2308, 1803, sprAmGirder, 5, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(2394, 1893, sprAmGirder, 1, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(605, 1761, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) --PlaceSprite(2429, 1817, sprAmGirder, 5, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1813, 1312, sprAmGirder, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1742, 1260, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1812, 1210, sprAmGirder, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1884, 1260, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1545, 1811, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1577, 1761, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1610, 1811, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1440, 1531, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2082, 1337, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2187, 1273, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2097, 1246, sprAmGirder, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(593, 1465, sprAmGirder, 7, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(684, 1505, sprAmGirder, 5, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2046, 1492, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2064, 1442, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1849, 1426, sprAmGirder, 4, 16448250, nil, nil, nil, lfIce) PlaceSprite(3051, 1957, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(3101, 1956, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(3150, 1954, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(3233, 1962, sprAmGirder, 5, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(3322, 2004, sprAmGirder, 3, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(3391, 2001, sprAmGirder, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(3483, 1982, sprAmGirder, 7, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2770, 1980, sprAmGirder, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2886, 2005, sprAmGirder, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2698, 1891, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2843, 1891, sprAmGirder, 6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2834, 1771, sprAmGirder, 5, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2706, 1771, sprAmGirder, 7, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2768, 1818, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(2768, 1899, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(1760, 1393, sprAmGirder, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) PlaceSprite(516, 1795, sprAmGirder, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) ------ RUBBER LIST ------ PlaceSprite(2151, 1659, sprAmRubber, 3, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy) PlaceSprite(2399, 1698, sprAmRubber, 3, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy) PlaceSprite(2467, 1553, sprAmRubber, 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy) PlaceSprite(2279, 1497, sprAmRubber, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy) PlaceSprite(2414, 1452, sprAmRubber, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy) PlaceSprite(1860, 1687, sprAmRubber, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfBouncy) ------ SPRITE LIST ------ PlaceSprite(2115, 1295, 140, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, nil, nil, lfNormal) ------ CRATE LIST ------ crates[1] = SpawnHealthCrate(401, 1850) -- Jumping crates[2] = SpawnHealthCrate(2639, 1973) -- Final crate crates[3] = SpawnHealthCrate(1969, 1698) -- Rubber crates[4] = SpawnHealthCrate(889, 1829) -- Back Jumping crates[5] = SpawnHealthCrate(1486, 1694) -- Walking on Ice crates[6] = SpawnHealthCrate(2033, 1470) -- Walking on Ice completed crates[7] = SpawnHealthCrate(1297, 1683) -- Back Jumping 2 crates[8] = SpawnSupplyCrate(1851, 1402, amSwitch, 100) -- Switch Hedgehog crates[9] = SpawnHealthCrate(564, 1772) -- Mission Panel crates[10] = SpawnHealthCrate(2290, 1622) -- Turning Around end local function victory() ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Training complete!"),loc("Congratulations! You have completed the obstacle course!"), 0, 0) SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You have completed the Basic Movement Training!")) SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Congratulations!")) SendStat(siPlayerKills, "0", loc("Training Team")) PlaySound(sndVictory, CurrentHedgehog) -- Disable controls, end game SetInputMask(0) SetWeapon(amNothing) SetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog, band(GetGearMessage(CurrentHedgehog), bnot(gmAllStoppable))) EndGame() end function onGearAdd(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtSwitcher then switcherGear = gear ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Switch Hedgehog (2/3)"), loc("You have activated Switch Hedgehog!").."|".. loc("The spinning arrows above your hedgehog show|which hedgehog is selected right now.").."|".. loc("Hit the “Switch Hedgehog” key until you have|selected Cappy, the hedgehog with the cap!").."|".. loc("Switch hedgehog: [Tabulator]"), 2, 20000) end end function onGearDelete(gear) -- Switching done if GetGearType(gear) == gtSwitcher then switcherGear = nil if CurrentHedgehog == hog_cappy then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Leap of Faith"), loc("Good! You now control Cappy.").."|".. loc("Collect the remaining crates to complete the training."), 2, 0) else ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Switch Hedgehog (Failed!)"), loc("Oops! You have selected the wrong hedgehog! Just try again.").."|".. loc("Select “Switch Hedgehog” from the ammo menu and|hit the “Attack” key to proceed.").."|".. loc("Open ammo menu: [Right click]").."|".. loc("Attack: [Space]"), 2, 0) end -- Crate collected (or destroyed, but this should not be possible) elseif gear == crates[1] then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Jumping"), loc("Get the next crate by jumping over the abyss.").."|".. loc("Careful, hedgehogs can't swim!").."|".. loc("Long Jump: [Enter]"), 2, 5000) elseif gear == crates[2] then victory() elseif gear == crates[4] then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Back Jumping (1/2)"), loc("For the next crate, you have to do back jumps.") .. "|" .. loc("High Jump: [Backspace]").."|"..loc("Back Jump: [Backspace] ×2"), 2, 5000) elseif gear == crates[7] then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Back Jumping (2/2)"), loc("To get over the next obstacle, you need to perform your back jump precisely.").."|".. loc("Hint: Hit “High Jump” again when you're close to the highest point of a high jump.").."|".. loc("Hint: Don't stand too close at the wall before you jump!").."|".. loc("High Jump: [Backspace]").."|"..loc("Back Jump: [Backspace] ×2"), 2, 15000) elseif gear == crates[5] then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Walking on Ice"), loc("These girders are slippery, like ice.").."|".. loc("And you need to move to the top!").."|".. loc("If you don't want to slip away, you have to keep moving!").."|".. loc("You can also hold down the key for “Precise Aim” to prevent slipping.").."|".. loc("Precise Aim: [Left Shift]"), 2, 9000) elseif gear == crates[6] then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("A mysterious Box"), loc("The next crate is an utility crate.").."|"..loc("What's in the box, you ask? Let's find out!").."|".. loc("Remember: Hold down [Left Shift] to prevent slipping"), 2, 6000) elseif gear == crates[8] then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Switch Hedgehog (1/3)"), loc("You have collected the “Switch Hedgehog” utility!").."|".. loc("This allows to select any hedgehog in your team!").."|".. loc("Select “Switch Hedgehog” from the ammo menu and|hit the “Attack” key.").."|".. loc("Open ammo menu: [Right click]").."|".. loc("Attack: [Space]"), 2, 30000) elseif gear == crates[3] then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Rubber"), loc("As you probably noticed, these rubber bands|are VERY elastic. Hedgehogs and many other|things will bounce off without taking any damage.").."|".. loc("Now try to get out of this bounce house|and take the next crate."), 2, 8000) elseif gear == crates[9] then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Health and Mission Panel"), loc("You just got yourself some extra health.|The more health your hedgehogs have, the better!").."|".. loc("Now go to the next crate.").."|".. -- This part is CRITICALLY important for all future missions loc("Hint: If this mission panel disappears, you can|see it again by hitting the Pause or Quit key.").."|".. loc("Quit: [Esc]").."|".. loc("Pause: [P]") , 2, 900000) elseif gear == crates[10] then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Turning Around"), loc("By the way, you can turn around without walking|by holding down Precise when you hit a walk control.").."|".. loc("Get the final crate to the right to complete the training.").."|".. loc("Turn around: [Left Shift] + [Left]/[Right]") , 2, 8000) end end function onGearDamage(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog and tookDamage == false then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Fall Damage"), loc("Ouch! You just took fall damage.").."|".. loc("Better get yourself another health crate to heal your wounds."), 2, 5000) tookDamage = true end end function onSwitch() -- Update help while switching hogs if switcherGear then -- Delay by one tick for CurrentHedgehog to update switchTicks = 1 end end function onGameTick() --AddCaption(GetX(CurrentHedgehog)..":"..GetY(CurrentHedgehog)) if switchTicks > 0 then switchTicks = switchTicks - 1 elseif switchTicks == 0 then if CurrentHedgehog == hog_cappy then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Switch Hedgehog (3/3)"), loc("This is Cappy.").."|".. loc("To finish hedgehog selection, just do anything|with him, like walking."), 2, 20000) else ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Switch Hedgehog (2/3)"), loc("You have activated Switch Hedgehog!").."|".. loc("The spinning arrows above your hedgehog show|which hedgehog is selected right now.").."|".. loc("Hit the “Switch Hedgehog” key until you have|selected Cappy, the hedgehog with the cap!").."|".. loc("Switch hedgehog: [Tabulator]"), 2, 20000) end switchTicks = -1 end end function onGearResurrect(gear) AddCaption(loc("Your hedgehog has been revived!")) if gear == hog_cappy then SetGearPosition(gear, 404, 1714) elseif gear == hog_greenhorn then SetGearPosition(gear, 401, 1850) else -- Generic teleport to Rhombus' cage SetGearPosition(gear, 619, 1559) end FollowGear(gear) end function onNewTurn() SwitchHog(hog_greenhorn) if not walkingText then ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("First Steps"), loc("Complete the obstacle course.") .."|".. loc("To begin, walk to the crate to the right.").."|".. loc("Walk: [Left] and [Right]") .."|".. -- TODO: Remove this note when it's no longer needed. -- Hardcoding control names is not good. loc("Note: This basic training assumes default controls."), 2, 900000) walkingText = true end end function onGameStart() LoadGearData() ShowMission(loc("Basic Movement Training"), loc("Basic Training"), loc("Complete the obstacle course."), 1, 0) FollowGear(hog_greenhorn) end