2018-11-07 unC0Rr Fix some warnings here and there, remove unwelcomed code
2018-11-07 alfadur start loading theme textures
2018-11-06 alfadur make fill point asserts persistent
2018-11-06 alfadur a bit more simplification without an apparent performance gain
2018-11-06 alfadur seems like about 25% speedup in land filling
2018-11-06 nemo workaround for the freepascal bug courtesy of koda
2018-11-06 alfadur add more point operators
2018-11-06 Grigory Ustinov Update frontend russian translation
2018-11-06 alfadur pull land into collision detector
2018-11-06 unC0Rr Start working on frontend to rust engine rewrite
2018-11-06 alfadur fix tangents
2018-11-06 alfadur fix ray construction
2018-11-05 unc0rr Bezierize land outline
2018-11-05 unc0rr Implement BeizerCurveSegments, no tests
2018-11-05 alfadur merge
2018-11-05 alfadur collapse rectangle types back together with consistent usage of size
2018-11-05 nemo wtf
2018-11-05 alfadur separate rectangle types based on right/bottom edge inclusivity
2018-11-05 alfadur actually there is a way to preserve mutable polygon iterator
2018-11-05 alfadur fix polygons getting unclosed on mirroring
2018-11-05 alfadur merge
2018-11-05 alfadur organize landgen a bit more
2018-11-04 unc0rr - Fix land_dump always skipping bezierize step
2018-11-04 alfadur yaml crate is having problems with unaligned arrays
2018-11-04 alfadur add command arguments to use a template from file into land_dump
2018-11-04 alfadur add a higher level map generation lib to load yaml templates into somewhere
2018-11-04 alfadur resolve some clippy complaints
2018-11-03 unc0rr - Add distance-divider option to land_dump
2018-11-03 alfadur polygonize OutlinePoints
2018-11-03 alfadur fix compile errors
2018-11-03 unc0rr Implement non-overflowing calculations for high values
2018-11-03 unc0rr land_dump app for testing templated landgen
2018-11-03 Wuzzy Fix portal color being switchable after losing control
2018-11-03 Wuzzy Move spoken text from HillBilly's PoisonCough to new files, make cough more quiet
2018-11-03 Wuzzy GameServer: Print syntax help if calling /maxteams without argument
2018-11-03 Wuzzy GameServer: Turn some messages into warnings
2018-11-03 alfadur probably should reuse it everywhere then
2018-11-03 alfadur should have been just norm
2018-11-03 unc0rr You cannot optimize integral division like this. You end up multiplying by 0, 1 or 2 instead of whole spectre of ratios.
2018-11-03 alfadur fix normal offset for split points and make directions more consistent
2018-11-03 alfadur reorder split rectangles
2018-11-03 alfadur simplify normal direction check for bounds distances
2018-11-03 alfadur import some clarity into border distance computation
2018-11-02 alfadur fix typos
2018-11-02 alfadur a bit more simplification
2018-11-02 alfadur swap coordinate system
2018-11-02 alfadur a bit of simplification
2018-11-02 alfadur typofix
2018-11-02 unc0rr Fix another typo
2018-11-02 unc0rr Fix typo
2018-11-02 alfadur mark the center in the theme editor
2018-11-02 alfadur fix play area rect
2018-11-02 unc0rr Finish porting FindPoint()
2018-11-02 alfadur add an existing template to the theme editor
2018-11-02 alfadur add basic land template to theme editor
2018-11-02 alfadur fix some compile errors
2018-11-02 alfadur add some more rectangle convenience methods
2018-11-02 unc0rr Move flip and mirror to outline methods
2018-11-02 alfadur add polygons
2018-11-02 alfadur fix infinite loop in landgen
2018-11-02 alfadur add more rectangle methods
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Add grenka to credits for Russian translation
2018-11-02 alfadur update theme editor
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Add some useful translation checker scripts for Lua
2018-11-02 alfadur component-wise division is actually useful sometimes
2018-11-02 Grigory Ustinov Shortened translations of map types in Russian
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Merge unC0Rr's FindPoint() stuff
2018-11-02 Grigory Ustinov Update translations in ru.lua
2018-11-02 Grigory Ustinov Update Russian frontend translation
2018-11-02 Grigory Ustinov Fix mistakes in russian translation of tips
2018-11-02 Grigory Ustinov Update Russian frontend translations
2018-11-02 unC0Rr Start convertion of FindPoint()
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Typecast the ASCII ESC char
2018-11-02 unC0Rr abs(hwRound()) is nonsense
2018-11-02 unC0Rr - Add methods to work with Rect as box
2018-11-02 unC0Rr Refactor tests, add fn center() for Line
2018-11-02 unC0Rr Introduce OutlineSegmentsIterator, some refactoring
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Remove pointless string assignment in PlaySoundV
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Fix ambigious abs in uGearsHandlersMess
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Fix bad "not" in uTeams (made pas2c angry)
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Use hexadecimal number to represent ASCII ESC
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Add Official racer challenge #17
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Update official challenge hashes, improve console logging (warning: racer #17 is missing!)
2018-11-02 unC0Rr Rework lib structure, no code changes
2018-11-02 Wuzzy Update LastVoice when switching to fallback voice
2018-11-01 alfadur wrestle with borrow checker
2018-11-01 unc0rr Commit broken code for divide_edges in hope for salvation
2018-11-01 alfadur fix overflow check in airmine handling
2018-11-01 unc0rr Also ban special symbols block
2018-11-01 Wuzzy Fix game window width/height setting being broken when using Arabic locale
2018-11-01 Grigory Ustinov Slightly correct russian translation of word utility
2018-11-01 Grigory Ustinov Update russian translation
2018-11-01 Grigory Ustinov Adapt russian translation for modern gaming language
2018-11-01 alfadur start a physics engine to try out this data oriented thing everyone seems to be talking about
2018-11-01 KoBeWi Fix too long Polish translation of fps
2018-11-01 Wuzzy Enable CJK font when using any full/halfwith char (U+FF00 to U+FFEF)
2018-11-01 KoBeWi Add missing translation in pl.lua
2018-11-01 alfadur prevent minigun bullet land impacts from pushing hedgehogs
2018-11-01 alfadur update theme editor to use new land generator implementation
2018-11-01 Wuzzy Fix taunts playing too fast after a shot
2018-10-31 alfadur merge
2018-10-31 unc0rr Implement OutlinePoints for land generators, some ground work for template based landgen
2018-10-29 unc0rr Use next_power_of_two() just like hedgewars engine does, expose original and real dimensions
2018-10-31 alfadur add missions_ja.txt
2018-10-31 nemo check for teamgone before activating switcher
2018-10-31 Wuzzy Fix various string errors in Lua locale files
2018-10-31 alfadur japanese translation fixes
2018-10-31 alfadur bump server dependencies
2018-10-31 Wuzzy Fix critical Lua syntax errors in lt.lua
2018-10-31 KoBeWi Update Polish translation
2018-10-31 Wuzzy Enemy/AI hogs now say “Hmm” on turn start. Use IllGetYou/JustYouWait for hit after attack
2018-10-31 Wuzzy Add Ouch taunt for particulary damaging hits (fall, bullet, shove, hammer)
2018-10-31 Wuzzy Stop using dsUnknown, replace with concrete damage sources
2018-10-30 Wuzzy Merge
2018-10-30 Wuzzy Attacking same clan (not same team) is no longer enough to trigger sndSameTeam
2018-10-30 Wuzzy Play another voice as fallback if sndRevenge could not be found
2018-10-28 Wuzzy Refactor fallback taunt code
2018-10-28 Wuzzy Add taunts: Leavemealone, Cutitout (when attacked many times)
2018-10-28 Wuzzy Add revenge taunt
2018-10-30 alfadur fix theme editor
(0) -10000 -3000 -1000 -120 +120 +1000 tip