changeset 7508 763d3961400b
child 7558 983ff426f91e
equal deleted inserted replaced
7504:ed1d52c5aa94 7508:763d3961400b
     1 package org.hedgewars.hedgeroid;
     3 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.Datastructures.GameConfig;
     4 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.frontlib.Flib;
     5 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.frontlib.Frontlib;
     6 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.frontlib.Frontlib.BytesCallback;
     7 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.frontlib.Frontlib.GameSetupPtr;
     8 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.frontlib.Frontlib.GameconnPtr;
     9 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.frontlib.Frontlib.IntCallback;
    10 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.frontlib.Frontlib.StrBoolCallback;
    11 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.frontlib.Frontlib.StrCallback;
    12 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.frontlib.Frontlib.VoidCallback;
    13 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.netplay.GameMessageListener;
    14 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.netplay.Netplay;
    15 import org.hedgewars.hedgeroid.util.TickHandler;
    17 import android.os.Handler;
    18 import android.os.HandlerThread;
    19 import android.os.Looper;
    20 import android.util.Log;
    22 import com.sun.jna.Memory;
    23 import com.sun.jna.NativeLong;
    24 import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
    26 public final class GameConnection {
    27 	private static final Handler mainHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
    29 	private final HandlerThread thread;
    30 	private final Handler handler;
    31 	private final TickHandler tickHandler;
    32 	private final Netplay netplay; // ==null if not a netgame
    33 	private GameconnPtr conn;
    35 	/**
    36 	 * The actual connection has to be set up on a separate thread because networking
    37 	 * is not allowed on the UI thread, so the port can't be queried immediately after
    38 	 * creating the GameConnection object. Instead, one of these interface methods is
    39 	 * called once we know which port we are listening on (or once we fail to set this up).
    40 	 * Methods will be called on the UI thread.
    41 	 */
    42 	public static interface Listener {
    43 		/**
    44 		 * We are listening for the engine at $port, go start the engine.
    45 		 */
    46 		void gameConnectionReady(int port);
    48 		/**
    49 		 * The connection has stopped, either because the game has ended or was interrupted,
    50 		 * or maybe we failed to create the connection at all (in that case gameConnectionReady wasn't called).
    51 		 */
    52 		void gameConnectionDisconnected(int reason);
    53 	}
    55 	private GameConnection(Netplay netplay) {
    56 		this.netplay = netplay;
    57 		thread = new HandlerThread("IPCThread");
    58 		thread.start();
    59 		handler = new Handler(thread.getLooper());
    60 		tickHandler = new TickHandler(thread.getLooper(), 50, new Runnable() {
    61 			public void run() {
    62 				if(conn != null) {
    63 					Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_tick(conn);
    64 				}
    65 			}
    66 		});
    67 		tickHandler.start();
    68 	}
    70 	public static GameConnection forNetgame(final GameConfig config, Netplay netplay, final Listener listener) {
    71 		final GameConnection result = new GameConnection(netplay);
    72 		final String playerName = netplay.getPlayerName();
    73 Runnable() {
    74 			public void run() {
    75 				GameconnPtr conn = Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_create(playerName, GameSetupPtr.createJavaOwned(config), true);
    76 				result.setupConnection(conn, true, listener);
    77 			}
    78 		});
    79 		return result;
    80 	}
    82 	public static GameConnection forLocalGame(final GameConfig config, final Listener listener) {
    83 		final GameConnection result = new GameConnection(null);
    84 Runnable() {
    85 			public void run() {
    86 				GameconnPtr conn = Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_create("Player", GameSetupPtr.createJavaOwned(config), false);
    87 				result.setupConnection(conn, false, listener);
    88 			}
    89 		});
    90 		return result;
    91 	}
    93 	// runs on the IPCThread
    94 	private void setupConnection(GameconnPtr conn, final boolean netgame, final Listener listener) {
    95 		if(conn == null) {
    96 Runnable() {
    97 				public void run() { listener.gameConnectionDisconnected(Frontlib.GAME_END_ERROR); }
    98 			});
    99 			shutdown();
   100 		} else {
   101 			this.conn = conn;
   102 			final int port = Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_getport(conn);
   103 Runnable() {
   104 				public void run() { 
   105 					listener.gameConnectionReady(port);
   106 					if(netgame) {
   107 						netplay.registerGameMessageListener(gameMessageListener);
   108 					}
   109 				}
   110 			});
   111 			Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_onConnect(conn, connectCb, null);
   112 			Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_onDisconnect(conn, disconnectCb, null);
   113 			Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_onErrorMessage(conn, errorMessageCb, null);
   114 			if(netgame) {
   115 				Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_onChat(conn, chatCb, null);
   116 				Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_onEngineMessage(conn, engineMessageCb, null);
   117 			}
   118 		}
   119 	}
   121 	// runs on the IPCThread
   122 	private void shutdown() {
   123 		tickHandler.stop();
   124 		thread.quit();
   125 		Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_destroy(conn);
   126 		if(netplay != null) {
   127 Runnable() {
   128 				public void run() {
   129 					netplay.unregisterGameMessageListener(gameMessageListener);
   130 				}
   131 			});
   132 		}
   133 	}
   135 	// runs on the IPCThread
   136 	private final StrBoolCallback chatCb = new StrBoolCallback() {
   137 		public void callback(Pointer context, String message, boolean teamChat) {
   138 			if(teamChat) {
   139 				netplay.sendTeamChat(message);
   140 			} else {
   141 				netplay.sendChat(message);
   142 			}
   143 		}
   144 	};
   146 	// runs on the IPCThread
   147 	private final VoidCallback connectCb = new VoidCallback() {
   148 		public void callback(Pointer context) {
   149 			Log.i("GameConnection", "Connected");
   150 		}
   151 	};
   153 	// runs on the IPCThread
   154 	private final IntCallback disconnectCb = new IntCallback() {
   155 		public void callback(Pointer context, int reason) {
   156 			if(netplay != null) {
   157 				netplay.sendRoundFinished(reason==Frontlib.GAME_END_FINISHED);
   158 			}
   159 			shutdown();
   160 		}
   161 	};
   163 	// runs on the IPCThread
   164 	private final BytesCallback engineMessageCb = new BytesCallback() {
   165 		public void callback(Pointer context, Pointer buffer, NativeLong size) {
   166 			netplay.sendEngineMessage(buffer.getByteArray(0, size.intValue()));
   167 		}
   168 	};
   170 	// runs on the IPCThread
   171 	private final StrCallback errorMessageCb = new StrCallback() {
   172 		public void callback(Pointer context, String message) {
   173 			Log.e("GameConnection", message);
   174 		}
   175 	};
   177 	// runs on any thread
   178 	private final GameMessageListener gameMessageListener = new GameMessageListener() {
   179 		public void onNetDisconnected() {
   180 Runnable() {
   181 				public void run() {
   182 					shutdown();
   183 				}
   184 			});
   185 		}
   187 		public void onMessage(final int type, final String message) {
   188 Runnable() {
   189 				public void run() {
   190 					Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_send_textmsg(conn, type, message);
   191 				}
   192 			});
   193 		}
   195 		public void onEngineMessage(final byte[] em) {
   196 Runnable() {
   197 				public void run() {
   198 					Memory mem = new Memory(em.length);
   199 					mem.write(0, em, 0, em.length);
   200 					Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_send_enginemsg(conn, mem, new NativeLong(em.length));
   201 				}
   202 			});
   204 		}
   206 		public void onChatMessage(final String nick, final String message) {
   207 Runnable() {
   208 				public void run() {
   209 					Flib.INSTANCE.flib_gameconn_send_chatmsg(conn, nick, message);
   210 				}
   211 			});
   212 		}
   213 	};
   214 }