unbreak AI. remove inits from uLand
Sat, 04 Aug 2012 21:36:31 -0400 (2012-08-05)
changeset 7483 d479b98d38f7
parent 7480 536f5f3260f1
child 7486 f3a13da9fa4e
unbreak AI. remove inits from uLand
--- a/hedgewars/hwengine.pas	Sat Aug 04 21:08:46 2012 -0400
+++ b/hedgewars/hwengine.pas	Sat Aug 04 21:36:31 2012 -0400
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
+            uLandTexture.initModule;
+            UpdateLandTexture(0, LAND_WIDTH, 0, LAND_HEIGHT, false); 
+            uAILandMarks.initModule;
             ParseCommand('sendlanddigest', true);
             GameState:= gsStart;
@@ -401,7 +404,6 @@
         //uAIActions does not need initialization
         //uAIAmmoTests does not need initialization
-        uAILandMarks.initModule;
@@ -413,7 +415,6 @@
         //uLandGraphics does not need initialization
         //uLandObjects does not need initialization
         //uLandTemplates does not need initialization
-        uLandTexture.initModule;
         //uLocale does not need initialization
--- a/hedgewars/uAILandMarks.pas	Sat Aug 04 21:08:46 2012 -0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uAILandMarks.pas	Sat Aug 04 21:36:31 2012 -0400
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-unit uAILandMarks;
-const markWasHere = $01;
-procedure addMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte);
-function  checkMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte) : boolean;
-procedure clearAllMarks;
-procedure clearMarks(mark: byte);
-procedure initModule;
-procedure freeModule;
-uses uVariables;
-const gr = 2;
-var marks: array of array of byte;
-    WIDTH, HEIGHT: Longword;
-procedure addMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte);
-    if((X and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and ((Y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) then
-        begin
-        X:= X shr gr;
-        Y:= Y shr gr;
-        marks[Y, X]:= marks[Y, X] or mark
-        end
-function  checkMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte) : boolean;
-    checkMark:= ((X and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) 
-        and ((Y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) 
-        and ((marks[Y shr gr, X shr gr] and mark) <> 0)
-procedure clearAllMarks;
-    Y, X: Longword;
-    for Y:= 0 to Pred(HEIGHT) do
-        for X:= 0 to Pred(WIDTH) do
-            marks[Y, X]:= 0
-procedure clearMarks(mark: byte);
-    Y, X: Longword;
-    for Y:= 0 to Pred(HEIGHT) do
-        for X:= 0 to Pred(WIDTH) do
-            marks[Y, X]:= marks[Y, X] and (not mark)
-procedure initModule;
-    WIDTH:= LAND_WIDTH shr gr;
-    HEIGHT:= LAND_HEIGHT shr gr;
-    SetLength(marks, HEIGHT, WIDTH);
-procedure freeModule;
-    SetLength(marks, 0, 0);
+unit uAILandMarks;
+const markWasHere = $01;
+procedure addMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte);
+function  checkMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte) : boolean;
+procedure clearAllMarks;
+procedure clearMarks(mark: byte);
+procedure initModule;
+procedure freeModule;
+uses uVariables;
+const gr = 2;
+var marks: array of array of byte;
+    WIDTH, HEIGHT: Longword;
+procedure addMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte);
+    if((X and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and ((Y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) then
+        begin
+        X:= X shr gr;
+        Y:= Y shr gr;
+        marks[Y, X]:= marks[Y, X] or mark
+        end
+function  checkMark(X, Y: LongInt; mark: byte) : boolean;
+    checkMark:= ((X and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) 
+        and ((Y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) 
+        and ((marks[Y shr gr, X shr gr] and mark) <> 0)
+procedure clearAllMarks;
+    Y, X: Longword;
+    for Y:= 0 to Pred(HEIGHT) do
+        for X:= 0 to Pred(WIDTH) do
+            marks[Y, X]:= 0
+procedure clearMarks(mark: byte);
+    Y, X: Longword;
+    for Y:= 0 to Pred(HEIGHT) do
+        for X:= 0 to Pred(WIDTH) do
+            marks[Y, X]:= marks[Y, X] and (not mark)
+procedure initModule;
+    WIDTH:= LAND_WIDTH shr gr;
+    HEIGHT:= LAND_HEIGHT shr gr;
+    SetLength(marks, HEIGHT, WIDTH);
+procedure freeModule;
+    SetLength(marks, 0, 0);
--- a/hedgewars/uLand.pas	Sat Aug 04 21:08:46 2012 -0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uLand.pas	Sat Aug 04 21:36:31 2012 -0400
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 unit uLand;
-uses SDLh, uLandTemplates, uFloat, uConsts, GLunit, uTypes;
+uses SDLh, uLandTemplates, uFloat, uConsts, GLunit, uTypes, uAILandMarks;
 procedure initModule;
 procedure freeModule;
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
     SetLength(Land, LAND_HEIGHT, LAND_WIDTH);
     SetLength(LandDirty, (LAND_HEIGHT div 32), (LAND_WIDTH div 32));
-    uLandTexture.initModule;
@@ -704,8 +703,6 @@
                 LandPixels[y,x]:= w or (LandPixels[y div 2, x div 2] and AMask)
-UpdateLandTexture(0, LAND_WIDTH, 0, LAND_HEIGHT, false);
 procedure GenPreview(out Preview: TPreview);