# HG changeset patch
# User mikade <redgrinner@gmail.com>
# Date 1414412695 -32400
# Node ID 139cb2c9e9f6b21f761183d10eee7d9253d048b2
# Parent  dac3bfb3a2b1212c0dc070c48168165bca94fabc
Add Construction Mode (probably needs testing / fixing)

diff -r dac3bfb3a2b1 -r 139cb2c9e9f6 share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Construction_Mode.cfg
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Construction_Mode.cfg	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff -r dac3bfb3a2b1 -r 139cb2c9e9f6 share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Construction_Mode.hwp
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Construction_Mode.hwp has changed
diff -r dac3bfb3a2b1 -r 139cb2c9e9f6 share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Construction_Mode.lua
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Construction_Mode.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1905 @@
+--- LE CONSTRUCTION MODE 0.7 (badly adapted from Hedge Editor 0.5)
+-- a hedgewars gameplay mode by mikade
+-- special thanks to all who helped test and offered suggestions
+-- additional thanks to sheepluva/nemo for adding some extra hooks
+-- (to do)
+-- investigate loc not working on addcaptions
+-- check for parsecommands before porting to dev
+-- test onUpDown more extensively as it may need revision (check for amRubber etc)
+-- test localization of weapons and utils and stuff
+-- try posistion grenades in Harmer so it blows hogs away from the struc
+-- and don't explode too close to the struc
+-- additional/previous balance ideas
+-- based on your money?
+-- based on the number of strucs/gens you own?
+-- based on your existing arsenal?
+-- limit number of crates spawned per round perhaps (done)
+-- limit number of generators?
+--version history
+-- concept test
+-- improved documentation (in script and in game)
+-- improved localisation (or is it? at any rate, crate placement should now say e.g. Bazooka and not amBazooka)
+-- added variable weapon costs (based on the values from Vatten's Consumerism script)
+-- added reflector shield (still needs work and balancing)
+-- added weapon-filter (probably ok)
+-- enabled super weapons like ballgun, rcplane, watermelon, hellish to test balance
+-- reduce max money to 1000
+-- some /s removed
+-- added support for per hog ammo (hopefully)
+--v0.5 (dev)
+-- added somewhat horribly implemented support for different structure sprites
+-- added override pictures for ammo menu
+-- added override message on wep select to aid understanding
+-- split menu into/between weps/parts: struc, crates, gears
+-- add a limit on crates per turn
+-- add a limit on extra time per turn
+-- add a test level
+-- restored rubber placement
+-- cleaned up some of the code a bit and removed about 280 lines of code I didn't need, lol
+--v0.6 (dev)
+-- added magic dance
+--v.07 (pushed to repo)
+-- added a cfg file
+-- removed another 903 lines of code we weren't using (lol)
+--Healing Station: heals hogs to 150 life
+--Teleportation Node: allows teleporting to any other teleporter nodes
+--Bio-filter: explodes enemy hogs
+--Respawner: if you have one of these, any slain hogs are resurrected here :D
+--Generator: generates energy (used to buy stuff, and possibly later other strucs might have upkeep costs)
+--Support Station: allows purchasing of weapons, utilities, and med-crates
+--Construction Station: allows purchasing of girders, rubber, mines, sticky mines, barrels
+--Reflector Shield: reflect projectiles
+--Weapon Filter: kill all equipement of enemy hogs passing through this area.
+--to make the grill more attractive make it vaporize flying saucers
+--and also rope, and maybe incoming gears
+-- make healing thing also cure poison
+-- maybe make poison more virulent and dangerous
+--(not implemented / abandoned ideas)
+-- Core: allows construction of other structures.
+-- Automated Turret (think red drones from space invasion)
+-- Canon (gives access to 3 fireballs per turn while near)
+-- something that allows control of wind/water
+-- Gravity Field generator : triggers world gravity change
+-- structures consume power over time and
+-- maybe you can turn structures OFF/ON, manually to save power.
+-- hacking
+-- allow hacking of structures, either being able to use enemy structures,
+-- or turning a team's structures against them.
+-- pylons
+-- allow hogs to put down a pylon-like gear which then allows the core
+-- to place other structures/objects within the pylon's sphere of influence
+-- this would allow aggressive structure advancement
+-- resouce mining?
+-- you could designate something like mines, that you could get close to,
+-- "pick up", and then "drop" back at a central location to simulate
+-- resource mining. bit complicated/meh, normal power generators probably easier
+-- it would be cool to have a red mask we could apply over girders
+-- that would indicate they were Indestructible
+strucID = {}
+strucGear = {}
+strucClan = {}
+strucType = {}
+strucCost = {}
+strucHealth = {}
+strucCirc = {}
+strucCircCol = {}
+strucCircRadius = {}
+strucCircType = {}
+strucAltDisplay = {}
+placedExpense = 0
+tempID = nil
+sUID = 0
+colorRed = 0xff0000ff
+colorGreen = 0x00ff00ff
+clanBoundsSX = {}
+clanBoundsSY = {}
+clanBoundsEX = {}
+clanBoundsEY = {}
+clanPower = {}
+clanBoon = {}
+clanID = {}
+clanLStrucIndex = {}
+clanLWepIndex = {} -- for ease of use let's track this stuff
+clanLUtilIndex = {}
+clanLGearIndex = {}
+clanUsedExtraTime = {}
+clanCratesSpawned = {}
+effectTimer = 0
+wallsVisible = false
+wX = {}
+wY = {}
+wWidth = {}
+wHeight = {}
+wCol = {}
+margin = 20
+tauntString = ""
+vTag = {}
+lastWep = nil
+function HideTags()
+	for i = 0, 2 do
+		SetVisualGearValues(vTag[i],0,0,0,0,0,1,0, 0, 240000, 0xffffff00)
+	end
+function DrawTag(i)
+	zoomL = 1.3
+	xOffset = 40
+	if i == 0 then
+		yOffset = 40
+		tCol = 0xffba00ff
+		tValue = 30--TimeLeft
+	elseif i == 1 then
+		zoomL = 1.1
+		xOffset = 45
+		yOffset = 70
+		tCol = 0x00ff00ff
+		tValue = clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)]
+	elseif i == 2 then
+		zoomL = 1.1
+		xOffset = 60 + 35
+		yOffset = 70
+		tCol = 0xa800ffff
+		tValue = 10--shieldHealth - 80
+	end
+	DeleteVisualGear(vTag[i])
+	vTag[i] = AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtHealthTag, 0, false)
+	g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(vTag[i])
+	SetVisualGearValues	(
+				vTag[i], 		--id
+				-div(ScreenWidth,2) + xOffset,	--xoffset
+				ScreenHeight - yOffset, --yoffset
+				0, 			--dx
+				0, 			--dy
+				zoomL, 			--zoom
+				1, 			--~= 0 means align to screen
+				g7, 			--frameticks
+				tValue, 		--value
+				240000, 		--timer
+				tCol		--GetClanColor( GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) )
+				)
+function onScreenResize()
+	-- redraw Tags so that their screen locations are updated
+	if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then
+			DrawTag(0)
+			DrawTag(1)
+			DrawTag(2)
+	end
+function XYisInRect(px, py, psx, psy, pex, pey)
+	if (px > psx) and (px < pex) and (py > psy) and (py < pey) then
+		return(true)
+	else
+		return(false)
+	end
+function AddWall(zXMin,zYMin, zWidth, zHeight, zCol)
+	table.insert(wX, zXMin)
+	table.insert(wY, zYMin)
+	table.insert(wWidth, zWidth)
+	table.insert(wHeight, zHeight)
+	table.insert(wCol, zCol)
+function BorderSpark(zXMin,zYMin, zWidth, zHeight, bCol)
+	eX = zXMin + GetRandom(zWidth+10)
+	eY = zYMin + GetRandom(zHeight+10)
+	tempE = AddVisualGear(eX, eY, vgtDust, 0, false)
+	if tempE ~= 0 then
+		g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)
+		SetVisualGearValues(tempE, eX, eY, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, 1, g9, bCol )
+	end
+function HandleBorderEffects()
+	effectTimer = effectTimer + 1
+	if effectTimer > 15 then --25
+		effectTimer = 1
+		for i = 1, #wX do
+			BorderSpark(wX[i],wY[i],wWidth[i],wHeight[i], wCol[i])
+		end
+	end
+-- old reflecting stuff from like 3 years ago lol
+function gearCanBeDeflected(gear)
+	if 	(GetGearType(gear) == gtShell) or
+		--(GetGearType(gear) == gtBee) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtGrenade) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtAirBomb) or
+		--(GetGearType(gear) == gtRCPlane) or
+		--(GetGearType(gear) == gtRope) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtClusterBomb) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtCluster) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtGasBomb) or
+		--(GetGearType(gear) == gtSeduction) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtMine) or	-------
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtMortar) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtHellishBomb) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtWatermelon) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtMelonPiece)	or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtEgg) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtDrill) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtBall) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtExplosives) or	------
+			(GetGearType(gear) == gtFlame) or
+			(GetGearType(gear) == gtPortal) or
+			(GetGearType(gear) == gtDynamite) or
+			(GetGearType(gear) == gtSMine) or
+			--(GetGearType(gear) == gtKamikaze) or
+			--(GetGearType(gear) == gtRCPlane) or
+			--(GetGearType(gear) == gtCake) or
+			--(GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) or ------
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtKnife) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtJetpack) or -- test this and birdy plz
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtBirdy) or -- test this and birdy plz
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtSnowball) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtMolotov)
+	then
+		return(true)
+	else
+		return(false)
+	end
+function getThreatDamage(gear)
+	--- damage amounts for weapons
+	if 	(GetGearType(gear) == gtGrenade) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtClusterBomb) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtGasBomb) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtKnife) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtEgg) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtMolotov) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtHellishBomb) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtWatermelon) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtSMine)
+	then
+		dmg = 30
+	elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtMelonPiece) then
+		dmg = 40
+	elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtAirBomb) or
+			(GetGearType(gear) == gtDrill) or
+			(GetGearType(gear) == gtMine) or
+			(GetGearType(gear) == gtCluster) then
+		dmg = 20
+	elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtFlame) or
+			(GetGearType(gear) == gtPortal) or
+			(GetGearType(gear) == gtDynamite)
+			--(GetGearType(gear) == gtKamikaze) or
+			--(GetGearType(gear) == gtRCPlane) or
+			--(GetGearType(gear) == gtCake)
+	then
+		dmg = 0
+	elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtBall) then
+		dmg = 1
+	else	--normal shell, snowball etc
+		dmg = 65
+	end
+	return(dmg)
+function setGearReflectionValues(gear)
+	dmg = getThreatDamage(gear)
+	setGearValue(gear,"damage",dmg)
+	setGearValue(gear,"deflects",0)
+	if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then --and (gameStarted == true) then
+		setGearValue(gear,"owner",GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) -- NEW NEEDS CHANGE?
+	else
+		setGearValue(gear,"owner",10) -- nil
+	end
+function AddStruc(pX,pY, pType, pClan)
+	sUID = sUID + 1
+	tempG = AddGear(0, 0, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+	SetGearPosition(tempG, pX, pY)
+	setGearValue(tempG, "sUID", sUID)
+	tempCirc = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true)
+	SetVisualGearValues(tempCirc, 0, 0, 100, 255, 1, 100, 0, 500, 1, 0xFFFFFF00)
+	table.insert(strucID, sUID)
+	table.insert(strucType, pType)
+	table.insert(strucGear,tempG)
+	table.insert(strucClan,pClan)
+	table.insert(strucCost,2)
+	frameID = 0
+	visualSprite = sprTarget
+	madness = AddVisualGear(GetX(tempG), GetY(tempG), vgtStraightShot, 1, true,1)
+	g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(madness)	--g9
+	if pType == loc("Reflector Shield") then
+		table.insert(strucHealth,255)
+		--SetVisualGearValues(madness, g1, g2, 0, 0, g5, frameID, g7, visualSprite, g9, g10 )
+		--SetState(tempG, bor(GetState(tempG),gstInvisible) )
+		--table.insert(strucAltDisplay, madness)
+	else
+		table.insert(strucHealth,1)
+		--table.insert(strucAltDisplay, 1)
+	end
+	table.insert(strucCirc,tempCirc)
+	table.insert(strucCircType, 1)
+	if pType == loc("Bio-Filter") then
+		table.insert(strucCircCol,colorRed)
+		table.insert(strucCircRadius,1000)
+		frameID = 7
+	elseif pType == loc("Healing Station") then
+		table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFF00FF00)
+		--table.insert(strucCircCol,colorGreen)
+		table.insert(strucCircRadius,500)
+		frameID = 3
+	elseif pType == loc("Respawner") then
+		table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFF00FF00)
+		--table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFF00FFFF)
+		table.insert(strucCircRadius,75)
+		runOnHogs(EnableHogResurrectionForThisClan)
+		frameID = 1
+	elseif pType == loc("Teleportation Node") then
+		table.insert(strucCircCol,0x0000FFFF)
+		table.insert(strucCircRadius,350)
+		frameID = 6
+	elseif pType == loc("Core") then
+		table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFFFFFFFF)
+		table.insert(strucCircRadius,350)
+	elseif pType == loc("Generator") then
+		table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFFFF00FF)
+		table.insert(strucCircRadius,75)
+		setGearValue(tempG, "power", 0)
+		frameID = 2
+	elseif pType == loc("Support Station") then
+		table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFFFF00FF)
+		table.insert(strucCircRadius,500)
+		frameID = 4
+	elseif pType == loc("Construction Station") then
+		table.insert(strucCircCol,0xFFFFFFFF)
+		table.insert(strucCircRadius,500)
+		frameID = 8
+	elseif pType == loc("Reflector Shield") then
+		table.insert(strucCircCol,0xffae00ff)
+		table.insert(strucCircRadius,750)
+		frameID = 9
+	elseif pType == loc("Weapon Filter") then
+		table.insert(strucCircCol,0xa800ffff)
+		table.insert(strucCircRadius,750)
+		frameID = 5
+	end
+	SetVisualGearValues(madness, g1, g2, 0, 0, g5, frameID, g7, visualSprite, g9, g10 )
+	SetState(tempG, bor(GetState(tempG),gstInvisible) )
+	table.insert(strucAltDisplay, madness)
+	-- may be needed for non gear-based structures
+	--table.insert(strucX, GetX(tempG))
+	--table.insert(strucY, GetY(tempG))
+-- this is basically onStructureDelete
+-- we may need to expand it for non-gear structures later
+function CheckGearForStructureLink(gear)
+	respawnerDestroyed = false
+	for i = 1, #strucID do
+		if strucID[i] == getGearValue(gear,"sUID") then
+			if strucType[i] == loc("Respawner") then
+				respawnerDestroyed = true
+			end
+			table.remove(strucID,i)
+			table.remove(strucGear,i)
+			table.remove(strucClan,i)
+			table.remove(strucType,i)
+			table.remove(strucCost,i)
+			table.remove(strucHealth,i)
+			DeleteVisualGear(strucCirc[i])
+			table.remove(strucCirc,i)
+			table.remove(strucCircCol,i)
+			table.remove(strucCircRadius,i)
+			table.remove(strucCircType,i)
+			if strucAltDisplay[i] ~= 1 then
+				DeleteVisualGear(strucAltDisplay[i])
+			end
+			table.remove(strucAltDisplay,i)
+		end
+	end
+	if respawnerDestroyed == true then
+		runOnHogs(RecalibrateRespawn)
+	end
+-- called when we add a new respawner
+function EnableHogResurrectionForThisClan(gear)
+	if GetHogClan(gear) == GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) then
+		SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 1)
+	end
+-- this is called when a respawner blows up
+function RecalibrateRespawn(gear)
+	respawnerList = {}
+	for i = 1, #strucID do
+		if (strucType[i] == loc("Respawner")) and (strucClan[i] == GetHogClan(gear)) then
+			table.insert(respawnerList, i)
+		end
+	end
+	if #respawnerList >= 1 then
+		SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 1)
+	else
+		SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 0)
+	end
+--resposition dead hogs at a respawner if they own one
+function FindRespawner(gear)
+	respawnerList = {}
+	for i = 1, #strucID do
+		if (strucType[i] == loc("Respawner")) and (strucClan[i] == GetHogClan(gear)) then
+			table.insert(respawnerList, i)
+		end
+	end
+	if #respawnerList >= 1 then
+		i = GetRandom(#respawnerList)+1
+		SetGearPosition(gear,GetX(strucGear[respawnerList[i]]),GetY(strucGear[respawnerList[i]])-25)
+		AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtExplosion, 0, false)
+	else	-- (this should never happen, but just in case)
+		SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 0)
+		DeleteGear(gear)
+	end
+function onGearResurrect(gear)
+	AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtExplosion, 0, false)
+	FindRespawner(gear)
+function CheckTeleport(gear, tX, tY)
+	teleportOriginSuccessful = false
+	teleportDestinationSuccessful = false
+	for i = 1, #strucID do
+		if (strucType[i] == loc("Teleportation Node")) and (strucClan[i] == GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) then
+			dist = GetDistFromGearToXY(CurrentHedgehog,GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i]))
+			if strucCircType[i] == 0 then
+				NR = strucCircRadius[i]
+			else
+				NR = (48/100*strucCircRadius[i])/2
+				--NR = div((div(48,100) * strucCircRadius[tempID]),2)
+			end
+			if dist <= NR*NR then
+				teleportOriginSuccessful = true
+			end
+			dist = GetDistFromXYtoXY(tX,tY,GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i]))
+			if strucCircType[i] == 0 then
+				NR = strucCircRadius[i]
+			else
+				NR = (48/100*strucCircRadius[i])/2
+				--NR = div((div(48,100) * strucCircRadius[tempID]),2)
+			end
+			if dist <= NR*NR then
+				teleportDestinationSuccessful = true
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if ((teleportDestinationSuccessful == false) or (teleportOriginSuccessful == false)) then
+		AddCaption(loc("Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."))
+		SetGearTarget(gear, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog))
+	end
+--Check for proximity of gears to structures, and make structures behave accordingly
+function CheckProximity(gear)
+	--if isAStructureEffectingGear(gear) then
+		dist = GetDistFromGearToXY(gear, GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]))
+		-- calculate my real radius if I am an aura
+		if strucCircType[tempID] == 0 then
+			NR = strucCircRadius[tempID]
+		else
+			NR = (48/100*strucCircRadius[tempID])/2
+			--NR = div((div(48,100) * strucCircRadius[tempID]),2) -- doesn't work ffff
+				--NR = div((48/100*strucCircRadius[tempID]),2) -- still works
+		end
+		-- we're in business
+		if dist <= NR*NR then
+			-- heal clan hogs
+			if strucType[tempID] == loc("Healing Station") then
+				if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+					if GetHogClan(gear) == strucClan[tempID] then
+						hogLife = GetHealth(gear) + 1
+						if hogLife > 150 then
+							hogLife = 150
+						end
+						SetHealth(gear, hogLife)
+						-- change this to the med kit sprite health ++++s later
+						tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtSmoke, 0, true)
+						g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)
+						SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, colorGreen )
+					end
+				end
+			-- explode enemy clan hogs
+			elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Bio-Filter") then
+				--tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtSmoke, 0, true)
+				--g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)
+				--SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, colorRed )
+				if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+					if (GetHogClan(gear) ~= strucClan[tempID]) and (GetHealth(gear) > 0) then
+						AddGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+					end
+				end
+			-- were those weapons in your pocket, or were you just happy to see me?
+			elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Weapon Filter") then
+				if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+					if (GetHogClan(gear) ~= strucClan[tempID]) then
+						for wpnIndex = 1, #atkArray do
+							AddAmmo(gear, atkArray[wpnIndex][1], 0)
+						end
+						for wpnIndex = 1, #utilArray do
+							AddAmmo(gear, utilArray[wpnIndex][1], 0)
+						end
+						AddAmmo(gear, amAirAttack, 100)
+						AddAmmo(gear, amSwitch, 100)
+						AddAmmo(gear, amSkip, 100)
+					end
+				end
+			elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Reflector Shield") then
+				-- add check for whose projectile it is
+				if gearCanBeDeflected(gear) == true then
+					gOwner = getGearValue(gear,"owner")
+					gDeflects = getGearValue(gear,"deflects")
+					gDmg = getGearValue(gear,"damage")
+					if gDeflects >= 3 then
+						DeleteGear(gear)
+						AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtSmoke, 0, false)
+						PlaySound(sndVaporize)
+					elseif gOwner ~= strucClan[tempID] then
+						--whether to vaporize gears or bounce them
+						if gDmg ~= 0 then
+							dx, dy = GetGearVelocity(gear)
+							if (dx == 0) and (dy == 0) then
+								-- static mine, explosive, etc encountered
+								-- do nothing
+							else
+								--let's bounce something!
+								--if dx == 0 then
+									-- bounce away eggs
+								--	dx = 0.5
+								--end
+								dx = dx*(-1)
+								dy = dy*(-1)
+								SetGearVelocity(gear,dx,dy)
+								setGearValue(gear,"deflects",(gDeflects+1))
+								AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtExplosion, 0, false)
+								PlaySound(sndExplosion)
+								strucHealth[tempID] = strucHealth[tempID] - gDmg
+								strucCircCol[tempID] = strucCircCol[tempID] - gDmg
+								if strucHealth[tempID] <= 0 then
+									AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtExplosion, 0, false)
+									DeleteGear(strucGear[tempID])
+									PlaySound(sndExplosion)
+								end
+							end
+						else
+							DeleteGear(gear)
+							AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtSmoke, 0, false)
+							PlaySound(sndVaporize)
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			--mark as within range of a teleporter node
+			elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Teleportation Node") then
+				if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+					if GetHogClan(gear) == strucClan[tempID] then
+						--tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtSmoke, 0, true)
+						for i = 1, #sProx do
+							if sProx[i][1] == loc("Teleportation Mode") then
+								sProx[i][2] = true
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			-- mark as within range of construction station
+			-- and thus allow menu access to placement modes
+			-- for girders, mines, sticky mines and barrels
+			elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Construction Station") then
+				if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+					if GetHogClan(gear) == strucClan[tempID] then
+						tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtSmoke, 0, true)
+						for i = 1, #sProx do
+							if ((sProx[i][1] == loc("Girder Placement Mode"))
+							or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Rubber Placement Mode"))
+							or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Mine Placement Mode"))
+							or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Sticky Mine Placement Mode"))
+							or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Barrel Placement Mode")))
+							then
+								sProx[i][2] = true
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			-- mark as within stupport station range
+			-- and thus allow menu access to placement modes
+			-- for weapon, utility, and med crates
+			elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Support Station") then
+				if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+					if GetHogClan(gear) == strucClan[tempID] then
+						tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtSmoke, 0, true)
+						for i = 1, #sProx do
+							if ((sProx[i][1] == loc("Health Crate Placement Mode"))
+							or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode"))
+							or (sProx[i][1] == loc("Utility Crate Placement Mode")))
+							then
+								sProx[i][2] = true
+								--AddCaption("wahey in a support station")
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			-- doesn't do shit
+			elseif strucType[tempID] == loc("Core") then
+				if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+					if GetHogClan(gear) == strucClan[tempID] then
+						tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtSmoke, 0, true)
+						g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)
+						SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1+20, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, GetClanColor(strucClan[tempID]) )
+						tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[tempID]), GetY(strucGear[tempID]), vgtSmoke, 0, true)
+						g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)
+						SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1-20, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, GetClanColor(strucClan[tempID]) )
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	--end
+-- used to check if we need to run through all hogs or just currenthedgehog
+function isAStructureThatAppliesToMultipleGears(pID)
+	if 	strucType[pID] == loc("Healing Station") or
+		strucType[pID] == loc("Reflector Shield") or
+		strucType[pID] == loc("Weapon Filter") or
+		strucType[pID] == loc("Bio-Filter")
+	then
+		return(true)
+	else
+		return(false)
+	end
+function HandleStructures()
+	for i = 1, #sProx do
+		sProx[i][2] = false
+		if sProx[i][1] == loc("Structure Placement Mode") then
+			sProx[i][2] = true
+		end
+	end
+	for i = 1, #strucID do
+		g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(strucCirc[i])
+		SetVisualGearValues(strucCirc[i], GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i]), g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, strucCircRadius[i], g9, strucCircCol[i])
+		tempID = i
+		g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(strucAltDisplay[i])				--8000
+		SetVisualGearValues(strucAltDisplay[i], GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i]), 0, 0, g5, g6, 800000, sprTarget, g9, g10 )
+		-- Check For proximity of stuff to our structures
+		if isAStructureThatAppliesToMultipleGears(i) then
+			runOnGears(CheckProximity)
+		else -- only check prox on CurrentHedgehog
+			CheckProximity(CurrentHedgehog)
+		end
+		if strucType[i] == loc("Core") then
+			tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i]), vgtSmoke, 0, true)
+			g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)
+			SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, GetClanColor(strucClan[i]) )
+		elseif strucType[i] == loc("Reflector Shield") then
+			--frameID = 1
+			--visualSprite = sprTarget
+			--g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(strucAltDisplay[i])			--frameID / g6
+			--SetVisualGearValues(strucAltDisplay[i], GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i]), 0, 0, g5, g6, 8000, visualSprite, g9, g10 )
+		elseif strucType[i] == loc("Generator") then
+			--frameID = 1
+			--visualSprite = sprTarget
+																									--layer
+			--tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(strucGear[i]), GetY(strucGear[i]), vgtStraightShot, 1, true,1)
+			--g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)	--g9
+			--SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1, g2, 0, 0, g5, frameID, g7, visualSprite, g9, g10 )
+			--SetState(strucGear[i], bor(GetState(strucGear[i]),gstInvisible) )
+			--currently generate power for all clans.
+			-- or should power only be generated for current clan?
+			for z = 0, ClansCount-1 do
+				if z == strucClan[i] then
+					increaseGearValue(strucGear[i],"power")
+					if getGearValue(strucGear[i],"power") == 10 then
+						setGearValue(strucGear[i],"power",0)
+						clanPower[z] = clanPower[z] + 1
+						if clanPower[z] > 1000 then
+							clanPower[z] = 1000
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- this is kinda messy and gross (even more than usual), fix it up at some point
+	-- it just assumes that if you have access to girders, it works for rubbers
+	-- as that is what the struc implemenation means due to construction station
+	anyUIProx = false
+	for i = 1, #sProx do
+		if sProx[i][1] == loc("Girder Placement Mode") then
+			if sProx[i][2] == true then
+				AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amGirder, 100)
+				AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amRubber, 100)
+				AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amDrillStrike, 100)
+			else
+				AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amGirder, 0)
+				AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amRubber, 0)
+				AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amDrillStrike, 0) -- new
+			end
+		elseif sProx[i][1] == loc("Teleportation Mode") then
+			if sProx[i][2] == true then
+				AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amTeleport, 100)
+			else
+				AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amTeleport, 0)
+			end
+		elseif sProx[i][1] == loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode") then
+			-- this is new stuff
+			if sProx[i][2] == true then
+				AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amNapalm, 100)
+			else
+				AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amNapalm, 0)
+			end
+		end
+		if (sProx[i][2] == true) then
+			anyUIProx = true
+		end
+	end
+	-- doesn't do shit atm, maybe later when we add cores we can use this
+	--if anyUIProx == true then --(and core is placed)
+	--	AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amAirAttack, 100)
+	--else
+	--	AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog, amAirAttack, 0)
+	--end
+function checkForSpecialWeapons()
+	if (GetCurAmmoType() == amAirAttack) then
+		AddCaption(loc("Structure Placement Tool"),GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)),capgrpAmmoinfo)
+	elseif (GetCurAmmoType() == amDrillStrike) then
+		AddCaption(loc("Object Placement Tool"),GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)),capgrpAmmoinfo)
+	elseif (GetCurAmmoType() == amNapalm) then
+		AddCaption(loc("Crate Placement Tool"),GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)),capgrpAmmoinfo)
+	end
+	lastWep = GetCurAmmoType()
+-- experimental crap
+local landType = 0
+-- tracking vars for save slash load purposes
+local hhs = {}
+-- crates are made of this stuff
+placeholder = 20
+ atkArray =
+				{
+				{amBazooka, 	"amBazooka",		0, loc("Bazooka"), 			2*placeholder},
+				--{amBee, 		"amBee",			0, loc("Homing Bee"), 		4*placeholder},
+				{amMortar, 		"amMortar",			0, loc("Mortar"), 			1*placeholder},
+				{amDrill, 		"amDrill",			0, loc("Drill Rocket"), 	3*placeholder},
+				{amSnowball, 	"amSnowball",		0, loc("Mudball"), 			3*placeholder},
+				{amGrenade,		"amGrenade",		0, loc("Grenade"), 			2*placeholder},
+				{amClusterBomb,	"amClusterBomb",	0, loc("Cluster Bomb"), 	3*placeholder},
+				{amMolotov, 	"amMolotov",		0, loc("Molotov Cocktail"), 3*placeholder},
+				{amWatermelon, 	"amWatermelon",		0, loc("Watermelon Bomb"), 25*placeholder},
+				{amHellishBomb,	"amHellishBomb",	0, loc("Hellish Handgrenade"), 25*placeholder},
+				{amGasBomb, 	"amGasBomb",		0, loc("Limburger"), 		3*placeholder},
+				{amShotgun,		"amShotgun",		0, loc("Shotgun"), 			2*placeholder},
+				{amDEagle,		"amDEagle",			0, loc("Desert Eagle"), 	2*placeholder},
+				{amFlamethrower,"amFlamethrower",	0, loc("Flamethrower"), 	4*placeholder},
+				{amSniperRifle,	"amSniperRifle",	0, loc("Sniper Rifle"), 	3*placeholder},
+				--{amSineGun, 	"amSineGun",		0, loc("SineGun"), 			6*placeholder},
+				{amIceGun, 		"amIceGun",			0, loc("Freezer"), 			15*placeholder},
+				{amLandGun,		"amLandGun",		0, loc("Land Sprayer"), 	5*placeholder},
+				{amFirePunch, 	"amFirePunch",		0, loc("Shoryuken"), 		3*placeholder},
+				{amWhip,		"amWhip",			0, loc("Whip"), 			1*placeholder},
+				{amBaseballBat, "amBaseballBat",	0, loc("Baseball Bat"), 	7*placeholder},
+				--{amKamikaze, 	"amKamikaze",		0, loc("Kamikaze"),			1*placeholder},
+				{amSeduction, 	"amSeduction",		0, loc("Seduction"),		1*placeholder},
+				{amHammer,		"amHammer",			0, loc("Hammer"), 			1*placeholder},
+				{amMine, 		"amMine",			0, loc("Mine"), 			1*placeholder},
+				{amDynamite, 	"amDynamite",		0, loc("Dynamite"),			9*placeholder},
+				{amCake, 		"amCake",			0, loc("Cake"), 			25*placeholder},
+				{amBallgun, 	"amBallgun",		0, loc("Ballgun"), 			40*placeholder},
+				--{amRCPlane,		"amRCPlane",		0, loc("RC Plane"), 	25*placeholder},
+				{amSMine,		"amSMine",			0, loc("Sticky Mine"), 		5*placeholder},
+				--{amAirAttack,	"amAirAttack",		0, loc("Air Attack"), 		10*placeholder},
+				--{amMineStrike,	"amMineStrike",		0, loc("Mine Strike"), 		15*placeholder},
+				--{amDrillStrike,	"amDrillStrike",	0, loc("Drill Strike"), 15*placeholder},
+				--{amNapalm, 		"amNapalm",			0, loc("Napalm"), 		15*placeholder},
+				--{amPiano,		"amPiano",			0, loc("Piano Strike"), 	40*placeholder},
+				{amKnife,		"amKnife",			0, loc("Cleaver"), 			2*placeholder},
+				{amBirdy,		"amBirdy",			0, loc("Birdy"), 			7*placeholder}
+				}
+ utilArray =
+				{
+				{amBlowTorch, 		"amBlowTorch",		0, loc("Blowtorch"), 		4*placeholder},
+				{amPickHammer,		"amPickHammer",		0, loc("Pickhammer"), 		2*placeholder},
+				--{amGirder, 			"amGirder",			0, loc("Girder"), 		4*placeholder},
+				--{amRubber, 			"amRubber",			0, loc("Rubber Band"), 	5*placeholder},
+				{amPortalGun,		"amPortalGun",		0, loc("Personal Portal Device"), 15*placeholder},
+				{amRope, 			"amRope",			0, loc("Rope"), 			7*placeholder},
+				{amParachute, 		"amParachute",		0, loc("Parachute"), 		2*placeholder},
+				--{amTeleport,		"amTeleport",		0, loc("Teleport"), 		6*placeholder},
+				{amJetpack,			"amJetpack",		0, loc("Flying Saucer"), 	8*placeholder},
+				{amInvulnerable,	"amInvulnerable",	0, loc("Invulnerable"), 	5*placeholder},
+				{amLaserSight,		"amLaserSight",		0, loc("Laser Sight"), 		2*placeholder},
+				{amVampiric,		"amVampiric",		0, loc("Vampirism"), 		6*placeholder},
+				{amLowGravity, 		"amLowGravity",		0, loc("Low Gravity"), 		4*placeholder},
+				{amExtraDamage, 	"amExtraDamage",	0, loc("Extra Damage"), 	6*placeholder},
+				{amExtraTime,		"amExtraTime",		0, loc("Extra Time"), 		8*placeholder},
+				{amResurrector, 	"amResurrector",	0, loc("Resurrector"), 		8*placeholder},
+				{amTardis, 			"amTardis",			0, loc("Tardis"), 			2*placeholder},
+				{amSwitch,			"amSwitch",			0, loc("Switch Hog"), 		4*placeholder}
+				}
+-- hog and map editting junk
+ local reducedSpriteIDArray = {
+  sprBigDigit, sprKowtow, sprBee, sprExplosion50, sprGirder
+  }
+  local reducedSpriteTextArray = {
+  "sprBigDigit", "sprKowtow", "sprBee", "sprExplosion50", "sprGirder"
+  }
+-- placement shite
+local cGear = nil -- detects placement of girders and objects (using airattack)
+local curWep = amNothing
+-- primary placement categories
+local cIndex = 1 -- category index
+local cat = 	{
+				"Girder Placement Mode",
+				"Rubber Placement Mode",
+				"Mine Placement Mode",
+				"Sticky Mine Placement Mode",
+				"Barrel Placement Mode",
+				"Health Crate Placement Mode",
+				"Weapon Crate Placement Mode",
+				"Utility Crate Placement Mode",
+				--"Target Placement Mode",
+				--"Cleaver Placement Mode",
+				--"Advanced Repositioning Mode",
+				--"Tagging Mode",
+				--"Sprite Testing Mode",
+				--"Sprite Placement Mode",
+				"Structure Placement Mode"
+				}
+ sProx = 	{
+				{loc("Girder Placement Mode"),false},
+				{loc("Rubber Placement Mode"),false},
+				{loc("Mine Placement Mode"),false},
+				{loc("Sticky Mine Placement Mode"),false},
+				{loc("Barrel Placement Mode"),false},
+				{loc("Health Crate Placement Mode"),false},
+				{loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode"),false},
+				{loc("Utility Crate Placement Mode"),false},
+				--{loc("Target Placement Mode"),false},
+				--{loc("Cleaver Placement Mode"),false},
+				--{loc("Advanced Repositioning Mode"),false},
+				--{loc("Tagging Mode"),false},
+				--{loc("Sprite Testing Mode"),false},
+				--{loc("Sprite Placement Mode"),false},
+				{loc("Structure Placement Mode"),false},
+				{loc("Teleportation Mode"),false}
+				}
+local pMode = {}	-- pMode contains custom subsets of the main categories
+local pIndex = 1
+local genTimer = 0
+local CGR = 1 -- current girder rotation, we actually need this as HW remembers what rotation you last used
+local placedX = {}
+local placedY = {}
+local placedSpec = {}
+local placedSuperSpec = {}
+local placedType = {}
+local placedCount = 0
+local sCirc -- circle that appears around selected gears
+local sGear = nil
+local closestDist
+local closestGear = nil
+local tCirc = {} -- array of circles that appear around tagged gears
+function GetDistFromGearToXY(gear, g2X, g2Y)
+	g1X, g1Y = GetGearPosition(gear)
+	q = g1X - g2X
+	w = g1Y - g2Y
+	return ( (q*q) + (w*w) )
+function GetDistFromXYtoXY(a, b, c, d)
+	q = a - c
+	w = b - d
+	return ( (q*q) + (w*w) )
+function SelectGear(gear)
+	d = GetDistFromGearToXY(gear, placedX[placedCount], placedY[placedCount])
+	if d < closestDist then
+		closestDist = d
+		closestGear = gear
+	end
+-- essentially called when user clicks the mouse
+-- with girders or an airattack
+function PlaceObject(x,y)
+	placedX[placedCount] = x
+	placedY[placedCount] = y
+	placedType[placedCount] = cat[cIndex]
+	placedSpec[placedCount] = pMode[pIndex]
+	if (clanUsedExtraTime[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] == true) and (cat[cIndex] == "Utility Crate Placement Mode") and (utilArray[pIndex][1] == amExtraTime) then
+		AddCaption(loc("You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."),0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume)
+		PlaySound(sndDenied)
+	elseif (clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] > 4) and ( (cat[cIndex] == "Health Crate Placement Mode") or (cat[cIndex] == "Utility Crate Placement Mode") or (cat[cIndex] == "Weapon Crate Placement Mode")  )  then
+		AddCaption(loc("You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."),0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume)
+		PlaySound(sndDenied)
+	elseif (XYisInRect(x,y, clanBoundsSX[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)],clanBoundsSY[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)],clanBoundsEX[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)],clanBoundsEY[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)]) == true)
+	and (clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] >= placedExpense)
+	then
+		if cat[cIndex] == "Girder Placement Mode" then
+			PlaceGirder(x, y, CGR)
+			placedSpec[placedCount] = CGR
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Rubber Placement Mode" then
+			PlaceSprite(x,y, sprAmRubber, CGR, lfBouncy)
+			--PlaceGirder(x, y, CGR)
+			placedSpec[placedCount] = CGR
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Target Placement Mode" then
+			gear = AddGear(x, y, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Cleaver Placement Mode" then
+			gear = AddGear(x, y, gtKnife, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Health Crate Placement Mode" then
+			gear = SpawnHealthCrate(x,y)
+			SetHealth(gear, pMode[pIndex])
+			setGearValue(gear,"caseType","med")
+			clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] +1
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Weapon Crate Placement Mode" then
+			gear = SpawnAmmoCrate(x, y, atkArray[pIndex][1])
+			placedSpec[placedCount] = atkArray[pIndex][2]
+			setGearValue(gear,"caseType","ammo")
+			setGearValue(gear,"contents",atkArray[pIndex][2])
+			clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] +1
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Utility Crate Placement Mode" then
+			gear = SpawnUtilityCrate(x, y, utilArray[pIndex][1])
+			placedSpec[placedCount] = utilArray[pIndex][2]
+			setGearValue(gear,"caseType","util")
+			setGearValue(gear,"contents",utilArray[pIndex][2])
+			if utilArray[pIndex][1] == amExtraTime then
+				clanUsedExtraTime[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = true
+			end
+			clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] +1
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Barrel Placement Mode" then
+			gear = AddGear(x, y, gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+			SetHealth(gear, pMode[pIndex])
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Mine Placement Mode" then
+			gear = AddGear(x, y, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+			SetTimer(gear, pMode[pIndex])
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Sticky Mine Placement Mode" then
+			gear = AddGear(x, y, gtSMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Advanced Repositioning Mode" then
+			if pMode[pIndex] == "Selection Mode" then
+				closestDist = 999999999
+				closestGear = nil -- just in case
+				sGear = nil
+				runOnGears(SelectGear)
+				sGear = closestGear
+				closestGear = nil
+			elseif pMode[pIndex] == "Placement Mode" then
+				if sGear ~= nil then
+					SetGearPosition(sGear, x, y)
+				end
+			end
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Tagging Mode" then
+			closestDist = 999999999
+			closestGear = nil
+			sGear = nil
+			runOnGears(SelectGear)
+			if closestGear ~= nil then
+				if getGearValue(closestGear,"tag") == nil then
+					--if there is no tag, add a victory/failure tag and circle
+					setGearValue(closestGear, "tCirc",AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true))
+					--AddCaption("circ added",0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume)
+					if pMode[pIndex] == "Tag Victory Mode" then
+						setGearValue(closestGear, "tag","victory")
+						SetVisualGearValues(getGearValue(closestGear,"tCirc"), 0, 0, 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 40, 3, 0xff0000ff)
+					elseif pMode[pIndex] == "Tag Failure Mode" then
+						setGearValue(closestGear, "tag","failure")
+						SetVisualGearValues(getGearValue(closestGear,"tCirc"), 0, 0, 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 40, 3, 0x0000ffff)
+					end
+				else
+					-- remove tag and delete circ
+					--AddCaption("circ removed",0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume)
+					setGearValue(closestGear, "tag", nil)
+					DeleteVisualGear(getGearValue(closestGear,"tCirc"))
+					setGearValue(closestGear, "tCirc", nil)
+				end
+			end
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Sprite Testing Mode" then
+			frameID = 1
+			visualSprite = reducedSpriteIDArray[pIndex]
+			--visualSprite = spriteIDArray[pIndex]
+			tempE = AddVisualGear(x, y, vgtStraightShot, 0, true)
+			g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)
+			SetVisualGearValues(tempE, g1, g2, 0, 0, g5, frameID, g7, visualSprite, g9, g10 )
+	--sprHorizonLong crashes game, so does skyL, as does flake
+		-- reduced list of cool sprites
+		-- sprBigDigit, sprKnife, sprFrozenHog, sprKowtow, sprBee, sprExplosion50, sprPiano, sprChunk, sprHHTelepMask, sprSeduction, sprSwitch, sprGirder,
+		--sprAMAmmos, sprAMSlotKeys, sprTurnsLeft, sprExplosivesRoll + maybe some others like the health case, arrows, etc
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Sprite Placement Mode" then
+			PlaceSprite(x,y, reducedSpriteIDArray[pIndex], 1, landType)
+			--PlaceGirder(x, y, CGR)
+			placedSpec[placedCount] = reducedSpriteTextArray[pIndex]
+			placedSuperSpec[placedCount] = landType
+			if landType == lfIce then
+				placedSuperSpec[placedCount] = "lfIce"
+			elseif landType == lfIndestructible then
+				placedSuperSpec[placedCount] = "lfIndestructible"
+			elseif landType == lfBouncy then
+				placedSuperSpec[placedCount] = "lfBouncy"
+			else
+				placedSuperSpec[placedCount] = "lfNormal"
+			end
+		elseif cat[cIndex] == "Structure Placement Mode" then
+			AddStruc(x,y, pMode[pIndex],GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
+		end
+		clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] - placedExpense
+		placedCount = placedCount + 1
+	else
+		AddCaption("Invalid Placement",0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume)
+		PlaySound(sndDenied)
+	end
+-- called when user changes primary selection
+-- either via up/down keys
+-- or selecting girder/airattack
+function RedefineSubset()
+	pIndex = 1
+	pMode = {}
+	placedExpense = 1
+	if cat[cIndex] == "Girder Placement Mode" then
+		pIndex = CGR
+		pMode = {"Girder"}
+		--	pCount = 1
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Rubber Placement Mode" then
+		pIndex = CGR
+		pMode = {"Rubber"}
+		placedExpense = 3
+	--	pCount = 1???
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Target Placement Mode" then
+		pMode = {"Standard Target"}
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Cleaver Placement Mode" then
+		pMode = {"Standard Cleaver"}
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Barrel Placement Mode" then
+		--pMode = {1,50,75,100}
+		pMode = {50}
+		placedExpense = 10
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Health Crate Placement Mode" then
+		--pMode = {25,50,75,100}
+		pMode = {25}
+		placedExpense = 5
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Weapon Crate Placement Mode" then
+		for i = 1, #atkArray do
+			pMode[i] = atkArray[i][4] -- was [2]
+			--placedExpense = atkArray[5]
+		end
+		placedExpense = 30
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Utility Crate Placement Mode" then
+		for i = 1, #utilArray do
+			pMode[i] = utilArray[i][4] -- was [2]
+			--placedExpense = utilArray[5]
+		end
+		placedExpense = 20
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Mine Placement Mode" then
+		--pMode = {1,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,0}
+		pMode = {1,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000}
+		-- 0 is dud right, or is that nil?
+		placedExpense = 15
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Sticky Mine Placement Mode" then
+		pMode = {"Normal Sticky Mine"}
+	--elseif cat[cIndex] == "Gear Repositioning Mode" then
+	--	for i = 1, #hhs do
+	--		pMode[i] = GetHogName(hhs[i])
+	--	end
+		placedExpense = 20
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Advanced Repositioning Mode" then
+		pMode = {"Selection Mode","Placement Mode"}
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Tagging Mode" then
+		pMode = {"Tag Victory Mode","Tag Failure Mode"}
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Sprite Testing Mode" or cat[cIndex] == "Sprite Placement Mode" then
+		--for i = 1, #spriteTextArray do
+		--	pMode[i] = spriteTextArray[i]
+		--end
+		for i = 1, #reducedSpriteTextArray do
+			pMode[i] = reducedSpriteTextArray[i]
+		end
+		placedExpense = 100
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == "Structure Placement Mode" then
+		pMode = {loc("Healing Station"), loc("Bio-Filter"), loc("Weapon Filter"), loc("Reflector Shield"), loc("Respawner"),loc("Teleportation Node"),--[[loc("Core"),]]loc("Generator"),loc("Construction Station"),loc("Support Station")}
+		--placedExpense = 100
+	end
+-- called in onGameTick()
+function HandleHedgeEditor()
+	if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil then
+		if wallsVisible == true then
+			HandleBorderEffects()
+		end
+		if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) and (TurnTimeLeft ~= TurnTime) then
+			if (lastWep ~= GetCurAmmoType()) then
+				checkForSpecialWeapons()
+			end
+		end
+		genTimer = genTimer + 1
+		if genTimer >= 100 then
+			genTimer = 0
+			DrawTag(1)
+			HandleStructures()
+			curWep = GetCurAmmoType()
+			-- change to girder mode on weapon swap
+			if (cIndex ~= 1) and (curWep == amGirder) then
+				cIndex = 1
+				RedefineSubset()
+			elseif (cIndex ~=2) and (curWep == amRubber) then
+				cIndex = 2
+				RedefineSubset()
+			-- change to generic mode if girder no longer selected
+			elseif (cIndex == 1) and (curWep ~= amGirder) then
+				cIndex = 3 -- was 2
+				RedefineSubset()
+			elseif (cIndex == 2) and (curWep ~= amRubber) then
+				cIndex = 3 --new
+				RedefineSubset()
+			end
+			-- update display selection criteria
+			if (curWep == amGirder) or (curWep == amAirAttack) or (curWep == amNapalm) or (curWep == amDrillStrike) or (curWep == amRubber) then
+				---------------hooolllllyyyy fucking shit this
+				-- code is a broken mess now
+				-- it was redesigned and compromised three times
+				-- so now it is a mess trying to do what it was
+				-- never designed to do
+				-- needs to be rewritten badly sadface
+				-- this bit here catches the new 3 types of weapons
+				if ((sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Structure Placement Mode") and (curWep ~= amAirAttack))) then
+					updatePlacementDisplay(1)
+				elseif (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Health Crate Placement Mode")) or
+							(sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode")) or
+							(sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Utility Crate Placement Mode")) then
+								if curWep ~= amNapalm then
+									updatePlacementDisplay(1)
+								end
+				elseif (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Mine Placement Mode")) or
+							(sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Sticky Mine Placement Mode")) or
+							(sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Barrel Placement Mode")) then
+								if curWep ~= amDrillStrike then
+									updatePlacementDisplay(1)
+								end
+				end
+				--this is called when it happens that we have placement
+				--mode selected and we are looking at something
+				--we shouldn't be allowed to look at, as would be the case
+				--when you WERE allowed to look at it, but then maybe
+				--a bomb blows up the structure that was granting you
+				--that ability
+				if (sProx[cIndex][2] ~= true) then
+					updatePlacementDisplay(1)
+				else
+					updateCost()
+				end
+				AddCaption(cat[cIndex],0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage)
+				AddCaption(pMode[pIndex],0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage2)
+				wallsVisible = true
+			else
+				wallsVisible = false
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	--update selected gear display
+	if (cat[cIndex] == "Advanced Repositioning Mode") and (sGear ~= nil) then
+		SetVisualGearValues(sCirc, GetX(sGear), GetY(sGear), 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 300, 3, 0xff00ffff)
+	elseif (cat[cIndex] == "Tagging Mode") then
+		if (sGear ~= nil) or (closestGear ~= nil) then
+			SetVisualGearValues(sCirc, GetX(sGear), GetY(sGear), 0, 1, 1, 10, 0, 1, 1, 0x00000000)
+			closestGear = nil
+			sGear = nil
+		end
+	end
+	-- some kind of target detected, tell me your story
+	if cGear ~= nil then
+		x,y = GetGearTarget(cGear)
+		if GetGearType(cGear) == gtAirAttack then
+			DeleteGear(cGear)
+			PlaceObject(x, y)
+		elseif GetGearType(cGear) == gtTeleport then
+				CheckTeleport(cGear, x, y)
+				cGear = nil
+		elseif GetGearType(cGear) == gtGirder then
+			CGR = GetState(cGear)
+			-- improve rectangle test based on CGR when you can be bothered
+			--if TestRectForObstacle(x-20, y-20, x+20, y+20, true) then
+			--	AddCaption("Invalid Girder Placement",0xffba00ff,capgrpVolume)
+			--else
+				PlaceObject(x, y)
+			--end
+			-- this allows the girder tool to be used like a mining laser
+		--[[
+			if CGR < 4 then
+				AddGear(x, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+			elseif CGR == 4 then
+				g = AddGear(x-30, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+				g = AddGear(x+30, y, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+			elseif CGR == 5 then -------
+				g = AddGear(x+30, y+30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+				g = AddGear(x-30, y-30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+			elseif CGR == 6 then
+				g = AddGear(x, y+30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+				g = AddGear(x, y-30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+			elseif CGR == 7 then -------
+				g = AddGear(x+30, y-30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+				g = AddGear(x-30, y+30, gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function onTaunt(t)
+	tauntString = tauntString .. t
+	if (tauntString == "101") and (clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] < 300) and (clanBoon[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] == false) then
+		clanBoon[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = true
+		clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = 1000
+		AddCaption(loc("The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."))
+	end
+-- Cycle through selection subsets (by changing pIndex, pMode)
+-- i.e 	health of barrels, medikits,
+--		timer of mines
+--		contents of crates
+--		gears to reposition etc.
+function updateCost()
+	if pMode[pIndex] == loc("Healing Station") then
+		placedExpense = 50
+	elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Weapon Filter") then
+		placedExpense = 50
+	elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Bio-Filter") then
+		placedExpense = 100
+	elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Respawner") then
+		placedExpense = 300
+	elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Teleportation Node") then
+		placedExpense = 30
+	elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Support Station") then
+		placedExpense = 50
+	elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Construction Station") then
+		placedExpense = 50
+	elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Generator") then
+			placedExpense = 300
+	elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Reflector Shield") then
+			placedExpense = 200
+	elseif pMode[pIndex] == loc("Core") then
+		placedExpense = 1
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode") then
+		placedExpense = atkArray[pIndex][5]
+	elseif cat[cIndex] == loc("Utility Crate Placement Mode") then
+		placedExpense = utilArray[pIndex][5]
+	end
+	AddCaption(loc("Cost") .. ": " .. placedExpense,0xffba00ff,capgrpAmmostate)
+function onLeft()
+	pIndex = pIndex - 1
+	if pIndex == 0 then
+		pIndex = #pMode
+	end
+	if (curWep == amGirder) or (curWep == amAirAttack) or (curWep == amNapalm) or (curWep == amDrillStrike) then
+		AddCaption(pMode[pIndex],0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage2)
+		updateCost()
+	end
+function onRight()
+	pIndex = pIndex + 1
+	if pIndex > #pMode then
+		pIndex = 1
+	end
+	if (curWep == amGirder) or (curWep == amAirAttack) or (curWep == amNapalm) or (curWep == amDrillStrike) then
+		AddCaption(pMode[pIndex],0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage2)
+		updateCost()
+	end
+function updatePlacementDisplay(pDir)
+	foundMatch = false
+	while(foundMatch == false) do
+		cIndex = cIndex + pDir
+		if (cIndex == 1) or (cIndex == 2) then --1	--we no longer hit girder by normal means
+			cIndex = #cat
+		elseif cIndex > #cat then
+			cIndex = 3	 -- 2 ----we no longer hit girder by normal means
+		end
+		-- new way of doing things
+		-- sProx[cIndex][2] == true just basically means we have ACCESS to something
+		-- but that doesn't neccessarily mean we are in the correct content menu, anymore
+		-- so we need to refine this a little
+		if sProx[cIndex][2] == true then
+			if (GetCurAmmoType() == amNapalm) then
+				if (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Health Crate Placement Mode")) or
+					(sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Weapon Crate Placement Mode")) or
+					(sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Utility Crate Placement Mode"))
+					then
+						foundMatch = true
+					end
+			elseif (GetCurAmmoType() == amDrillStrike) then
+				if (sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Mine Placement Mode")) or
+					(sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Sticky Mine Placement Mode")) or
+					(sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Barrel Placement Mode"))
+					then
+						foundMatch = true
+					end
+			elseif (GetCurAmmoType() == amAirAttack) then
+				if sProx[cIndex][1] == loc("Structure Placement Mode") then
+					foundMatch = true
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if foundMatch == true then
+		--if sProx[cIndex][2] == true then
+			-- normal case (scrolling through)
+			--foundMatch = true
+			RedefineSubset()
+			updateCost()
+		end
+	end
+-- Cycle through primary categories (by changing cIndex)
+-- i.e 	mine, sticky mine, barrels
+--		health/weapon/utility crate, placement of gears
+function onUp()
+	if ((curWep == amAirAttack) or (curWep == amNapalm) or (curWep == amDrillStrike) ) then
+		updatePlacementDisplay(-1)
+	end
+function onDown()
+	if ((curWep == amAirAttack) or (curWep == amNapalm) or (curWep == amDrillStrike) ) then
+		updatePlacementDisplay(1)
+	end
+-- standard event handlers
+function onGameInit()
+	Explosives = 0
+	MinesNum = 0
+	EnableGameFlags(gfInfAttack)
+	RedefineSubset()
+function initialSetup(gear)
+	FindPlace(gear, false, clanBoundsSX[GetHogClan(gear)], clanBoundsEX[GetHogClan(gear)],true)
+	-- for now, everyone should have this stuff
+	AddAmmo(gear, amAirAttack, 100)
+	AddAmmo(gear, amSwitch, 100)
+	AddAmmo(gear, amSkip, 100)
+function onGameStart()
+	trackTeams()
+	ShowMission	(
+				loc("a Hedgewars mini-game"),
+				" " .. "|" ..
+				loc("Build a fortress and destroy your enemy.") .. "|" ..
+				--loc("Defend your core from the enemy.") .. "|" ..
+				loc("There are a variety of structures available to aid you.") .. "|" ..
+				loc("Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures.") .. "|" ..
+				" " .. "|" ..
+				--loc("Core") .. ": " .. loc("Allows placement of structures.")  .. "|" ..
+				loc("Healing Station") .. ": " .. loc("Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration.")  .. "|" ..
+				loc("Bio-Filter") .. ": " .. loc("Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs.")  .. "|" ..
+				loc("Weapon Filter") .. ": " .. loc("Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs.")  .. "|" ..
+				loc("Reflector Shield") .. ": " .. loc("Reflects enemy projectiles.")  .. "|" ..
+				loc("Generator") .. ": " .. loc("Generates power.")  .. "|" ..
+				loc("Respawner") .. ": " .. loc("Resurrects dead hedgehogs.")  .. "|" ..
+				loc("Teleporation Node") .. ": " .. loc("Allows free teleportation between other nodes.")  .. "|" ..
+				loc("Construction Station") .. ": " .. loc("Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels.")  .. "|" ..
+				loc("Support Station") .. ": " .. loc("Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates.")  .. "|" ..
+				" " .. "|" ..
+				--" " .. "|" ..
+				"", 4, 5000
+				)
+	sCirc = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true)
+	SetVisualGearValues(sCirc, 0, 0, 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 40, 3, 0x00000000)
+	for i = 0, ClansCount-1 do
+		clanPower[i] = 500
+		clanBoon[i] = false
+		clanLWepIndex[i] = 1 -- for ease of use let's track this stuff
+		clanLUtilIndex[i] = 1
+		clanLGearIndex[i] = 1
+		clanUsedExtraTime[i] = false
+		clanCratesSpawned[i] = 0
+	end
+	tMapWidth = RightX - LeftX
+	tMapHeight = WaterLine - TopY
+	clanInterval = div(tMapWidth,ClansCount)
+	for i = 1, ClansCount do
+		clanBoundsSX[i-1] = LeftX+(clanInterval*i)-clanInterval+20
+		clanBoundsSY[i-1] = TopY
+		clanBoundsEX[i-1] = LeftX+(clanInterval*i)-20
+		clanBoundsEY[i-1] = WaterLine
+		--top and bottom
+		AddWall(LeftX+(clanInterval*i)-clanInterval,TopY,clanInterval,margin,GetClanColor(i-1))
+		AddWall(LeftX+(clanInterval*i)-clanInterval,WaterLine-25,clanInterval,margin,GetClanColor(i-1))
+		--add a wall to the left and right
+		AddWall(LeftX+(clanInterval*i)-clanInterval+20,TopY,margin,WaterLine,GetClanColor(i-1))
+		AddWall(LeftX+(clanInterval*i)-20,TopY,margin,WaterLine,GetClanColor(i-1))
+	end
+	runOnHogs(initialSetup)
+function onNewTurn()
+	tauntString = ""
+	clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = clanPower[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] + 50
+	clanUsedExtraTime[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = false
+	clanCratesSpawned[GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)] = 0
+function onGameTick()
+	HandleHedgeEditor()
+function isATrackedGear(gear)
+	if 	(GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget) or
+		(GetGearType(gear) == gtCase)
+	then
+		return(true)
+	else
+		return(false)
+	end
+-- track hedgehogs and placement gears
+function onGearAdd(gear)
+	if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+		--table.insert(hhs, gear)
+	elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtAirAttack) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtTeleport) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtGirder) then
+		cGear = gear
+	end
+	if isATrackedGear(gear) then
+		trackGear(gear)
+	elseif gearCanBeDeflected(gear) then
+		trackGear(gear)
+		setGearReflectionValues(gear)
+	end
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+	if GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget then
+		CheckGearForStructureLink(gear)
+	end
+	if (GetGearType(gear) == gtAirAttack) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtTeleport) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtGirder) then
+		cGear = nil
+	end
+	if (isATrackedGear(gear) or gearCanBeDeflected(gear)) then
+		if getGearValue(gear, "tCirc") ~= nil then
+			DeleteVisualGear(getGearValue(gear, "tCirc"))
+		end
+		trackDeletion(gear)
+	end