Start removing flib functionality qmlfrontend
Sun, 17 Dec 2017 21:09:59 +0100
changeset 12861 95d903b976d0
parent 12860 1b2b84315d27
child 12862 90f927b4b9e1
Start removing flib functionality
--- a/hedgewars/hwLibrary.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/hwLibrary.pas	Sun Dec 17 21:09:59 2017 +0100
@@ -39,16 +39,8 @@
     , uLocale
     {$IFDEF ANDROID}, jni{$ENDIF}
     , uFLTypes
-    , uFLGameConfig
     , uFLIPC
     , uPhysFSLayer
-    , uFLThemes
-    , uFLTeams
-    , uFLScripts
-    , uFLSchemes
-    , uFLAmmo
-    , uFLNet
-    , uFLNetProtocol
     , uFLUICallback
     , uFLRunQueue
@@ -154,50 +146,10 @@
-    runQuickGame,
-    runLocalGame,
-    getPreview,
-    flibFree,
-    //game config
-    resetGameConfig,
-    setSeed,
-    getSeed,
-    setTheme,
-    setScript,
-    setScheme,
-    setAmmo,
-    getThemesList,
-    freeThemesList,
-    getThemeIcon,
-    getScriptsList,
-    getSchemesList,
-    getAmmosList,
-    getTeamsList,
-    tryAddTeam,
-    tryRemoveTeam,
-    changeTeamColor,
-    // network
-    connectOfficialServer,
-    passNetData,
-    passToNet,
-    passFlibEvent,
-    sendChatLine,
-    joinRoom,
-    partRoom,
-    // dunno what these are
-    RunEngine,
-    LoadLocaleWrapper,
-    HW_versionInfo,
-    HW_versionString,
-    HW_terminate,
-    HW_getNumberOfWeapons,
-    HW_getMaxNumberOfHogs,
-    HW_getMaxNumberOfTeams,
-    HW_getWeaponNameByIndex,
-    HW_memoryWarningCallback;
+    flibFree
+    ;
--- a/hedgewars/uFLAmmo.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-unit uFLAmmo;
-uses uFLTypes;
-function getAmmosList: PPChar; cdecl;
-procedure freeAmmosList;
-function ammoByName(s: shortstring): PAmmo;
-procedure sendAmmoConfig(var ammo: TAmmo);
-uses uFLUtils, uFLIPC, uPhysFSLayer, uFLThemes;
-const MAX_AMMO_NAMES = 64;
-    TAmmoArray = array [0..0] of TAmmo;
-    PAmmoArray = ^TAmmoArray;
-    ammoList: PAmmo;
-    ammoNumber: LongInt;
-    listOfAmmoNames: array[0..MAX_AMMO_NAMES] of PChar;
-procedure loadAmmo;
-var f: PFSFile;
-    ammo: PAmmo;
-    ammos: PAmmoArray;
-    s: ansistring;
-    i: Longword;
-    f:= pfsOpenRead('/Config/weapons.ini');
-    ammoNumber:= 0;
-    if f <> nil then
-    begin
-        while (not pfsEOF(f)) do
-        begin
-            pfsReadLnA(f, s);
-            if (length(s) > 0) and (s[1] <> '[') then
-                inc(ammoNumber);
-        end;
-        //inc(ammoNumber); // add some default ammo
-        ammoList:= GetMem(sizeof(ammoList^) * (ammoNumber + 1));
-        ammo:= PAmmo(ammoList);
-        pfsSeek(f, 0);
-        while (not pfsEOF(f)) do
-        begin
-            pfsReadLnA(f, s);
-            i:= 1;
-            while(i <= length(s)) and (s[i] <> '=') do inc(i);
-            if i < length(s) then
-            begin
-                ammo^.ammoName:= copy(s, 1, i - 1);
-                delete(s, 1, i);
-                // TODO: split into 4 shortstrings
-                i:= length(s) div 4;
-                ammo^.a:= copy(s, 1, i);
-                ammo^.b:= copy(s, i + 1, i);
-                ammo^.c:= copy(s, i * 2 + 1, i);
-                ammo^.d:= copy(s, i * 3 + 1, i);
-                inc(ammo)
-            end;
-        end;
-        pfsClose(f)
-    end;
-function getAmmosList: PPChar; cdecl;
-var i, t, l: Longword;
-    ammo: PAmmo;
-    if ammoList = nil then
-        loadAmmo;
-    t:= ammoNumber;
-    if t >= MAX_AMMO_NAMES then 
-        t:= MAX_AMMO_NAMES;
-    ammo:= ammoList;
-    for i:= 0 to Pred(t) do
-    begin
-        l:= length(ammo^.ammoName);
-        if l >= 255 then l:= 254;
-        ammo^.ammoName[l + 1]:= #0;
-        listOfAmmoNames[i]:= @ammo^.ammoName[1];
-        inc(ammo)
-    end;
-    listOfAmmoNames[t]:= nil;
-    getAmmosList:= listOfAmmoNames
-function ammoByName(s: shortstring): PAmmo;
-var i: Longword;
-    ammo: PAmmo;
-    ammo:= ammoList;
-    i:= 0;
-    while (i < ammoNumber) and (ammo^.ammoName <> s) do
-    begin
-        inc(ammo);
-        inc(i)
-    end;
-    if i < ammoNumber then ammoByName:= ammo else ammoByName:= nil
-procedure freeAmmosList;
-    if ammoList <> nil then
-        FreeMem(ammoList, sizeof(ammoList^) * (ammoNumber + 1))
-procedure sendAmmoConfig(var ammo: TAmmo);
-var i: Longword;
-    with ammo do
-    begin
-        ipcToEngine('eammloadt ' + ammo.a);
-        ipcToEngine('eammprob '  + ammo.b);
-        ipcToEngine('eammdelay ' + ammo.c);
-        ipcToEngine('eammreinf ' + ammo.d);
-        ipcToEngine('eammstore');
-    end
--- a/hedgewars/uFLDrawnMap.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-unit uFLDrawnMap;
-uses SDLh;
-procedure decodeDrawnMap(data: ansistring; dataSize: Longword; var mapData: PByteArray; var size: Longword);
-uses uUtils, zlib;
-procedure decodeDrawnMap(data: ansistring; dataSize: Longword; var mapData: PByteArray; var size: Longword);
-var i, cl: Longword;
-    ul: uLong;
-    s: shortstring;
-    r: LongInt;
-    compressedBuf, uncompressedData: PByteArray;
-    if dataSize = 0 then
-    begin
-        mapData:= nil;
-        size:= 0;
-        exit;
-    end;
-    compressedBuf:= GetMem(dataSize * 3 div 4);
-    cl:= 0;
-    i:= 1;
-    while i < dataSize do
-    begin
-        if dataSize - i > 240 then
-            s:= copy(data, i, 240)
-        else
-            s:= copy(data, i, dataSize - i + 1);
-        s:= DecodeBase64(s);
-        Move(s[1], compressedBuf^[cl], byte(s[0]));
-        inc(i, 240);
-        inc(cl, byte(s[0]));
-    end;
-    ul:= SDLNet_Read32(compressedBuf);
-    uncompressedData:= GetMem(ul);
-    r:= uncompress(pBytef(uncompressedData), @ul, @(compressedBuf^[4]), cl - 4);
-    FreeMem(compressedBuf, dataSize * 3 div 4);
-    if r = Z_OK then
-    begin
-        mapData:= uncompressedData;
-        size:= ul
-    end else
-    begin
-        FreeMem(uncompressedData, ul);
-        mapData:= nil;
-        size:= 0
-    end;
--- a/hedgewars/uFLGameConfig.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,688 +0,0 @@
-unit uFLGameConfig;
-uses uFLTypes;
-procedure resetGameConfig; cdecl;
-procedure runQuickGame; cdecl;
-procedure runLocalGame; cdecl;
-procedure getPreview; cdecl;
-procedure setSeed(seed: PChar); cdecl;
-function  getSeed: PChar; cdecl;
-procedure setTheme(themeName: PChar); cdecl;
-procedure setScript(scriptName: PChar); cdecl;
-procedure setScheme(schemeName: PChar); cdecl;
-procedure setAmmo(ammoName: PChar); cdecl;
-procedure tryAddTeam(teamName: PChar); cdecl;
-procedure tryRemoveTeam(teamName: PChar); cdecl;
-procedure changeTeamColor(teamName: PChar; dir: LongInt); cdecl;
-procedure netSetSeed(seed: shortstring);
-procedure netSetTheme(themeName: shortstring);
-procedure netSetScript(scriptName: shortstring);
-procedure netSetFeatureSize(fsize: LongInt);
-procedure netSetMapGen(mapgen: LongInt);
-procedure netSetMap(map: shortstring);
-procedure netSetMazeSize(mazesize: LongInt);
-procedure netSetTemplate(template: LongInt);
-procedure netSetAmmo(name: shortstring; definition: ansistring);
-procedure netSetScheme(scheme: TScheme);
-procedure netAddTeam(team: TTeam);
-procedure netAcceptedTeam(teamName: shortstring);
-procedure netSetTeamColor(team: shortstring; color: Longword);
-procedure netSetHedgehogsNumber(team: shortstring; hogsNumber: Longword);
-procedure netRemoveTeam(teamName: shortstring);
-procedure netDrawnData(data: ansistring);
-procedure netResetTeams();
-procedure updatePreviewIfNeeded;
-procedure sendConfig(config: PGameConfig);
-procedure runNetGame();
-uses uFLIPC, uFLUtils, uFLTeams, uFLThemes, uFLSChemes, uFLAmmo
-    , uFLUICallback, uFLRunQueue, uFLNet, uUtils, uFLDrawnMap
-    , SDLh;
-    currentConfig: TGameConfig;
-    previewNeedsUpdate: boolean;
-function getScriptPath(scriptName: shortstring): shortstring;
-    getScriptPath:= '/Scripts/Multiplayer/' + scriptName + '.lua'
-procedure sendDrawnMap(config: PGameConfig);
-var i: Longword;
-    data: PByteArray;
-    dataLen: Longword;
-    s: shortstring;
-    decodeDrawnMap(config^.drawnData, config^.drawnDataSize, data, dataLen);
-    i:= 0;
-    s[0]:= #240;
-    while i < dataLen do
-    begin
-        if dataLen - i > 240 then
-        begin
-            Move(data^[i], s[1], 240)
-        end else
-        begin
-            Move(data^[i], s[1], dataLen - i);
-            s[0]:= char(dataLen - i)
-        end;
-        ipcToEngine('edraw ' + s);
-        inc(i, 240)
-    end;
-    if dataLen > 0 then
-        FreeMem(data, dataLen);
-procedure sendConfig(config: PGameConfig);
-var i: Longword;
-with config^ do
-    case gameType of
-    gtPreview: begin
-            if script <> 'Normal' then
-                ipcToEngine('escript ' + getScriptPath(script));
-            ipcToEngine('eseed ' + seed);
-            ipcToEngine('e$mapgen ' + intToStr(mapgen));
-            if (mapgen = 1) or (mapgen = 2) then
-                ipcToEngine('e$maze_size ' + intToStr(mazeSize))
-            else
-                ipcToEngine('e$template_filter ' + intToStr(template));
-            ipcToEngine('e$feature_size ' + intToStr(featureSize));
-            if mapgen = 3 then
-                sendDrawnMap(config);
-        end;
-gtLocal, gtNet: begin
-            if gameType = gtNet then
-                ipcToEngine('TN');
-            if script <> 'Normal' then
-                ipcToEngine('escript ' + getScriptPath(script));
-            ipcToEngine('eseed ' + seed);
-            ipcToEngine('e$mapgen ' + intToStr(mapgen));
-            if (mapgen = 1) or (mapgen = 2) then
-                ipcToEngine('e$maze_size ' + intToStr(mazeSize))
-            else
-                ipcToEngine('e$template_filter ' + intToStr(template));
-            ipcToEngine('e$feature_size ' + intToStr(featureSize));
-            ipcToEngine('e$theme ' + theme);
-            if mapgen = 3 then
-                sendDrawnMap(config);
-            sendSchemeConfig(scheme);
-            i:= 0;
-            while (i < 8) and (teams[i].hogsNumber > 0) do
-                begin
-                    sendTeamConfig(config^, teams[i]);
-                    sendAmmoConfig(config^.ammo);
-                    inc(i)
-                end;
-        end;
-    end;
-    ipcToEngine('!');
-procedure resetGameConfig; cdecl;
-var i: Longword;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        script:= 'Normal';
-        for i:= 0 to 7 do
-            teams[i].hogsNumber:= 0
-    end
-procedure setSeed(seed: PChar); cdecl;
-    sendUI(mtSeed, @seed[1], length(seed));
-    currentConfig.seed:= seed
-function getSeed: PChar; cdecl;
-    getSeed:= str2PChar(currentConfig.seed)
-function getUnusedColor: Longword;
-var i, c: Longword;
-    fColorMatched: boolean;
-    c:= 0;
-    i:= 0;
-    repeat
-        repeat
-            fColorMatched:= (currentConfig.teams[i].hogsNumber > 0) and (currentConfig.teams[i].color = c);
-            inc(i)
-        until (i >= 8) or (currentConfig.teams[i].hogsNumber = 0) or fColorMatched;
-        if fColorMatched then
-        begin
-            i:= 0;
-            inc(c)
-        end;
-    until not fColorMatched;
-    getUnusedColor:= c
-procedure runQuickGame; cdecl;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        gameType:= gtLocal;
-        arguments[0]:= '';
-        arguments[1]:= '--internal';
-        arguments[2]:= '--nomusic';
-        argumentsNumber:= 3;
-        teams[0]:= createRandomTeam;
-        teams[0].color:= 0;
-        teams[1]:= createRandomTeam;
-        teams[1].color:= 1;
-        teams[1].botLevel:= 3;
-        queueExecution(currentConfig);
-    end;
-procedure getPreview; cdecl;
-    previewNeedsUpdate:= false;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        gameType:= gtPreview;
-        arguments[0]:= '';
-        arguments[1]:= '--internal';
-        arguments[2]:= '--landpreview';
-        argumentsNumber:= 3;
-        queueExecution(currentConfig);
-    end;
-procedure runLocalGame; cdecl;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        gameType:= gtLocal;
-        arguments[0]:= '';
-        arguments[1]:= '--internal';
-        arguments[2]:= '--nomusic';
-        argumentsNumber:= 3;
-        queueExecution(currentConfig);
-    end;
-procedure runNetGame();
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        gameType:= gtNet;
-        arguments[0]:= '';
-        arguments[1]:= '--internal';
-        arguments[2]:= '--nomusic';
-        argumentsNumber:= 3;
-        queueExecution(currentConfig);
-    end;
-procedure tryAddTeam(teamName: PChar); cdecl;
-var msg: ansistring;
-    i, hn, hedgehogsNumber: Longword;
-    team: PTeam;
-    c: Longword;
-    team:= teamByName(teamName);
-    if team = nil then exit;
-    if isConnected then
-        sendTeam(team^)
-    else
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        hedgehogsNumber:= 0;
-        i:= 0;
-        while (i < 8) and (teams[i].hogsNumber > 0) do
-        begin
-            inc(i);
-            inc(hedgehogsNumber, teams[i].hogsNumber)
-        end;
-        // no free space for a team or reached hogs number maximum
-        if (i > 7) or (hedgehogsNumber >= 48) then exit;
-        c:= getUnusedColor;
-        teams[i]:= team^;
-        teams[i].extDriven:= false;
-        if i = 0 then hn:= 4 else hn:= teams[i - 1].hogsNumber;
-        if hn > 48 - hedgehogsNumber then hn:= 48 - hedgehogsNumber;
-        teams[i].hogsNumber:= hn;
-        teams[i].color:= c;
-        msg:= '0' + #10 + teamName;
-        sendUI(mtAddPlayingTeam, @msg[1], length(msg));
-        msg:= teamName + #10 + colorsSet[teams[i].color];
-        sendUI(mtTeamColor, @msg[1], length(msg));
-        msg:= teamName + #10 + IntToStr(hn);
-        sendUI(mtHedgehogsNumber, @msg[1], length(msg));
-        msg:= teamName;
-        sendUI(mtRemoveTeam, @msg[1], length(msg))
-    end
-procedure tryRemoveTeam(teamName: PChar); cdecl;
-var i: Longword;
-    tn: shortstring;
-    isLocal: boolean;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        i:= 0;
-        tn:= teamName;
-        while (i < 8) and (teams[i].teamName <> tn) do
-            inc(i);
-        // team not found???
-        if (i > 7) then exit;
-        isLocal:= not teams[i].extDriven;
-        if isConnected and not isLocal then
-            exit; // we cannot remove this team
-        while (i < 7) and (teams[i + 1].hogsNumber > 0) do
-        begin
-            teams[i]:= teams[i + 1];
-            inc(i)
-        end;
-        teams[i].hogsNumber:= 0
-    end;
-    sendUI(mtRemovePlayingTeam, @tn[1], length(tn));
-    if isConnected then
-        removeTeam(tn);
-    if isLocal then
-        sendUI(mtAddTeam, @tn[1], length(tn))
-procedure changeTeamColor(teamName: PChar; dir: LongInt); cdecl;
-var i, dc: Longword;
-    tn: shortstring;
-    msg: ansistring;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        i:= 0;
-        tn:= teamName;
-        while (i < 8) and (teams[i].teamName <> tn) do
-            inc(i);
-        // team not found???
-        if (i > 7) then exit;
-        if dir >= 0 then dc:= 1 else dc:= 8;
-        teams[i].color:= (teams[i].color + dc) mod 9;
-        msg:= tn + #10 + colorsSet[teams[i].color];
-        sendUI(mtTeamColor, @msg[1], length(msg))
-    end
-procedure setTheme(themeName: PChar); cdecl;
-    currentConfig.theme:= themeName
-procedure setScript(scriptName: PChar); cdecl;
-    currentConfig.script:= scriptName
-procedure setScheme(schemeName: PChar); cdecl;
-var scheme: PScheme;
-    scheme:= schemeByName(schemeName);
-    if scheme <> nil then
-        currentConfig.scheme:= scheme^
-procedure setAmmo(ammoName: PChar); cdecl;
-var ammo: PAmmo;
-    ammo:= ammoByName(ammoName);
-    if ammo <> nil then
-        currentConfig.ammo:= ammo^
-procedure netSetSeed(seed: shortstring);
-    if seed <> currentConfig.seed then
-    begin
-        currentConfig.seed:= seed;
-        sendUI(mtSeed, @seed[1], length(seed));
-        getPreview()
-    end
-procedure netSetTheme(themeName: shortstring);
-    if themeName <> currentConfig.theme then
-    begin
-        currentConfig.theme:= themeName;
-        sendUI(mtTheme, @themeName[1], length(themeName))
-    end
-procedure netSetScript(scriptName: shortstring);
-    if scriptName <> currentConfig.script then
-    begin
-        previewNeedsUpdate:= true;
-        currentConfig.script:= scriptName;
-        sendUI(mtScript, @scriptName[1], length(scriptName))
-    end
-procedure netSetFeatureSize(fsize: LongInt);
-var s: shortstring;
-    if fsize <> currentConfig.featureSize then
-    begin
-        previewNeedsUpdate:= true;
-        currentConfig.featureSize:= fsize;
-        s:= IntToStr(fsize);
-        sendUI(mtFeatureSize, @s[1], length(s))
-    end
-procedure netSetMapGen(mapgen: LongInt);
-var s: shortstring;
-    if mapgen <> currentConfig.mapgen then
-    begin
-        previewNeedsUpdate:= true;
-        currentConfig.mapgen:= mapgen;
-        s:= IntToStr(mapgen);
-        sendUI(mtMapGen, @s[1], length(s))
-    end
-procedure netSetMap(map: shortstring);
-    sendUI(mtMap, @map[1], length(map))
-procedure netSetMazeSize(mazesize: LongInt);
-var s: shortstring;
-    if mazesize <> currentConfig.mazesize then
-    begin
-        previewNeedsUpdate:= true;
-        currentConfig.mazesize:= mazesize;
-        s:= IntToStr(mazesize);
-        sendUI(mtMazeSize, @s[1], length(s))
-    end
-procedure netSetTemplate(template: LongInt);
-var s: shortstring;
-    if template <> currentConfig.template then
-    begin
-        previewNeedsUpdate:= true;
-        currentConfig.template:= template;
-        s:= IntToStr(template);
-        sendUI(mtTemplate, @s[1], length(s))
-    end
-procedure updatePreviewIfNeeded;
-    if previewNeedsUpdate then
-        getPreview
-procedure netSetAmmo(name: shortstring; definition: ansistring);
-var ammo: TAmmo;
-    i: LongInt;
-    ammo.ammoName:= name;
-    i:= length(definition) div 4;
-    ammo.a:= copy(definition, 1, i);
-    ammo.b:= copy(definition, i + 1, i);
-    ammo.c:= copy(definition, i * 2 + 1, i);
-    ammo.d:= copy(definition, i * 3 + 1, i);
-    currentConfig.ammo:= ammo;
-    sendUI(mtAmmo, @name[1], length(name))
-procedure netSetScheme(scheme: TScheme);
-    currentConfig.scheme:= scheme;
-    sendUI(mtScheme, @scheme.schemeName[1], length(scheme.schemeName))
-procedure netAddTeam(team: TTeam);
-var msg: ansistring;
-    i, hn, hedgehogsNumber: Longword;
-    c: Longword;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        hedgehogsNumber:= 0;
-        i:= 0;
-        while (i < 8) and (teams[i].hogsNumber > 0) do
-        begin
-            inc(i);
-            inc(hedgehogsNumber, teams[i].hogsNumber)
-        end;
-        // no free space for a team - server bug???
-        if (i > 7) or (hedgehogsNumber >= 48) then exit;
-        c:= getUnusedColor;
-        teams[i]:= team;
-        teams[i].extDriven:= true;
-        if i = 0 then hn:= 4 else hn:= teams[i - 1].hogsNumber;
-        if hn > 48 - hedgehogsNumber then hn:= 48 - hedgehogsNumber;
-        teams[i].hogsNumber:= hn;
-        teams[i].color:= c;
-        msg:= '0' + #10 + team.teamName;
-        sendUI(mtAddPlayingTeam, @msg[1], length(msg));
-        msg:= team.teamName + #10 + colorsSet[teams[i].color];
-        sendUI(mtTeamColor, @msg[1], length(msg));
-    end
-procedure netAcceptedTeam(teamName: shortstring);
-var msg: ansistring;
-    i, hn, hedgehogsNumber: Longword;
-    c: Longword;
-    team: PTeam;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        team:= teamByName(teamName);
-        // no such team???
-        if team = nil then exit;
-        hedgehogsNumber:= 0;
-        i:= 0;
-        while (i < 8) and (teams[i].hogsNumber > 0) do
-        begin
-            inc(i);
-            inc(hedgehogsNumber, teams[i].hogsNumber)
-        end;
-        // no free space for a team - server bug???
-        if (i > 7) or (hedgehogsNumber >= 48) then exit;
-        c:= getUnusedColor;
-        teams[i]:= team^;
-        teams[i].extDriven:= false;
-        if i = 0 then hn:= 4 else hn:= teams[i - 1].hogsNumber;
-        if hn > 48 - hedgehogsNumber then hn:= 48 - hedgehogsNumber;
-        teams[i].hogsNumber:= hn;
-        teams[i].color:= c;
-        msg:= '0' + #10 + teamName;
-        sendUI(mtAddPlayingTeam, @msg[1], length(msg));
-        msg:= teamName + #10 + colorsSet[teams[i].color];
-        sendUI(mtTeamColor, @msg[1], length(msg));
-        msg:= teamName;
-        sendUI(mtRemoveTeam, @msg[1], length(msg))        
-    end
-procedure netRemoveTeam(teamName: shortstring);
-var msg: shortstring;
-    i: Longword;
-    tn: shortstring;
-    isLocal: boolean;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        i:= 0;
-        tn:= teamName;
-        while (i < 8) and (teams[i].teamName <> tn) do
-            inc(i);
-        // team not found???
-        if (i > 7) then exit;
-        isLocal:= not teams[i].extDriven;
-        while (i < 7) and (teams[i + 1].hogsNumber > 0) do
-        begin
-            teams[i]:= teams[i + 1];
-            inc(i)
-        end;
-        teams[i].hogsNumber:= 0
-    end;
-    msg:= teamName;
-    sendUI(mtRemovePlayingTeam, @msg[1], length(msg));
-    if isLocal then
-        sendUI(mtAddTeam, @msg[1], length(msg))
-procedure netSetTeamColor(team: shortstring; color: Longword);
-var i: Longword;
-    msg: ansistring;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        i:= 0;
-        while (i < 8) and (teams[i].teamName <> team) do
-            inc(i);
-        // team not found???
-        if (i > 7) then exit;
-        teams[i].color:= color mod 9;
-        msg:= team + #10 + colorsSet[teams[i].color];
-        sendUI(mtTeamColor, @msg[1], length(msg))
-    end
-procedure netSetHedgehogsNumber(team: shortstring; hogsNumber: Longword);
-var i: Longword;
-    msg: ansistring;
-    if hogsNumber > 8 then exit;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        i:= 0;
-        while (i < 8) and (teams[i].teamName <> team) do
-            inc(i);
-        // team not found???
-        if (i > 7) then exit;
-        teams[i].hogsNumber:= hogsNumber;
-        msg:= team + #10 + IntToStr(hogsNumber);
-        sendUI(mtHedgehogsNumber, @msg[1], length(msg))
-    end
-procedure netResetTeams();
-var msg: shortstring;
-    i: Longword;
-    with currentConfig do
-    begin
-        i:= 0;
-        while (i < 8) and (teams[i].hogsNumber > 0) do
-        begin
-            msg:= teams[i].teamName;
-            sendUI(mtRemovePlayingTeam, @msg[1], length(msg));
-            if not teams[i].extDriven then 
-                sendUI(mtAddTeam, @msg[1], length(msg));
-            teams[i].hogsNumber:= 0;
-            inc(i)
-        end;
-    end;
-procedure netDrawnData(data: ansistring);
-    currentConfig.drawnDataSize:= length(data);
-    currentConfig.drawnData:= data;
-    getPreview
--- a/hedgewars/uFLNet.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-unit uFLNet;
-uses SDLh;
-procedure connectOfficialServer;
-procedure initModule;
-procedure freeModule;
-procedure sendNet(s: shortstring);
-procedure sendNetLn(s: shortstring);
-procedure passToNet(data: PByteArray; len: Longword);
-var isConnected: boolean = false;
-    myNickname: shortstring = 'qmlfrontend';
-uses uFLIPC, uFLUICallback, uFLNetTypes, uFLUtils, uFLTypes;
-const endCmd: shortstring = #10 + #10;
-function getNextChar: char; forward;
-function getCurrChar: char; forward;
-    TParserState = record
-                       cmd: TCmdType;
-                       l: LongInt;
-                       buf: shortstring;
-                       bufpos: byte;
-                   end;
-    PHandler = procedure;
-var state: TParserState;
-procedure handleTail; forward;
-function getShortString: shortstring; forward;
-function getLongString: ansistring; forward;
-procedure handler_;
-    sendUI(mtNetData, @state.cmd, sizeof(state.cmd));
-    handleTail()
-procedure handler_L;
-var cmd: TCmdParamL;
-    s: ansistring;
-    cmd.cmd:= state.cmd;
-    s:= getLongString;
-    cmd.str1len:= length(s);
-    if cmd.str1len = 0 then exit;
-    cmd.str1:= s;
-    sendUI(mtNetData, @cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-    handleTail()
-procedure handler_ML;
-var cmd: TCmdParamL;
-    f: boolean;
-    s: ansistring;
-    sendUI(mtNetData, @state.cmd, sizeof(state.cmd));
-    cmd.cmd:= Succ(state.cmd);
-    repeat
-        s:= getLongString;
-        cmd.str1len:= length(s);
-        f:= cmd.str1len <> 0;
-        if f then
-            begin
-            cmd.str1:= s;
-            sendUI(mtNetData, @cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-            end
-    until not f;
-    state.l:= 0
-procedure handler_MS;
-var cmd: TCmdParamS;
-    f: boolean;
-    sendUI(mtNetData, @state.cmd, sizeof(state.cmd));
-    cmd.cmd:= Succ(state.cmd);
-    repeat
-        cmd.str1:= getShortString;
-        f:= cmd.str1[0] <> #0;
-        if f then
-            sendUI(mtNetData, @cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-    until not f;
-    state.l:= 0
-procedure handler_S;
-var cmd: TCmdParamS;
-    cmd.cmd:= state.cmd;
-    cmd.str1:= getShortString;
-    if cmd.str1[0] = #0 then exit;
-    sendUI(mtNetData, @cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-    handleTail()
-procedure handler_SL;
-var cmd: TCmdParamSL;
-    cmd.cmd:= state.cmd;
-    cmd.str1:= getShortString;
-    if cmd.str1[0] = #0 then exit;
-    cmd.str2:= getLongString;
-    if cmd.str2[0] = #0 then exit;
-    sendUI(mtNetData, @cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-    handleTail()
-procedure handler_SMS;
-var cmd: TCmdParamS;
-    f: boolean;
-    cmd.cmd:= state.cmd;
-    cmd.str1:= getShortString;
-    if cmd.str1[0] = #0 then exit;
-    sendUI(mtNetData, @cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-    cmd.cmd:= Succ(state.cmd);
-    repeat
-        cmd.str1:= getShortString;
-        f:= cmd.str1[0] <> #0;
-        if f then
-            sendUI(mtNetData, @cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-    until not f;
-    state.l:= 0
-procedure handler_SS;
-var cmd: TCmdParamSS;
-    cmd.cmd:= state.cmd;
-    cmd.str1:= getShortString;
-    if cmd.str1[0] = #0 then exit;
-    cmd.str2:= getShortString;
-    if cmd.str2[0] = #0 then exit;
-    sendUI(mtNetData, @cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-    handleTail()
-procedure handler__i;
-var cmd: TCmdParami;
-    s: shortstring;
-    s:= getShortString();
-    if s[0] = #0 then exit;
-    cmd.cmd:= state.cmd;
-    s:= getShortString();
-    if s[0] = #0 then exit;
-    cmd.param1:= strToInt(s);
-    sendUI(mtNetData, @cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-    handleTail()
-procedure handler_i;
-var cmd: TCmdParami;
-    s: shortstring;
-    s:= getShortString();
-    if s[0] = #0 then exit;
-    cmd.cmd:= state.cmd;
-    cmd.param1:= strToInt(s);
-    sendUI(mtNetData, @cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-    handleTail()
-procedure handler__UNKNOWN_;
-    //writeln('[NET] Unknown cmd');
-    handleTail();
-    state.l:= 0
-const net2cmd: array[0..46] of TCmdType = (cmd_WARNING, cmd_WARNING,
-    cmd_ROOM_ADD, cmd_ROOMS, cmd_REMOVE_TEAM, cmd_PROTO, cmd_PING, cmd_NOTICE,
-    cmd_NICK, cmd_LOBBY_LEFT, cmd_LOBBY_JOINED, cmd_LEFT, cmd_KICKED, cmd_JOINING,
-    cmd_JOINED, cmd_INFO, cmd_HH_NUM, cmd_ERROR, cmd_EM, cmd_CONNECTED,
-    cmd_BYE, cmd_BANLIST, cmd_ASKPASSWORD, cmd_ADD_TEAM);
-const letters: array[0..332] of char = ('A', 'D', 'D', '_', 'T', 'E', 'A', 'M',
-    #10, 'S', 'K', 'P', 'A', 'S', 'S', 'W', 'O', 'R', 'D', #10, 'B', 'A', 'N', 'L',
-    'I', 'S', 'T', #10, 'Y', 'E', #10, 'C', 'F', 'G', #10, 'A', 'M', 'M', 'O', #10,
-    'D', 'R', 'A', 'W', 'N', 'M', 'A', 'P', #10, 'F', 'E', 'A', 'T', 'U', 'R', 'E',
-    '_', 'S', 'I', 'Z', 'E', #10, 'U', 'L', 'L', 'M', 'A', 'P', 'C', 'O', 'N', 'F',
-    'I', 'G', #10, 'M', 'A', 'P', 'G', 'E', 'N', #10, #10, 'Z', 'E', '_', 'S', 'I',
-    'Z', 'E', #10, 'S', 'C', 'H', 'E', 'M', 'E', #10, 'R', 'I', 'P', 'T', #10, 'E',
-    'E', 'D', #10, 'T', 'E', 'M', 'P', 'L', 'A', 'T', 'E', #10, 'H', 'E', 'M', 'E',
-    #10, 'H', 'A', 'T', #10, 'L', 'I', 'E', 'N', 'T', '_', 'F', 'L', 'A', 'G', 'S',
-    #10, 'O', 'N', 'N', 'E', 'C', 'T', 'E', 'D', #10, 'E', 'M', #10, 'R', 'R', 'O',
-    'R', #10, 'H', 'H', '_', 'N', 'U', 'M', #10, 'I', 'N', 'F', 'O', #10, 'J', 'O',
-    'I', 'N', 'E', 'D', #10, 'I', 'N', 'G', #10, 'K', 'I', 'C', 'K', 'E', 'D', #10,
-    'L', 'E', 'F', 'T', #10, 'O', 'B', 'B', 'Y', ':', 'J', 'O', 'I', 'N', 'E', 'D',
-    #10, 'L', 'E', 'F', 'T', #10, 'N', 'I', 'C', 'K', #10, 'O', 'T', 'I', 'C', 'E',
-    #10, 'P', 'I', 'N', 'G', #10, 'R', 'O', 'T', 'O', #10, 'R', 'E', 'M', 'O', 'V',
-    'E', '_', 'T', 'E', 'A', 'M', #10, 'O', 'O', 'M', 'S', #10, #10, 'A', 'D', 'D',
-    #10, 'D', 'E', 'L', #10, 'U', 'P', 'D', #10, 'U', 'N', 'D', '_', 'F', 'I', 'N',
-    'I', 'S', 'H', 'E', 'D', #10, 'U', 'N', '_', 'G', 'A', 'M', 'E', #10, 'S', 'E',
-    'R', 'V', 'E', 'R', '_', 'A', 'U', 'T', 'H', #10, 'M', 'E', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'G',
-    'E', #10, 'V', 'A', 'R', 'S', #10, 'T', 'E', 'A', 'M', '_', 'A', 'C', 'C', 'E',
-    'P', 'T', 'E', 'D', #10, 'C', 'O', 'L', 'O', 'R', #10, 'W', 'A', 'R', 'N', 'I',
-    'N', 'G', #10, #0, #10);
-const commands: array[0..332] of integer = (20, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -56, 0, 0,
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -55, 11, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -54, 0, 0, -53, 115, 89, 0,
-    0, 5, 0, 0, 0, -52, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -51, 26, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-    0, 0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -49, 16, 0, 6, 4, 0, 0, -48, -47,
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -46, 16, 11, 5, 0, 0, 0, -45, 0, 0, 0, 0, -44, 0, 0, 0,
-    -43, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -42, 0, 0, 0, 0, -41, 4, 0, 0, -40, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -38, 8, 2, -37, 0, 0, 0, 0, -36,
-    7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -35, 5, 0, 0, 0, -34, 11, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, -33, 0, 0, 0, -32, 7,
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -31, 22, 4, 0, 0, -30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -29, 0,
-    0, 0, 0, -28, 11, 4, 0, 0, -27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -26, 10, 4, 0, 0, -25, 0, 0, 0,
-    0, -24, 51, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -23, 31, 17, 0, 2, -22, 0, 4, 0, 0,
-    -21, 4, 0, 0, -20, 0, 0, 0, -19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -18, 0, 0,
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, -16, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-    -15, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -13, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-    0, -12, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11, 0, -10);
-const handlers: array[0..46] of PHandler = (@handler__UNKNOWN_, @handler_L,
-    @handler_SS, @handler_S, @handler_SL, @handler_L, @handler_S, @handler_,
-    @handler_, @handler_MS, @handler_S, @handler_MS, @handler_MS, @handler_S,
-    @handler_i, @handler_MS, @handler_L, @handler_S, @handler_SL, @handler_MS,
-    @handler_SL, @handler_, @handler_S, @handler_MS, @handler_MS, @handler_SS,
-    @handler_L, @handler_ML, @handler__i, @handler_SMS, @handler_SL, @handler_S,
-    @handler_i, @handler_S, @handler_S, @handler_MS, @handler_i, @handler_i,
-    @handler_S, @handler_MS, @handler_i, @handler_L, @handler_SL, @handler_SL,
-    @handler_MS, @handler_S, @handler_MS);
-procedure handleTail;
-var cnt: Longint;
-    c: char;
-    c:= getCurrChar;
-    repeat
-        if c = #10 then cnt:= 0 else cnt:= 1;
-        repeat
-            c:= getNextChar;
-            inc(cnt)
-        until (c = #0) or (c = #10);
-    until (c = #0) or (cnt = 1);
-    state.l:= 0
-var sock: PTCPSocket;
-    netReaderThread: PSDL_Thread;
-function getCurrChar: char;
-    getCurrChar:= state.buf[state.bufpos]
-function getNextChar: char;
-var r: byte;
-    if state.bufpos < byte(state.buf[0]) then
-    begin
-        inc(state.bufpos);
-    end else
-    begin
-        r:= SDLNet_TCP_Recv(sock, @state.buf[1], 255);
-        if r > 0 then
-        begin
-            state.bufpos:= 1;
-            state.buf[0]:= char(r);
-        end else
-        begin
-            state.bufpos:= 0;
-            state.buf[0]:= #0;
-        end
-    end;
-    getNextChar:= state.buf[state.bufpos];
-function netReader(data: pointer): LongInt; cdecl; export;
-var c: char;
-    ipaddr: TIPAddress;
-    netReader:= 0;
-    if SDLNet_ResolveHost(ipaddr, PChar(''), 46631) = 0 then
-        sock:= SDLNet_TCP_Open(ipaddr);
-    repeat
-        c:= getNextChar;
-        //writeln('>>>>> ', c, ' [', letters[state.l], '] ', commands[state.l], ' ', state.l);
-        if c = #0 then
-            isConnected:= false
-        else
-        begin
-            while (letters[state.l] <> c) and (commands[state.l] > 0) do
-                inc(state.l, commands[state.l]);
-            if c = letters[state.l] then
-                if commands[state.l] < 0 then
-                begin
-                    state.cmd:= net2cmd[-10 - commands[state.l]];
-                    //writeln('[NET] ', state.cmd);
-                    handlers[-10 - commands[state.l]]();
-                    state.l:= 0
-                end
-                else
-                    inc(state.l)
-            else
-            begin
-                handler__UNKNOWN_()
-            end
-        end
-    until not isConnected;
-    SDLNet_TCP_Close(sock);
-    sock:= nil;
-    writeln('[NET] netReader: disconnected');
-procedure sendNet(s: shortstring);
-    writeln('[NET] Send: ', s);
-    ipcToNet(s + endCmd);
-procedure sendNetLn(s: shortstring);
-    writeln('[NET] Send: ', s);
-    ipcToNet(s + #10);
-function getShortString: shortstring;
-var s: shortstring;
-    c: char;
-    s[0]:= #0;
-    repeat
-        inc(s[0]);
-        s[byte(s[0])]:= getNextChar
-    until (s[0] = #255) or (s[byte(s[0])] = #10) or (s[byte(s[0])] = #0);
-    if s[byte(s[0])] = #10 then
-        dec(s[0])
-    else
-        repeat c:= getNextChar until (c = #0) or (c = #10);
-    getShortString:= s
-function getLongString: ansistring;
-var s: shortstring;
-    l: ansistring;
-    c: char;
-    l:= '';
-    repeat
-        s[0]:= #0;
-            repeat
-                inc(s[0]);
-                c:= getNextChar;
-                s[byte(s[0])]:= c
-            until (s[0] = #255) or (c = #10) or (c = #0);
-        if s[byte(s[0])] = #10 then
-            dec(s[0]);
-        l:= l + s
-    until (c = #10) or (c = #0);
-    getLongString:= l
-procedure netSendCallback(p: pointer; msg: PChar; len: Longword);
-    // FIXME W A R N I N G: totally thread-unsafe due to use of sock variable
-    SDLNet_TCP_Send(sock, msg, len);
-procedure connectOfficialServer;
-    if sock <> nil then
-        exit;
-    state.bufpos:= 0;
-    state.buf:= '';
-    state.l:= 0;
-    isConnected:= true;
-    netReaderThread:= SDL_CreateThread(@netReader, 'netReader', nil);
-    SDL_DetachThread(netReaderThread)
-procedure passToNet(data: PByteArray; len: Longword);
-var i: Longword;
-    l: ansistring;
-    s: shortstring;
-    i:= 0;
-    while(i < len) do
-    begin
-        if data^[i + 1] = ord('s') then
-        begin
-            s[0]:= char(data^[i] - 1);
-            Move(data^[i + 2], s[1], data^[i] - 1);
-            l:= myNickname + #10;
-            l:= l + s;
-            sendUI(mtRoomChatLine, @l[1], length(l));
-            sendNetLn('CHAT');
-            sendNet(s);
-        end;
-        inc(i, data^[i] + 1);
-    end;
-procedure initModule;
-    sock:= nil;
-    isConnected:= false;
-    SDLNet_Init;
-    registerNetCallback(nil, @netSendCallback);
-procedure freeModule;
--- a/hedgewars/uFLNetProtocol.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
-unit uFLNetProtocol;
-procedure passNetData(p: pointer); cdecl;
-procedure sendChatLine(msg: PChar); cdecl;
-procedure joinRoom(roomName: PChar); cdecl;
-procedure partRoom(msg: PChar); cdecl;
-procedure ResetNetState;
-uses uFLNetTypes, uFLTypes, uFLUICallback, uFLNet, uFLGameConfig, uFLUtils, uFLIPC, uUtils;
-    PHandler = procedure (var t: TCmdData);
-var isInRoom: boolean;
-procedure onRoomLeaving();
-    isInRoom:= false;
-    sendUI(mtMoveToLobby, nil, 0);
-    netResetTeams
-var teamIndex: LongInt;
-    tmpTeam: TTeam;
-const teamFields: array[0..22] of PShortstring = (
-    @tmpTeam.teamName
-    , @tmpTeam.grave
-    , @tmpTeam.fort
-    , @tmpTeam.voice
-    , @tmpTeam.flag
-    , @tmpTeam.owner
-    , nil
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[0].name
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[0].hat
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[1].name
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[1].hat
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[2].name
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[2].hat
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[3].name
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[3].hat
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[4].name
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[4].hat
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[5].name
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[5].hat
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[6].name
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[6].hat
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[7].name
-    , @tmpTeam.hedgehogs[7].hat
-    );
-procedure handler_ADD_TEAM(var p: TCmdParam);
-    teamIndex:= 0;
-    tmpTeam.color:= 0
-procedure handler_ADD_TEAM_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-    if teamIndex = 6 then
-        tmpTeam.botLevel:= strToInt(s.str1)
-    else if teamIndex < 23 then
-        teamFields[teamIndex]^:= s.str1;
-    if teamIndex = 22 then
-        netAddTeam(tmpTeam);
-    inc(teamIndex);
-procedure handler_ASKPASSWORD(var p: TCmdParamS);
-procedure handler_BANLIST(var p: TCmdParam);
-procedure handler_BANLIST_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-procedure handler_BYE(var p: TCmdParamSL);
-    sendUI(mtDisconnected, @p.str2[1], length(p.str2));
-procedure handler_CFG_AMMO(var p: TCmdParamSL);
-    netSetAmmo(p.str1, p.str2)
-procedure handler_CFG_DRAWNMAP(var p: TCmdParamL);
-    netDrawnData(copy(ansistring(p.str1), 1, p.str1len))
-procedure handler_CFG_FEATURE_SIZE(var p: TCmdParami);
-    if isInRoom then
-    begin
-        netSetFeatureSize(p.param1);
-        updatePreviewIfNeeded
-    end;
-var fmcfgIndex: integer;
-procedure handler_CFG_FULLMAPCONFIG(var p: TCmdParam);
-    fmcfgIndex:= 0;
-procedure handler_CFG_FULLMAPCONFIG_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-    if not isInRoom then exit;
-    inc(fmcfgIndex);
-    case fmcfgIndex of
-        1: netSetFeatureSize(strToInt(s.str1));
-        2: if s.str1[0] <> '+' then netSetMap(s.str1);
-        3: netSetMapGen(strToInt(s.str1));
-        4: netSetMazeSize(strToInt(s.str1));
-        5: netSetSeed(s.str1);
-        6: begin
-                netSetTemplate(strToInt(s.str1));
-                updatePreviewIfNeeded;
-            end;
-    end;
-procedure handler_CFG_MAP(var p: TCmdParamS);
-    if isInRoom then
-        netSetMap(p.str1);
-procedure handler_CFG_MAPGEN(var p: TCmdParami);
-    if isInRoom then
-    begin
-        netSetMapGen(p.param1);
-        updatePreviewIfNeeded
-    end
-procedure handler_CFG_MAZE_SIZE(var p: TCmdParami);
-    if isInRoom then
-    begin
-        netSetMazeSize(p.param1);
-        updatePreviewIfNeeded
-    end
-var schemeIndex: LongInt;
-    tmpScheme: TScheme;
-procedure handler_CFG_SCHEME(var p: TCmdParam);
-    schemeIndex:= 0
-const schemeFields: array[0..43] of pointer = (
-      @tmpScheme.schemeName          //  0
-    , @tmpScheme.fortsmode           //  1
-    , @tmpScheme.divteams            //  2
-    , @tmpScheme.solidland           //  3
-    , @tmpScheme.border              //  4
-    , @tmpScheme.lowgrav             //  5
-    , @tmpScheme.laser               //  6
-    , @tmpScheme.invulnerability     //  7
-    , @tmpScheme.resethealth         //  8
-    , @tmpScheme.vampiric            //  9
-    , @tmpScheme.karma               // 10
-    , @tmpScheme.artillery           // 11
-    , @tmpScheme.randomorder         // 12
-    , @tmpScheme.king                // 13
-    , @tmpScheme.placehog            // 14
-    , @tmpScheme.sharedammo          // 15
-    , @tmpScheme.disablegirders      // 16
-    , @tmpScheme.disablelandobjects  // 17
-    , @tmpScheme.aisurvival          // 18
-    , @tmpScheme.infattack           // 19
-    , @tmpScheme.resetweps           // 20
-    , @tmpScheme.perhogammo          // 21
-    , @tmpScheme.disablewind         // 22
-    , @tmpScheme.morewind            // 23
-    , @tmpScheme.tagteam             // 24
-    , @tmpScheme.bottomborder        // 25
-    , @tmpScheme.damagefactor        // 26
-    , @tmpScheme.turntime            // 27
-    ,              // 28
-    , @tmpScheme.suddendeath         // 29
-    , @tmpScheme.caseprobability     // 30
-    , @tmpScheme.minestime           // 31
-    , @tmpScheme.minesnum            // 32
-    , @tmpScheme.minedudpct          // 33
-    , @tmpScheme.explosives          // 34
-    , @tmpScheme.airmines            // 35
-    , @tmpScheme.healthprobability   // 36
-    , @tmpScheme.healthcaseamount    // 37
-    , @tmpScheme.waterrise           // 38
-    , @tmpScheme.healthdecrease      // 39
-    , @tmpScheme.ropepct             // 40
-    , @tmpScheme.getawaytime         // 41
-    , @tmpScheme.worldedge           // 42
-    , @tmpScheme.scriptparam         // 43
-   );
-procedure handler_CFG_SCHEME_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-    if(schemeIndex = 0) then
-        tmpScheme.schemeName:= s.str1
-    else
-    if(schemeIndex = 43) then
-        tmpScheme.scriptparam:= copy(s.str1, 2, length(s.str1) - 1)
-    else
-    if(schemeIndex < 26) then
-        PBoolean(schemeFields[schemeIndex])^:= s.str1[1] = 't'
-    else
-    if(schemeIndex < 43) then
-        PLongInt(schemeFields[schemeIndex])^:= strToInt(s.str1);
-    if(schemeIndex = 43) then
-        netSetScheme(tmpScheme);
-    inc(schemeIndex);
-procedure handler_CFG_SCRIPT(var p: TCmdParamS);
-    if isInRoom then
-        netSetScript(p.str1)
-procedure handler_CFG_SEED(var p: TCmdParamS);
-    if isInRoom then
-        netSetSeed(p.str1)
-procedure handler_CFG_TEMPLATE(var p: TCmdParami);
-    if isInRoom then
-    begin
-        netSetTemplate(p.param1);
-        updatePreviewIfNeeded
-    end
-procedure handler_CFG_THEME(var p: TCmdParamS);
-    if isInRoom then
-        netSetTheme(p.str1)
-procedure handler_CHAT(var p: TCmdParamSL);
-var s: string;
-    s:= p.str1 + #10 + copy(p.str2, 0, p.str2len);
-    if isInRoom then
-        sendUI(mtRoomChatLine, @s[1], length(s))
-    else
-        sendUI(mtLobbyChatLine, @s[1], length(s));
-var flags: array[TClientFlag] of LongInt;
-    isFlagsLine: boolean;
-procedure handler_CLIENT_FLAGS(var p: TCmdParamS);
-var f: TClientFlag;
-    for f:= Low(TClientFlag) to High(TClientFlag) do
-        flags[f]:= 0;
-    isFlagsLine:= true;
-procedure handler_CLIENT_FLAGS_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-var isRemoval: boolean;
-    flagValue, i: LongInt;
-    if isFlagsLine then
-    begin
-        if s.str1[1] = '+' then flagValue:= 1 else flagValue:= -1;
-        for i:= 2 to Length(s.str1) do
-            case s.str1[1] of
-                'r': flags[cfReady]:= flagValue;
-                'u': flags[cfRegistered]:= flagValue;
-                'i': flags[cfInRoom]:= flagValue;
-                'c': flags[cfContributor]:= flagValue;
-                'g': flags[cfInGame]:= flagValue;
-                'h': flags[cfRoomAdmin]:= flagValue;
-                'a': flags[cfServerAdmin]:= flagValue;
-            end;
-        isFlagsLine:= false;
-    end else
-    begin
-    end
-procedure handler_CONNECTED(var p: TCmdParami);
-    sendUI(mtConnected, nil, 0);
-    //writeln('Server features version ', p.param1);
-    sendNet('PROTO' + #10 + '52');
-    sendNet('NICK' + #10 + myNickname);
-procedure handler_EM(var p: TCmdParam);
-procedure handler_EM_s(var p: TCmdParamL);
-var i, l: Longword;
-    s: shortstring;
-    i:= 1;
-    l:= length(p.str1);
-    while i < l do
-    begin
-        s:= DecodeBase64(copy(p.str1, i, 240));
-        ipcToEngineRaw(@s[1], byte(s[0]));
-        inc(i, 160)
-    end;
-procedure handler_ERROR(var p: TCmdParamL);
-    sendUI(mtError, @p.str1[1], length(p.str1));
-procedure handler_HH_NUM(var p: TCmdParamSS);
-    netSetHedgehogsNumber(p.str1, StrToInt(p.str2))
-procedure handler_INFO(var p: TCmdParam);
-procedure handler_INFO_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-procedure handler_JOINED(var p: TCmdParam);
-procedure handler_JOINED_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-    if s.str1 = myNickname then // we joined a room
-    begin
-        isInRoom:= true;
-        sendUI(mtMoveToRoom, nil, 0);
-    end;
-    sendUI(mtAddRoomClient, @s.str1[1], length(s.str1));
-procedure handler_JOINING(var p: TCmdParamS);
-procedure handler_KICKED(var p: TCmdParam);
-    onRoomLeaving()
-procedure handler_LEFT(var p: TCmdParamSL);
-var s: string;
-    s:= p.str1 + #10 + copy(p.str2, 0, p.str2len);
-    sendUI(mtRemoveRoomClient, @s[1], length(s));
-procedure handler_LOBBY_JOINED(var p: TCmdParam);
-procedure handler_LOBBY_JOINED_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-    if s.str1 = myNickname then
-    begin
-        sendUI(mtMoveToLobby, nil, 0);
-        sendNet('LIST');
-    end;
-    sendUI(mtAddLobbyClient, @s.str1[1], length(s.str1));
-procedure handler_LOBBY_LEFT(var p: TCmdParamSL);
-var s: string;
-    s:= p.str1 + #10 + copy(p.str2, 0, p.str2len);
-    sendUI(mtRemoveLobbyClient, @s[1], length(s));
-procedure handler_NICK(var p: TCmdParamS);
-    myNickname:= p.str1;
-    sendUI(mtNickname, @p.str1[1], length(p.str1));
-procedure handler_NOTICE(var p: TCmdParamL);
-procedure handler_PING(var p: TCmdParam);
-    sendNet('PONG')
-procedure handler_PING_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-procedure handler_PROTO(var p: TCmdParami);
-    //writeln('Protocol ', p.param1)
-procedure handler_REMOVE_TEAM(var p: TCmdParamS);
-    netRemoveTeam(p.str1)
-var roomInfo: string;
-    roomLinesCount: integer;
-procedure handler_ROOMS(var p: TCmdParam);
-    roomInfo:= '';
-    roomLinesCount:= 0
-procedure handler_ROOMS_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-    roomInfo:= roomInfo + s.str1 + #10;
-    if roomLinesCount = 8 then
-    begin
-        sendUI(mtAddRoom, @roomInfo[1], length(roomInfo) - 1);
-        roomLinesCount:= 0;
-        roomInfo:= ''
-    end else inc(roomLinesCount);
-procedure handler_ROOM_ADD(var p: TCmdParam);
-    roomInfo:= '';
-    roomLinesCount:= 0
-procedure handler_ROOM_ADD_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-    roomInfo:= roomInfo + s.str1 + #10;
-    inc(roomLinesCount);
-    if roomLinesCount = 9 then
-    begin
-        sendUI(mtAddRoom, @roomInfo[1], length(roomInfo) - 1);
-        roomInfo:= '';
-        roomLinesCount:= 0
-    end;
-procedure handler_ROOM_DEL(var p: TCmdParamS);
-    sendUI(mtRemoveRoom, @p.str1[1], length(p.str1));
-procedure handler_ROOM_UPD(var p: TCmdParam);
-    roomInfo:= '';
-    roomLinesCount:= 0
-procedure handler_ROOM_UPD_s(var s: TCmdParamS);
-    roomInfo:= roomInfo + s.str1 + #10;
-    inc(roomLinesCount);
-    if roomLinesCount = 10 then
-        sendUI(mtUpdateRoom, @roomInfo[1], length(roomInfo) - 1);
-procedure handler_ROUND_FINISHED(var p: TCmdParam);
-procedure handler_RUN_GAME(var p: TCmdParam);
-    runNetGame
-procedure handler_SERVER_AUTH(var p: TCmdParamS);
-procedure handler_SERVER_MESSAGE(var p: TCmdParamL);
-procedure handler_SERVER_VARS(var p: TCmdParamSL);
-procedure handler_TEAM_ACCEPTED(var p: TCmdParamS);
-    netAcceptedTeam(p.str1)
-procedure handler_TEAM_COLOR(var p: TCmdParamSS);
-    netSetTeamColor(p.str1, StrToInt(p.str2));
-procedure handler_WARNING(var p: TCmdParamL);
-    sendUI(mtWarning, @p.str1[1], length(p.str1));
-const handlers: array[TCmdType] of PHandler = (PHandler(@handler_ADD_TEAM),
-    PHandler(@handler_ADD_TEAM_s), PHandler(@handler_ASKPASSWORD),
-    PHandler(@handler_BANLIST), PHandler(@handler_BANLIST_s),
-    PHandler(@handler_BYE), PHandler(@handler_CFG_AMMO),
-    PHandler(@handler_CFG_DRAWNMAP), PHandler(@handler_CFG_FEATURE_SIZE),
-    PHandler(@handler_CFG_FULLMAPCONFIG), PHandler(@handler_CFG_FULLMAPCONFIG_s),
-    PHandler(@handler_CFG_MAP), PHandler(@handler_CFG_MAPGEN),
-    PHandler(@handler_CFG_MAZE_SIZE), PHandler(@handler_CFG_SCHEME),
-    PHandler(@handler_CFG_SCHEME_s), PHandler(@handler_CFG_SCRIPT),
-    PHandler(@handler_CFG_SEED), PHandler(@handler_CFG_TEMPLATE),
-    PHandler(@handler_CFG_THEME), PHandler(@handler_CHAT),
-    PHandler(@handler_CLIENT_FLAGS), PHandler(@handler_CLIENT_FLAGS_s),
-    PHandler(@handler_CONNECTED), PHandler(@handler_EM), PHandler(@handler_EM_s),
-    PHandler(@handler_ERROR), PHandler(@handler_HH_NUM), PHandler(@handler_INFO),
-    PHandler(@handler_INFO_s), PHandler(@handler_JOINED),
-    PHandler(@handler_JOINED_s), PHandler(@handler_JOINING),
-    PHandler(@handler_KICKED), PHandler(@handler_LEFT),
-    PHandler(@handler_LOBBY_JOINED), PHandler(@handler_LOBBY_JOINED_s),
-    PHandler(@handler_LOBBY_LEFT), PHandler(@handler_NICK),
-    PHandler(@handler_NOTICE), PHandler(@handler_PING), PHandler(@handler_PING_s),
-    PHandler(@handler_PROTO), PHandler(@handler_REMOVE_TEAM),
-    PHandler(@handler_ROOMS), PHandler(@handler_ROOMS_s),
-    PHandler(@handler_ROOM_ADD), PHandler(@handler_ROOM_ADD_s),
-    PHandler(@handler_ROOM_DEL), PHandler(@handler_ROOM_UPD),
-    PHandler(@handler_ROOM_UPD_s), PHandler(@handler_ROUND_FINISHED),
-    PHandler(@handler_RUN_GAME), PHandler(@handler_SERVER_AUTH),
-    PHandler(@handler_SERVER_MESSAGE), PHandler(@handler_SERVER_VARS),
-    PHandler(@handler_TEAM_ACCEPTED), PHandler(@handler_TEAM_COLOR),
-    PHandler(@handler_WARNING));
-procedure passNetData(p: pointer); cdecl;
-    handlers[TCmdData(p^).cmd.cmd](TCmdData(p^))
-procedure sendChatLine(msg: PChar); cdecl;
-    sendNetLn('CHAT');
-    sendNet(msg);
-procedure joinRoom(roomName: PChar); cdecl;
-    sendNetLn('JOIN_ROOM');
-    sendNet(roomName);
-procedure partRoom(msg: PChar); cdecl;
-var s: string;
-    if isInRoom then
-    begin
-        s:= 'PART';
-        if length(msg) > 0 then
-            s:= s + #10 + msg;
-        sendNet(s);
-        onRoomLeaving()
-    end
-procedure ResetNetState;
-    isInRoom:= false;
--- a/hedgewars/uFLNetTypes.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-unit uFLNetTypes;
-type TCmdType = (cmd_ADD_TEAM, cmd_ADD_TEAM_s, cmd_ASKPASSWORD, cmd_BANLIST,
-    cmd_CLIENT_FLAGS_s, cmd_CONNECTED, cmd_EM, cmd_EM_s, cmd_ERROR, cmd_HH_NUM,
-    cmd_INFO, cmd_INFO_s, cmd_JOINED, cmd_JOINED_s, cmd_JOINING, cmd_KICKED,
-    cmd_LEFT, cmd_LOBBY_JOINED, cmd_LOBBY_JOINED_s, cmd_LOBBY_LEFT, cmd_NICK,
-    cmd_NOTICE, cmd_PING, cmd_PING_s, cmd_PROTO, cmd_REMOVE_TEAM, cmd_ROOMS,
-    cmd_ROOMS_s, cmd_ROOM_ADD, cmd_ROOM_ADD_s, cmd_ROOM_DEL, cmd_ROOM_UPD,
-    cmd_WARNING);
-    type TCmdParam = packed record
-        cmd: TCmdType;
-        end;
-    type TCmdParamL = packed record
-        cmd: TCmdType;
-        str1len: Longword;
-        str1: array[word] of char;
-        end;
-    type TCmdParamS = packed record
-        cmd: TCmdType;
-        str1: shortstring;
-        end;
-    type TCmdParamSL = packed record
-        cmd: TCmdType;
-        str1: shortstring;
-        str2len: Longword;
-        str2: array[word] of char;
-        end;
-    type TCmdParamSS = packed record
-        cmd: TCmdType;
-        str1: shortstring;
-        str2: shortstring;
-        end;
-    type TCmdParami = packed record
-        cmd: TCmdType;
-        param1: LongInt;
-        end;
-    TCmdData = record
-                   case byte of
-                       0: (cmd: TCmdParam);
-                       1: (cpl: TCmdParamL);
-                       2: (cps: TCmdParamS);
-                       3: (cpsl: TCmdParamSL);
-                       4: (cpi: TCmdParami);
-               end;
--- a/hedgewars/uFLSchemes.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-unit uFLSchemes;
-uses uFLTypes;
-function getSchemesList: PPChar; cdecl;
-procedure freeSchemesList;
-function schemeByName(s: shortstring): PScheme;
-procedure sendSchemeConfig(var scheme: TScheme);
-uses uFLUtils, uFLIPC, uPhysFSLayer, uFLThemes;
-const MAX_SCHEME_NAMES = 64;
-    TSchemeArray = array [0..0] of TScheme;
-    PSchemeArray = ^TSchemeArray;
-    schemesList: PScheme;
-    schemesNumber: LongInt;
-    listOfSchemeNames: array[0..MAX_SCHEME_NAMES] of PChar;
-    tmpScheme: TScheme;
-const ints: array[0 .. 17] of record
-            name: shortstring;
-            param: ^LongInt;
-        end = (
-              (name: 'damagefactor'; param: @tmpScheme.damagefactor)
-            , (name: 'turntime'; param: @tmpScheme.turntime)
-            , (name: 'health'; param:
-            , (name: 'suddendeath'; param: @tmpScheme.suddendeath)
-            , (name: 'caseprobability'; param: @tmpScheme.caseprobability)
-            , (name: 'minestime'; param: @tmpScheme.minestime)
-            , (name: 'landadds'; param: @tmpScheme.landadds)
-            , (name: 'minedudpct'; param: @tmpScheme.minedudpct)
-            , (name: 'explosives'; param: @tmpScheme.explosives)
-            , (name: 'minesnum'; param: @tmpScheme.minesnum)
-            , (name: 'healthprobability'; param: @tmpScheme.healthprobability)
-            , (name: 'healthcaseamount'; param: @tmpScheme.healthcaseamount)
-            , (name: 'waterrise'; param: @tmpScheme.waterrise)
-            , (name: 'healthdecrease'; param: @tmpScheme.healthdecrease)
-            , (name: 'ropepct'; param: @tmpScheme.ropepct)
-            , (name: 'getawaytime'; param: @tmpScheme.getawaytime)
-            , (name: 'worldedge'; param: @tmpScheme.worldedge)
-            , (name: 'airmines'; param: @tmpScheme.airmines)
-              );
-const bools: array[0 .. 24] of record
-            name: shortstring;
-            param: ^boolean;
-            flag: Longword;
-        end = (
-              (name: 'fortsmode'; param: @tmpScheme.fortsmode; flag: $00001000)
-            , (name: 'divteams'; param: @tmpScheme.divteams; flag: $00000010)
-            , (name: 'solidland'; param: @tmpScheme.solidland; flag: $00000004)
-            , (name: 'border'; param: @tmpScheme.border; flag: $00000008)
-            , (name: 'lowgrav'; param: @tmpScheme.lowgrav; flag: $00000020)
-            , (name: 'laser'; param: @tmpScheme.laser; flag: $00000040)
-            , (name: 'invulnerability'; param: @tmpScheme.invulnerability; flag: $00000080)
-            , (name: 'resethealth'; param: @tmpScheme.resethealth; flag: $00000100)
-            , (name: 'vampiric'; param: @tmpScheme.vampiric; flag: $00000200)
-            , (name: 'karma'; param: @tmpScheme.karma; flag: $00000400)
-            , (name: 'artillery'; param: @tmpScheme.artillery; flag: $00000800)
-            , (name: 'randomorder'; param: @tmpScheme.randomorder; flag: $00002000)
-            , (name: 'king'; param: @tmpScheme.king; flag: $00004000)
-            , (name: 'placehog'; param: @tmpScheme.placehog; flag: $00008000)
-            , (name: 'sharedammo'; param: @tmpScheme.sharedammo; flag: $00010000)
-            , (name: 'disablegirders'; param: @tmpScheme.disablegirders; flag: $00020000)
-            , (name: 'disablewind'; param: @tmpScheme.disablewind; flag: $00800000)
-            , (name: 'morewind'; param: @tmpScheme.morewind; flag: $01000000)
-            , (name: 'tagteam'; param: @tmpScheme.tagteam; flag: $02000000)
-            , (name: 'bottomborder'; param: @tmpScheme.bottomborder; flag: $04000000)
-            , (name: 'disablelandobjects'; param: @tmpScheme.disablelandobjects; flag: $00040000)
-            , (name: 'aisurvival'; param: @tmpScheme.aisurvival; flag: $00080000)
-            , (name: 'infattack'; param: @tmpScheme.infattack; flag: $00100000)
-            , (name: 'resetweps'; param: @tmpScheme.resetweps; flag: $00200000)
-            , (name: 'perhogammo'; param: @tmpScheme.perhogammo; flag: $00400000)
-              );
-procedure loadSchemes;
-var f: PFSFile;
-    schemes: PSchemeArray;
-    s: shortstring;
-    l, i, ii: Longword;
-    isFound: boolean;
-    f:= pfsOpenRead('/Config/schemes.ini');
-    schemesNumber:= 0;
-    if f <> nil then
-    begin
-        while (not pfsEOF(f)) and (schemesNumber = 0) do
-        begin
-            pfsReadLn(f, s);
-            if copy(s, 1, 5) = 'size=' then
-                schemesNumber:= strToInt(midStr(s, 6));
-        end;
-        //inc(schemesNumber); // add some default schemes
-        schemesList:= GetMem(sizeof(schemesList^) * (schemesNumber + 1));
-        schemes:= PSchemeArray(schemesList);
-        while (not pfsEOF(f)) do
-        begin
-            pfsReadLn(f, s);
-            i:= 1;
-            while(i <= length(s)) and (s[i] <> '\') do inc(i);
-            if i < length(s) then
-            begin
-                l:= strToInt(copy(s, 1, i - 1));
-                delete(s, 1, i);
-                if (l <= schemesNumber) and (l > 0) then
-                begin
-                    if copy(s, 1, 5) = 'name=' then
-                        schemes^[l - 1].schemeName:= midStr(s, 6)
-                    else if copy(s, 1, 12) = 'scriptparam=' then
-                        schemes^[l - 1].scriptparam:= midStr(s, 13) else
-                    begin
-                        ii:= 0;
-                        repeat
-                            isFound:= readInt(ints[ii].name, s, PLongInt(ints[ii].param - @tmpScheme + @schemes^[l - 1])^);
-                            inc(ii)
-                        until isFound or (ii > High(ints));
-                        if not isFound then
-                            begin
-                                ii:= 0;
-                                repeat
-                                    isFound:= readBool(bools[ii].name, s, PBoolean(bools[ii].param - @tmpScheme + @schemes^[l - 1])^);
-                                    inc(ii)
-                                until isFound or (ii > High(bools));
-                            end;
-                    end;
-                end;
-            end;
-        end;
-        pfsClose(f)
-    end;
-function getSchemesList: PPChar; cdecl;
-var i, t, l: Longword;
-    scheme: PScheme;
-    if schemesList = nil then
-        loadSchemes;
-    t:= schemesNumber;
-    if t >= MAX_SCHEME_NAMES then 
-        t:= MAX_SCHEME_NAMES;
-    scheme:= schemesList;
-    for i:= 0 to Pred(t) do
-    begin
-        l:= length(scheme^.schemeName);
-        if l >= 255 then l:= 254;
-        scheme^.schemeName[l + 1]:= #0;
-        listOfSchemeNames[i]:= @scheme^.schemeName[1];
-        inc(scheme)
-    end;
-    listOfSchemeNames[t]:= nil;
-    getSchemesList:= listOfSchemeNames
-function schemeByName(s: shortstring): PScheme;
-var i: Longword;
-    scheme: PScheme;
-    scheme:= schemesList;
-    i:= 0;
-    while (i < schemesNumber) and (scheme^.schemeName <> s) do
-    begin
-        inc(scheme);
-        inc(i)
-    end;
-    if i < schemesNumber then schemeByName:= scheme else schemeByName:= nil
-procedure freeSchemesList;
-    if schemesList <> nil then
-        FreeMem(schemesList, sizeof(schemesList^) * (schemesNumber + 1))
-procedure sendSchemeConfig(var scheme: TScheme);
-var i: Longword;
-    gf: Longword;
-    with scheme do
-    begin
-        if turntime <> 45 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$turntime ' + inttostr(turntime * 1000));
-        if minesnum <> 4 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$minesnum ' + inttostr(minesnum));
-        if damagefactor <> 100 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$damagepct ' + inttostr(damagefactor));
-        if worldedge > 0 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$worldedge ' + inttostr(worldedge));
-        if length(scriptparam) > 0 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$scriptparam ' + scriptparam);
-        if suddendeath <> 15 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$sd_turns ' + inttostr(suddendeath));
-        if waterrise <> 47 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$waterrise ' + inttostr(waterrise));
-        if ropepct <> 100 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$ropepct ' + inttostr(ropepct));
-        if getawaytime <> 100 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$getawaytime ' + inttostr(getawaytime));
-        if caseprobability <> 5 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$casefreq ' + inttostr(caseprobability));
-        if healthprobability <> 35 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$healthprob ' + inttostr(healthprobability));
-        if minestime <> 3 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$minestime ' + inttostr(minestime * 1000));
-        if minedudpct <> 0 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$minedudpct ' + inttostr(minedudpct));
-        if explosives <> 2 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$explosives ' + inttostr(explosives));
-        if airmines <> 0 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$airmines ' + inttostr(airmines));
-        if healthcaseamount <> 25 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$hcaseamount ' + inttostr(healthcaseamount));
-        if healthdecrease <> 5 then
-            ipcToEngine('e$healthdec ' + inttostr(healthdecrease));
-        gf:= 0;
-        for i:= Low(bools) to High(bools) do
-            if PBoolean(bools[i].param - @tmpScheme + @scheme)^ then
-                gf:= gf or bools[i].flag;
-        ipcToEngine('e$gmflags ' + inttostr(gf));
-    end
--- a/hedgewars/uFLScripts.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-unit uFLScripts;
-uses uFLTypes;
-function getScriptsList: PPChar; cdecl;
-procedure freeScriptsList;
-uses uFLUtils, uFLIPC, uPhysFSLayer, uFLThemes;
-const MAX_SCRIPT_NAMES = 64;
-    TScript = record
-            scriptName: shortstring;
-            description: shortstring;
-            gameScheme, weapons: shortstring;
-        end;
-    PScript = ^TScript;
-    scriptsList: PScript;
-    scriptsNumber: Longword;
-    listOfScriptNames: array[0..MAX_SCRIPT_NAMES] of PChar;
-procedure loadScript(var script: TScript; scriptName, fileName: shortstring);
-var f: PFSFile;
-    underScore2Space(scriptName);
-    script.scriptName:= scriptName;
-    script.description:= scriptName + ' script description';
-    f:= pfsOpenRead(copy(fileName, 1, length(fileName) - 4) + '.txt');
-    script.gameScheme:= '';
-    script.weapons:= '';
-    if f <> nil then
-    begin
-        if not pfsEOF(f) then
-        begin
-            pfsReadLn(f, script.gameScheme);
-            if not pfsEOF(f) then
-                pfsReadLn(f, script.weapons);
-        end;
-        pfsClose(f)
-    end
-procedure loadScripts;
-var filesList, tmp: PPChar;
-    script: PScript;
-    s: shortstring;
-    l: Longword;
-    filesList:= pfsEnumerateFiles('/Scripts/Multiplayer');
-    scriptsNumber:= 1;
-    tmp:= filesList;
-    while tmp^ <> nil do
-    begin
-        s:= shortstring(tmp^);
-        l:= length(s);
-        if (l > 4) and (copy(s, l - 3, 4) = '.lua') then inc(scriptsNumber);
-        inc(tmp)
-    end;
-    scriptsList:= GetMem(sizeof(scriptsList^) * (scriptsNumber + 1));
-    script:= scriptsList;
-    // add 'normal' script
-    script^.scriptName:= 'Normal';
-    script^.description:= 'Normal gameplay';
-    inc(script);
-    // fill the rest from *.lua list
-    tmp:= filesList;
-    while tmp^ <> nil do
-    begin
-        s:= shortstring(tmp^);
-        l:= length(s);
-        if (l > 4) and (copy(s, l - 3, 4) = '.lua') then 
-            begin
-                loadScript(script^, copy(s, 1, l - 4), '/Config/Scripts/' + s);
-                inc(script)
-            end;
-        inc(tmp)
-    end;
-    pfsFreeList(filesList)
-function getScriptsList: PPChar; cdecl;
-var i, t, l: Longword;
-    script: PScript;
-    if scriptsList = nil then
-        loadScripts;
-    t:= scriptsNumber;
-    if t >= MAX_SCRIPT_NAMES then 
-        t:= MAX_SCRIPT_NAMES;
-    script:= scriptsList;
-    for i:= 0 to Pred(t) do
-    begin
-        l:= length(script^.scriptName);
-        if l >= 255 then l:= 254;
-        script^.scriptName[l + 1]:= #0;
-        listOfScriptNames[i]:= @script^.scriptName[1];
-        inc(script)
-    end;
-    listOfScriptNames[t]:= nil;
-    getScriptsList:= listOfScriptNames
-procedure freeScriptsList;
-    if scriptsList <> nil then
-        FreeMem(scriptsList, sizeof(scriptsList^) * scriptsNumber)
--- a/hedgewars/uFLTeams.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-unit uFLTeams;
-uses uFLTypes;
-function createRandomTeam: TTeam;
-procedure sendTeamConfig(hp: LongInt; var team: TTeam);
-function getTeamsList: PPChar; cdecl;
-procedure freeTeamsList;
-function teamByName(s: shortstring): PTeam;
-procedure sendTeam(var team: TTeam);
-procedure removeTeam(teamName: shortstring);
-uses uFLUtils, uFLIPC, uPhysFSLayer, uFLThemes, uFLNet;
-const MAX_TEAM_NAMES = 128;
-    teamsList: PTeam;
-    teamsNumber: Longword;
-    listOfTeamNames: array[0..MAX_TEAM_NAMES] of PChar;
-function createRandomTeam: TTeam;
-var t: TTeam;
-    i: Longword;
-    with t do
-    begin
-        teamName:= 'team' + inttostr(random(100));
-        for i:= 0 to 7 do
-            with hedgehogs[i] do
-            begin
-                name:= 'hedgehog ' + inttostr(i);
-                hat:= 'NoHat'
-            end;
-        botLevel:= 0;
-        hogsNumber:= 4
-    end;
-    createRandomTeam:= t
-procedure sendTeamConfig(hp: LongInt; var team: TTeam);
-var i: Longword;
-    with team do
-    begin
-        ipcToEngine('eaddteam <hash> ' + colorsSet[color] + ' ' + teamName);
-        if extDriven then
-            ipcToEngine('erdriven');
-        for i:= 0 to Pred(hogsNumber) do
-        begin
-            ipcToEngine('eaddhh ' + IntToStr(botLevel) + ' ' + IntToStr(hp) + ' ' + hedgehogs[i].name);
-            ipcToEngine('ehat ' + hedgehogs[i].hat);
-        end;
-    end
-procedure loadTeam(var team: TTeam; fileName: shortstring);
-var f: PFSFile;
-    section: LongInt;
-    l: shortstring;
-    section:= -1;
-    f:= pfsOpenRead(fileName);
-    while (not pfsEOF(f)) do
-    begin
-        pfsReadLn(f, l);
-        if l = '' then
-        else if l = '[Team]' then 
-            section:= -2
-        else if copy(l, 1, 9) = '[Hedgehog' then
-            section:= StrToInt(copy(l, 10, 1))
-        else if section = -2 then
-        begin // [Team]
-            if copy(l, 1, 5) = 'Name=' then
-                team.teamName:= midStr(l, 6)
-            else if copy(l, 1, 6) = 'Grave=' then
-                team.grave:= midStr(l, 7)
-            else if copy(l, 1, 5) = 'Fort=' then
-                team.fort:= midStr(l, 6)
-            else if copy(l, 1, 5) = 'Flag=' then
-                team.flag:= midStr(l, 6)
-            else if copy(l, 1, 10) = 'Voicepack=' then
-                team.voice:= midStr(l, 11)
-            else if copy(l, 1, 11) = 'Difficulty=' then
-                team.botLevel:= StrToInt(midStr(l, 12))
-        end else if (section >= 0) and (section <= 7) then
-        begin // [Hedgehog*]
-            if copy(l, 1, 5) = 'Name=' then
-                team.hedgehogs[section].name:= midStr(l, 6)
-            else if copy(l, 1, 4) = 'Hat=' then
-                team.hedgehogs[section].hat:= midStr(l, 5)
-        end;
-    end;
-    pfsClose(f)
-procedure loadTeams;
-var filesList, tmp: PPChar;
-    team: PTeam;
-    s: shortstring;
-    l: Longword;
-    filesList:= pfsEnumerateFiles('/Config/Teams');
-    teamsNumber:= 0;
-    tmp:= filesList;
-    while tmp^ <> nil do
-    begin
-        s:= shortstring(tmp^);
-        l:= length(s);
-        if (l > 4) and (copy(s, l - 3, 4) = '.hwt') then inc(teamsNumber);
-        inc(tmp)
-    end;
-    // TODO: no teams at all?
-    teamsList:= GetMem(sizeof(teamsList^) * teamsNumber);
-    team:= teamsList;
-    tmp:= filesList;
-    while tmp^ <> nil do
-    begin
-        s:= shortstring(tmp^);
-        l:= length(s);
-        if (l > 4) and (copy(s, l - 3, 4) = '.hwt') then 
-            begin
-                loadTeam(team^, '/Config/Teams/' + s);
-                inc(team)
-            end;
-        inc(tmp)
-    end;
-    pfsFreeList(filesList)
-function getTeamsList: PPChar; cdecl;
-var i, t, l: Longword;
-    team: PTeam;
-    if teamsList = nil then
-        loadTeams;
-    t:= teamsNumber;
-    if t >= MAX_TEAM_NAMES then 
-        t:= MAX_TEAM_NAMES;
-    team:= teamsList;
-    for i:= 0 to Pred(t) do
-    begin
-        l:= length(team^.teamName);
-        if l >= 255 then l:= 254;
-        team^.teamName[l + 1]:= #0;
-        listOfTeamNames[i]:= @team^.teamName[1];
-        inc(team)
-    end;
-    listOfTeamNames[t]:= nil;
-    getTeamsList:= listOfTeamNames
-function teamByName(s: shortstring): PTeam;
-var i: Longword;
-    team: PTeam;
-    team:= teamsList;
-    i:= 0;
-    while (i < teamsNumber) and (team^.teamName <> s) do
-    begin
-        inc(team);
-        inc(i)
-    end;
-    if i < teamsNumber then teamByName:= team else teamByName:= nil
-procedure freeTeamsList;
-    if teamsList <> nil then
-        FreeMem(teamsList, sizeof(teamsList^) * teamsNumber)
-procedure sendTeam(var team: TTeam);
-var i: Longword;
-    with team do
-    begin
-        sendNetLn('ADD_TEAM');
-        sendNetLn(teamName);
-        sendNetLn(IntToStr(color));
-        sendNetLn(grave);
-        sendNetLn(fort);
-        sendNetLn(voice);
-        sendNetLn(flag);
-        sendNetLn(IntToStr(botLevel));
-        for i := 0 to 7 do
-        begin
-            sendNetLn(hedgehogs[i].name);
-            sendNetLn(hedgehogs[i].hat);
-        end;
-        sendNetLn('')
-    end;
-procedure removeTeam(teamName: shortstring);
-    sendNetLn('REMOVE_TEAM');
-    sendNet(teamName)
--- a/hedgewars/uFLThemes.pas	Sun Dec 17 00:09:24 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-unit uFLThemes;
-function getThemesList: PPChar; cdecl;
-procedure freeThemesList(list: PPChar); cdecl;
-function getThemeIcon(themeName: PChar; buffer: PChar; buflen: Longword): Longword; cdecl;
-const colorsSet: array[0..8] of shortstring = (
-                                               '16712196'
-                                               , '4817089'
-                                               , '1959610'
-                                               , '11878895'
-                                               , '10526880'
-                                               , '2146048'
-                                               , '16681742'
-                                               , '6239749'
-                                               , '16776961');
-uses uPhysFSLayer;
-function getThemesList: PPChar; cdecl;
-var list, res, tmp: PPChar;
-    i, size: Longword;
-    list:= pfsEnumerateFiles('Themes');
-    size:= 0;
-    tmp:= list;
-    while tmp^ <> nil do
-    begin
-        inc(size);
-        inc(tmp)
-    end;
-    res:= GetMem((3 + size) * sizeof(PChar));
-    res^:= PChar(list);
-    inc(res);
-    res^:= PChar(res + size + 2);
-    inc(res);
-    getThemesList:= res;
-    for i:= 1 to size do
-    begin
-        if pfsExists('/Themes/' + shortstring(list^) + '/icon.png') then
-        begin
-            res^:= list^;
-            inc(res)
-        end;
-        inc(list)
-    end;
-    res^:= nil
-procedure freeThemesList(list: PPChar); cdecl;
-var listEnd: PPChar;
-    dec(list);
-    listEnd:= PPChar(list^);
-    dec(list);
-    pfsFreeList(PPChar(list^));
-    freeMem(list, (listEnd - list) * sizeof(PChar))
-function getThemeIcon(themeName: PChar; buffer: PChar; buflen: Longword): Longword; cdecl;
-var s: shortstring;
-    f: PFSFile;
-    s:= '/Themes/' + shortstring(themeName) + '/icon@2x.png';
-    f:= pfsOpenRead(s);
-    if f = nil then
-        getThemeIcon:= 0
-    else
-    begin
-        getThemeIcon:= pfsBlockRead(f, buffer, buflen);
-        pfsClose(f)
-    end;