Sat, 27 Feb 2010 20:01:54 +0000 | nemo | Some Mario hats from Palewolf, Link from Armagon, and a couple of Eva hats | changeset | files |
Sat, 27 Feb 2010 19:54:03 +0000 | nemo | First real reserved hats. Thanks Tiy! Also, seeing if blowtorch looks ok w/ hat on. | changeset | files |
Sat, 27 Feb 2010 16:29:40 +0000 | nemo | Tiy's awesome new simple game icon | changeset | files |
Sat, 27 Feb 2010 00:13:45 +0000 | nemo | Musn't forget sicily | changeset | files |
Fri, 26 Feb 2010 19:52:22 +0000 | nemo | A simple hat reservation mechanism. Can be worked around with a little effort, but to make it useful, you'd have to get everyone you played with to work around it too. Quite a bit of effort for a small reward feature. | changeset | files |
Fri, 26 Feb 2010 16:29:00 +0000 | nemo | Font switch requested by Copy Liu in issue #220 - a GPL CJK font set that includes some hand-drawn bitmaps for lower resolutions, reducing fuzziness of CJK chars in places like the ammo menu | changeset | files |