HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/SimpleMission.lua") HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") SimpleMission({ missionTitle = loc("Newton and the Hammock"), missionIcon = -amJetpack, initVars = { TurnTime = 60000, MinesTime = 1000, Map = "Hammock", Theme = "Nature", MapGen = mgRandom, MapFeatureSize = 12, }, teams = { { isMissionTeam = true, clanID = 0, hogs = { {health = 48, x = 397, y = 865} }, }, { name = loc("Cybernetic Empire"), clanID = 5, flag = "cm_cyborg", grave = "ring", voice = "Robot", hogs = { {name=loc("Unit 881"), x=561, y=1365, health=100, hat="cyborg1", botLevel=1, ammo = { [amShotgun] = 100, [amFirePunch] = 100, },}, }, } }, girders = { { x=1073, y=2009, frameIdx=0, }, { x=524, y=1487, frameIdx=3, }, { x=638, y=1453, frameIdx=4, }, { x=761, y=1453, frameIdx=0, }, { x=840, y=1421, frameIdx=3, }, { x=302, y=1388, frameIdx=6, }, { x=327, y=1506, frameIdx=1, }, { x=1669, y=1832, frameIdx=3, }, }, gears = { { type = gtMine, x = 1056, y = 1987 }, { type = gtMine, x = 1086, y = 1988 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1089, y =965 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1133, y =945 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1010, y =1081 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1036, y =1049 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1057, y =1004 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 784, y =1252 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 841, y =1257 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 902, y =1263 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 952, y =1281 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 517, y =1546 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 559, y =1597 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 613, y =1650 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 674, y =1705 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 746, y =1692 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 810, y =1692 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 872, y =1673 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 933, y =1666 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 981, y =1662 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1016, y =1634 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1063, y =1595 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1100, y =1574 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1002, y =1461 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1052, y =1438 }, { type = gtSMine, x = 1102, y =1464 }, { type = gtCase, x = 1565, y = 642, crateType="supply", ammoType = amSineGun }, { type = gtCase, x = 548, y = 858, crateType="supply", ammoType = amBazooka }, { type = gtCase, x = 479, y = 847, crateType="supply", ammoType = amJetpack }, { type = gtCase, x = 1550, y = 1715, crateType="supply", ammoType = amBlowTorch }, { type = gtCase, x = 1227, y = 1941, crateType="supply", ammoType = amJetpack }, { type = gtCase, x = 1070, y = 1964, crateType="supply", ammoType = amInvulnerable }, { type = gtCase, x = 1070, y = 1875, crateType="supply", ammoType = amTeleport }, }, })