1 module Main( main ) where |
2 |
3 import System.Console.GetOpt |
4 import System.Environment |
5 import System.Exit |
6 import System.IO |
7 import Data.Maybe( fromMaybe, isJust, fromJust ) |
8 import Data.List (find, intercalate) |
9 import Control.Monad |
10 import Pas2C |
11 |
12 main = do |
13 args <- getArgs |
14 if length args == 0 |
15 then do |
16 name <- getProgName |
17 hPutStrLn stderr $ usageInfo header options |
18 exitFailure |
19 else do |
20 case getOpt RequireOrder options args of |
21 (flags, [], []) | enoughFlags flags -> do |
22 let m = flag flags isName |
23 let i = flag flags isInput |
24 let o = flag flags isOutput |
25 let a = fromMaybe o $ liftM extractString $ find isAlt flags |
26 let symbols = ["PAS2C", "FPC"] ++ (map extractString $ filter isSymbol flags) |
27 hPutStrLn stdout $ "--------Pas2C Config--------" |
28 hPutStrLn stdout $ "Main module: " ++ m |
29 hPutStrLn stdout $ "Input path : " ++ i |
30 hPutStrLn stdout $ "Output path: " ++ o |
31 hPutStrLn stdout $ "Altern path: " ++ a |
32 hPutStrLn stdout $ "Symbols defined: " ++ (intercalate ", " symbols) |
33 hPutStrLn stdout $ "----------------------------" |
34 pas2C m (i++"/") (o++"/") (a++"/") symbols |
35 hPutStrLn stdout $ "----------------------------" |
36 | otherwise -> error $ usageInfo header options |
37 (_, nonOpts, []) -> error $ "unrecognized arguments: " ++ unwords nonOpts |
38 (_, _, msgs) -> error $ usageInfo header options |
39 where |
40 header = "Freepascal to C conversion! Please specify -n -i -o options.\n" |
41 enoughFlags f = and $ map (isJust . flip find f) [isName, isInput, isOutput] |
42 flag f = extractString . fromJust . flip find f |
43 |
44 |
45 data Flag = HelpMessage |
46 | Name String |
47 | Input String |
48 | Output String |
49 | Alternate String |
50 | Symbol String |
51 |
52 |
53 extractString :: Flag -> String |
54 extractString (Name s) = s |
55 extractString (Input s) = s |
56 extractString (Output s) = s |
57 extractString (Alternate s) = s |
58 extractString (Symbol s) = s |
59 extractString _ = undefined |
60 |
61 isName, isInput, isOutput, isAlt, isSymbol :: Flag -> Bool |
62 isName (Name _) = True |
63 isName _ = False |
64 isInput (Input _) = True |
65 isInput _ = False |
66 isOutput (Output _) = True |
67 isOutput _ = False |
68 isAlt (Alternate _) = True |
69 isAlt _ = False |
70 isSymbol (Symbol _) = True |
71 isSymbol _ = False |
72 |
73 options :: [OptDescr Flag] |
74 options = [ |
75 Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg HelpMessage) "print this help message", |
76 Option ['n'] ["name"] (ReqArg Name "MAIN") "name of the main Pascal module", |
77 Option ['i'] ["input"] (ReqArg Input "DIR") "input directory, where .pas files will be read", |
78 Option ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg Output "DIR") "output directory, where .c/.h files will be written", |
79 Option ['a'] ["alternate"] (ReqArg Alternate "DIR") "alternate input directory, for out of source builds", |
80 Option ['d'] ["define"] (ReqArg Symbol "SYMBOL") "define symbol" |
81 ] |
82 |