------------------- ABOUT ---------------------- -- -- In this adventure hero gets the lost part with -- the help of the green bananas hogs. HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Animate.lua") ----------------- VARIABLES -------------------- -- globals local campaignName = loc("A Space Adventure") local missionName = loc("Fruit planet, Searching the Part!") local inBattle = false -- dialogs local dialog01 = {} local dialog02 = {} local dialog03 = {} -- mission objectives local goals = { [dialog01] = {missionName, loc("Ready for Battle?"), loc("Walk left if you want to join Captain Lime or right if you want to decline his offer"), 1, 4000}, [dialog02] = {missionName, loc("Battle Starts Now!"), loc("You have choose to fight! Lead the Green Bananas to battle and try not to let them be killed"), 1, 4000}, [dialog03] = {missionName, loc("Ready for Battle?"), loc("You have choose to flee... Unfortunately the only place where you can launch your saucer is in the most left side of the map"), 1, 4000}, } -- crates types=[0:ammo,1:utility,2:health] local crates = { {type = 0, name = amDEagle, x = 1680, y = 1650}, {type = 0, name = amGirder, x = 1680, y = 1160}, {type = 0, name = amWatermelon, x = 1360, y = 1870}, {type = 0, name = amRope, x = 1400, y = 1870}, } -- hogs local hero = {} local green1 = {} local green2 = {} local green3 = {} -- teams local teamA = {} local teamB = {} local teamC = {} local teamD = {} -- hedgehogs values hero.name = "Hog Solo" hero.x = 1200 hero.y = 820 hero.dead = false green1.name = "Captain Lime" green1.x = 1050 green1.y = 820 green2.name = "Mister Pear" green2.x = 1350 green2.y = 820 green3.name = "Lady Mango" green3.x = 1450 green3.y = 820 local redHedgehogs = { { name = "Poisonous Apple" }, { name = "Dark Strawberry" }, { name = "Watermelon Heart" }, { name = "Deadly Grape" } } teamA.name = loc("Hog Solo and GB") teamA.color = tonumber("38D61C",16) -- green teamB.name = loc("Captain Lime") teamB.color = tonumber("38D61C",16) -- green teamC.name = loc("Fruit Assasins") teamC.color = tonumber("FF0000",16) -- red function onGameInit() Seed = 1 TurnTime = 20000 CaseFreq = 0 MinesNum = 0 MinesTime = 1 Explosives = 0 Delay = 3 SuddenDeathTurns = 100 HealthCaseAmount = 50 Map = "fruit02_map" Theme = "Fruit" -- Hog Solo and Green Bananas AddTeam(teamA.name, teamA.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy") hero.gear = AddHog(hero.name, 0, 100, "war_desertgrenadier1") AnimSetGearPosition(hero.gear, hero.x, hero.y) HogTurnLeft(hero.gear, true) green2.gear = AddHog(green2.name, 0, 100, "war_desertgrenadier1") AnimSetGearPosition(green2.gear, green2.x, green2.y) HogTurnLeft(green2.gear, true) green3.gear = AddHog(green3.name, 0, 100, "war_desertgrenadier1") AnimSetGearPosition(green3.gear, green3.x, green3.y) HogTurnLeft(green3.gear, true) -- Captain Lime AddTeam(teamB.name, teamB.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy") green1.gear = AddHog(green1.name, 0, 100, "war_desertgrenadier1") AnimSetGearPosition(green1.gear, green1.x, green1.y) -- Fruit Assasins AddTeam(teamC.name, teamC.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy") for i=1,table.getn(redHedgehogs) do redHedgehogs[i].gear = AddHog(redHedgehogs[i].name, 0, 100, "war_desertgrenadier1") AnimSetGearPosition(redHedgehogs[i].gear, 2010 + 50*i, 630) end AnimInit() --AnimationSetup() end function onGameStart() AnimWait(hero.gear, 3000) FollowGear(hero.gear) AddEvent(onHeroDeath, {hero.gear}, heroDeath, {hero.gear}, 0) -- Hog Solo and GB weapons AddAmmo(hero.gear, amFirePunch, 3) AddAmmo(hero.gear, amSwitch, 100) -- Assasins weapons AddAmmo(redHedgehogs[1].gear, amBazooka, 6) AddAmmo(redHedgehogs[1].gear, amGrenade, 6) for i=1,table.getn(redHedgehogs) do HideHog(redHedgehogs[i].gear) end -- place crates for i=1,table.getn(crates) do SpawnAmmoCrate(crates[i].x, crates[i].y, crates[i].name) end -- explosives -- I wanted to use FindPlace but doesn't accept height values... local x1 = 950 local x2 = 1305 local y1 = 1210 local y2 = 1620 while true do if y2 3000 then SetAnimSkip(true) end end -------------- EVENTS ------------------ function onHeroDeath(gear) if hero.dead then return true end return false end -------------- ACTIONS ------------------ function heroDeath(gear) EndGame() end -------------- ANIMATIONS ------------------ function Skipanim(anim) if goals[anim] ~= nil then ShowMission(unpack(goals[anim])) end end function AnimationSetup() -- DIALOG 01 - Start, Captain Lime talks explains to Hog Solo AddSkipFunction(dialog01, Skipanim, {dialog01}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, loc("Somewhere in the planet of fruits a terrible war is about to begin..."), 5000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("I was told that as the leader of the king's guard, no one knows this world better than you!"), SAY_SAY, 5000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {hero.gear, loc("So, I kindly ask for your help."), SAY_SAY, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {green1.gear, 2000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("You couldn't have come to a worse time Hog Solo!"), SAY_SAY, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("The clan of the Red Strawberry wants to take over the dominion and overthrone king Pineapple."), SAY_SAY, 5000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("Under normal circumstances we could easily defeat them but we have kindly sent most of our men to the kingdom of sand to help to the annual dusting of the king's palace."), SAY_SAY, 8000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("However the army of Yellow Watermelons is about to attack any moment now."), SAY_SAY, 4000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("I would gladly help you if we won this battle but under these circumstances I'll only help you if you fight for our side."), SAY_SAY, 6000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {green1.gear, loc("What do you say? Will you fight for us?"), SAY_SAY, 3000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 500}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = ShowMission, args = {missionName, loc("Ready for Battle?"), loc("Walk left if you want to join Captain Lime or right if you want to decline his offer"), 1, 7000}}) table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSwitchHog, args = {hero.gear}}) end ------------- OTHER FUNCTIONS ---------------