2018-10-04 Wuzzy gameServer: Handle empty chat command (partially)
2018-10-04 Wuzzy gameServer: Always report command name if getting an incorrect command
2018-10-04 Wuzzy gameServer: remove duplicate VOTE/FORCE command handling
2018-10-03 Wuzzy Display error when entering invalid chat command in offline game
2018-10-03 Wuzzy Make frontend forward server error and warning messages to engine
2018-10-02 Wuzzy Pas2C: Add preprocess files to .hgignore
2018-10-02 Wuzzy Rewrite StrToInt code in uStore; get rid of "try" and "except" keywords
2018-10-02 Wuzzy IFNDEF custom exception handlung away in pas2c builds
2018-10-02 Wuzzy Resolve ambiguity of <> in Pas2C.hs
2018-09-30 Wuzzy Add help button in main menu (opens Hedgewars Wiki in browser)
2018-09-29 Wuzzy Fix frontend displayed value of Sudden Death timeout being off-by-one
2018-09-29 Wuzzy ASA, desert02: Add achievement for escaping with all crates collected and no damage taken
2018-09-29 Wuzzy ASA, ice02: Display current flying time next to team bar
2018-09-29 Wuzzy ASA, ice02: Fix recorded time being 6 seconds more than reality
2018-09-29 Wuzzy ASA: ice02: Render green rings as double rings
2018-09-29 Wuzzy Set script globals TurnTimeLeft and ReadyTimeLeft immediately after they were changed by Lua call
2018-09-28 Wuzzy Move campaign mission images to share/ instead of hardcoding them into frontend
2018-09-26 Wuzzy Fix teleport cursor briefly re-appearing after placing hog in hog placement phase + inf attack mode
2018-09-26 Wuzzy Update changelog
2018-09-26 Wuzzy On victory, center camera on a winning hedgehog
2018-09-24 nemo merge
2018-09-24 nemo make it build
2018-09-14 alfadur cleanup crate imports
2018-09-13 alfadur remove stabilized edition annotations
2018-09-10 alfadur rescue the stream on handshake failure
2018-09-10 alfadur improve error handling for TLS handshake
2018-09-08 alfadur port some legacy protocol support
2018-09-07 alfadur use openssl for password message handling
2018-09-06 alfadur Add TLS support
2018-09-05 alfadur Add official server feature to cargo
2018-09-05 alfadur Bump dependencies
2018-08-28 alfadur move everything test related into test cfg
2018-08-27 alfadur Add hogs per team named constant that absolutely no one asked for
2018-09-20 Wuzzy Fix maps variable in OfficialChallengeHashes not being global (caused error in normal Racer)
2018-09-19 Wuzzy Fix hedgehog being able to make walk/jump sounds before it was placed
2018-09-19 Wuzzy Ignore gmTimer after attack or hog is no longer controlled
2018-09-19 Wuzzy Clear gmSwitch before activating switcher
2018-09-18 nemo use locale rules for the challenge hashes
2018-09-18 nemo restore old land hashes which in theory should not have changed in .24
2018-09-18 nemo Separate synced pixels from land digests - this is mostly to allow the official racer digests to remain unchanged.
2018-09-17 Wuzzy Merge nemo's hash change commit
2018-09-17 Wuzzy Add exit hint after Basic Movement Training
2018-09-17 Wuzzy Easier back jumps in Basic Movement Training (fixes bug 692)
2018-09-16 nemo update hashes changed in r79e13080b9db (critical sprites) ra675a94b5cc1 (critical scripts)
2018-09-16 Wuzzy Update hedgewars_en.ts
2018-09-16 Wuzzy Update German translation
2018-09-15 Wuzzy Update translation files
2018-09-15 unc0rr Fix SetAmmoTexts not working in stats-only mode
2018-09-15 unc0rr Fix SetAmmoTexts not working in stats-only mode 0.9.24
2018-09-15 Wuzzy Fix some syntax errors in internal Lua syntax documentation
2018-09-15 Wuzzy Fix team stats screwing up if game ends due to drowning in rising Sudden Death water
2018-09-12 alfadur Fix engine crash when using lasersight outside the world bounds
2018-09-11 alfadur Only show bullet hits for shovable gears
2018-09-11 alfadur Fix sinegun dealing 1 damage when shooting straight up. Reduces sine gun knockback strength by 1.25%
2018-09-11 alfadur Revert sinegun brokenness to previous levels
2018-09-11 unc0rr Make rendering work qmlfrontend
2018-09-11 Wuzzy Allow to change volume during pause
2018-09-11 Wuzzy ASA, final: Don't say "missed" or "yes sir" after blowing up barrels
2018-09-11 Wuzzy Make sure scripts don't break w/ only 1 clan
2018-09-11 Wuzzy Add funny message in stats screen when everyone wins
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 tip