2015-09-12 sheepluva uVariables: also initialize arrays and records in initModule
2015-09-12 antonc27 - These properties are not necessary to clean when receiving memory warning ios-revival
2015-09-12 antonc27 - We don't need to explicitly propagate vc lifecycle messages ios-revival
2015-09-12 antonc27 - Reset for previously selected static map ios-revival
2015-09-12 antonc27 Merge ios-revival
2015-09-11 sheepluva merge
2015-09-11 sheepluva simplify code ios-revival
2015-09-11 sheepluva exclude uMatrix from pas2c build
2015-09-11 sheepluva fix pas2c build, it was broken in the long long ago ( 97f9a25024e6 )
2015-09-11 sheepluva pas2c doesn't like {$ENDIF} with argument
2015-09-11 sheepluva make uVariables not depend on implicit one-time initialization by FPC
2015-09-10 antonc27 - ifdef for IPHONEOS in glLoadExtension ios-revival
2015-09-10 sheepluva stop rc plane prop/engine sound when out of fuel
2015-09-10 sheepluva merge branch ios-revival into default
2015-09-10 antonc27 - ifdef for CMEM ios-revival
2015-09-10 antonc27 - ifdef for engine exit/halt ios-revival
2015-09-09 antonc27 - Refactoring in order to remove some warning related to using of int instead of NSInteger ios-revival
2015-09-09 antonc27 - First attempt to fix crashes on loading 'Styles' ios-revival
2015-09-06 antonc27 - Fixes for cropped background image on iPhone ios-revival
2015-09-06 antonc27 - Restyle of 'Simple' and 'Missions' buttons at Main screen ios-revival
2015-09-05 antonc27 - Added required icons ios-revival
2015-09-05 antonc27 - arm64 added as valid arch ios-revival
2015-08-27 antonc27 - Version bump to 2.0 ios-revival
2015-08-27 antonc27 - Fix for crash on loading SingleWeaponViewController in Settings ios-revival
2015-08-27 antonc27 - 'safeScale' now always 1.0 ios-revival
2015-08-27 antonc27 - Load fonts on init if not 'mobile' ios-revival
2015-08-17 antonc27 - Property for port in MapPreviewButtonView ios-revival
2015-08-17 Anton Malmygin - Using of @autoreleasepool is better ios-revival
2015-08-17 antonc27 - Fix for iPhone 4S screen size ios-revival
2015-08-16 antonc27 - Fix for 'hold for delete' for cells in teams table ios-revival
2015-08-15 antonc27 Merge with ios-rus-localization ios-revival
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Fix for retrieving 'Maze' preview genration ios-revival
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Improved fix for UI elements positioning at GameConfigViewController ios-revival
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Localization for SingleSchemeViewController fixed ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Russian Scheme.strings localized ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Russian Localizable.strings localized ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Fix for localization of detail labels at AboutViewController ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Russian About.strings localized ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Rus localization started ios-rus-localization
2015-08-15 antonc27 - Russian localization files added ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - Small fix for debug view frame ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - Fix for initial wrong UI positioning for GameConfigViewController ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - Fix for show/hide helpPage animations ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - HelpPageLobbyViewController updated: various UI fixes, autorotation fixes, help bubbles for iPad grouped ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - HelpPageLobbyViewController returned to project (back from 2012!), also help bubble images added ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - Fix for loading missions descriptions ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - Fix for strange problem with table view in StatsPage - rowHeight is 1 by default. So, fixed by implicit size. ios-revival
2015-08-14 antonc27 - RestoreViewController functionality uncommented ios-revival
2015-08-14 Anton Malmygin - Interscreen transitions fixed ios-revival
2015-08-13 antonc27 - MGSplitViewController updated to last version with iOS 8 fixes ios-revival
2015-08-13 antonc27 - Fix for main view orientation problems ios-revival
2015-08-13 antonc27 - Fix for app crash after ending game ios-revival
2015-08-12 antonc27 - Name fixing for buttons ios-revival
2015-08-12 antonc27 - Using come for internal memory management ios-revival
2015-08-12 antonc27 - 'Generate position dependent code' et to NO. Otherwise crashed at initialization step. ios-revival
2015-08-11 antonc27 - VALID_ARCHS reduced for all projects ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - VALID_ARCHS changed ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Small warning fix ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Actually fix for rendering on iOS ]:-> ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Fix for hiding launch window after launch and not blocking SDL window on engine anymore ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Some weird staff with bounds commented here ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Bogus 'lodeNiceHogs' disabled ios-revival
2015-08-10 antonc27 - Restore game functionality disabled, because it blocks main screen ios-revival
2015-08-09 antonc27 Added tag Nice one for changeset 0f5961910e27 ios-revival
2015-08-09 antonc27 - Resolves problem with wrong path to chef hat on iOS ios-revival
2015-08-09 antonc27 - Fix for wrong start paramIndex in case of Hwlibrary ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for new name of SDL 2 libraries ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for launching with SDL ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for "Exception: Could not load OpenGL from /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries/libGL.dylib" at start of app ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for "error: invalid abbreviation code [115] for DIE at" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for PascalImports and for GenLandPreview ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for "operator delete[](void*)", referenced from: not found for architecture x86_64" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Small reorg of project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - CoreMotion framework added to project for SDL 2 ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for "uWorld.s:4736:8: error: base register is 64-bit, but index register is not leal (%rax,%edx),%eax" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for ArgParsers.pas:368: 23: Identifier not found "cDefaultPathPrefix" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for uTouch.pas:365: 34: Identifier not found "nilFingerId" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for uPhysFSLayer.pas:167: 17: Identifier not found "cFontsPaths" ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Another fix for uRender.pas ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Fix for compiling 'uRender.pas' ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Missed pascal source files added to project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Turkish localization removed from Xcode project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - fpc updated to 3.1.1 ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - 'Default-568h@2x.png' added for retina screen ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - VALID_ARCHS updated for main project ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - Xcode projects updated to recommended settings (auto done by Xcode) ios-revival
2015-08-08 antonc27 - .hgignore file updated for Xcode related files ios-revival
2015-09-10 sheepluva small code cleanup
2015-09-08 unc0rr more work qmlfrontend
2015-09-05 unc0rr Generate handlers for lists qmlfrontend
2015-09-04 nemo fix a couple of typos
2015-09-03 unc0rr Generate handlers accepting parameters dummies qmlfrontend
2015-09-03 Wuzzy Updated shoppa tournament winners
2015-09-03 unc0rr Merge default qmlfrontend
2015-09-03 nemo Add some HHGear nil checks to teleport. google bug #974
2015-09-03 Wuzzy tip changes, mostly new strategy suggestions
2015-09-02 sheepluva allow holding PRECISE key to switch portal ball colors in reverse order
2015-09-02 nemo Trying to get these scripts to behave properly, still WIP though.
2015-09-02 sheepluva fix internal function name
2015-09-02 wuzzy make tunnels script use MapFeatureSize
2015-09-02 sheepluva some more tweaks
2015-09-02 sheepluva make diagonal maze use map feature size
2015-09-02 sheepluva also expose MapFeatureSize in onPreviewInit
2015-09-02 sheepluva Lua API: expose MapFeatureSize during init
2015-09-02 sheepluva fix on-code documentation of EraseSprite
2015-09-01 sheepluva display circle for custom build dist values, display nothing if no limit. map borders are not taken into account at this point
2015-09-01 sheepluva Lua API: SetMaxBuildDistance([ distInPx ]) -- set to 0 for no limit; call with no param to reset to default
2015-09-01 sheepluva global variable for defining construction distance limit. value smaller 1 means no limit (wip)
2015-08-30 unc0rr Restore player clan on rejoin (issue 934, not tested)
2015-08-30 unc0rr Fix inverse paused state for spectators joining paused game (not tested)
2015-08-27 unc0rr Check for CMD message a bit further down the control flow
2015-08-27 unC0Rr Don't accept any password from players banned on the website
2015-08-17 nemo add missing state binds in lua
2015-08-17 nemo just some indentation tweaks to help me read this while looking for possible causes of the iOS crasher
2015-08-15 unc0rr Some fixes qmlfrontend
2015-08-09 Wuzzy Update English weapon descriptions
2015-08-14 unC0Rr Break it even more during refactoring qmlfrontend
2015-08-12 unC0Rr Generate parameters structures qmlfrontend
2015-08-10 sheepluva more copyright fixes
2015-08-10 sheepluva update copyright year in manpage
2015-08-09 sheepluva this should prevent hogs from hovering in air after using hammer
2015-08-09 sheepluva Hammer had been accessing dangling pointers under particular circumstances (e.g. when hitting a mine/barrel right when it exploded)
2015-08-09 sheepluva fix the fix
2015-08-08 sheepluva comment tweaks
2015-08-08 sheepluva tweak prev commit
2015-08-08 sheepluva Hammer changes/fixes: honor extra-damage (Issue 975), round up damage, do correct damage when being spammed in infinite-attack mode
2015-08-07 nemo Fix weapon name - bug #967
2015-08-06 mikade HedgeEditor (bring on the bug reports, wahey!)
2015-08-05 nemo oops. melon pieces need friction and elasticity to bounce right.
2015-08-03 mikade May He Improve Our Graphics Forevermore
2015-08-03 mikade Add Wuzzy's SpeedShoppa challenges.
2015-07-31 unc0rr Make RESTART_SERVER invokable
2015-07-31 unc0rr Use helper function instead of ton of copypasta
2015-07-30 unc0rr Fixes to 10760 to reduce desyncs on checkers and better heat my room during long dark winter nights
2015-07-30 nemo darken and blur the cupcake a bit so that people stop trying to teleport on it
2015-07-30 mikade GetHogVoicepack,GetHogFlag,GetHogGrave
2015-07-27 Wuzzy Block bouncing on the anti-portal surfaces
2015-07-23 unc0rr Don't allow too big messages from clients
2015-07-21 unc0rr Put diagnostic message into log when quitting due to end of input in demo replay mode
2015-07-21 nemo just disable landpixels w/ blurry land instead. the mask can be helpful for debugging at least.
2015-07-21 nemo disable land dump when using blurry land setting.
2015-07-19 sheepluva some visual tweaks to art theme. sue. me.
2015-07-19 sheepluva add some chat message colors
2015-07-19 sheepluva fix timebox sprite
2015-07-18 sheepluva fix pickhammer collision when moving upwards, thanks to MK for reporting
2015-07-18 sheepluva always draw border on terrain if there is only a map mask and no map image. this is a workaround for the fact that space campaign masks use white (lfObject) color instead of black (lfBasic)
2015-07-17 sheepluva unpause game when finishing game
2015-07-16 sheepluva change theme used by sniper training, for performance reasons
2015-07-16 sheepluva remove 2 training missions as suggested in issue #868
2015-07-16 nemo CRLF purge
2015-07-14 sheepluva small german string fix
2015-07-14 mikade ups, remove random testing vars
2015-07-14 mikade tentative/lazy fixes for unC0Rr's evil
2015-07-14 sheepluva update german translation
2015-07-14 sheepluva merge
2015-07-13 wuzzy update for "that sinking feeling"
2015-07-13 sheepluva fix some typos
2015-07-13 wuzzy german lua strings translation
2015-07-13 sheepluva don't keep around those right-side fort files which are just mirror images of left-side forts. generate them at run-time instead. note: inlining changes and deleting files - so consider clean build/install
2015-07-13 sheepluva just ignore gfDivideTeams if more/less than 2 teams. instead of quitting with fatal error
2015-07-12 sheepluva chat: make sure that CTRL is the /only/ modifier key pressed when detecting ctrl+a etc
2015-07-12 sheepluva small changelog update
2015-07-11 nemo remove teamgone. desyncs now. less interesting without the animation, perhaps something should be flagged to replace it
2015-07-11 sheepluva please avoid # in filenames
2015-07-09 nemo Fix build w/o S3D and video recording. untested.
2015-07-07 nemo merge
2015-07-04 wuzzy german translation update
2015-07-07 nemo update hl for .22 airmines
2015-07-04 sheepluva fix Rubberduck grave
2015-06-23 sheepluva fallback to Default voicepack if specified voicepack is not available
2015-06-16 nemo bit friendlier if the uVariables values get changed
2015-06-12 nemo Just to prevent airmines from stealing camera when they blow up... but really what is needed I think is forcing camera to stay on current hedgehog if you are the active player. either all the time, or at least if you are on rope/saucer.
2015-06-11 sheepluva hog number display: no blinking
2015-06-10 unc0rr Time is stored in bytestring now
2015-06-10 unc0rr Buggy executeMany?
2015-06-08 nemo ambiguous
2015-06-07 sheepluva mention hoggywood and cake in the changelog
2015-06-06 sheepluva fix flower grave
2015-06-06 sheepluva fix statue grave
2015-06-06 sheepluva fix chat lines losing color information on texture reload
2015-06-04 unc0rr More ifdefs \o/ (fix build even more)
2015-06-03 unc0rr Lazy fix for server build
2015-06-02 koda Added tag 0.9.21-release, fab746a3597e for changeset 7e55468ffe38
2015-06-03 koda Update .hgignore file
2015-06-03 koda merge, mah friend, long time no see
2015-06-03 mikade - some new mission icons
2015-06-03 nemo cursor x/y when targeting for mikade's visual effects. this is not synced
2015-06-02 koda Fix building hedgewars-server
2015-06-02 koda Allow skipping the bundle step after install on OSX
2015-06-02 koda Make sure that the png library name is always defined
2015-06-02 koda Fix libsdl bundling on OSX when library rather than framework is used
2015-06-02 koda Move OSX SDL library configuration from SDLh to proper CMakeLists
2015-06-02 koda Fix retina rendering on OSX
2015-06-01 koda Fix building on OSX when autoupdate is disabled
2015-05-26 sheepluva LuaAPI: fix OnHogAttack the incorrect AmmoType (amNothing) under certain conditions. Thanks for CheezeMonkey for reporting this
2015-05-27 nemo add a bit more spacing around stars, add pad parameter to increase spacing between objects
2015-05-27 mikade - reorder waypoint preview
2015-05-27 mikade - preview generation for rubbers, air-mines, crates, barrels
2015-05-26 unC0Rr merge
2015-05-26 sheepluva merge git head and hg head
2015-05-26 unC0Rr Make sure to have gstMoving flag cleared
2015-05-25 nemo call setScript update if scheme changes, due to scriptparams
2015-05-25 sheepluva merge
2015-05-25 nemo Also preview waypoints
2015-05-25 sheepluva some changelog additions, not complete yet
2015-05-25 nemo Pass ScriptParams to preview to support techracer. Proof of concept for techracer, generate a preview for m=4
2015-05-25 sheepluva Merge pull request #34 from CaF2/master
2015-05-25 nemo prevent damage colouring of indestructible terrain
2015-05-25 caf2 Changed to continental supplies from the DLC, because its better :P
2015-05-24 nemo change from default of 4 (like land mines) to 0, since it was breaking old scripts.
2015-05-24 nemo Bunch of flags off forum, reviewed/renamed by wuzzy and sheepluva
2015-07-21 unc0rr Put types into a separate file qmlfrontend
2015-05-22 nemo don't decrement 0 timer for air mines...
2015-05-20 unc0rr - Move protocol handling events to main thread through qt's main loop qmlfrontend
2015-05-21 mikade - (Finally) automatically load points for all current TechRacer maps
2015-05-17 unc0rr merge default qmlfrontend
2015-05-16 mikade your guess is as good as mine
2015-05-16 mikade Add two new maps, improve an old one
2015-05-14 mikade extensive changes
2015-05-13 mikade hopefully fix some placements
2015-05-12 unc0rr - Fix order of messages, also don't duplicate last timestamped message
2015-05-12 mikade migrate maps, new map, minor fixes
2015-05-11 nemo This probably fixes bug #839 - mine time was hardcoded to 3000 in Attack, instead of using the "0 as undefined" input that other places were using. When re653e96b0ec3 started paying attention to the input parameter, this previously ignored value became a problem.
2015-05-11 unc0rr - Take girder height into account (fix issue #908)
2015-05-09 mikade Added param for rounds in techracer.
2015-05-08 sheepluva reduce volume a bit more. also fix engine hint
2015-05-08 nemo 50% volume on music to make sheepluva happy
2015-05-07 sheepluva add simple build instructions
2015-05-07 unC0Rr Long awaited hwmap<->txt converter, which took less than hour to make
2015-05-17 unc0rr Move SDLNet_TCP_Send to its own thread qmlfrontend
2015-05-07 mikade fml
2015-05-16 unc0rr Some more work on flib network qmlfrontend
2015-05-07 mikade oops
2015-05-15 unc0rr Parse net commands, answer to pings qmlfrontend
2015-05-07 mikade one more map, extra param
2015-05-13 unc0rr Mockup of protocol parser qmlfrontend
2015-05-05 sheepluva merge: merge the git merge head into hg tip, with anothera hg merge. merge. merge. merge. merge. meeeerrrrgeeee.
2015-05-10 unc0rr Fix jumpts table, build array of handlers (wip) qmlfrontend
2015-05-04 sheepluva chat: simplify some code and fix bugs I noticed during testing
2015-05-09 unc0rr Produce some useful code qmlfrontend
2015-05-04 unc0rr Less code - less bugs (fix pas2c build)
2015-05-04 sheepluva Merge pull request #32 from gunchleoc/master
2015-05-04 unc0rr merge default qmlfrontend
2015-04-30 sheepluva chat: further tweaks and cleanups
2015-04-30 sheepluva different implementation for utf-8 char detection/handling
2015-04-30 sheepluva chat: generate utf8 info e.g. for pasted contents
2015-05-02 mikade fix techracer map 3
2015-05-01 unc0rr - ?Fix? nemo's attempt in r959219241c67
2015-05-01 unc0rr merge
2015-05-01 mikade ups, forgot we need to make TechRacer aware of airmines
2015-05-01 mikade new test for lols
2015-04-18 gunchleoc New gd translation of main ts file.
2015-04-29 unc0rr Catch exceptions in accept() call
2015-04-27 vittorio giovara Do not set rpath when binaries are installed in the standard search path
2015-04-11 unc0rr Add ceil() function to fpcrtl of pas2c
2015-04-11 unc0rr Silly fixes for silly pas2c
2015-05-04 unc0rr Try another approach, WIP qmlfrontend
2015-04-10 unc0rr Switch to mysql-simple, as hdbc package seems to be abandoned and anyway never satisfied me
2015-04-29 unc0rr Rendering some code qmlfrontend
2015-04-10 nemo bouncy/noportal check after spawn
2015-04-28 unc0rr Some more work on network client implementation qmlfrontend
2015-04-10 nemo tweak erase
2015-04-28 unc0rr Will use own tree type qmlfrontend
2015-04-09 nemo also erase
2015-04-25 unc0rr Some hedgewars coding a week keeps doctor away qmlfrontend
2015-04-08 nemo fix copypasta typo, failure to bump offset of lf params
2015-04-22 unc0rr Some futher work on flib net client part qmlfrontend
2015-04-08 nemo Add options to set colouring, behind existing land, and horizontal/vertical flipping to PlaceSprite
2015-04-16 unc0rr Start network support: only setting up a connection for now qmlfrontend
2015-04-05 nemo Make bouncing a bit less wtf for various gears tested (hog, 'zooka, saucer hog, drill strike). Less hacky is another matter.
2015-04-14 unC0Rr Racer challenge map #17 qmlfrontend
2015-04-05 mikade fix error in Nobody Laugh
2015-04-11 unc0rr Make ammo scheme work qmlfrontend
2015-04-03 nemo enable bounce on rubber for air bombs. give them the missing elasticity they needed for the code there to work properly.
2015-04-11 unc0rr Oops, forgot this file qmlfrontend
2015-04-03 nemo give melon pieces a radius. is why they weren't bouncing.
2015-04-08 unc0rr Ammo schemes list, almost works qmlfrontend
2015-04-03 nemo Make FP tunnel 2px wider.
2015-04-02 unc0rr - Merge default qmlfrontend
2015-04-01 unc0rr racer challenge map #16
2015-04-01 unC0Rr Fix off-by-1 error
2015-04-01 sheepluva terminate engine and output fatal error message if hedgehogs are added incorrectly
2015-03-31 unc0rr - Fix ping timeouts after incorrect "/vote" commands (protocol violation)
2015-03-31 unc0rr "/force" command for server admin to force voting result
2015-03-31 unc0rr Send notice when accepting vote
2015-03-31 unc0rr Don't change hedgehogs total number to a value > 48 as result of voting.
2015-03-31 sheepluva small pixel jizz tweak
2015-03-31 sheepluva alternative explosion border smoothing
2015-03-30 sheepluva draw birdy's feathers in low quality mode too
2015-03-25 sheepluva only display cake timer if it is low
2015-03-25 sheepluva allow gear specific data (with gear type specific type). applied to cake
2015-03-24 sheepluva still messing with rendering
2015-03-24 unc0rr Hints for bottom feeder, which were somehow lost
2015-03-24 sheepluva rendering tweaks cont.
2015-03-24 sheepluva rendering tweaks cont.
2015-03-24 sheepluva rendering tweaks/cleanup cont.
2015-03-23 sheepluva show correct default if current team is local team
2015-03-22 sheepluva fix segfault caused by last commit if spectating
2015-03-22 sheepluva make using hog speech a bit more comfortable
2015-03-20 nemo remove switch from allowed utilities. 14:57 <@unC0Rr> way too OP
2015-03-19 sheepluva don't modify collision data when applying visual edge smoothing
2015-03-18 sheepluva fallback to first color in colors array if there is no valid color specified
2015-03-18 unc0rr Don't spawn team widget sorter on each frame when in lag. Issue 'spectate 0' instead, and only on first lag occasion.
2015-03-18 unc0rr Also update wind indicator on lag when joining midgame
2015-03-18 sheepluva changed/fixed alpha blending in copyToXYFromRect
2015-03-18 unc0rr Only allow one instance of vgtSmoothWindbar also
2015-03-17 unc0rr Don't do anything if sorter was replaced, even for one tick only. Hopefully fixes issue #907, but not confirmed, though very highly plausible.
2015-03-16 unC0Rr Script parameter to adjust winning score for Mutant
2015-03-16 nemo team coloured, just for the heck of it, based on a param. also del airmine, 'cause, probably not fun here. you're invuln anyway.
2015-03-15 nemo merge ☹
2015-03-13 unC0Rr Racer challenge map #15
2015-03-08 sheepluva and ofc fix pas2c build
2015-03-08 sheepluva render input prefix independent of inputstr so that e.g. a username will not lead to weirdnesses
2015-03-08 sheepluva chat/copypaste: some adjustments and sanity checks
2015-03-08 sheepluva copy to/paste from system clipboard (via frontend)
2015-03-06 sheepluva copy&paste (wip), currently using only a local clipboard
2015-03-15 nemo Allow rope tinting
2015-03-03 unc0rr amNothing is fine to use in any type of race too
2015-03-01 sheepluva attempt to move cursor now removes selection even if cursor cannot actually move in the specified direction
2015-03-01 sheepluva quick word deletion while holding ctrl (qt style)
2015-03-01 sheepluva holding ctrl will now make cursor skip words/etc in a fashion similar to Qt
2015-03-01 sheepluva whoops, pas2c did not notice this missing ;
2015-03-01 sheepluva since fonts can be loaded in late, update cursor position before first chat display
2015-03-01 sheepluva make team key play well with new cursor
2015-03-01 sheepluva add newline after warning
2015-03-01 sheepluva make sure cursor drawing position does not get messed up by screen resize
2015-03-01 sheepluva teach pas2c how to insert() shortstrings
2015-03-01 sheepluva pas2c does not like setlength called with a shortstring apparently
2015-03-01 sheepluva selections
2015-02-28 sheepluva fix chat input history not restoring utf8-related info
2015-02-28 sheepluva engine: moveable chat cursor. note: discovered bug that utf8 char info is lost/corrupted when input history is used
2015-02-26 unC0Rr Racer challenge map #14
2015-02-18 unC0Rr Racer challenge #13
2015-02-17 nemo Clear flag set by gear on gear deletion. Also added a few more nil checks on HHGear
2015-02-17 nemo Make hedgewars frontend not change scheme/weps to Default if script cfg doesn't match a known scheme. That is, will leave on whatever is selected. Also set a bunch of schemes where we don't care what the scheme/weps are to *
2015-02-17 nemo avoid airmines too when spawning
2015-02-17 nemo bit more friction. remove gstSubmersible clearing. was for the old "sea" thing that is totally gone now. As a general attribute, better to let other stuff clear it as needed.
2015-02-16 nemo make mines submersible
2015-02-16 nemo oops, forgot this annoying thing
2015-02-15 nemo 0s mine time
2015-02-15 nemo make air mines respawn on climbhome
2015-02-16 unc0rr Introducing cbAmmo qmlfrontend
2015-02-15 nemo hook up to frontend
2015-02-08 unc0rr Fix schemes loading qmlfrontend
2015-02-14 nemo Fix bug, undo debug level in server, set air mine number to something non-debug
2015-02-07 unc0rr Send selected scheme config on engine initialization (WIP) qmlfrontend
2015-02-14 nemo Add placement of airmines in engine outside of hog proximity. Has a bug, only protecting 1st team. Also fix a spelling error and rename gstHHChooseTarget to gstChooseTarget
2015-02-07 unc0rr merge with default qmlfrontend
2015-02-07 unc0rr merge
2015-02-07 unc0rr Fix pas2c?
2015-02-06 unc0rr This should help with second rejoin bug. (reverting previous workaround over frontend bug and making a new one)
2015-02-06 unC0Rr One more medium template
2015-02-01 nemo fix typo
2015-02-01 nemo I guess the params shouldn't be all or nothing.
2015-02-01 nemo add some config params - speed,accel,delaytime,delayheight,nocake. water rise speed, water rise acceleration, time delay from start of turn for water rise, height delay for same, and disable cake. also set start boulder to indestructible
2015-01-25 nemo Add generic getter/setter for a bunch of more obscure gear structure values
2015-01-25 nemo Add a couple of more variable bindings, make all the set visual gear values optional, to allow skipping trailing params or specifying ones in the middle as nil to not set. Should make using it more convenient in simple cases.
2015-01-24 nemo Make the various mine states a bit clearer (inactive, active but not in seek mode, seek mode, chasing target)
2015-01-21 nemo more turn-based-y
2015-01-19 nemo inherit mines time div 4
2015-01-19 sheepluva feedback/linux: fix wrong mem size being reported if mem > 4GB. thanks to tomreyn for reporting this issue
2015-01-18 nemo merge 0.9.21, hopefully without screwing anything up due to this having been left for a while + parallel commits that occurred...
2015-01-18 nemo Use the larger scaled airmine sprite originally intended, add some antidickery measures.
2015-01-18 unc0rr Fix here too
2015-01-18 nemo more tweakery
2015-01-18 nemo initialise trackSpeed, add nil check before resetting seek timer
2015-01-18 nemo er... didn't mean to leave this line in
2015-01-18 sheepluva begin/end
2015-01-18 nemo merge
2015-01-18 sheepluva fix pas2c (airbomb code: "not" statement in boolean expression was without parentheses)
2015-01-18 nemo radius and sprite drawing tweaks to match the still temporary sprite. also a begin/end sheepluva suggested
2015-01-17 sheepluva oops. I committed hat fix to .21 branch
2015-01-18 nemo Toss in scaled down underwater SD mine as "air mine" pending, er, cybernetic butterflies or whatever
2015-01-17 nemo tweak a few params. still something wtf going on when on rope
2015-01-17 sheepluva merge
2015-01-16 nemo experiment with air mines. thought they could make shoppa... interesting. ToDo: Allow mines to give up, tweak distances, real graphics, toggle for whether they can acquire a new target while they haven't given up.
2015-01-16 sheepluva Merge pull request #31 from LocutusOfBorg/fix-cmake
2015-01-14 unC0Rr Oops, misspelled protocol command
2015-01-13 unc0rr Implement /newseed and /hedgehogs commands. Only tested for building.
2015-01-12 nemo oups. Accidentally commited air mine stuff which needs reworking now since I can't use Gear^.Hedgehog
2015-01-12 nemo move TGear Hedgehog based on how uStats is using it
2015-01-15 Gianfranco Costamagna Add RelWithDebInfo for debugging purposes
2015-01-06 sheepluva merge git head
2015-01-06 sheepluva Merge pull request #29 from LocutusOfBorg/bad-fix-segfault
2015-01-06 Gianfranco Costamagna Unify _P flags
2015-01-06 unc0rr Fix handling of perlin mapgen
2014-11-29 Gianfranco Costamagna Fix segfault when BUILD_ENGINE_C=ON and FONTS_DIR is provided
2015-01-06 unc0rr - Send maze_size command in other mapgen modes too
2015-01-05 Gianfranco Costamagna Rename test to test_normal, to comply with policy CMP0037
2015-07-09 nemo Fix build w/o S3D and video recording. untested. 0.9.21
2015-01-05 unc0rr merge
2015-06-04 unc0rr More ifdefs \o/ (fix build even more) 0.9.21
2015-01-05 unc0rr merge
2015-06-03 unc0rr Lazy fix for server build 0.9.21
2015-01-05 sheepluva Merge pull request #27 from LocutusOfBorg/fix-build2
2015-06-03 koda Update .hgignore file 0.9.21
2015-01-05 sheepluva Merge pull request #28 from LocutusOfBorg/lua-fix
2015-06-02 koda Added tag 0.9.21-release, fab746a3597e for changeset 7e55468ffe38 0.9.21
2015-01-05 sheepluva Merge pull request #26 from LocutusOfBorg/fix-build
2015-06-02 koda Fix building hedgewars-server 0.9.21 0.9.21-release
2015-01-05 sheepluva Merge pull request #25 from LocutusOfBorg/translation
2015-01-05 unc0rr Support _S and _P in initialization expressions
2015-06-02 koda Allow skipping the bundle step after install on OSX 0.9.21
2015-01-05 sheepluva Merge pull request #24 from LocutusOfBorg/update-travis
2015-01-05 unc0rr Eh, faulty check
2015-06-02 koda Move OSX SDL library configuration from SDLh to proper CMakeLists 0.9.21
2015-01-04 unc0rr Random gravity values interval should include maxgravity
2015-02-02 unc0rr Scheme parsing qmlfrontend
2015-06-01 koda Fix building on OSX when autoupdate is disabled 0.9.21
2015-01-04 unc0rr Include feature_size to demos for checker
2015-01-29 unc0rr [flib] yay, some work on schemes qmlfrontend
2015-01-17 sheepluva fix issue with contributor hat being displayed for wrong players 0.9.21
2015-01-03 unc0rr Oops
2015-01-24 unc0rr CMake script for qmlFrontend qmlfrontend
2015-01-06 sheepluva don't show the new, untranslated items in room state filter dropdown. do NOT merge this change back to default. 0.9.21
2015-01-03 unc0rr Not compatible anymore
2015-01-03 unc0rr merge default qmlfrontend
2015-01-06 sheepluva backporting some build system fixes and pas2c tweaks 0.9.21
2015-01-02 unc0rr Fix home path
2015-01-04 nemo premature optimisation bit me again. 0.9.21
2015-01-02 unc0rr Fix crash in case of critical image missing
2015-01-04 nemo Intent is to allow filtering by arbitrary flag combinations. This isn't actually working yet. No idea why. It seems it should. Tired though, so will look at it tomorrow. 0.9.21
2015-01-02 unc0rr checker.ini to avoid hardcoded paths
2015-01-03 nemo oops 0.9.21
2015-01-02 unc0rr Generate config for 'world edge' and 'script param' scheme options
2015-01-03 nemo Tired of not knowing which rooms I can't join 0.9.21
2015-01-01 unc0rr Fix setting gravity multiplied by million for a moment of time on new turn on certain circumstances
2015-01-03 nemo use copyToXY instead to improve legibility 0.9.21
2015-01-01 nemo Try to handle negative gravity w/ snow. Still needs to look nicer. Currently causes banding.
2015-01-02 unc0rr Fix crash in case of critical image missing 0.9.21
2014-12-30 unc0rr Uhm... this seems to count as a workaround, not tested though
2015-01-01 unc0rr Revert 5f34d3341fc1 and 28d5cebdf660, fix 9b789de8e5df instead 0.9.21
2014-12-30 unc0rr Get rid of teamownerId since rejoin feature makes it virtually useless, as you cannot rely on it anymore. Should fix recently experienced server crashes.
2015-01-01 nemo tweaks to try and make flakes better behaved in negative gravity. branch safe. 0.9.21
2014-12-30 unc0rr Server-side workaround for frontend's script parameter bug in .21
2014-12-30 nemo this should probably work 0.9.21
2014-12-30 unc0rr Merge fixes from .21 branch
2014-12-30 nemo revert 9b789de8e5df on branch based on feedback from zorg - seems to be breaking gameplay 0.9.21
2014-12-29 Gianfranco Costamagna Use ghc return value instead of looking for the stderr, do not throw error when an haskell module throws a build failure, e.g. because of false positives like this one (debian/arm*)
2015-01-05 Gianfranco Costamagna Find lua 5.1 on fedora machines (taken from fedora hw git)
2014-12-30 Gianfranco Costamagna Fix arm* build failures
2014-12-30 Gianfranco Costamagna Use ghc return value instead of looking for the stderr, do not throw error when an haskell module throws a build failure, e.g. because of false positives like this one (debian/arm*) 0.9.21
2014-12-27 nemo Was not a good idea in the first place IMO
2014-12-27 unc0rr Workaround bug (each time losing room master status, even when joining mutliple rooms, new instance of NetAmmoSchemeModel created, receiving schemeConfig and modifying its 43rd member, thus the last model which accepts this signal has the string cut down several times, workaround creates copy of qstringlist to avoid modifying shared message instance. Proper fix would delete unneeded instances of NetAmmoSchemeModel, but who cares) 0.9.21
2014-12-25 nemo fix amRubber frame positioning fail (probably)
2014-12-24 unc0rr 0.9.21 branch 0.9.21
2014-12-24 unc0rr More complete fix for FULLMAPCONFIG message, also add new known protocol versions
2014-12-24 nemo Tweak to land texturing. Treat any non-lfBasic as edge
2014-12-24 nemo cleaned up amRubber.png
2014-12-24 krdrt5367 polish update for rubber
2014-12-24 nemo fix for issue #894
2014-12-24 nemo bleah. I hate burning changelog revisions, but this isn't finished
2014-12-24 nemo Probably fixes issue #891 although the overall playability of the campaign, who knows, since invalid name was used in the add too
2014-12-24 nemo *sigh* Somehow I clobbered these while making the changes, without meaning to. Revert to old ones.
2014-12-24 nemo This resolves issue #890 and issue #886
2014-12-24 nemo forgot zopfli
2014-12-24 nemo Suggestion of Wuzzy's. Use Randy's water as SD water.
2014-12-24 nemo merge
2014-12-24 vittorio giovara add wuzzy to credits
2014-12-24 nemo Add Randy's Candy_v1 as an upgrade to the Cake theme, add Cake theme to list of selectable themes. Also add forgotten Hoggywood CMakeLists.txt.
2014-12-24 Wuzzy Add Hoggywood. Theme by Rofra, updated and improved by Wuzzy
2014-12-27 Gianfranco Costamagna Add my address to IT translation
2014-12-24 nemo should fix perlin gen on 32 bit
2014-12-23 nemo merge
2014-12-22 unc0rr Hide "optimize" button
2014-12-21 sheepluva german translation update, mostly just adding wuzzy's suggested strings
2014-12-21 wuzzy Issue 875: Fix faulty translation in German
2014-12-22 nemo scaling is not safe in multi at all using a team add. will use the first real team instead.
2014-12-20 nemo Make amGirder invisible in construction mode since it allows placing anywhere in fortress. Print "insufficient power" if placement was blocked due to that, to avoid confusing noobs.
2014-12-22 nemo this bugs me every time I look at it
2014-12-19 sheepluva hat fix
2014-12-17 sheepluva revert last commit
2014-12-17 sheepluva don't save alpha channel to screenshots when not needed
2014-12-17 sheepluva change speechfix implementation (no "continue" anymore
2014-12-17 sheepluva grmlgrml
2014-12-17 sheepluva change string types of speech bubbles fix to work with pas2c
2014-12-17 sheepluva dark magic: make "continue" statement work in pas2c-parsed for-loops. (would skip iteration and lead to infinite loops before)
2014-12-17 sheepluva cleanup speech bubble code a little. this fixes issue 719
2014-12-17 sheepluva ClimbHome mission preview by wuzzy
2014-12-17 sheepluva update changelog
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